ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 72 GEOSCIENCE MEETING The Geoscience Information Society held its first annual meeting in San Francisco on No­ vember 14-16, in conjunction with the con­ vention of the Geological Society of America. Members visited the Advanced Systems De­ velopment Library of International Business Machines at Los Gatos; the Branner geological library, Stanford University; and the Pacific Coast Center library, U. S. Geological Survey. A technical session was held on the use of au­ tomated systems in the storage, retrieval, and publication of geoscience information. James W. Clarke, U.S. Geological Survey, described Automated Data Processing of Geological Lit­ erature as developed by the Survey’s Syste­ matic Literature Research Unit. A paper on The Computerized System to Be Used for Pub­ lishing the “Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America” was presented by Thomas W. Caless, American Geological Institute. Factors Affecting the Transfer of Information Cycles in the Earth Sciences was the title of a paper given by Louis Cima, Na­ tional Science Foundation. Copies of a paper by Harold Siroonian, City College of New York, entitled Production of the Catalogue of Data for World Data Center. A: International Upper Mantle Project were distributed. The society plans to publish these papers at a date as yet undetermined. Mrs. Harriet W. Smith, geology librarian. University of Illinois, was elected president for 1967. Other off icers are Dederick C. Ward, earth science librarian. University of Colorado, secretary (president-elect); and Mrs. Geor­ gianna D. Conant, U.S. Geological Survey, treas­ urer. Hartley K. Phinney, Jr., Princeton Univer­ sity, is to represent the society in Washington at the Congressional hearings on the proposed changes in the copyright law. Keith Young, University of Texas, will chairman a committee to develop projects for the society. Mrs. Mar­ guerite M. Hanchey, Louisiana State University, will be the local representative for the second annual meeting of the Geoscience Information Society which will be held in New Orleans in November 1967. ■ MEETINGS Apr. 12-14; The University of Pittsburgh will hold its second national conference on Elec­ tronic Information Handling. The conference will be co-sponsored by the university, Good­ year Aerospace Corporation, Western Michigan University, the Office of Naval Research, and the Special Interest Group on Information Re­ trieval—Association for Computing Machinery. Further information regarding the conference may be obtained from Professor Allen Kent, Director, Knowledge Availability Systems Cen­ ter, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. Apr. 13: Fifth annual Symposium for Li­ brarians, sponsored by the alumni and faculty of the Graduate School of Library Service, Rut­ gers University. “Planning—Process, Problems, Politics” will relate planning for the develop­ ment of libraries of all types to the problems of operating within the political and social sphere. For more information or reservation forms, write to Glenn Reed, Franklin High School, Francis Street, Somerset, N.J. 08873. Apr. 28-29: A conference on The Developing Junior College Library will be held at DeKalb, Illinois, under the joint sponsorship of the Illi­ nois Library Association and Northern Illinois University. Sessions will be held on the general topics of Library Administration, Collections, Services, Buildings, and Curriculum for Train­ ing Library Clerks. For further program in­ formation, write to: Sherman Zelinsky, Librar­ ian, Danville Junior College, 2000 East Main Street, Danville, Illinois 61832. For conference reservations, write to: Mr. James B. Dodd, Far­ aday Library, Northern Illinois University, De­ Kalb, Illinois 60115. May 5-6: Midwest Academic Librarians Conference, Chicago Circle Campus, Univer­ sity of Illinois. May 5-6: The annual Spring meeting of the Tri-State (Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia) Chapter of the Association of College and Re­ search Libraries, at Shepherd College Library, Shepherdstown, West Virginia. May 21-26: Seminar in Public Library Ad­ ministration. Drexel Institute of Technology. Led by Edwin Castagna, Enoch Pratt free li­ brary, Baltimore. June 12-16: Distinguished figures in librar­ ianship from three continents will speak at an International Conference on Education for Li­ brarianship at the University of Illinois, Urbana. The conference is being conducted by the graduate school of library science through the U. of I . division of university extension. The Use■ of Data Processing Equipment by Libraries and Information Centers is the report of a survey made by Creative Research Services for the Documentation Division of Special Li­ braries Association and the Library Technology Program of ALA, primarily for their own use as a first step in identifying library functions which are automated and places in which they are operational. Because copies were desired by others, a limited supply was printed, and copies are available from the Library Technology Pro­ gram offices, ALA headquarters, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611, for so long as the supply lasts. Price of this working paper is $10.00 per copy.