ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ A p ril 2004 / 223 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg R u tg e rs' In stitu te Rutgers University School o f Communication, In­ formation and Library Studies is again offering its yearlong Preservation Management Institute for part-time preservation professionals. The institute consists o f three separate weeks o f classes held at Rutgers in New Jersey, plus extensive homework assignments to b e completed during the months betw een classes. The first w eek o f classes will be held from O ctober 2 5-29, 2004, the second from April 11-15, 2005, and the third from September 1 9 -2 3 , 2005. Participants will learn about environmental monitoring and mitigation; pest control; surveying; microfilming; preserving photographic materials; care, handling and conservation of collections; cre­ ating safe exhibits; selecting for preservation, bind­ ing, holdings maintenance, emergency preparedness and recovery; digitization; policy writing; planning; resource allocation; funding; and grantwriting. Evelyn Frangakis o f the New York Public Library will be the primary instructor, assisted by guest speak­ ers, including William Lull o f Garrison/Lull, Inc., Anne Kenney o f Cornell University, and Christine Ward o f the New York State Archives. Registration is limited to approximately 20 par­ ticipants and costs $4,075 (fee does not include travel or accommodations). Scholarships, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the New Jersey Historical Commission, are avail­ able. For more information contact Karen Novik, SCILS, Rutgers University 4 Huntington St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071; phone: (732) 932-7169; fax: (7 3 2 ) 9 3 2 -9 3 1 4 ; e-m ail: k n ovick @ scils.; URL: C o n se rv a tio n w o rk s h o p T he American Institute for Conservation o f His­ toric and Artistic Works and the W ilson Library Collections at the University o f North Carolina- Chapel Hill (UNCCH) are offering a three-and-a- half-day master studies workshop for midcareer conservators, Values and Decision-Making in Spe­ cial Collections Conservation, from July 29-August 1 , 2004, at the Chapel Hill campus. It will examine the relationship b etw een theory and practice o f conservation decision-making, using precourse read­ ings, slide lectures, case studies, hands-on exercises, and group discussion. Jan Paris, conservator for spe­ cial collections at UNCCH, and D aniel Traister, curator o f research services at the Annenberg Rare B ook and Manuscript Library at the University o f Pennsylvania, will b e the instructors. Registration is limited to 11 participants and costs $300 for AIC members or $350 for nonmem­ bers (fee does not include travel, accommodations or meals). For m ore information, contact, Eric Pourchot, AIC, 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20006; phone: (202) 452-9545, ext. 12; fax: (202) 452-9328; e-mail: epourchot@; URL: L C C D te s t in g A report about the first phase o f the Library o f Congress’ CD testing, Longevity o f C D M edia, is avail­ able online. The investigation concerns CD-ROM (mostly audio), CD-R and RW media, not DVDs. The goal of the research is to better understand CD stability and failure in order to protect existing col­ lections, to develop parameters for determining when backup or migration will becom e necessary, and to identify the most stable CDs for future use. T h e URL fo r th e r e p o r t ( in P D F ) is w w w .loc.g ov/ p reserv/stud y% 20of% 20C D % 201ongevity.pdf. S o u n d S a v in g s p a p e rs o n lin e Many o f the papers delivered at Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections are n ow available online. Sound Savings, a symposium intended to move the field o f audio preservation forward, was held from Ju ly 2 4 -2 6 , 2003, at the University o f Texas-Austin. Online versions o f the presentations include “Review o f Audio Collection Preservation Trends and Challenges” by Sam Brylawski o f the Library o f Congress, “Surveying Sound Recording Collections” by Hannah Frost o f Stanford Univer­ sity, “The Library o f Congress Digital Audio Preser­ vation Prototyping Project” by Carl Fleischhauer o f the Library o f Congress, and “Copyright Law and Audio Preservation” by Georgia Harper o f the University o f Texas. T h e URL for the papers is p reserv/soun d_savin gs_proceed ings/in dex. html. ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer at Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617) 4 96-8344