ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 198 / C&RL News ■ April 2004 I N T E R N E T R E S O U R C E S Book arts on the Web An introduction to selected resources by Cyn th ia L. G re g o ry I n today’s Internet-driven world, handmade books might seem like things o f the past. For book arts enthusiasts, however, the fine art o f the book, in all its evolving forms from scroll to sculp­ tural artist’s b ook, is alive and kicking. In fact, within the last decade, interest in workshops, pro­ grams, and societies dedicated to promoting book arts has increased worldwide. Not surprising then is b ook arts’ ever-growing presence on the Web. In the digital age, the once solitary book artist can now connect to a worldwide online community o f artists and ideas. So what exactly is b o o k arts? Ask this to any group o f artists or b ookm akers and it is likely n o tw o answ ers w ill b e th e sam e. In th e art world, there has b een ongoing discussion about w hat d efin e s a b o o k .1 F o r p u rp o se s o f this Webliography, b o o k arts is “an all-encompass­ ing term used to describe bookbinding, paper making, paper marbling, calligraphy, letterpress printing,” as well as artists’ books, altered books, and mail art.2 T h e resou rces collected in this gu id e high ligh t a s e le c tio n o f b o o k arts re ­ sources available online. S t a r t in g p o in t s • Book Arts Web. This comprehensive site should b e on any b o o k arts enthusiast’s list. Its large collection o f annotated links and reference information covers topics such as binding tutori­ als, educational opportunities, b ook arts organi­ zations, exhibitions, reference, and FAQs. The site is also the hom e o f the BOOKARTS-L electronic list. A ccess: A s s o c ia t io n s a n d o r g a n iz a t io n s • Bay Area B ook Artists (BABA). BABA’s Web site includes m em bership information, a schedule o f meetings, an annotated listing o f Web links, and exhibits and workshop list­ ings. In addition, the “Gallery” sec ­ tion provides color im ages o f m em ­ bers’ work. BABA, along with Foothill College, also sponsors the annual “Book Arts Jam .” Access: • Booklyn Artists Alliance. In addition to information about the organization, the Booklyn site includes an artists section with images and descriptions o f work, information about their edu­ cational outreach programs, and exhibition and publishing inform ation useful to b o o k artists. Booklyn also provides collection development consulting services to libraries and museums in­ A b o u t th e a u th o r Cynthia L. Gregory is a reference librarian an d head o f electronic resources a t College o f M ount St. Joseph Library in Cincinnati, e-mail: © 2004 Cynthia L. Gregory http://www.bayareabookartists.oig/ C&RL News ■ A p ril 2004 / 199 terested in developing b o o k arts collections. A ccess: • Canadian Bookbinders & Book Artists Guild (CBBAG). Founded in 1983, CBBAG is a nonprofit organization with approximately 500 members worldwide. Its Web site includes infor­ mation about CBBAG, workshop and exhibition opportunities, publications, a bulletin board, and links. The “Publications” section includes infor­ mation about the group’s newsletter as well as an index to the first ten years o f the publication and precises from 1984 to 2000. A ccess: http:// • Center for the Book Arts, New York City. Founded in 1974 by book artist Richard Minsky, the Center for the Book Arts is a nonprofit organi­ zation “dedicated to preserving the traditional crafts o f bookm aking, as well as exploring and encouraging contemporary interpretations o f the book as an art object.” The Web site offers infor­ m ation about the organization’s artist-in-resi­ dence program and chapbook competition, as well as center news and events, membership in­ formation, exhibition archives and publications, listings o f over 100 workshop opportunities, and additional b o o k arts links. A ccess: http://www. • Fine Press Book Association. Founded in 1996, this UK-based association focuses on fine printing and books. The organization produces a journal, P aren thesis, twice a year, and while no full text is offered on the Web site, the tables of contents for recent issues are available. The site includes membership information and upcom­ ing events. Access: http://www.the-old-school. • The Guild o f Book Workers (GBW). The G BW is the “National Organization for all the Book Arts” and maintains many regional chapters in the United States. The guild’s Web site is rich with information about guild member services, history o f the organization, regional chapter list­ ings, news, exhibits (including photos of mem­ bers’ work), and reference resources. Addition­ ally, the site offers the GBW electronic list and More on book arts An expanded version o f this article can be found on the ACRL Web site at c&rlnews. information about the “GBW Newsletter,” lend­ ing library, and Guild Publications. Full text of the GBW Newsletter for most issues from 1994 to 2003 is available in either HTML or PDF for­ mats. The site also offers a searchable listing of book arts workshops and instruction opportuni­ ties w orldw ide. A ccess: http://palim psest. • Miniature Book Society (MBS). This in­ ternational nonprofit organization’s informative Web site provides brief background information on miniature books and offers articles, miniature book publishers and dealers’ listings, MBS mem­ bership information, and details about the annual Miniature Book Conclave. Access: http://www. S c h o o ls , p r o g ra m s , a n d w o rk s h o p s In addition to the following schools, many orga­ nizations (listed above) offer book arts educational outreach and workshop opportunities for mem­ bers. • American Academy o f Bookbinding/lhe academy’s Web site provides program details, ad­ missions procedures, course listings and descrip­ tions, diploma and credit requirements, and biog­ raphies and photos of instructors. Access: http:// • Columbia College Chicago C enter for Book and Paper Arts. This Web site offers in­ formation about the center’s noncredit and gradu­ ate credit classes, MFA in Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts program, application process, events, studio space opportunities, and Web links on related topics. Access: centers/bpa/home.html. • W om en’s Studio W orkshop (WSW). WSW offers grants and resid ency opportuni­ ties for artists working in printmaking, paper­ making, book arts, photography, and ceram­ ics. The site provides WSWs history and mission statement, information about its Summer Arts Institute, internship opportunities, studios and facilities, exhibitions, “Art-In-Education” pro­ gram, news, and how to b eco m e a member. WSW is also a large printer o f artists’ books, and its site in clu d es a digital arch iv e o f b o o k s published. The archive provides c o lo r http://www http://www.the-old-school http://palimpsest http://www 200 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2004 searches by keyword, author, title, holdings, printing p rocess, and date. A ccess: http:// w w w .w sw A r t is t s ' b o o k s a n d o n lin e e x h ib it s • Artists’ Books Information Resource. Jae Jennifer Rossman, special collections librarian at Yale University Library, has organized this highly informative site that investigates “presenting a more complete understanding o f the term artists’ books.” Rossman explores the definition o f “art­ ists’ books,” provides history and development of them, lists physical collections throughout the United States, offers links to online group and individual artists exhibits, and provides informa­ tion about artists’ “Web b o o k s.” A ccess: http:// www. library .yale. edu/~jwilliam/artistsbooks/ index.html. • Colophon Page. This site is “a home on the Internet for the community o f collectors, dealers, creators, and lovers o f the fine publish­ in g a r t s . ” A m o n g its m a n y f e a ­ tures is a gallery o f online exhibit space for book artists. The Colophon’s Forum encourages discus­ sion among those interested in any aspect of book arts. A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w .co lop h o n .co m / toc.htm l. • Personal Visions: Artists’ Books at the Millennium. This site represents the online ex­ hibition of artists’ books from an exhibition that was on view from January 15-June 9, 2002, at the University o f Delaware’s Special Collections De­ partment. Iris R. Snyder curated this exhibit, which features books from the university’s artists’ books collection and focuses on pieces created between 1995 and 2001. Also available is an exhibition checklist and an exploration of “What are Artists’ Books?” Included are photos o f the bookworks and a text-only version. A ccess: http://www. l ib .u d e index.htm. • Science and the Artist’s Book. This site is an online companion to an exhibition held by Smithsonian Institution Libraries and the Wash­ ington Project for the Arts. The site offers a dis­ cussion of “What is an Artist’s Book?,” an exhibi­ tion checklist, and numerous JPEG and GIF im­ ages of the “bookworks.” Areas of science ex­ plored include: aeronautics, architecture, as­ tronomy, biology, mathematics, medicine, and tech n o log y . A ccess: Exhibitions/Science-and-the-Artists-Book/. P a p e r a rts • Handpaperm aking, Inc. This nonprofit organization’s well-organized site offers informa­ tion about its history and details the organization’s magazine, H andP apermaking. While articles are not available online, the site does provide summaries of back, current, and upcoming issues. Additionally, the site offers a newsletter that gives general infor­ mation and articles about papermaking for begin­ ners. Access: • Redstick’s Paper Arts. This site is rich with tutorials, technique tips, and instructions on a variety o f paper arts topics. A ccess: http:// htm. L e tt e rp r e s s p r in t in g • American Printing History Association (APHA). The APHA formed in 1974 “to encour­ age the study of printing history and its related arts and skills.” Its Web site offers selected articles (in PDF) from the association’s journal, Printing History, as well as an ar­ ticle table o f contents and an author/subject index. Also found here are listings o f regional chapters, the APHA’s background and history, and in fo rm a tio n on sponsored events and programs, such as the an­ nual APHA conference or Lieberman lecture se­ ries. A ccess: • B riar Press: Resources fo r Letterpress Printers and Enthusiasts. Briar Press offers a wealth o f detailed printing information for the novice and the expert. The “Museum” section discusses types of printers and printing history, including the “Eleven Presses that Made His­ tory.” Visitors to this site will also find classifieds related to printing equipment, a directory o f over 500 letterpress services and organizations, an in­ dex o f downloadable ornamental designs and capital letters, and an illustrated glossary o f print­ ing terms. A ccess: briarpress/. J o u rn a ls / n e w s le tte rs • Binder’s Guild Newsletter. Established in 1978 by Jim Dorsey, this “journal of hand book­ binding practice” is issued eight times yearly and http://www http://www.handpapermaking.oig/ C&RL News ■ A p ril 2004 / 201 c o v e rs to p ic s r e la te d to b o o k b in d in g . T h e W eb site in clu d es su b scrip tio n in form ation . A lso lis te d a re b a c k is s u e s (fro m 1 9 7 8 - 0 1 ) a v a i l a b l e f o r p u r c h a s e . A ccess : http:// • Dog E ared M agazine: A J o u r n a l o f Book Arts. This magazine’s site provides a helpful online resource guide o f fur­ ther inform a­ tion and Web links for ea ch published issue. Although the full text of articles is not available online, the site does feature listings o f article topics, tables o f contents for issues, and b ack issue and sub­ scrip tion inform ation. A ccess: http://www. • L etter Arts Review. This publication is a magazine for calligraphers and letter artists. Its W eb site does not offer full text o f articles. How­ ever, the site d oes offer a cumulative article in­ dex, summaries and images from current issues, subscription information, and details for order­ ing b a c k issues. In addition, the site features m any colo r p hotos o f calligraphy in its “Pic o f th e W e e k ” s e c tio n . A ccess : http://w w w . /lar/index.htm . • The Microbibliophile. This journal “fea­ tures articles about miniature books new and old, reviews o f newly published miniature books, as well as announcem ents about events relating to the w orld o f the little b o o k .” T he journal’s Web site does not provide full text o f articles, but does offer con tact and subscription information. A c­ cess: • Um brella. T h e articles in this publication focus on news about and reviews of artists’ books. T h e com p an io n W eb site to the journal offers archived articles in Adobe PDF format available from 1997 to 2001. More recen t articles from 2 0 0 2 -0 3 are available selectively. A ccess: http:// E le c t r o n ic lis t s / d is c u s s io n g r o u p s • BOOKARTS-L. Sponsored by the B ook Arts Web, this discussion group focuses on all book arts topics. To join this group, send the message “sub­ s c rib e B o o k _ A rts-L Y o u r REAL N am e” to listserv@ D etails available at: • Cyberscribes: The Prem ier Internet Cal­ lig rap h y D iscussion G roup. A round sin ce 1995, this electronic list concentrates o n callig­ raphy-related topics. The list’s Web site includes a history o f the list and instructions o n h o w to jo in . A ccess: http :/ / w w w .callig rap h .co m / cyberscribes/. • GBW Listserv. This list is sponsored by the Guild o f Bookworkers (GBW) and is open to GBW members only. An FAQ, archives, and instructions for joining are available at: http://palimpsest. • LETPRESS. This group discusses issues re­ lated to letterpress printers and printing. To join this group, fill out th e su b scrip tio n fo rm at http ://hermes.c s d .u n b . ca/bin/wa?SUBED 1= letpress& A =l. • Y ah o o ! Groups— B o o k A rts. Yahoo! Groups presents a diverse group o f approximately 85 b o o k arts d iscu ssion groups ranging from “alteredbooks” to “PPLetterpress.” Each group’s listing provides a summary and rules and instruc­ tion s fo r jo in in g . A ccess: http://dir.groups. y a h o o .c o m / d ir/ E n te rta in m e n t_ A rts / F in e _ Arts/Design_Arts/Book_Arts. N o tes 1. See the follow ing discu ssions from the Book_Arts-L discu ssion list: “D efinition o f the Artist’s Book; What is a Book; BSO’s (Book Shaped O b je cts); Art vs. Craft” at w w w .p h ilob ib lo n . com /w hatisabook.htm and “T h e W hatness o f Bookness, or What is a Book” at www.philobiblon. com/bookness.htm. 2. Alisa Golden, C reatin g H a n d m a d e B ooks (N ew York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1998), ( “Cookery academ ia" continued rf o mp a g e 197) O f course, it w as to Cornell’s benefit that he didn’t know too much; after all, all those Jello-O pamphlets w e got might have ended up at som e­ place like University o f Pennsylvania instead. N o tes 1. S e e w w w .iacp fo u n d atio n .co m / d o cs/ culdir.pdf for the IACP document “T he Selective Guide to Culinary Library Collections in the United States.” 2. S e e d ig ital.lib.m su .ed u/cookbooks for MSU’s “Feeding America: The Historic American C ookbook Project.” ■ http://www http://www http://palimpsest http://dir.groups http://www.philobiblon http://www.philobiblon