July/August 2018 383 C&RL News New libraries are constantly challenged to adapt how their spaces are used. This is the case even more so for libraries with primarily digital collections. As a brand new 21st-century li- brary with only a few print materials and a 98% digital collec- tion, it was important for the University of Central Florida Har- riet Ginsburg Health Sciences Library to promote use of our space to existing us- ers, and to establish the library space it- self as a valuable re- source to its faculty, staff, and students. This would be ac- complished through the development of novel outreach activities, including one of our more unique and successful experi- ences—Popcorn Day. The library established its weekly Popcorn Day promotion to attract students, faculty, and staff to the library space. When the Col- lege of Medicine (COM) moved into its new building in 2010 from its previous home occupying one floor of a research building, the small and close-knit COM family sud- denly dispersed. The library needed a way to rebuild relationships with its old and new faculty and staff, and to encourage medical students to enter the library. Additionally, be- cause our collection is almost entirely digital, students can access our resources with- out having to step foot in the physical library space. The library team also hoped that while students, faculty, and staff came to enjoy their pop- corn, the library would have an op- portunity to share information about library resources and services. Fi- n a l l y , h a v i n g a unifying event for the entire college would create a welcoming and inviting place for the COM community to gather and network. Natasha Williams is user services librarian, email: natasha.williams@ucf.edu, and Shalu Gillum is head of public services, email: shalu@ucf.edu, at the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library in the University of Central Florida College of Medicine © 2018 Natasha Williams and Shalu Gillum Natasha Williams and Shalu Gillum Encouraging users to pop in Popcorn Day in the medical library The library’s famous popcorn machine. mailto:natasha.williams%40ucf.edu?subject= mailto:shalu%40ucf.edu?subject= mailto:allan.vanhoye%40colorado.edu%20?subject= C&RL News July/August 2018 384 Popcorn Day is born The idea for Popcorn Day was born out of a library team brainstorming session after the 2011 Medical Library Association annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The li- brary’s public services librarian attended a continuing education program called, “Mar- keting as if Your Library Depended on it,” during which participants brainstormed ideas for unconventional programming. From her long list of ideas, which she shared with her li- brary team, having pop- corn in the library was the unani- mous choice because it sounded like the easiest and most fun idea for p r o g r a m - ming. There was very little risk i n v o l v e d , other than purchasing a popcorn ma- chine and supplies. Logistics We decided it would be most effective and time-efficient to purchase a full-size pop- corn machine rather than making micro- wave popcorn for the event. A full-size ma- chine would pop popcorn in larger batches, keep the popcorn warm for the duration of the event, and generate greater interest for the event by acting as an attractive and eye-catching prop. An appropriately sized machine and associated supplies (e.g., pop- corn and paper bags) were purchased on- line from Amazon.com. When considering the timing of the event, it was important to establish some consis- tency so that Popcorn Day could become a regular part of our patrons’ schedules. This way everyone could look forward to the weekly event without having to keep track of a fluctuating appointment. We determined that Thursday afternoons at 3 p.m. would be our best bet. A few factors went into choosing this day and time. First, we recognized that choosing one day out of the week would generate more excitement than choosing multiple days because the novelty would not wear off as fast. Additionally, we chose Thursday be- cause it cre- ated an add- ed feeling of a m o r a l i t y boost being so close to the end of t h e w e e k . We also tried to be con- s c i o u s o f monopoliz- ing too much faculty and staff time. A m o r e t h a n once-weekly event could put addition- al stress on already maxed-out daily sched- ules full of meetings, and we did not want our event to compete or be seen as frivolous in comparison. With respect to choosing the start time, we knew the event would not be successful if it occurred too close to the lunch hour. We figured that 3 p.m. was far enough away from lunch that patrons would be interested in tak- ing a break from studying and working, and more likely in the mood for a snack. Student schedules were also taken into account when choosing the start time for the event. One member of the library team was designated the official popcorn popper (over time, other library staff members were also trained as backup poppers). The popcorn takes approximately half an hour to pre- Some of our students are very serious about Popcorn Day.1 July/August 2018 385 C&RL News pare. Initially, we had planned to pop the popcorn within the library space, but we were advised to find another location, due to concerns about the sensitivity of the emer- gency sprinkler systems within the building. We tried several other locations around and outside the building before settling upon the kitchen located in the library breakroom. A window is propped open for the duration of the popcorn preparation to let any steam from the machine escape outside. Promoting Popcorn Day Advertising for Popcorn Day is very straightfor- ward. We created two flyers to be placed in each of the e l e v a t o r s within the medical edu- cation build- ing, and a 24" x 36" poster-sized version of the flyer to be placed outside of the library each Thursday morning. The fly- ers and poster are removed once all of the popcorn has been consumed, or by the end of the business day, depending on which occurs first. Outcomes and observations Six years after the initial idea to start a weekly popcorn outreach activity, Popcorn Day is still by far our most popular and effective method to draw people into the library space. The event is so popular that beyond the flyers and poster, no advertising is needed on our part. Since then, regular Popcorn Day participants have let us know that they have added re- minders to their calendars so as not to miss the event. While first-year medical students are finished with classes by 3 p.m. and are free to participate in Popcorn Day, second-year stu- dents are usually in the middle of lecture dur- ing this time, but have been known to request a five-to-ten-minute break that coincides with the start of the event. As we had hoped, Popcorn Day has also increased librarian engagement with our us- ers. Members of the library’s Public Services team are on hand during Popcorn Day to help distribute popcorn and to interact with attend- ees. Because library staff is so visible dur- ing this time, it gives medi- cal students the chance to ask any ques- t i o n s t h e y might have. Due to the in- formal nature of the event, with attend- ees mingling and chatting around the library front desk, more opportunities are created for relationship-building between the library team and its users. Library staff are also able to meet and engage with COM faculty and staff that may not otherwise step foot in the library. Popcorn Day has also contributed to the general goodwill towards the library. We have received so much positive feedback from students, staff, and faculty that the event is a highlight of their week, that it builds consistency in otherwise crazy schedules, and that it is plain fun. When prospective medical students are led on tours of the library space by current students, Popcorn Day is often mentioned as a special library offering unique to COM. Finally, Popcorn Day has increased the overall foot traffic into the library, which was our ultimate goal. Statistics from our automatic The Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs waiting in line during Popcorn Day. C&RL News July/August 2018 386 gate counters show the growth in use our library has experienced, as well as noticeable spikes in activity on Thursdays. When Popcorn Day was introduced during the 2011–12 academic year, the library saw an average of 115 people come through the library per day, with an average of 160 people on Thursdays due to Popcorn Day. Six years later, the library now sees an average of 305 people each day, and an average of 377 on Popcorn Day. We believe that our internal outreach efforts, including Popcorn Day, were a contributing factor to the increased use of the library space. The evolution of Popcorn Day Popcorn Day has evolved in that it has been a way for the library to participate in other college-wide initiatives. For example, during Diversity Week, the library offers several pop- corn toppings from various countries, includ- ing snacks and spices from across the globe. The idea for offering popcorn toppings came from a regular Popcorn Day attendee, and the library adopted the concept as “Magical Mix- Ins,” which we now offer twice a year, includ- ing during Diversity Week. Conclusion The library’s weekly Popcorn Day outreach event has established the library as a fun and inclusive environment on the COM campus. It is our most popular outreach activity, and encourages use of the library space, as well as engagement between the library team and all of its users.2 Notes 1. Special thanks to everyone who enjoys Popcorn Day as enthusiastically as the persons included in our photos. 2. Visit us on Instagram to view more pictures of Popcorn Day and other library outreach activities at http://www.instagram. com/ucfcomhsl. 2. S e e w w w . a l a . o r g / n e w s / p r e s s -releases/2017/01/acrl-board-directors -af fir ms-commitment-equity-diversity -inclusion-access. 3. S e e w w w . a l a . o r g / n e w s / p r e s s -releases/2016/10/acrl-diversity-alliance-launches. 4. See www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl /directoryofleadership/committees/acr-raed. 5. See www.ala.org/acrl/standards /diversity. 6. See www.ala.org/advocacy/diversity. 7. See www.ala.org/acrl/membership /mentoring/joseymentoring/mentorprogram for example. 8. I was privileged to be invited to review an advance copy and provide a cover blurb. It will be available in 2018. 9. Teresa Y. Neely and Khafre K. Abif, eds. In Our Own Voices: The Changing Face of Librarianship (Lanham, M.D.: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1996). 10. See https://www.wooster.edu /students/diversity/. 11. You can read more about McCull- och and the statue at www.the-daily-record. com/news/20170307/mcculloch-statue -dedicated-at-college-of-wooster. 12. See https://www.wooster.edu /about/facts/. 13. For the LibGuide see http://libguides. wooster.edu/science-superstars. The Wooster Voice article is at http://thewoostervoice. spaces.wooster.edu/2017/09/29/timken -library-seeks-to-celebrate-underrepresented -figures-in-science/. 14. S e e h t t p s : / / l i b r a r y . o h i o . g o v /documents/open-rfp/. 15. See https://www.wooster.edu /students/diversity/msa/mlk/dialogues/. 16. See https://www.wooster.edu /about/leadership/president/ and https://www. wooster.edu/bios/cnewton/. (“Hidden science superstars” continues from page 382) http://www.instagram.com/ucfcomhsl http://www.instagram.com/ucfcomhsl http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2017/01/acrl-board-directors -affirms-commitment-equity-diversity-inclusion-access http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2017/01/acrl-board-directors -affirms-commitment-equity-diversity-inclusion-access http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2017/01/acrl-board-directors -affirms-commitment-equity-diversity-inclusion-access http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2017/01/acrl-board-directors -affirms-commitment-equity-diversity-inclusion-access http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2016/10/acrl-diversity-alliance-launches http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2016/10/acrl-diversity-alliance-launches http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/committees/acr-raed http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/committees/acr-raed http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/diversity http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/diversity http://www.ala.org/advocacy/diversity http://www.ala.org/acrl/membership/mentoring/joseymentoring/mentorprogram http://www.ala.org/acrl/membership/mentoring/joseymentoring/mentorprogram http://www.ala.org/acrl/membership/mentoring/joseymentoring/mentorprogram https://www.wooster.edu/students/diversity/ https://www.wooster.edu/students/diversity/ http://www.the-daily-record.com/news/20170307/mcculloch-statue-dedicated-at-college-of-wooster http://www.the-daily-record.com/news/20170307/mcculloch-statue-dedicated-at-college-of-wooster http://www.the-daily-record.com/news/20170307/mcculloch-statue-dedicated-at-college-of-wooster https://www.wooster.edu/about/facts/ https://www.wooster.edu/about/facts/ http://libguides.wooster.edu/science-superstars http://libguides.wooster.edu/science-superstars http://thewoostervoice.spaces.wooster.edu/2017/09/29/timken-library-seeks-to-celebrate-underrepresented-figures-in-science http://thewoostervoice.spaces.wooster.edu/2017/09/29/timken-library-seeks-to-celebrate-underrepresented-figures-in-science http://thewoostervoice.spaces.wooster.edu/2017/09/29/timken-library-seeks-to-celebrate-underrepresented-figures-in-science http://thewoostervoice.spaces.wooster.edu/2017/09/29/timken-library-seeks-to-celebrate-underrepresented-figures-in-science https://library.ohio.gov/documents/open-rfp/ https://library.ohio.gov/documents/open-rfp/ https://www.wooster.edu/students/diversity/msa/mlk/dialogues/ https://www.wooster.edu/students/diversity/msa/mlk/dialogues/ https://www.wooster.edu/about/leadership/president/ https://www.wooster.edu/about/leadership/president/ https://www.wooster.edu/bios/cnewton/ https://www.wooster.edu/bios/cnewton/