C&RL News May 2017 242 Schaeffer named EBSS Distinguished Librarian Deborah L. Schaeffer, instruction and refer- ence librarian and liaison librarian to the School of So- cial Work (re- tired) at Cali- fornia State University-Los Angeles, is the recipient of the Education and Behav- ioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Distinguished Education and B e h a v i o r a l Sciences Li- brarian Award. This award honors a distinguished aca- demic librarian who has made an outstanding contribution as an education and/or behav- ioral sciences librarian through accomplish- ments and service to the profession. A plaque will be presented to Schaeffer during an EBSS event at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. “The committee was impressed by Schaef- fer’s history and dedication to service to EBSS, her close and generous mentoring of colleagues in the section, and her conscien- tious support of students at California State University-Los Angeles,” said award chair Stephanie Davis-Kahl, scholarly communica- tions librarian at Illinois Wesleyan University. “In her nomination letter, Scott Collard noted, ‘I know from first-hand experience that Deb always has time for her colleagues, and she’s constantly looking to cultivate new leaders in a time of ACRL transition, looking to bring new folks into the fold, and look- ing to make a welcoming professional home for those around her.’ Deborah Schaeffer is deserving of this honor, and EBSS thanks her for her service.” Schaeffer’s numerous service accomplish- ments in ACRL/EBSS include serving as chair of EBSS, as a member and chair of a variety of EBSS committees, and as an ACRL Dr. E. J. Josey Spectrum Scholar Mentor. MacDonald wins IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award Mary MacDonald, professor and head of instructional services at the University of Rhode Island, is the winner of the Instruc- tion Section’s (IS) Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose efforts in the field of infor- mation literacy led to the formation of IS. The honor recognizes a librarian who has made a significant contribution to the ad- Chase Ollis ACRL honors the 2017 award winners, part 2 A recognition of professional development Chase Ollis is ACRL’s program officer for professional development, collis@ala.org © 2017 Chase Ollis Deborah L. Schaeffer mailto:collis%40ala.org?subject= May 2017 243 C&RL News vancement of instruction in a college or re- search library environment. MacDonald will receive her $1,000 award, along with a plaque, during the ALA Annual Conference. “Through her passionate commitment to student learning, Mary MacDonald has made significant contributions to the advancement of information literacy in academic libraries and beyond,” said award chair Ellysa Stern Cahoy of Penn State University Libraries. “At the University of Rhode Island, she pioneered for-credit information literacy courses, de- v e l o p e d a comprehen- sive informa- tion literacy program, and succeeded in including in- formation lit- eracy as an a s s e s s a b l e general edu- cation campus outcome. In recognition of this work, the ACRL Instruction Section identified the University of Rhode Island as an ‘Exem- plary information literacy program’ in 2014. “MacDonald’s textbook, Teaching In- formation Literacy, written with Joanna M. Burkhardt and Andree J. Rathemacher, is now in its second edition and is used frequently in LIS instruction,” continued Cahoy. “Together with her continuing role as a professor in the University of Rhode Island library school, Mary has contributed throughout her career to the development of instruction librarians. During her recent 2016 sabbatical, she sur- veyed and interviewed over 25 Rhode Island high school librarians as the beginning of a statewide collaboration to create a digital toolkit of resources for RI librarian-educators. Mary has been active in ACRL, is a leader in her state and regional library associations, and was a long-time instructor in the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Program. “Her extensive record of teaching with impact, at the undergraduate and graduate level, is complemented by her extensive service and tireless work and enthusiasm for helping advance information literacy as an essential learning outcome for all students,” Cahoy said. “In her nominators’ words, Mary MacDonald ‘encourages us—and others—to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to adapt to the rich and constantly-changing world of education, while keeping our eyes firmly on the core principles of information literacy and librarianship.’ It is in recognition of this philosophy and the impressive depth and breadth of her body of work that we award Mary MacDonald with the 2017 Miriam Dudley Award.” McElroy and Pagowsky receive IS Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award Kelly McElroy, student engagement and community outreach librarian at Oregon State University, and Nicole Pagowsky, as- sociate librarian and instruction coordinator in the Research and Learning D e p a r t m e n t at the Univer- sity of Arizona, have been cho- sen as the win- ners of the IS Ilene F. Rock- man Publica- tion of the Year Award, as edi- tors of the two-volume book Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook, published in 2016 by ACRL. The award recognizes an outstand- ing publication related to library instruction published in the past two years. The award, donated by Emerald Publish- ing, consists of a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000. McElroy and Pagowsky will receive their award during the ALA Annual Confer- ence. “The two-volume Critical Library Peda- gogy Handbook balances theory and practical Mary MacDonald Kelly McElroy C&RL News May 2017 244 application of critical pedagogy in informa- tion literacy instruction for the novice and well-versed li- brarian,” said award commit- tee chair Mao- ria J. Kirker of George Mason U n i v e r s i t y . “Bringing to- gether many diverse voic- es, Pagowsky and McElroy compile ap- p r o a c h a b l e and broadly applicable essays, workbook activities, and lesson plans for library instructors to imple- ment in their classrooms and everyday praxis. The committee believed these volumes propel the profession forward as the field continues to work within the context of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.” In two volumes, the Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook works to make critical pedagogy more accessible for library educa- tors, examining both theory and practice to help the busy practitioner explore various aspects of teaching for social justice. These two volumes provide a collection of ideas, best practices, and plans that contribute to the richness of what it means to do this type of work in libraries. Volume One, Essays and Workbook Ac- tivities, provides short essays reflecting on personal practice, describing projects, and exploring major ideas to provide inspiration as educators begin or renew their exploration of critical pedagogy. Volume Two, Lesson Plans, provides plans covering everything from small activities to multisession projects. Archambault and McLean win IS Innovation Award Susan Gardner Archambault and Lindsey McLean have been selected to receive the IS Innovation award for their work on Proj- ect CORA: Community of Online Research Assignments, an open access resource for faculty and librarians looking for a collabor- ative space to share and adapt research as- signments, as well as build a virtual commu- nity of practice for educators interested in teaching con- cepts related to informa- tion literacy. A r c h a m b a u l t is the head of reference and i n s t r u c t i o n at the Loyola M a r y m o u n t U n i v e r s i t y , and McLean is clinical training associate III—instructional designer at AbbVie, Inc. The annual award recognizes a project that demonstrates creative, innovative or unique approaches to information literacy instruc- tion or pro- gramming. The plaque and $3,000 award, do- n a t e d b y E B S C O , will be pre- s e n t e d t o t h e g r o u p during the ALA Annual Conference. “Project CORA suc- cessfully addresses the difficult problem of maintaining a usable online repository of information literacy assignments from diverse and multi-institutional contributors,” said award committee chair Maoria J. Kirker of George Mason University. “Not only does CORA contain learning materials from library instructors, but it also incorporates outside instructional voices, Susan Gardner Archambault Lindsey McLean Nicole Pagowsky May 2017 245 C&RL News pushing information literacy instruction beyond the confines of the library. The organization of assignments and usability of CORA allows users to easily access and sift through information literacy assign- ments to implement their own instruction.” Project CORA was developed from a Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium Project Initiatives Fund grant. The grant proposed to expand upon an internal information literacy assignment collection at Loyola Marymount University by using the “recipe” metaphor to envision the assignments as recipes that could be tweaked or adapted to fit into any informa- tion literacy curriculum. Input from two faculty focus groups was incorporated into the original prototype design. The Cherry Hill Company in Los Angeles was contracted to build and host a live prototype of CORA, which launched in January 2016. A CORA Development Group was formed with 14 librarians from different institutions to continue improving the CORA interface. Leuzinger named Marta Lange/SAGE- CQ Press Award winner Julie A. Leuzinger, associate librarian and head of library learning services at the University of North Texas, has been awarded the Politics, Policy, and Inter- national Relations Section (PPIRS) Marta Lange/SAGE-CQ Press Award. The award, established in 1996 by the ACRL Law and Political Science Section (LPSS), honors an academic or law librarian who has made distinguished contributions to bibliography and information service in law or political science. SAGE-CQ Press, sponsor of the award, will present the $1,000 award and plaque to Leuzinger during the ALA Annual Con- ference. “The committee selected Leuzinger because of her outstanding record of public service and civic engagement,” s a i d a w a r d c h a i r B r y a n M . C a r s o n , professor and coordinator of research instruction, grants, and assessment at Western Kentucky University. “As a profession, librarians have always been connected to the community. What really stood out in her application is the outstanding way she fused her professional knowledge and skills with service to the community. Julie’s work is the embodiment of a profes- sional in the mold of Marta Lange. Her re- cord of out- reach is some- thing that we s h o u l d a l l strive to at- tain. “Leuzinger h a s a n i m - pressive array o f p u b l i c a - tions, presen- tations, and professional service dealing with reference services and legal issues, and has been recognized for her work with the Denton League of Women Voters, serving as the vice president of community relations, a deputized voter registrar, and helping to create the local Voter’s Guide,” continued Carson. She has also been active in numerous other professional associations, includ- ing the American Political Science Asso- ciation, the Texas Library Association, the American Association of Law Libraries, and the Southwestern Association of Law Librarians.” RBMS Leab Exhibition Award winners The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) has selected five winners and one honorable mention for the 2017 Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Awards. The awards, funded by an endowment established by Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, editors of American Book Julie A. Leuzinger C&RL News May 2017 246 Prices Current, recognize outstanding printed exhibition catalogs and guides, and electronic exhibitions, produced by North American and Caribbean institutions. The winning catalogs will be on display at the 2017 RBMS Confer- ence Booksellers’ Showcase in Iowa City, Iowa, and certificates will be presented to each winner at the ALA Annual Conference. The Division One (expensive) winner is the University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library for So Long Lives This: A Celebration of Shakespeare’s Life and Works 1616-2016. “The committee praised So Long Lives This for its outstanding scholarship on Shakespeare, his legacy, and the England of his day, all of which offer new insights on materials and topics that are frequently exhibited and dis- cussed,” said Alexander C. Johnston, chair of the RBMS Exhibition Awards Committee and senior assistant librarian at the University of Delaware. “The committee was impressed with the arrangement, format, and printing. The catalog includes a great variety of illustrative material spanning several centuries; the committee was especially impressed with the section on hand press printing, which includes illustrative examples of the printing process, as drawn from contemporary works. Finally, So Long Lives This is printed to mimic the size of the same 1623 First Folio that was displayed in the actual exhibit, which creates an interesting tangible takeaway.” The Division Two (moderately expensive) winner is the Mills College Center for the Book & Flying Fish Press for Reading the Object: Three Decades of Books by Julie Chen. “Reading the Object presents a compre- hensive survey of Julie Chen’s artist books,” noted Johnston. “The committee was pleased with the inclusion of an essay by the artist herself in which she explains the concept of an artist’s book as a way to perceive and understand aesthetic ideas. By recording the artist’s account of her own work, Reading the Object makes a substantial contribution to the understanding of Chen’s work and of artists’ books in general. The catalog also includes a catalog of Chen’s artistic productions of over 30 years, and provides excellent photographs and descriptions of a variety of artists’ book formats. Diagrams and multiple images are used to convey the three-dimensionality, shape, color, and movement of Chen’s work, so as to document the experience of examin- ing and using the books in person.” The Division Two (moderately expensive) honorable mention is the University of Penn- sylvania Libraries Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts for Covered with Vines: The Many Talents of Lud- wig Bemelmans. “The committee felt that this catalog de- served an honorable mention,” remarked John- ston. “Covered With Vines presents a compre- hensive overview of the artistic work of Ludwig Bemelmans. Bemelmans is familiar to many for his work on the Madeline series, but the full extent of his work is much less well-known. The committee was particularly impressed with how well the catalog gave comprehensive coverage to Bemelmans’ full career as a writer and artist, while still celebrating the Madeline children’s books for which Bemelmans is so well-known, and which are so instantly recognizable to many children and adults alike.” The Division Three (inexpensive) win- ner is Georgetown University’s Booth Family Center for Special Collections for Undiscovered Printmakers: Hidden Treasures at Georgetown University Library. “Undiscovered Printmakers is beautifully printed and illustrated,” stated Johnston. “The exhibit was created to reveal a ‘hidden’ collection and encourage research on six under-studied and little-known printmakers. This was a substantial catalog that provided excellent content. The com- mittee felt that its coverage of the different types of prints created by these six artists would appeal not only to those interested in these particular artists, but to those interested in book illustration and printmaking techniques in general.” The Division Four (brochures) winner is Johns Hopkins University Special Collections for Lost & Found in the Funhouse: The John Barth Collection, designed by Dave Plunkert of Spur Design, LLC. May 2017 247 C&RL News “The committee praised Lost & Found in the Funhouse for its striking modern graphics and its interactive component,” Johnston said. “A separate leaf inserted in the brochure contains a map of the exhibit that allows the viewer to record his or her own path through the exhibit, answer questions about the experience of the exhibit, and create a Mobius strip—itself a central motif of the exhibit—using a pat- tern and instructions on the card. This was a brochure that not only provided intel- lectual content about the exhibit in a clear and thoughtful way, but also emphasized the ‘fun’ aspect of the exhibit.” The Division Five (electronic exhibi- tion) winner is the University of Maryland Libraries’ Special Collections and Uni- versity Archives for Alice 150 Years and Counting…The Legacy of Lewis Carroll: Selections from the Collection of August and Clare Imholtz. “The committee praised Alice 150 Years and Counting for its interesting content and its creative design,” noted Johnston. “The committee particularly liked how the exhibit designers opted to show multiple views and page openings of the exhibit items, so as to give viewers a much more extensive view of the books in question than would have been possible in a physi- cal exhibit. The committee also appreci- ated the inclusion of the print catalog as a downloadable PDF. Finally, the exhibit featured a page for additional news and events related to the exhibit, as well as a featured items blog, allowing for additional material and updates over the course of the exhibit.” STS Oberly Award goes to Scholze and Witt Frank Scholze, library director at the Karl- sruhe Institute of Technology, and Mi- chael Witt, associate professor of library science at Purdue University, have been selected as recipients of the Science and Technology Section (STS) Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural or Natural Sciences for “re3data.org,” a reg- istry of research data repositories. The award will be presented during the ALA Annual Conference. T h e r e - 3 d a t a . o r g registry helps r e s e a r c h e r s , students, pub- lishers, fund- ing agencies, and librarians find the most a p p r o p r i a t e r e p o s i t o r i e s t o d e p o s i t and discover research datasets. This international col- laboration is led by Purdue University in the United States and by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, working together with DataCite, a global, nonprofit organiza- tion that provides persistent identifiers for research data. “The STS Awards Committee is pleased to select re3da- ta.org as the 2017 recipient of the Oberly Award for Bib- liography in the Agricultur- al or Natural Sciences,” said award chair Sara Scheib, sciences ref- e r e n c e a n d instruction li- brarian at the University of Iowa. “Working together with DataCite, re3data.org helps researchers and information professionals from all disciplines navigate the complex world of data sharing and discovery by indexing data repositories. All entries in re3data.org are reviewed twice by the project team for accuracy. The search, browse, and filtering options make this reg- Frank Scholze Michael Witt C&RL News May 2017 248 istry quite useful, and the icons and other metadata indicating important repository characteristics (access restrictions, persistent identifiers, etc.) add considerable value. Thank you to the project leaders, Michael Witt and Frank Scholze, for sharing this work with the world.” The Oberly Award was established in 1923 in memory of Eunice Rockwood Oberly, librarian of the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture from 1908 to 1921. She was the Bureau of Plant Industry’s representative to the Congressio- nal Joint Commission on Reclassification of Government Employees and was instrumen- tal in gaining a fairer recognition of library activities. This biennial award is given in odd- numbered years for the best English-language bibliography in the field of agriculture or a related science. Moore receives ULS Outstanding Professional Development Award Alanna Aiko Moore, academic liaison coor- dinator and librarian for sociology, ethnic studies, and gender studies at the University of California- San Diego (UCSD), has been chosen to receive the U n i v e r s i t y Libraries Sec- tions (ULS) Outstanding Professional Development Award. The $1,000 a w a r d a n d plaque, do- nated by Library Juice Academy, will be presented to Moore at the ALA Annual Conference. “Ms. Moore embodies the spirit of this award through her extensive outreach, pro- fessional service, and scholarship, particularly in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclu- sion,” said award chair Alexandra Rivera of the University of Michigan. “In her letter of nomination, Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo- Lozada wrote that Moore ‘tirelessly works to advance the development of all individuals in her professional networks, while continually working to expand those networks through intentional inclusivity.’ “Since joining the ALA Spectrum commu- nity in 2003 as a Spectrum Scholar, Moore has stayed engaged with Spectrum by men- toring dozens of new library professionals,” continued Rivera. “She has also led several initiatives to build the Spectrum program, including delivering yearly Spectrum Institute sessions. Through this engagement, she has contributed significantly to the professional development of over 1,000 early career librar- ians of color. She is currently serving as the Spectrum 20th Anniversary Chair. “Additionally, Moore has made many contributions to multiple professional com- munities, including UCSD, the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association, ALA’s di- versity community including leadership roles in ALA Council Committee on Diversity, the 2012 Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) Steering Committee and chair of the JCLC Program Committee,” said Rivera. “Her roots are in community organizing, and she has a considerable résumé as a professional development, leadership, and mentoring expert. “The majority of her professional develop- ment activity is not part of her formal work portfolio but rather a labor of love and a demonstration of her continuing commitment to social justice that positively influences librarianship and will continue to have a powerful and lasting impact,” Rivera noted. Bidney named WESS-SEES De Gruyter Grant winner Marcy Bidney, curator, American Geo- graphical Society Library at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, has been selected to receive the Western European Studies Sec- tion (WESS)/Slavic and East European Sec- tion (SEES) De Gruyter European Librarian- ship Study Grant for her project, “Where Alanna Aiko Moore May 2017 249 C&RL News the Water Flows: Documenting Collections of late 19th and early 20th century Nautical Charts.” Sponsored by the Walter de Gruyter Founda- tion for Scholarship and Research, the grant pro- vides €2,500 to support a trip to Europe. The pri- mary criterion for awarding the grant is the significance and utility of the proposed project as a contribution to the study of the acquisition, orga- nization, or use of library resources from or relating to Europe. Bidney will re- ceive the award check during the ALA Annual Conference. Bidney’s project will focus on documenting the existence and extent of collections of nautical charts from about 1820 to 1935, which have the potential to play an important role in providing access to historical water data in current times, when it is clear that access to water is becoming a critical issue facing the world. Historical knowledge of water locations, breadth, and depths will aid in research and can be used for protecting valu- able water resources. This research will result in extensive documentation of these collections, with the intent to later create a collaborative project to create a point of access and discovery for these collections. “The committee was particularly impressed by the potential of Bidney’s project to have the im- portant practical benefit of contributing to our un- derstanding of present-day freshwater resources,” said award chair Jeffrey Staiger of the University of Oregon. “Bidney plans to determine the extent of the holdings in nautical charts at select major Eu- ropean libraries in England, France, and Portugalm and document their coverage, bibliographic details, and condition. These oft-neglected cartographical objects contain historical information about such aspects of waterways as depth, shorelines, and navigation routes.” Marcy Bidney The award-winning source for jobs in Library and Information Science and Technology. 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