C&RL News September 2018 438 ACRL in New Orleans ACRL programs at the ALA Annual Conference conference circuit ALA’s 137th Annual Conference was held June 21–26, 2018, in New Orleans. More than 17,500 librarians, library support staff,exhibitors, writers, educators, publish- ers, and special guests attended the confer- ence. Ed. note: Thanks to the ACRL members who summarized programs to make this report possible. Crafting a caring organization The ACRL President’s Program, “Beyond Resilience: Crafting a Caring Organization,” featured a panel sharing ideas about how li- brary administration and workers can make libraries and librarianship more equitable and caring for all members of the organi- zation. Discussion topics included resilience and vocational awe, how those concepts can be countered, and how organizations like ALA and ACRL can help. Key takeaways include: • “All of us should be seen, heard, and respected, and our leaders should be able to acknowledge their mistakes honestly. Not knowing what to say does not mean silence is the right answer.”—Chris Bourg, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology • “Librarians are typically expected to do more with less, and when we don’t complain, we are given even less. We need to acknowl- edge the existence of vocational awe in order to heal our profession.”—Fobazi M. Ettarh, California State University-Dominguez Hills • “We should be able to bring our ‘whole selves’ to work, but often cannot. How can administration understand what I am dealing with in my life? As a burly black guy on the bus in Washington, D.C., my reality is that I might not make it home alive tonight.”—Der- rick Jefferson, American University • “The world can be a terribly stressful place. We must be able to care for ourselves —especially difficult for those in nonsalaried positions or without much sick or vacation time.”—Karen Schneider, Sonoma State University • “Recognize the power that we do have and build on it.”—Eamon Tewell, Long Island University-Brooklyn While this discussion was a leap forward in terms of recognizing the structural in- equalities that exist in our profession, there is still a lot of work to do. To see the resources gathered by the committee and speakers, go to http://acrl.libguides.com/presprogram /beyond-resilience/home.—Maribeth Sle- bodnik , University of Arizona, Arizona Health Sciences Library, slebodnik@email. arizona.edu Making the Framework work Addressing about 120 attendees, the three community college librarians who present- ed “Making the Framework Work: Adapting the ACRL Framework for Information Liter- acy in Community College Library Instruc- tion,” sponsored by the Community and Junior College Libraries Section, focused on mailto:slebodnik%40email.arizona.edu?subject= mailto:slebodnik%40email.arizona.edu?subject= September 2018 439 C&RL News providing practical information about how they incorporated the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy into their libraries’ in- struction programs, including everything from learning objectives to assessment. Holly Kuhl (instruction and assessment librarian at SUNY’s Cayuga Community Col- lege) opened the session with an overview of how her library linked the adoption of the Framework with the college’s reaccredi- tation process starting in 2016, leading to a much-needed paradigm shift. As a result, the college’s librarians focused on Framework- based learning outcomes, active learning, and ongoing assessment, and worked with teaching faculty on instructional goals. Next up, Shawna Thorup (head of refer- ence and instruction at NorthWest Arkansas Community College) described how she was charged with simul- taneously in- corporating the Frame- w o r k i n t o her library’s i n s t r u c t i o n program and overhauling how the li- b r a r y a s - s e s s e d t h e p r o g r a m . She showed h o w s h e d e v e l o p e d an informal learning circle for her instruction team that included studying the Framework, teaching each other about it, creating new Framework-based teaching tools, and rethinking how one-shot instruction was planned and executed, including revising learning outcomes and assessment. Silvia Lin Hanick (first-year experience librarian at CUNY’s LaGuardia Community College) discussed how she has aligned all of the library instruction for her college’s subject-specific first-year seminars with the Framework (see http://guides.laguardia.edu /fys). She described a few activities she uses, including a critical analysis of search results for timely topics and an exploration of the library’s book collection based on a zombie apocalypse scenario. Moderator Jill Sodt (director of library services at Mott Community College) fielded attendees’ questions, which primarily focused on faculty collaboration. The panel’s recommended resourc- es are available at http://bit.ly/ALA2018 _Framework.—Andrea Kingston, Monroe Com- munity College, akingston4@monroecc.edu Open Education Resources The Distance Learning Section cosponsored, with the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services and the CMS Col- lection De- v e l o p m e n t Librarians of Academic Li- braries Inter- est Group, “ O p e n E d u c a t i o n R e s o u r c - es (OER): Where Li- braries Are and Where We are Go- ing,” a c a p a c i t y - crowd pan- el session moderated by Beth Bernhardt (University of North Carolina-Greensboro) that presented four professionals’ perspectives on current and evolving initiatives in OER adoption and collaborative usage across academic li- braries and campuses. Cheryl Cullier (University of Arizona) emphasized the “textbook heroes” at the University of Arizona who have adopted OERs, partnering with liaison librarians and online course designers, and leading campus efforts to incorporate OERs from C a p a c i t y c r o w d a t t h e “ O p e n E d u c a t i o n R e s o u r c e s ” session. http://guides.laguardia.edu/fys http://guides.laguardia.edu/fys http://bit.ly/ALA2018_Framework http://bit.ly/ALA2018_Framework mailto:akingston4%40monroecc.edu?subject= C&RL News September 2018 440 the ground up through design and redesign of courses. Teri Gallaway (LOUIS: The Louisiana Li- brary Network) outlined her work focusing on OER adoption across the state of Loui- siana, noting there remains “a lot of work ahead of us to change faculty behavior.” Through the Affordable Learning LOUISIana initiative, LOUIS partners libraries and faculty to support a d o p t i o n o f o p e n education resources “ t o h e l p s t u d e n t s with finan- cial disad- v a n t a g e ” and to save s t u d e n t s money on education by reduc- ing the costs of instructional materials and ensuring that students have equitable access to information. Lindsay O’Neill (California State Uni- versity-Fullerton) provided the “instructor perspective” of what it looks like to design and implement an online course with open and affordable education resources. O’Neill advised librarian instructors to “go active” (seek out active and multimedia learning op- tions rather than another textbook) and “go slowly” (reminding colleagues to be patient and empathetic toward learners). Nicole Allen (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) highlighted SPARC’s work, particularly on the policy side, advising attendees to “think of policy as a way of removing barriers and challenges” as well as how it can affect the “broader ecosystem” of affordable and open resource adoption.—Michael Courtney, Indiana Uni- versity, micourtn@indiana.edu Giving without being a doormat Librarianship is a service-oriented career, making it important for people to say no, while still being givers, to avoid burnout. Li- brarians from traditionally underrepresented groups are often asked to do more, in part, to be the token person who represents di- versity within a group. This program, spon- sored by the ACRL Dr. E. J. Josey Spectrum Scholars Mentor Committee, “Giving to Get Ahead: How to be Generous Without Being a Door- mat,” uses A d a m G r a n t ’ s t h e o r i e s about give and take to create p r a c t i c a l strategies for giv- ing, setting b o u n d a r - ies, and saying no. • Takers, matchers, and givers. Leo S. Lo explained that people fall into one these three categories as their default behavior. According to Grant’s research, “givers” perform the best and the worst in organiza- tions, which suggests that there are different types of givers. Data reveal that unsuccess- ful givers tend to sacrifice self interest to please other people, while successful ones, the smart givers, align giving to their own self-interests. • Practical tips for saying yes and no. Ki- yomi D. Deards explained that good bound- aries are like a small picket fence around a cottage, they aren’t meant to isolate, but are there to say please respect my space. Don’t just say yes, conduct a reference interview and find out the who, what, when, where, why, how, importance, and timeline. Ask: Does someone else already do this? Refer when appropriate. Ask: Does this align with my job duties and/or career goals? Really interested? Ask the person to contact you after you after a specific date. “Giving to Get Ahead” key slides by Kiyomi D. Deards and Leo S. Lo. mailto:micourtn%40indiana.edu?subject= September 2018 441 C&RL News • Five-minute giving strategies. Connect people, include people who are alone or ex- cluded, thank people in writing, and follow-up. Lastly, Deards reminded people that No is a complete sentence, and if you want people to respect your No, it is important that you respect theirs.—Kiyomi D. Deards, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, kdeards2@unl.edu, and Leo S. Lo, Old Dominion University, leo. saiho.lo@gmail.com Building capacity for digital scholarship Academic librar- ies are grappling with methods to provide support for research- ers using digi- tal scholarship skills. Moderated by Jean Ferguson (learning and re- search commu- nities librarian at the University of California-Berke- ley), the ACRL Digital Scholar- ship Centers In- terest Group and the ACRL Digital Scholarship Sec- tion-sponsored session “Bridg- ing the gap: Supporting subject liaisons to become ambassadors for digital scholarship in academic libraries” presented several perspectives on how academic libraries can transition. As Head of Faculty and Student Engage- ment at the University of Toronto Libraries and Visiting Program Officer for the Associa- tion of Research Libraries Reimagining the Library Liaison project, Rita Vine has worked with librarians and libraries grappling with the question, “What does it mean to be a subject expert when information is infinite and readily accessible?” She’s learned that subject liaisons are seeking institutional impact and training for expertise. They are concerned about adding more to their work- load and abandonment of core duties and traditional roles. At the University of California-Riverside, Brianna Marshall (director of research servic- es) identified emerging trends and shifted her group. Roles changed from reference desk shifts, introductory instruction, and collection development to support for data, geospatial information, maker services, open research, and scholarly communication. Her advice for making a transi- tion is, “Recog- nize that change is difficult, and that people will react in different ways. Be empa- thetic.” Pamella Lach (digital humani- ties librarian at San Diego State University) dis- cussed advocat- ing for support for digital schol- arship. She has built the Digital Humanities Cen- ter, which she stresses is a com- munity space, not a service point. Lach has drawn on a framework of skills to identify the overlap between her role and subject liaisons to help them understand what she does, see how their own work (already) connects, and how they can become “frontline” ambassadors for digital scholarship.—Jean Ferguson, Univer- sity of California-Berkeley, jean.ferguson@ berkeley.edu Be your own mentor The ACRL session “Be Your Own Mentor” was planned as an interactive workshop to include attendee participation with the ex- Panelists for the Digital Scholarship Centers Interest Group and the Digital Scholarship Section session (left to right): Pamella Lach, Brianna Marshall, and Rita Vine. mailto:kdeards2%40unl.edu?subject= mailto:leo.saiho.lo%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:leo.saiho.lo%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:jean.ferguson%40berkeley.edu?subject= mailto:jean.ferguson%40berkeley.edu?subject= C&RL News September 2018 442 pected outcome of having a partial plan to- ward being one’s own mentor at the close of the session. The speaker planned for 50 participants, and, by the room assistant’s count, there was a high of 78 people in attendance. The session provided an over- view of what mentoring is and is not, and affirmed the message that the person seek- ing to be mentored must be in control of the relationship. In fact, they manage everything from meeting times to managing outcomes and assessment of progress made through closure of the mentor-mentee relationship. Questions and contributions from partici- pants throughout the session were thought- provoking, including a clarifying question that indicated the language used by the speaker indicated the purpose for mentor- ing was acquisition of skills-based train- ing only. Content, including the slide deck and handouts, was made available through a shared Google Drive for participants af- ter the session at http://bit.ly/mentor-share -files.—Mandy Havert, University of Notre Dame, mhavert@nd.edu Breaking below the surface of racism, whiteness, and implicit bias As many as 500 library professionals crowd- ed into a room of the Morial Convention Center for my Sunday afternoon session on “Breaking Below the Surface of Racism, Whiteness, and Implicit Bias.” Because anti- racist work is both collaborative and active, I structured the session to require attendee participation and interaction with me and each other: we learned key definitions to- gether, worked through real-life scenarios, and shared our thoughts and perceptions. We learned that whiteness is a form of implicit bias: “Whiteness is not about white people individually or what it means to be a white person in particular,” but rather about “making assumptions about people based on general racial stereotypes rather than individual facts.” We also learned that whiteness as an ideology is often invisible and insidious. To illustrate this point, I shared with attendees my “Whiteness-berg,” show- ing that most of whiteness is enacted beneath the surface, like an iceberg, through subtle racial slights called microaggressions. We came to understand that with whiteness “do- ing nothing or relying on a so-called ‘neutral’ stance only ensures that whiteness continues to thrive and prevail.” We then practiced working against bias in ourselves and others by naming, questioning, and challenging the bias. We also practiced microaffirmations, a subtle form of bystander intervention that seeks to, as Marisa Méndez- Brady put it, “show the victim of the bias be- longs in that space.” As I told attendees towards the end, “Doing this work can be difficult. But if you keep practicing, keep doing these ‘anti- racist fire drills,’ you’ll be ready to step up when April M. Hathcock presenting a session on racism, whiteness, and implicit bias, along with her “Whiteness-berg” slide. mailto:mhavert%40nd.edu?subject= September 2018 443 C&RL News the time comes.” In a profession that is 87% white,1 it is good to know at least 500 colleagues ready for the challenge. Community notes for the session are at bit. ly/2uth9It, courtesy of Ryan Randall. Note 1 . A L A , D i v e r s i t y C o u n t s 2 0 0 9 - 2010 Update, accessed June 29, 2018, h t t p : / / w w w . a l a . o rg / o f f i c e s / d i v e r s i t y /diversitycounts/2009-2010update.—April M. Hathcock, New York University, april. hathcock@nyu.edu Breaking down barriers Sponsored by ACRL, Xan Arch (dean of Uni- versity of Portland’s Clark Library) and Isaac Gilman (dean of university libraries at Pa- cific University) presented a session entitled “Breaking down Barriers: Serving the First- Generation Student in Today’s Academic Library.” The presenters used qualitative research methods to identify challenges for first-generation college students and how academic libraries are currently meeting those challenges. Identifying gaps in servic- es, the presenters shared a list of potential services to fill those gaps. The presenters surveyed college counsel- ors (all members of the National Association for College Admission Counseling) chosen at random from all 50 states. They asked counselors to identify challenges of first- generation students and the concerns most often shared. From the responses, the pre- senters identified the most “often articulated challenges.” They categorized these into five categories: academic, financial, home and family, navigation of college, and social and cultural challenges. The presenters surveyed academic li- braries randomly chosen from all Carnegie classifications and two additional listservs. The responses suggested that many libraries had not identified specific services for this student group. Based on their research, the presenters addressed each category of challenge sug- gesting ways in which the academic library could better serve these students. Suggestions included incorporating information literacy into existing university-run summer bridge programs for first-generation students; having a liaison librarian specifically for these stu- dents; reviewing library instruction to ensure that it is inclusive; employing a diverse staff; providing a parental session at orientation and/or newsletters from the library to par- ents; providing textbooks on course reserve; providing technology for checkout; provid- ing culturally relevant displays/events; and providing space for extended services, such as mentoring, study groups, and tutoring. The presenters’ next step will be to survey first-generation students to confirm/adjust the challenges predicted by counselors and identify additional services to serve this population. Slides for the program are available at https://commons.pacificu.edu/libfac/29.— Jane Scott, University of Portland, scottj@up.edu Building inclusion A full room of visitors came for the ACRL- sponsored panel presentation titled “Build- ing Inclusion: How Can Research Instruc- tion at Two-Year Colleges Help Students Successfully Transition to the University?” This session shared preliminary findings from a study that looked at whether library instruction at the college level adequately prepares students for transition to university- level research assignments, and which ele- ments needed at the university level could be incorporated into information literacy instruction for transfer students. The mixed methods research design in- cluded qualitative content analysis followed by a quantitative online survey. The content analysis identified elements of information literacy instruction at the university and was aligned and mapped to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. An online survey was developed, based on the content analysis, to inquire what content was included in information literacy instruc- tion for college students. Preliminary find- ings identify potential gaps in information http://bit.ly/2uth9It http://bit.ly/2uth9It http://www.ala.org/offices/diversity/diversitycounts/2009-2010update http://www.ala.org/offices/diversity/diversitycounts/2009-2010update mailto:april.hathcock%40nyu.edu?subject= mailto:april.hathcock%40nyu.edu?subject= https://commons.pacificu.edu/libfac/29/ C&RL News September 2018 444 literacy instruction between the university and colleges. The practical implications and value of the study provide empirical data to inform the gaps that are evidenced in information literacy instruction for transfer students. This study provides data for universities and two-year college institutions to bet- ter prepare for coordi- nation and facilitation of transfer student in- f o r m a t i o n l i t e r a c y p r e p a r e d - ness. W e found five k e y s t o mitigate in- f o r m a t i o n l i t e r a c y “ t r a n s f e r shock”: 1. identify elements of information lit- eracy instruction, 2. align e l e m e n t s w i t h t h e A C R L F r a m e - work, 3. iden- tify infor- mation lit- eracy ele- ment gaps b e t w e e n c o l l e g e s a n d u n i - versities, 4. e n - gage authentic collaboration, and 5. fill the gaps. A L i b G u i d e f o r t h e s e s s i o n i s a v a i l a b l e a t h t t p s : / / g u i d e s . u c f . e d u /buildinginclusion—Karen F. Kaufman, S e m i n o l e S t a t e C o l l e g e o f F l o r i d a , kaufmannk@seminolestate.edu Creating a seamless workflow for streaming video requests In their presentation “‘Can I upload this movie to my class site?’ De- veloping a w o r k f l o w for stream- ing video,” S t e p h a n i e T o w e r y (copyright o f f i c e r ) and Karen C o w e n (head col- lection de- velopment a s s i s t a n t ) d e t a i l e d two tools to create a seamless process for streaming video requests involving cross-departmental collabora- tion be- tween the Copyright Office, Li- brary Col- lection De- velopment and Ac- quisitions, S u b j e c t Librarians, and In- structional Technolo- gy Support at Texas State University. When Towery inquired as to whether at- tendees had been asked the question in the session title, many raised a hand, suggestive “ B u i l d i n g i n c l u s i o n” p a n e l i s t s ( l e f t t o r i g h t ) : M o r g a n Tr a c y, Rachel Mulvihill, Karen F. Kaufmann, and Peggy L. Nuhn. Karen Cowen (left) and Stephanie Towery presenting “Can I upload this movie to my class site?” mailto:kaufmannk%40seminolestate.edu?subject= September 2018 445 C&RL News of the prevalence of issues surrounding streaming media use in an educational con- text. Towery went on to cover implementa- tion of the Decision Tree tool for Librarians and Copyright Officers, addressing issues such as copyright law, license negotiation, format considerations (online-only versus physical format), and appropriate use of the Fair Use Checklist. Cowen covered the development of a workflow that incorporates the Decision Tree. She began her talk by saying, “I thought ‘Sure, I’ll create a workflow. No problem.’ And it ended up looking like this. . . .” She revealed a lengthy flowchart containing multiple de- cision points, subprocesses, and footnotes, prompting laughter from attendees. Cowen demonstrated using the chart to process requests for streaming video purchases by libraries, from receipt of request through noti- fying patrons when the video is ready for use. Cowen and Towery also addressed chal- lenges of electronic resource management (ERM), using multiple streaming platforms, captioning, using portions of a video versus an entire film, and the perception of policing video-piracy in an academic setting. Follow-up questions and comments addressed collection development, bud- geting captions, tracking requests and tasks, pirated video use, format shifts, possible discount when physical format already owned, fair use, public domain, digital file creation and delivery methods, communicating needs to vendors, and at- tendee recommendations of ERM products.— Stephanie Towery, sst25@txstate.edu, and Karen E. Cowen, kc02@txstate.edu, Texas State University Librarians and experiential learning Three librarians (Hazel McClure, Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra, and Gayle Schaub) and two subject faculty (Vinicius Lima, Graphic Design, and Mark Schaub, Writing) from Grand Valley State University (GVSU) pre- sented the ACRL-sponsored session “High Impact Librarianship: A Showcase of Col- laborative and Experiential Learning Initia- tives.” High-impact educational practices encompass a wide variety of authentic, col- laborative learning experiences. Scripps-Hoekstra discussed community- based partnerships between GVSU students and middle and high school students. The librarians handled the basic introduction to research, while the university students acted as mentors. This project culminated with a showcase of student work. For many students, this was their first visit to a university campus. McClure spoke about the GVSU Library Summer Scholars Program. As part of this program, students worked with librarians to create projects that contributed to the library. Students learned about both library collections and library work. McClure said students “come in not knowing exactly what they want to do, and we help them get messy and figure it out.” McClure also collaborated with Schaub as his students rewrote chapters from a Creative Commons-licensed OER textbook for a business communication class. Without the help of librarians, Schaub wouldn’t have known this was possible. This fulfilled two pedagogical goals: students engaged in pub- lic writing and saved money on textbooks. Student-authors were excited to hear that the revised textbook has been downloaded frequently. Finally, Schaub and Lima discussed their visual glossary, which assists students in becoming familiar with the language of re- search. Lima’s graphic design class created appropriate infographics. Both students and librarians took on new roles as part of this project: the students as graphic design profes- sionals and the librarians as clients. Each project showcased students’ fin- ished work, either physically on campus or online in the repository. As McClure notes, high-impact learning practices include work that librarians have always done.—Nancy Foasber g, Queens College, noasber g@ qc.cuny.edu Libraries and learning analytics The panel “Libraries and Learning Analyt- mailto:sst25%40txstate.edu?subject= mailto:kc02%40txstate.edu?subject= mailto:noasberg%40qc.cuny.edu?subject= mailto:noasberg%40qc.cuny.edu?subject= C&RL News September 2018 446 ics: Identifying the Issues” reviewed librar- ies participation in learning analytics (LA) initiatives in light of current data privacy concerns and provided suggestions for im- plementing best practices. Abigail Goben gave an overview of LA, reviewing current events surrounding LA, the challenges of balancing increasing require- ments from administrators within and beyond the library, and following professional library ethics. Kristin Briney presented her research on how academic libraries report handling data in LA. She stressed three key points: 1) most data report- ed as “anon- y m o u s ” i s not actually anonymous; 2) LA stud- i e s r a r e l y d e s c r i b e d opt-in and c o n s e n t procedures; 3) few stud- ies reported data security p r a c t i c e s , y e t m a n y exhibit prac- tices requir- ing good security. Briney outlined a need for a library community conversation about consent and more examples of LA data se- curity done well. The final point from Briney’s presentation was the reminder that each data point repre- sents a human being, and that protecting LA data helps protect people’s privacy. M. Brooke Robertshaw discussed ethical issues with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and institutional review board (IRB) in relationship to LA. She reminded the audience that FERPA allows the university to broadly share a student’s data, without notifying the student, as long as the university deems the purpose to be educationally sound. Her main point about IRB protections is that IRB focuses on data collection, while the impact of LA is long after collection. She recommended expanded IRB protections and critical review for post-data gathering. Robertshaw encouraged librar- ians to seek opportunities to serve on their institutional IRBs and participate in writing university privacy policies. Goben closed out the presentation intro- ducing a forthcoming ARL SPEC Kit on Learn- ing Analytics and Privacy and introducing the Data Doubles Team, an IMLS grant-funded group, which will be exploring students’ perceptions of library learning analytics.— M. Brooke Rob- ertshaw, Or- e g o n S t a t e University, brooke.rob- e r t s h a w @ oregonstate. edu Prayer in academic libraries In the ACRL panel dis- c u s s i o n “ S t u d y i n g and Spiritu- ality: Prayer and Meditation Spaces in Academic Librar- ies,” librarians Emily Mross (Penn State-Har- risburg Library), Dave Tyckoson (California State University-Fresno), Emily Daly (Duke University), Anna Sandeli (University of Tennessee), and Christina Reihman-Murphy (Penn State-Abington) shared their experi- ences with “prayer” spaces in their libraries. Mross led the discussion while pointing out that some libraries provide prayer spaces without even realizing it and that students are satisfied with the most basic space. She also addressed the importance of terminology. Perhaps changing prayer space to spiritual space can be more inclusive to everyone. Tyckoson provided striking statistics, pointing out that with card swipe access “Studying and spirituality” panel are (left to right) Emily Mross (Penn State-Harrisburg Library), Christina Reihman-Murphy (Penn State- Abington), Anna Sandeli (University of Tennessee), Emily Daly (Duke University), and Dave Tyckoson (California State University-Fresno). mailto:brooke.robertshaw%40oregonstate.edu?subject= mailto:brooke.robertshaw%40oregonstate.edu?subject= mailto:brooke.robertshaw%40oregonstate.edu?subject= mailto:brooke.robertshaw%40oregonstate.edu?subject= September 2018 447 C&RL News into the prayer room, he could assess that there had been more than 10,000 uses in 18 months. He also mentioned that the space may meet needs that hadn’t been considered. Daly pointed out that her library has two very different spaces, a spiritual space and an “oasis” room meant for calming and re- juvenation (yoga and meditation, books on mindfulness). This room has helped them stay connected to students and other groups on campus with strong partnerships. She an- ticipates gaining more partnerships by having flyers in the room for counseling on campus a n d o t h e r services. Sandeli’s library has a “ s i l e n t r o o m ” o n t h e q u i e t study floor that includes s i g n a g e , s u g g e s - tion boxes, and framed photos from special col- l e c t i o n s . T h i s h a s given them a framework f o r o t h e r spaces, and she feels encouraged that they can have small spaces that have a big impact. Reihman-Murphy works at a library with no prayer space and a lot of Muslim students who use the book stacks as a prayer space. Even in libraries that don’t have formal prayer spaces, students are still using the library for prayer space.—Taylor Peterson, California State University-Fresno, tpetersen@csufresno. edu Supporting college students on the autism spectrum Flexibility, education, and improving servic- es based in the principles of Universal De- sign were key takeaways from “Supporting College Students on the Autism Spectrum: Evidence Based Strategies for Academic Li- brarians.” Amelia Anderson (postdoctoral researcher at Florida State University’s [FSU] iSchool) introduced key takeaways from an IMLS- funded study, Project A+, which provides evidence-based strategies for academic librar- ians in working with students on the autism spectrum. While we do not have exact num- bers for prevalence of college students on the spectrum, with prevalence of the population in general, it is likely that all academic librar- ians are al- ready work- ing with stu- dents with autism. E m i l y Mann (FSU research and information services li- brarian) and Kelly Grove (FSU STEM research and learning li- brarian) dis- cussed four main topics: a u t i s m o n campus, the library environment, communication strate- gies, and social interaction. Mann reinforced the idea that autism is an invisible disorder, so services truly need to be flexible and without the expectation that a student needs to disclose his or her diagnosis. Grove showed that students on the spectrum still use the library as a physical space, and both librarians shared ways they have learned to make their library buildings more accessible as a result. Some strategies included improved signage and increased access to, and options for, quiet study spaces. Mann described modifications that should be made to the reference interview if it seems that a student might need a different Speakers at the “Supporting College Students on the Autism Spec- trum” panel. mailto:tpetersen%40csufresno.edu?subject= mailto:tpetersen%40csufresno.edu?subject= C&RL News September 2018 448 approach. Though librarians are often taught to ask open-ended questions, she suggested that some students on the spectrum might respond better to a closed question, and that librarians should be cognizant of and responsive to that preference. Participants were given a handout that will be incorporated into an open access training manual and made available through FSU’s Diginole Repository and the project’s website at http://aplus.cci.fsu.edu/.—Ame- lia Anderson, Old Dominion University, ameliamaclay@gmail.com Allyship, race, and communication in the academic library In the panel dis- cussion, “When to speak up, when to listen: Ally- ship, race, and c o m m u n i c a t i o n in the academic library,” three li- brarians discussed how their racial identity influenc- es their communication style as allies. Mi- chelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University) opened the discussion by defining allyship, microagressions, and how a person can be privileged in some ways and marginalized in others. She also spoke on the complex- ity of communication and allyship for Asian Americans, particularly in library leadership, noting that instead of adopting the trappings of power, we can aim to diversify what it means to lead, how to lead, and what lead- ers look like. Robin Harris (Northeastern Illinois Uni- versity) shared some of her experiences as a white librarian on a primarily African Ameri- can satellite campus, and how that shapes her reference consultations and instruction sessions. Being aware of the Eurocentric na- ture of traditional academic research informs how she talks about peer-review, scholarship as conversation, and how authority is con- structed and contextual. She also discussed privilege and ally identity development, especially in terms of understanding the motivation behind speaking up and how to be a more effective ally. Finally, Erik Ponder (Michigan State Uni- versity) spoke on what has (and hasn’t) been done on an institutional level to recruit and retain diversity in our libraries. He noted that many African American library professionals are often made to feel that they represent the voice of their entire community, but conversely, they can also be per- ceived to rep- resent a voice of an aggrieved minority group. In order to have diversity in the library, it is criti- cally important that people of color know they are working in a welcoming and supportive en- vironment. Pon- der asked how we can provide the needed tools for librarians of color to create a condu- cive atmosphere for success, including creat- ing opportunities for others, collaborating to be inclusive, and valuing diversity in all its forms.—Robin Harris, Northeastern Illinois University, r-harris14@neiu.edu Zine cultures as critical resistance The Literatures in English Section, the Eu- ropean Studies Section, and the Zine Pa- vilion cosponsored “Zine Cultures as Criti- cal Resistance: A Hands-On Workshop to Build Community Engagement and Student Learning.” Members of the panel were Ziba Zehdar-Gazdecki (young adult librarian, Los Angeles Public Library), Daniela Capist- rano (founder and director, POC [People of Color] Zine Project and DCAP Media LLC), “When to speak up, when to listen” panelists (left to right): Erik Ponder, Robin Harris, and Michelle Oh. http://aplus.cci.fsu.edu/ mailto:ameliamaclay%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:r-harris14%40neiu.edu?subject= September 2018 449 C&RL News Ann Komaromi (associate professor, Uni- versity of Toronto), and Mark Yoffe (librar- ian for Russia, Eurasia, Central, and Eastern Europe, George Washington University). They focused on the role of zine cultures in fostering awareness of community-based networks, nontraditional publishing, and ar- tistic expressions that resist dominant social hierarchies at local, national, and interna- tional levels. Zehdar-Gazdecki connected with program participants by sharing her experience as a young adult librarian through community engagement projects. She shared ideas for empowering zine cultures and zine artworks in a library or community set- ting. Capistrano is a passionate advocate for zine expressions of art by POCs and LGBTQ+ communi- ties. She presented on the POC Zine Project and its mis- sion to find, distrib- ute, and share zines by POCs. Komaromi dis- cussed the “Project for the Study of Dissi- dence and Samizdat” in relation to teaching and learning at the University of Toronto. This project includes the database of Soviet samizdat periodicals, electronic editions of selected samizdat journals, and other dissent materials. Yoffe discussed his formative years in the Soviet Union (Riga, Latvia). As a countercul- ture activist and librarian, Yoffe formed link- ages with artists, student groups, and social groups outside of dominant Soviet culture. He published the first known Soviet rock zine, Bez Zhmogas, in 1977. He acknowl- edged the role of countercultures in preserv- ing freedom of expression in art, music, and literature.—Joe Lenkart, lenkart@illinois.edu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign We’re all in it together Moderated by Chris Davidson (Northwest- ern University), the Library Marketing and Outreach Interest Group and University Library Section Academic Outreach Com- mittee cosponsored panel, “We’re All in it Together: Focusing Outreach and Assess- ment to Your Institution’s Strategic Goals,” focused on aligning outreach efforts to in- stitutional goals and assessing activities and events in more meaningful ways. Jason Kruse and Amy Wainwright showed that librarians don’t need to overthink when it comes to connecting programming to library or university goals. For example, Kruse and his team initially struggled to support the Northwestern University Libraries’ digital citizenship initiative because there were too many elements,1 but by focusing on just a few components, they were able to create successful events and partner- ships. When John Carroll University adopted new learning goals, Wainwright took inventory of the library’s current events using Google Forms. By assigning a learning goal to each event, she was able to quickly determine which institutional goals needed more support. While headcounts and surveys can be helpful assessment tools, Kristen Mastel (University of Minnesota) and John Jackson shared other ways to collect feedback. For example, vox pops involve recording par- ticipants’ thoughts or feelings on audio or video. Jackson shared that at Loyola Mary- mount University, the library hires student assistants to work as event correspondents. The students interview attendees and write short summaries about the event, which are also used for promotional purposes. Mastel “Were all in it together” moderator and panelists (left to right): Kristen Mastel, Chris Davidson (moderator), Amy Wainwright, Jason Kruse, and John Jackson. mailto:lenkart%40illinois.edu?subject= C&RL News September 2018 450 also emphasized that librarians should take a multipronged approach when it comes to assessing outreach activities.—Lindsay Davis, University of California-Merced, ldavis23@ ucmerced.edu Note 1. Mike Ribble, “Nine Elements,” Digital Citizenship, accessed July 20, 2018, www. digitalcitizenship.net/nine-elements.html. Strategies for developing your ideas into a publication The Publications Coordinating Committee sponsored “Share Your Work: Strategies for Developing Your Ideas into a Publication,” a panel session moderated by Cassandra Kve- nild (University of Wyoming) that answered audience questions about how to get pub- lished. In response to questions about select- ing a publishing outlet for an idea, panelist Richard Saunders (Southern Utah University) stressed the importance of reading journals to get a sense of what kinds of articles they publish and how those articles are written. David Free (ACRL) agreed, and added that it is a good idea to see if a journal has already covered a topic. Panelists suggested looking to association publications for opportuni- ties, such as College & Research Libraries for ACRL members or Knowledge Quest for AASL members. In response to questions about book publishing, panelist Erin Nevius (ACRL) urged audience members to reach out directly to an editor in order to get feedback and input before crafting a detailed proposal. Nevius and Free confirmed that editors enjoy com- municating with potential authors, and that most editors want to say “yes.” Free encour- aged aspiring authors to “Be bold. Reach out with your ideas.” Panelist Kristen Totleben (University of Rochester) stressed the importance of good communication and building relationships when working with editors and authors. The panel agreed, noting that frequent and open communication goes a long way when dealing with sticky issues like deadlines, revisions, special requests, and other unex- pected hurdles. When asked what to do if an article or proposal is rejected, all of the panelists said, “Don’t give up. Try again with another venue or a revised proposal.” Editors on the panel noted that they try to provide information with a rejection so that authors are directed to a dif- ferent publication outlet or to a new approach for their topic.—Cassandra Kvenild, University of Wyoming Libraries, ckvenild@uwyo.edu Library residency road map The ACRL Residency Interest Group spon- sored “Library Residency Road Map,” a pan- el session moderated by Madison Sullivan (business research and instruction librarian, University of Washington) that presented four perspectives on what it takes to make a library residency successful for both the resident and the institution. Phylissa Mitchell (inclusion, diversity, and equity director, University of Virginia [UV] Library) shared her experiences and tips for advertising UV’s residency, such as attend- ing several library conferences to market the residency and incorporating librarians. When creating a residency, staff buy-in and support are critical to success. Securing fund- ing—whether it comes from campus or the library—knowing if is it one-time support or continuous, and knowing how many residents your institution is fiscally able to support are all of vital importance when building a residency program. Sheila Garcia (resident librarian, Univer- sity of Michigan) provided insight on being a current resident and shared that the residency was created to aid in diversifying the profes- sion and to recruit and retain early-career librarians. Residents get experience with goal setting, project planning, and management, and are encouraged to pursue opportunities that are within their interest areas. Jeff Witt (diversity and inclusion special- ist, University of Michigan) noted that the style of your residency is dependent on the reason for creating the residency, but also mailto:ldavis23%40ucmerced.edu?subject= mailto:ldavis23%40ucmerced.edu?subject= http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/nine-elements.html http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/nine-elements.html mailto:ckvenild%40uwyo.edu?subject= September 2018 451 C&RL News that tailoring it to the needs of the library, campus, and community is essential. It is also important to take into consideration the level of effort and involvement necessary from different constituents to make sure that the residents are well supported and will be able to flourish. Twanna Hodge (reference and liaison services librarian, SUNY Upstate Medical University) emphasized the need for institu- tions to do their research from the creation, implementation, and assessment of the resi- dency. She also covered the necessity for a thorough onboarding/orientation process and for clarity regarding the purpose and rationale of the residency. The presentation handout and slides can be found online at https://drive.google. com/open?id=1k-ZryOw7L11V0Dmn1f _nCCPALaMl4kkO.—Twanna Hodge, SUNY Upstate Medical University, tkhodge20 @gmail.com. Librarians are a force for science The Science and Technology Section spon- sored “Librarians are a Force for Science: Science Communication and Science Lit- eracy,” a panel session that explored how librarians work with scientists and science communicators to further science literacy. The panel was moderated by Aimee Sgourakis (science liaison librarian at Uni- versity of Pittsburgh and the ACRL liaison to the March for Science). Alison Ricker (head of the Science Library at Oberlin College) shared her numerous strategies for connecting popular science topics and events to library collections and programming. Some of Ricker’s top recom- mendations: create a frequently updated Popular Science Reading display in your library, showcase those Very Short Introduc- tions on science topics, and consider joining groups like the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Craig McClain (executive director, Louisi- ana Universities Marine Consortium) talked about his goals for science communication. He advocated for more open science, better outreach and communication, and increased advocacy for and dissemination of quality in- formation. He said, “Be passionate—science is not a cold place, it’s an amazing place, and we need to convey that passion to the pub- lic.” He encouraged us all to become “nerds of trust” on social media—to talk to friends and family about science and bring in good information where we see misinformation happening. Lauren Young (web producer and science journalist, Science Friday at NPR) emphasized the importance of meeting people where they are to explore science, whether that’s on the radio, on the Science Friday website, or on social media. She talked about the importance of working in multiple mediums and hosting live events. Themes from the Q&A included priori- tizing outreach in the academic researcher evaluation process, communicating the un- certainty and gray areas of scientific research, and developing strategies for reaching out across debates regarding hot button scien- tific issues.—Nicole Helregel, University of California-Irvine, helregel@uci.edu Making the case for diversity The ACRL University Libraries Section and Diversity Committee cosponsored a pro- gram, “Making the case for diversity: Grass- roots leadership as a catalyst for change,” that brought librarians together who have taken a grassroots leadership role in driv- ing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives at their institutions. Highlights of the program included the perspective from Toni Anaya (University of Nebraska) that there is a resurgence of grassroots efforts to address diversity, including initiatives such as diversity committees and staff-led groups. She found as she created the ARL’s SPEC Kit 356: Diversity and Inclusion (https://pub- lications.arl.org/Diversity-Inclusion-SPEC- Kit-356) that 50% of libraries surveyed have funding for diversity programming. (continues on page 464) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k-ZryOw7L11V0Dmn1f_nCCPALaMl4kkO https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k-ZryOw7L11V0Dmn1f_nCCPALaMl4kkO https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k-ZryOw7L11V0Dmn1f_nCCPALaMl4kkO mailto:tkhodge20%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:tkhodge20%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:helregel%40uci.edu?subject= https://publications.arl.org/Diversity-Inclusion-SPEC-Kit-356 https://publications.arl.org/Diversity-Inclusion-SPEC-Kit-356 https://publications.arl.org/Diversity-Inclusion-SPEC-Kit-356 C&RL News September 2018 464 Stephanie Rosen (University of Michigan) discussed that in her role as an accessibility specialist, she is involved with education for staff, takes a leadership role in order to make accessibility more systematic, and is an ad- vocate in many different ways in the library, including negotiations with vendors. She has learned to recognize that sometimes what seems like a smaller problem is evidence of a larger systemic issue. Jennifer Chan (University of California) shared some details of the work of the UCLA Library Diversity Committee, their commit- tees are made up of librarians, library staff, and students, and a few outcomes of their programming have been Contact Zone: UCLA Activists-in-in-Residence (www.library. ucla.edu/events/contact-zone-ucla-activists -residence), EO 9066: American Concentra- tion Camps (www.library.ucla.edu/events /eo-9066-american-concentration-camps) ex- hibit, and sponsorship of the Pushing the Mar- gins Symposium (http://pushingthemargins. com/symposium). Finally, Jon Cawthorne (Wayne State Uni- versity) shared his perspective as a creator and driver of the ACRL Diversity Alliance (www.ala.org/acrl/issues/diversityalliance). He noted their progress in building a cohort through a variety of channels (there are cur- rently 38 participating institutions). For a copy of the presentation, contact information for presenters, and a list of additional EDI resources, visit http://bit.ly /ALAdiversity.—Amanda Peters, University of Michigan, alexriv@umich.edu (“Conference Circuit” continues from page 451) the documentary series include former St. Louis Cardinal Curt Flood, Olympic medal- ist Wilma Rudolph and football player and film star Jim Brown. Covering sports from the early years of the 20th century through the 1980s, the inter- views shed light on a range of significant topics, including Ne- gro League baseball; treatment of African American athletes be- fore and during deseg- regation; international competitions, such as the Olympic Games; and many other note- worthy subjects. An Emmy Award win- ner and Academy Award nominee, Miles (1931–2013) was an accomplished African American documentary filmmaker whose films focused on the cultural experiences and achievements of African Americans in such diverse realms as the military, the space program, sports, and New York neighbor- hood life. His works include “I Remember Harlem” (1981), a com- prehensive look at the New York borough’s diverse history; “Men of Bronze” (1977), the definitive story of the black Ameri- can soldiers in World War I known as the “Harlem Hellfighters”; and many others. The WUSTL acquired the William Miles Collec- tion in 2005 from the filmmaker. Materials in the collection include interviews, stock footage, manuscripts, cor- respondence, and photographs. Washington University Libraries’ Film and Me- dia Archive will digitize the “Black Champions” documentary with the help of an NHPRC grant. http://www.library.ucla.edu/events/contact-zone-ucla-activists-residence http://www.library.ucla.edu/events/contact-zone-ucla-activists-residence http://www.library.ucla.edu/events/contact-zone-ucla-activists-residence http://www.library.ucla.edu/events/eo-9066-american-concentration-camps http://www.library.ucla.edu/events/eo-9066-american-concentration-camps http://pushingthemargins.com/symposium http://pushingthemargins.com/symposium http://www.ala.org/acrl/issues/diversityalliance http://bit.ly/ALAdiversity http://bit.ly/ALAdiversity mailto:%20alexriv%40umich.edu?subject=