Welcome to the October 2017 issue of C&RL News. Working with data continues to be a major trend across academic and research libraries. In this month’s Scholarly Communication column, Laurie Allen, Claire Stewart, and Stephanie Wright discuss “Strategic open data preservation,” based on their presentations at the ACRL/SPARC Forum at this year’s ALA Annual Conference. In addition to preserving data, the presentation of data in unique and interesting ways is also im- portant to many digital humanities projects. Emily McGinn and Meagan Duever of the University of Georgia Libraries compare a variety of web-based mapping tools in their ACRL TechConnect article “We mapped it so you don’t have to.” This month we launch a three-part series by Amanda Clay Powers, Martin Garnar, and Dustin Fife on their experiences as new library directors. In their first “New academic library leader discussion series” piece, they reflect on the application and interview processes for their new jobs. With the fall term underway, outreach to students and faculty is in full swing. A group of librarians from the University of Florida write about their collaboration with public relations students to promote library services in their article “Team up,” while Erica England and Leo Lo provide tips on “Becoming a librarian BFF” based on their experi- ences working with cohorts of doctoral students. In this month’s The Way I See It essay, Emma Wood discusses ways both students and librarians can overcome library anxiety when working on “Research” projects. Many librarians are also working to incorporate the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy into their instruction this fall. Cara Berg writes about her use of the Framework in a Business Law class in her Perspectives on the Framework article “Enhancing the assignment.” Make sure to check out the other features and departments this month, including a look at the “Merged expertise, mutual benefits” of working as part of a cross-campus research team by Glenn Ellen Starr Stilling and an International Insights article examining “Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” at a variety of libraries around the world. —David Free, editor-in-chief, dfree@ala.org Some systems help you catalog and make objects discoverable within your institution or on the Web. Others manage the creation of the repositories in which objects can be digitally stored, searched, and found. Aeon unites these systems to help meet the challenges of delivering better service to researchers, improving collection security, and gathering meaningful statistics to support the assessment needs of today’s institutions. Aeon is not another front end system. Really. Other systems are about description and discovery. But Aeon is about fulfillment. www.atlas-sys.com ArchivesSpace Registered Service Provider Aspace@atlas-sys.com Atlas Web Visibility Services Powered by the Library.Link Network webvisbility@atlas-sys.com ™ Web Visibility ILS Digital AssetsManagement Offsite Storage Security Services We play nice with others. To see how Aeon fits the pieces together, sign up for a free web demo at www.atlas-sys.com/demo/. Or, email us at aeon@atlas-sys.com. mailto:dfree%40ala.org?subject=