ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 220 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2004 STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES A guideline for the screening and appointment of academic librarians using a search committee The final version by th e Co m m ittee on th e Status o f A cad e m ic Lib rarian s I. P e r so n n e l o ffic e r The role o f the personnel officer, if there is one, is to administer the search for the search committee. The personnel officer may serve as a regular or ex-offlcio member of all search committees. II. F o r m a tio n o f s e a rc h c o m m it te e s The primary goal in the formation of a search com­ mittee, elected or appointed, should be to create a body representative of the constituencies affected by the position. Persons accepting appointment to the committee disqualify themselves as candidates for the position. The administrator to whom the committee re­ ports should give the following written information at the first meeting: 1. approximate date for submission o f a list of nominees and proposed date of appointment; 2. number of finalists to be recommended; 3. affirmative action/equal opportunity require­ ments; 4. arrangements for payments, reimbursements, and clerical assistance; 5. standards for documenting committee actions and preserving those records; 6. importance of confidentiality and discretion; 7. concerns specific to the position; and 8. copy of the position description. III. D e ve lopm en t and use o f the p osition d escriptio n or p osition announcement At the outset o f the search, the supervisor of the position should write (or approve) a position de­ scription with equal opportunity and affirmative ac­ tion considerations in mind. The description should serve as the standard against which the candidates are judged. It should list the responsibilities of the po­ sition in detail and describe the education, experi­ ence, and competencies that are required, preferred, and desired of candidates. IV. P o stin g the p osition The library should advertise the position within the campus community and in appropriate regional and national publications, taking care to notify all poten­ tial groups of candidates protected by equal oppor­ tunity/affirmative action legislation. The advertise­ ment should include a brief description o f the re­ sponsibilities, qualifications, salary, and other ben­ efits. It should also specify the date the position is available, application deadline, name of the person to whom to submit applications, and a list of items each candidate must submit. The library should ad­ vertise in print publications, on electronic discus­ sion lists, and on the Web; it may consider using placement centers. V. References The search committee should solicit references only for qualified candidates under active consideration and from the list supplied by the candidate. The search committee may only contact additional referees with a candidate’s permission. The search committee must hold all references in strict confidence and should advise each referee what information will be made available to the candidate in accordance with local practice. Each candidate should list only referees who can provide substantive information about his or her professional qualifications and should also list an ad­ ministrator in the direct reporting line. VI. Selection, in terview , and ad m in istrative procedures A Selectionprocedures Each committee should screen and evaluate ap­ C&RL News • A p ril 2 0 0 4 / 221 plicants according to library and institution-wide poli­ cies. All applications will undergo an initial screening for compliance with the qualifications and requirements stated in the position description. Unqualified candidates will not receive further consideration. Fair, objective, and consistent procedures should be used to narrow the field of candidates to the desired number of finalists, whom the committee will invite for interviews. The search committee should be aware of institutional guidelines and all applicable laws when developing questions to ask the candidates selected for interviews. B. In terv iew p roced u res The committee and the appropriate administra­ tive officer shall determine the interview agenda. All parties should adhere to this schedule in the interest of time and fairness. Candidates invited for an interview should re­ ceive a copy of the interview schedule and informa­ tion about the library and its parent organization in advance of the interview. Such information could include guides to the library, promotion and tenure guidelines, organizational charts, and by-laws. The expenses of travel, meals, and lodging for the candidates should be borne by the inviting in­ stitution whether the interviews are held on or off campus. When this is not the practice, the candi­ date should be so apprised when an invitation is issued. ( “ACRL h on o rs… ” c ont i nue d fr o m p a g e 2 1 9 ) chosen to receive the CJCLS/EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Program Achievement Award for the developm ent o f P roject LEAD (Librarians Entering A new Dimension). Both in­ stitutions are part o f the North Harris Montgom­ ery Community College District. “Through the development o f Project LEAD, Dr. Peyton and Ms. Beers have created an impres­ sive program o f professional development for li­ brarians and library paraprofessionals,” said Asch. “The committee was particularly impressed with the outreach to paraprofessionals, the emphasis on current topics such as distance learning, and the depth o f content.” A citation and $500, donated by EBSCO In­ formation Services, will b e presented to each re­ cipient during the ALA Annual Conference at the CJCLS Membership Meeting, Saturday, Ju n e 26, 2004, at 8 :30 a.m. Z a p o r o z h e t z n a m e d EB S S D is t in g u is h e d L ib ra ria n Laurene E. Zaporozhetz, dean o f university li­ braries at Murray State University, has b een cho­ If a presentation is required o f the candi­ dates, that requirement should be clearly com­ municated to each candidate when the interview is first scheduled. C. A dm inistrative p ro ced u res The responsible administrator should instruct the com m ittee chairperson in the prompt and accurate completion o f all search-related reports. Sensitive files relating to the search should be treated in accordance with laws, regulations, and local practices. VII. Co m m un icatio ns w ith candidates A. Su ccessfu l ca n d id a te Only the proper administrator should con ­ tact the successful candidate after the interview. The initial notification of selection may be oral, but the official offer should b e in writing and should include the specific terms o f em ploy­ ment. B. U nsuccessful can d id ates A letter should be sent to all unsuccessful appli­ cants thanking them for their interest and indicating that the search has concluded. Special acknowledge­ ment should be accorded all interviewees. C. M iscellan eou s All active candidates should be notified if the d ecision is m ade to clo se or extend the s e a r c h . ■ sen to receive the 2004 ACRL/EBSS Distin­ guished Education and Behavioral Sciences Li­ brarian Award. “T o quote from a nom ination letter, ‘Dr. Zaporozhetz has contributed to the education and behavioral sciences in ser­ vice to the profession (b o th librarianship and education) by developing and teaching courses, by completing research with p u b lic a tio n s in b o th librarianship and educa­ tion, by being active in ac­ creditation (both SACS and NCATE), and in serv­ La u re n e Z a p o ro z h e tz ing in positions with in­ creasing administrative responsibility within librar­ ies and always remembering that an importance role o f a library is to edu cate,’” said committee chair Charles Thurston. A prize o f $1,000 and a plaque, donated by Jo h n Wiley & Sons, Inc., will be presented to Zaporozhetz during the ALA Annual Conference at the EBSS Program, Saturday, June 26, at 1:30 p.m. ■