C&RL News February 2019 82 While many library researchers and practitioners, especially those who are interested in international collaboration, have sought to find ways to engage with the North Korean library system, it has not been fruitful due to the dearth of informa- tion as well as political restrictions. The re- cent détente in the Korean peninsula raises hope that we may now have unprecedented opportunities to learn and understand the country since the Korean War ended in 1953. Obtaining any information on North Korea is still difficult. We need to depend on the information released by the North Korean government and personal records of visitors in various forms. Confirming and validating any research results on the country remains extremely challenging, and this leads to the lack of meaningful scholarly discussion and literature on libraries in North Korea. This article presents my personal experi- ence with North Korean libraries. I visited North Korea several times to study its library system and also to help a local university develop its print and electronic collection. Although still lacking details, this article hopefully provides some insights into the role and state of North Korean libraries, especially with a focus on academic libraries. Digital library at Kim Chaek University of Technology The opening of the digital library at Kim Chaek University of Technology (KCUT) in 2006 is perhaps the most significant academic collaboration between the Unit- ed States and North Korea. A group of computer scientists at Syracuse Univer- sity helped open the country’s first digital library through the use of open source software. This was widely publicized by the North Korean government, and led to the creation of digital libraries at other universities as well as provinces and cities in subsequent years. According to its website, KCUT has a total of 16 departments and 11 institutes in various engineering programs, such as electrical, mechanical, industrial, ship- building, and material sciences.1 The digital library (called “E-Library”) at KCUT offers more than 30,000 volumes in its print collection and 12 reading rooms for electronic content materials. In its 16,500 square meter building, the library also offers 11 additional reading rooms, and five reading and browsing halls. Often seen and promoted as a major landmark Yoo-Seong Song is Korean Studies and Economics librarian at the University of I llinois at Urbana- C h a m p a i g n , e m a i l : y o o s o n g @ i l l i n o i s . e d u Contact series editors Clara M. Chu, email: cmchu@ illinois.edu, and Jaya Raju, email: jaya.raju@uct.ac.za, with article ideas. © 2019 Yoo-Seong Song Yoo-Seong Song A glimpse into academic and research libraries in North Korea Collaboration to bridge societies international insights mailto:yoosong%40illinois.edu?subject= mailto:cmchu%40illinois.edu?subject= mailto:cmchu%40illinois.edu?subject= mailto:jaya.raju%40uct.ac.za?subject= February 2019 83 C&RL News for KCUT, the digital library holds its sig- nificance as the first major digital library in North Korea, as well as the first major academic collaboration between universi- ties in the United States and North Korea. I visited the university and had the opportunity to explore its library system. The most notable feature of its system was its online lecture database. Lectures were video-recorded and stored in the library s e r v e r ; s t u - d e n t s c o u l d e a s i l y f i n d recorded lec- tures catego- rized by the title, course number, and instructor of t h e c o u r s e . The library of- fered media space where s t u d e n t s could watch lectures with headsets. In 2010, KCUT started its online distance education program, which not only provided teaching materials, but also educational resources to those residing in other provinces. Online lecture materials managed by the library thus must play a significant role in offering distance educa- tion in the country. Digital Library at Kim Il Sung University Established in 1946, Kim Il Sung Univer- sity (KISU) is the first university built in North Korea, and is widely known as the country’s flagship university. Inter- estingly, the digital library at KISU was completed with the assistance of South Korea in 2007. As a part of cultural collab- orative programs between the North and the South, this modernization of KISU’s library system began in 2005 and ended in 2007. According to the agreement, a consortium of South Korean universities and institutes provided technologies and expertise needed to construct a digital li- brary; the counterpart in North Korea, on the other hand, offered the bibliographic information database of North Korean publications to the South Korean consor- tium. The North Korean counterpart also agreed to provide some scholarly publica- tions to South Korea. This collaborative project contributed to upgrading KISU’s library sys- tem with a library auto- mation sys- tem and start- ing digital library pro- grams based on the Web i n t e r f a c e . Unfortunate- ly, the pro- gram could not continue due to the sudden dete- rioration of the relationship between the North and South.2 Similar to KCUT’s digital library, KISU’s library boasts not only its large volume of print collection, but its fa- cilities for lectures, conferences, and multimedia rooms. KISU uses the digital library to host international conferences and seminars; students utilize the digital library for group discussions and special seminars. While it has not been verified whether the digital library at KISU now has full access to the Internet, the digital library does have access to locally digi- tized contents of various scholarly and state-published materials. I conducted interviews with the library administra- tor during his visit, and it was evident that the digital library at KCUT aimed at becoming the center of all learning activities outside classrooms via online lectures, group discussion space, and automated library systems. Grand People’s Study House. C&RL News February 2019 84 Grand People’s Study House With more than 20 browsing rooms seat- ing 6,000 users and over a total of 600 rooms to its name, the Grand People’s Study House (GPSH) is truly the center of learning for North Koreans. GPSH is known to have the ability to house up to 30 million books in its 100,000 square me- ter building, but its actual collection size is unknown. GPSH is lit- erally built at the very center of the capital city, and it o v e r l o o k s the Kim Il Sung Square, where mili- tary parades and other n a t i o n a l events often take place. T h i s n a - tional library provides materials not only in Korean but also in English, French, Russian, German, Chinese, and Japanese. Several international organizations have reportedly donated books on a consistent basis. The Asia Foundation, for example, began its book donation program to GPSH in 1996. While visiting GPSH, I was able to browse the volumes donated by inter- national organizations in multiple subjects ranging from finance, economics, and basic sciences to international languages and agriculture. It was also impressive that there were CDs and video record- ings on agriculture, originally produced in Chinese. GPSH’s position as the center of learn- ing for all citizens is demonstrated in its services beyond offering large collections of books and multimedia materials. GPSH offers continuing education programs, with English classes reportedly being the most popular. Classes in multiple subjects are offered throughout the year and citi- zens usually take classes at night and re- ceive certification after completing certain requirements. Further, retired and current faculty from local universities spend certain hours during the week at GPSH, providing consultation services to users. I visited several night classes, as well as these consultation rooms. The name of the G r a n d P e o - p l e ’ s S t u d y House itself demonstrates t h e b u i l d - i n g ’ s e x a c t p u r p o s e — a public library with a mas- sive collec- t i o n o f r e - sources and opportunities for continu- i n g e d u c a - tion. Digital Library at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology Pyongyang University of Science & Tech- nology (PUST) is truly unique in that it is the first and only higher education institution founded jointly by North Ko- rea and international entities. PUST of- fers programs in electrical and computer engineering, international finance and management, agriculture and life sci- ences, and general studies. It has also recently started a medical program. By teaching all classes in English, PUST provides opportunities to its stu- dents through a Western-style education. Since its inception in 2010, PUST has gradually grown the size of its faculty and students, and furthered its impact by sending some students overseas, es- pecially to Europe, for further study and research opportunities. Faculty and graduate students at PUST have access to the Internet. Although the An international language lecture room at Grand People’s Study House. February 2019 85 C&RL News digital library does house books and schol- arly materials, access to information on t h e I n t e r - net greatly e n h a n c e s the quality o f t e a c h - ing and re- search. The d i g i t a l l i - brary offers a number of c o m p u t e r t e r m i n a l s with access t o t h e I n - ternet. Ad- d i t i o n a l l y , P U S T h a s a computer workstation equipped with the Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL). TEEAL is a full-text database of more than 450 international research journals in the fields of agriculture, life sciences, and other related sciences. Located at Cornell University’s Al- bert R. Mann Library, the TEEAL Proj- e c t O f f i c e p r o d u c e s this valuable database at a low cost for research in- stitutions in income-eligi- ble countries. T h e T E E A L workstation at the PUST library is ac- tively used by f a c u l t y a n d students for research in agriculture and related fields. The TEEAL database alone is an important research library for PUST faculty and stu- dents. The digital library also purchased the eGranary Digital Library in a 6 tera- b y t e h a r d d i s k f r o m the Wider- Net Project. H o w e v e r , d u e t o some tech- nical diffi- culties, the c o m p u t e r workstation e q u i p p e d w i t h t h e e G r a n a r y Digital Li - b r a r y d i d n o t f u l l y operate at PUST’s digital library. Personal reflections and suggestions for collaboration A great degree of uncertainty exists when considering any type of collaboration with North Korea, and it will not dimin- ish anytime soon. As m e n t i o n e d above, the collaborative project be- tween North and South Korea for KISU’s digi- tal library in 2005 lasted only two years, due to the wors- ening politi- cal environ- ment. If the project con- tinued, it would have produced amaz- ing advances in scholarly communica- tion by fostering exchanges of scholarly Internet room at the Pyongyang University of Science and Tech- nology Library. Pyongyang University of Science and Technology Library. C&RL News February 2019 86 content and developing standards and policies together for library manage- ment systems. It is very unfortunate that no further progress has been made in the subsequent ten years. However, education still remains an excellent venue for international col- laboration. When many believed that the door to North Korea was closed, a group of scientists at Syracuse University visited the country and helped build the nation’s first digital library. Nonprofit organizations continued to send books and other educational resources. As shown by the example of PUST, electronic resources produced by in- ternational library organizations help expand access to the latest research for local economic development and advances in various fields such as agri- culture, medical science, forestry, and veterinary science. Hence, the library can pave a way for international col- laboration between North Korea and the rest of the world by providing a platform for the exchange of scholarly resources and knowledge. Libraries in North Korea and other countries can start with scholarly communication via research resource exchanges, seminars, and copublications. North Korean libraries are seeking for their collections to be updated. Further- more, their library education may need significant collaboration from the inter- national library community in the age of electronic resources via the Internet. The advance in North Korea will defi- nitely aid the country’s effort to improve its economy by providing the latest knowledge and resources. The economic development requires extensive time, but the seed, the latest research and knowledge, for economic development must be planted via international library collaboration. Engaging with North Korean aca- demic and research libraries result in benefits for libraries internationally. First, academic and research libraries worldwide can contribute to the de- velopment of North Korean libraries by engaging in the following activities and others: • sending textbooks in various sub- jects to university libraries; • providing seminars on global li- brary trends on technologies, manage- ment, and practices; • providing education on hardware and software purchases and mainte- nance; and • providing education on managing electronic information resources. Second, the international community can benefit from North Korea by hav- ing access to its publications that have generally been difficult to obtain, as a result of collaboration between librar- ies in North Korea and other countries. Researchers will find resources directly coming from North Korea extremely valuable in understanding the country. Most publications on North Korea in the Western world deal with political situations and implications. However, international library collaboration will aid in understanding the country from cultural perspectives. As we have witnessed in the case of the German reunification, the library has a significant role in bridging the gap between two societies, especially when they have been closed to each other for a long time. Notes 1. Kim Chaek University of Technol- ogy, accessed November 11, 2018, www. kut.edu.kp. 2. Sungsup Song, “A Study on the Cur- rent Status and Development Possibility of Digital Library in North Korea,” Digital Library, 72, winter (2013): 3–18. http://www.kut.edu.kp http://www.kut.edu.kp