C&RL News July/August 2017 398 Carrie Russell is director of the Program on Public Access to Information, ALA’s Washington Office, email: crussell@alawash.org W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n eCarrie Russell The latest on H.R. 1695/S. 1010 Legislation authored by the leaders of the House Judiciary Committee to shift the right and responsibility of appointing the Register of Copyright from the Librarian of Congress to the President (H.R. 1695) was passed by the House of Representatives in May by a vote of 378 to 48 just weeks after it was introduced. Shortly afterwards, an exact replica of H.R 1695 was introduced in the Senate (S. 1010). It was expected to fly through the Senate as well until the Senate Committee on Rules and Admin- istration claimed jurisdiction. The Rules Committee wants to take time to look at Copyright Office modernization holistical- ly and found no reason to immediately act on legislation that, in isolation, would do nothing to further that widely supported objective. The Library Copyright Alliance (com- prised of ALA, ACRL, and ARL) opposed H.R. 1695 on similar grounds and out of concern that it necessarily would slow such modernization. In testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in early June, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden confirmed that the selection process for a new Register has been postponed pending Congressional action on this legislation. At the hearing, the Librarian, along with the Library’s Chief Information Of- ficer (CIO) Bernard Barton and Inspector General (IG) Kurt Hyde, testified about progress made towards the development of a modern information technology (IT) system recommended by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) in a report highly critical of the Library and Hayden’s prede- cessor, published in March 2015. The good news is that the Library is mak- ing great headway and, regardless of con- troversy over H.R. 1695/S. 1010, Copyright Office IT improvements are integral to the Library’s overall IT strategic plan. A modern, fully functioning IT system would allow for copyright transactions—like registration and permission searching—in real time. Specifically, GAO’s 2015 report noted serious problems with IT in the Library and its units. Themes in the report included: a lack of IT leadership, vision, and a strategic plan; the absence of a CIO; and years of mismanagement of funds and resources. GAO made 31 recommendations for im- provement. Five have been implemented, with 22 expected to be concluded by the end of 2017. The remaining four problems will take a few years to fully resolve. Hyde said that “changes at the senior most levels of both Library leadership and IT manage- ment have resulted in momentum towards developing the foundation for a stable infrastructure.” After confirmation as Librarian of Con- gress, Hayden hired an CIO Bernard Bar- ton, who directly reports to her. The CIO has full decision-making authority over all IT matters, and works collaboratively with units within the Library to identify needs and implement changes. Hayden applauded Barton and said that “during my confirmation hearing, I mentioned Mr. Barton assuring me that technology would not be a problem. And . . . that has been borne out.” Hayden was congratulated by multiple Members of the Committee for progress made under her leadership. Notably, in closing, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) men- tioned that staff “morale in the past has been a problem, but I’ve just had random Library employees come up to me and re- ally express great pride and satisfaction in the work they are doing, and I think it’s a real credit to your leadership.” mailto:crussell%40alawash.org?subject=