C&RL News February 2018 62 If you’d walked by Professor Susan De-twiler’s Writing and Critical Inquiry (WCI) classrooms at the University at Albany-SUNY on September 7, you would have seen some- thing rather unusual: two teams of students huddled around tables, preoccupied with locked boxes and an assortment of other materials. Engaged in animated, yet hushed, conversations to keep the other team from overhearing, the students puzzled over cryptic messages and secret codes, hoping to unlock the box and reveal what was inside. Some of the materials on the table provided clues, others turned out to be red herrings. The students were working with Break- outEDU,1 an immersive games platform. Building on the growing popularity of escape rooms, which challenge players to “break out” of their surroundings using clues and puzzles, this collaborative team-building experience can be applied in educational settings to meet a range of learning objec- tives. After attending a conference session about BreakoutEDU this past summer, Trudi Jacobson, head of information literacy, re- turned full of ideas about how it might be used to facilitate student learning. The idea was eagerly embraced by her two colleagues at a planning meeting for the fall semester’s jointly taught class sessions: Susan Detwiler, member of the WCI faculty, and Kelsey O’Brien, information literacy librarian and liaison to the WCI Program. Coteaching model WCI is a required seminar for first-year stu- dents, in which students learn the thinking, writing, and reading mindsets and strategies necessary for their academic careers and beyond. These objectives dovetail with the university’s general education information literacy requirements, and so over the last several years, the three of us have worked closely together to strengthen students’ re- search skills and deepen their understand- ing of how to engage in academic inquiry. At the center of both the WCI course and the information literacy program is develop- ing students’ practice of inquiry. As outlined by program standards, WCI students com- plete a sequence of three major assignments. First, they write to explore experiences or phenomena in the world. Then students write an analysis of a relevant issue or ques- tion that arises from the first assignment, incorporating scholars’ interpretation of that issue or question. In the final paper, students write to join in the appropriate scholarly or broader conversation of that issue or ques- tion. This carefully structured sequence of Susan Detwiler is a member of the WCI faculty, email: sdetwiler@albany.edu, Trudi Jacobson is head of information literacy, email: tjacobson@albany.edu, and Kelsey O’Brien is information literacy librarian and liaison to the WCI Program at the University at Albany-SUNY, email: klobrien@albany.edu © 2018 Susan Detwiler, Trudi Jacobson, and Kelsey O’Brien Susan Detwiler, Trudi Jacobson, and Kelsey O’Brien BreakoutEDU Helping students break out of their comfort zones mailto:sdetwiler%40albany.edu?subject= mailto:tjacobson%40albany.edu?subject= mailto:klobrien%40albany.edu?subject= February 2018 63 C&RL News assignments requires that students approach their self-determined topic and research question from multiple perspectives and with a genuine sense of inquiry that illuminates the complexity of the subject. Detwiler builds her course around four sessions that she coteaches with O’Brien and Jacobson, introducing the librarians at the beginning of the semester as core members of the educational team. The learning objectives for the classes that O’Brien and Jacobson lead are related not only to information literacy, but also broader concepts and ways of think- ing that permeate the entire course. After brainstorming, it was clear that the learning during the Breakout activity embodied the inquiry approach necessary for successful completion of the WCI class. Our coteaching experiences have of- fered opportunities to explore the overlap- ping goals of our re- s p e c t i v e disciplines. While the WCI pro- gram aims to support s t u d e n t s as lifelong l e a r n e r s “by connecting writing practices to the pro- cess of critical thinking,”2 the information literacy department “prepares students to think critically about the information that they encounter and create.”3 The coteaching model is particularly successful because it provides students with repeated opportuni- ties to grapple with self-determined content. They begin to realize that the emotional work and commitment necessary for writing is also necessary for research. The first cotaught session of the semester typically focuses on introducing the librar- ians and preparing students for the research process, drawing from the four domains of metaliteracy4 to address not only the cogni- tive sphere, but also students’ metacognitive and affective experiences with research. This semester, our goals for the initial class were multifaceted. The first goal was to help students cultivate a growth mindset. In preparation for this topic, students were as- signed the Failing Better quest, an exercise from the Metaliteracy Badging System,5 which was cocreated by librarians and faculty mem- bers from across SUNY. Secondly, Detwiler wanted to address the class theme of inquiry, which relates both to research and to writing. Finally, we hoped the session would help build team cohesiveness, as the class follows a team-based learning structure. Designing the game BreakoutEDU consists of a kit of materi- als, including five different kinds of locks, a large and a small lock box, a black light marker and flashlight, hint cards, and reflec- tion cards. Once we obtained the kit, the librarians set out to design the game, p u z z l e s , and clues.6 T h e B r e a k - o u t E D U w e b s i t e p r o v i d e s thorough instructions about getting started, as well as a game library. Our first step was to develop a storyline about the university’s mascot, Damien, get- ting lost while mapping the tunnels found under our campus to assist new students. We then came up with a variety of puzzles and clues that led to the five answers needed to unlock each lock. Some answers could be found using the materials provided to stu- dents, while others involved multiple steps, such as emailing Damien, deciphering a message in his auto response (see Figure 1), and then entering a bit.ly url, which led to a coded message. From the items provided (including library promotional materials, a flash drive with files, a book, several written documents, and a handwritten message from Figure 1. Decoding the automated email response revealed a bit.ly url that contained the next clue. http://bit.ly C&RL News February 2018 64 Damien), students had to work out a variety of types of combinations (directional, numeri- cal, alphabetical) to unlock all five locks on the box within a prescribed amount of time. Playing the game We began the class by reading the scenario about Damien and providing basic instruc- tions about the mechanics of each of the locks. We provided each team with a back- pack containing the materials that would serve as clues. Each team also received two hint cards. We explained that they would not be penal- ized or re- warded for using them, but that since they were lim- ited to two, they should think carefully before asking for a hint. Encourag- ing teammates to work with e a c h o t h e r, rather than turning to us for the answers, was a challenge for the instructors, but also a vital element of the game. While many students were visibly frustrated and several were unsatisfied with our hints (expecting us to give them the answer), we attempted to step back and let them work through the task together. Once they succeeded in opening their first locks, we witnessed a growing excitement and camaraderie among the students. As the clock counted down, students ran through a gamut of emotions: determined, frustrated, elated, puzzled, competitive, and excited. In a reflective debriefing at the end of the game, they volunteered that it was fun and unexpected. Other remarks by the students and instructors indicated that the experience: • gave students a chance to practice “failing better,” • revealed the rewards of perseverance, • clarified the connections between research as inquiry and writing as inquiry, • demonstrated that it took everyone’s contributions to succeed, and • provided everyone with an opportunity to speak out—many said they took risks in sharing their ideas. Ultimately, three of six teams success- fully opened all five locks to open their boxes, reveal- ing a picture o f D a m i e n , who they had s u c c e s s f u l l y “freed” from the tunnels. All of the suc- cessful teams were down to the last min- ute, and one team gained entry with just three seconds to spare. Every team unlocked at least three locks, and even the unsuccessful teams seemed to be in good spirits, though they were eager to know what was in the box once the clock ran out. Feedback and reflection Following the activity, students reflected on the connections to the course goals of writing as inquiry and research as inquiry. One student wrote, “Even if the activity was hands on and our goal is to write, they seem to have a close connection. . . . During this activity, you had to think outside the box, and that is something I rarely do, and I had to in order to help my team solve the activ- ity.” As instructors across disciplines, we capitalized on this exercise as a means of Figure 2. Students work together to attempt a solution for a lock. February 2018 65 C&RL News highlighting the thinking skills that students were putting into practice. One student com- mented that the activity encouraged collabo- ration, and made the connection between the collaborative nature of writing and research. “Also, the way . . . my team approached the problem and how they viewed [the unlock task] made me question myself on how I view things and this relates to writing because you must think more than one way to try and get at what you are writing. . . .” D e t w i l e r o b - served an immediate and marked change in the willingness of members of one particularly reluctant class to participate in class discussion. As stated by a first-year student, “This exer- cise helps to show us that using the help of your peers is a very valuable tool when it comes to problem solving, or even writing. Us- ing ideas from others can help to create new thoughts using a combination of both minds. Sometimes the solution can’t be seen by one but can be seen by another.” These comments indicate that students were making connections between the activ- ity and the objective of fostering inquiry in both research and writing. BreakoutEdu and writing For first-year writers, writing is exception- ally difficult because they need to transition from high school test-driven writing require- ments to the more self-determined writing and thinking that is required in the aca- demic setting. Through BreakoutEDU, we created a simulated experience early in the semester that mimicked the emotional and intellectual experience of writing and think- ing necessary for success in the WCI course. The Breakout session also mirrored the inquiry necessary for research. This inquiry process will follow the students throughout their university careers. As evidenced in their reflections, students clearly experienced the emotional cycle and the inquiry mindset connected to the re- search process. Within writing pedagogy, a tension exists between teach- ing writing with the intent that the skills will transfer and teaching writing as a way of thinking and being. The Breakout- EDU session reduced some of this tension. As students approach challenging writing and thinking tasks, they can refer back to their shared expe- riences and reflec- tions. This will help them both with trans- ferring knowledge, and with building their thinking. Conclusion In class the following week, students ap- proached the assigned WCI writing revision task with increased commitment and ener- gy. Using the team problem-solving solving developed during the BreakoutEDU activity, students gave each other feedback about the level of inquiry displayed in their written drafts. Because teams engaged in a physical representation of inquiry, they were better equipped to identify student inquiry in their essays. In future cotaught sessions, all three instructors envision being able to use the BreakoutEDU activity as an anchor point for approaching research and writing as in- Figure 3. Students excitedly open the lock box to reveal the congratulatory message inside. C&RL News February 2018 66 quiry. The Information Literacy Department plans to share information about Breakout- EDU’s impact with others in the library, and to encourage other professors to consider its use for their information literacy-related s e s s i o n s . D e t w i l e r shared the lesson with other WCI professors. While writ- ing a story line and as- s e m b l i n g clues can be intensive work, the benefits are striking. A s w e coteach ad- ditional re- search ses- sions, we anticipate referring back to the BreakoutEDU activity throughout the semester. In order to be successful in the WCI course and in the university as a whole, students need to be able to examine a topic from multiple per- spectives, persist through a difficult topic, use a variety of research strategies, and take risks as thinkers and writers. As students experience each writing, research, and thinking challenge, our BreakoutEDU session will act as a touch- stone to help them overcome the obstacle. Notes 1. B r e a k - outEDU, n.d., “About,” ac- cessed Novem- ber 5, 2017, https://www. breakoutedu. com/about. 2. Univer- sity at Albany- S U N Y, n . d . , “The Program in Writing and Critical Inqui- ry,” accessed November 5, 2 0 1 7 , w w w . a l b a n y . e d u / wci/. 3. University at Albany-SUNY, 2015, “Information Literacy Department Mission Statement,” last modified September 3, 2015, http://library.albany.edu/infolit/mission. 4. See https://metaliteracy.org/. 5. See https://metaliteracybadges.org/. 6. See Helpful Tips, https://tinyurl.com /y9qnj6xk. Figure 4. A successful team shows off their opened lock box. A ss o ci a ti o n o f C o lle g e & R e se a rc h L ib ra ri e s 5 0 E . H u ro n , C h ic ag o IL 6 0 6 1 1 | 8 0 0 .5 4 5 .2 4 3 3 | ac rl @ al a. o rg All titles are available from the ALA online store: http://www.alastore.ala.org/ FR O M A C R L N EW P U B LI C AT IO N S 978-0-8389-8908-1 978-0-8389-8933-3978-0-8389-8943-2 min-pubsad_feb18.indd 1 1/16/2018 4:25:38 PM https://www.breakoutedu.com/about https://www.breakoutedu.com/about https://www.breakoutedu.com/about http://www.albany.edu/wci/ http://www.albany.edu/wci/ http://www.albany.edu/wci/ http://library.albany.edu/infolit/mission https://metaliteracy.org/ https://metaliteracybadges.org/ https://tinyurl.com/y9qnj6xk https://tinyurl.com/y9qnj6xk