ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 74 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL , 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the first of the month of publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.00 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. Catalogues & buying lists. J. S. Canner Inc., Dept. ACRE, Boston 20, Mass. BOOKS BOOKS FROM USSR in Russian and English. Art, Biology, Chemistry, Education, Engineer­ ing, Foreign Relations, Geography, History, Law, Literature (classics and contemporary). Mathematics, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Theatre, etc. Russian language study courses. Dictionaries. Records; Ballet, Opera, drama, folk songs, etc. Subs, to magazines ac­ cepted. Stop in and browse. Mail orders filled. Free catalogs. Phone CH 2-4500. Write Dept. 250, Four Continent Book Corp., 156 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 10, N.Y., Cor. 20 St. INDEXERS NEEDED: THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY has immediate open­ ings for indexers in the following periodical and book indexes—APPLIED SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INDEX, BIOLOGICAL & AGRICULTURAL INDEX, BUSINESS PERIODICALS INDEX, CUMULATIVE BOOK INDEX, EDUCATION INDEX, LI­ BRARY LITERATURE, READERS’ GUIDE TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE and STANDARD CATALOG. Applicants for the periodical indexes should be able to assign subject headings to articles in current journals. It is desirable that appli­ cants for CUMULATIVE BOOK INDEX and STANDARD CATALOG have catalog­ ing experience. Applicants for APPLIED SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INDEX, BIO­ LOGICAL & AGRICULTURAL INDEX, BUSINESS PERIODICALS INDEX and EDUCATION INDEX should have some subject background. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience and will be reviewed annually. Many Company benefits such as vacations, sick pay, pensions. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Major Medical, etc. 5 day, 35 hour week. Applications should be addressed to: The Personnel Department The H. W. Wilson Company 950 University Avenue Bronx, New York 10452 SEARCH SERVICE is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodicals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 532, White Plains, N.Y. OUT-OF-PRINT COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. ECONOMICS, Business, Labor and Industrial Relations, Trade Union Movement, Politics, Foreign Affairs, Government, Public Adminis­ tration, Social History. Successful search service for o.p. wants in these and allied subjects. Cata­ logues twice a year. U.S. and foreign imprints. Write: William Bledsoe, Bookseller. Specialist in the Literature of Economics and Political Science. Box 763, San Carlos, Calif. 94070. POSITIONS W ANTED MAN, 45, M.A.L.S. and M.A. in history. Seeks position as assoc, or asst, director in university library system or as head librarian in college. Eight years professional experience, six as head of college library. Available September 1967. CRL Box 696, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. AUGUST EMPLOYMENT (2-3 wks.) in Phila. area wanted by college librarian, M.S. in L.S. Background includes circulation, some catalog­ ing, school library work. Can I fill in for va­ cationing staff member? Write Box 697, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN, woman in 30’s, 15 years varied experience MALS, excellent references, desires administrative position in predominantly Negro college. Box 699, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago 60611. LIBRARIAN AND MATHEMATICIAN. Hus­ band—Wife. Librarian husband has M.L.S. plus experience. Mathematician wife has M.A. plus experience. Both in 30’s age bracket. Col­ lege and Junior College faculty. Desire positions in Southeast but will consider elsewhere. Avail­ able Tune, 1967. Box 691, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN NORTHWEST UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Doc­ toral program, air conditioned divisional library, 600,000 volumes, needs cataloger. Well organ­ ized, functioning department. No backlogs. Changing to L.C. Excellent fringe benefits, salary dependent upon experience. Two years or more of professional cataloging experience desired. Friendly informal atmosphere. Attrac­ tive community. Educational and cultural advantages. Close to Glacier, Banff, Tetons, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver. Cool summers. 75 mild winters. CRL, Box 694, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER. Private liberal arts college in Florida will have opening Sept. 1, 1967 for beginning or experienced cataloger. Salary open depending on experience—Masters in library science required. Good fringe benefits. Send resume indicating salary needs to CRL, Box 695, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. DIRECTOR to organize and administer a Tech­ nical Processing Center for group of colleges. Finger Lakes area. New York State. Knowledge of technical processing and automated equip­ ment necessary. Salary: $12,000 to $14,000 de­ pending on training and experience. CRL Box 698, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER for women’s college, San Fran­ cisco area wanted for July or Sept. Prefer woman with LS degree and experience. Salary open. Fine new building. Faculty status, month vacation, medical insurance. Write Chief Li­ brarian, Dominican College, San Rafael, Calif. 94901. UC IRVINE—fast-growing new campus in southern California has three immediate va­ cancies in Technical Processing (acquisitions/ catalog). L-1 range 6400-7100, L-2 range 7100- 9000. Please address University Librarian, Uni­ versity of California, Irvine 92664, describing experience, minimum salary expected and pro­ viding three references. TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY, Hartford, has openings (1) Chief of Technical Processes (September 1) $8400-$10,800; (2) Rare Book Cataloguer (position open) $6900-$8100; (3) General Cataloguer (position open) $6600- $7800. Usual fringe benefits, 35-hour work week, one-month vacation, free tuition in Trinity Graduate School, 450,000 volumes in modern, air-conditioned building. Apply to Donald B. Engley, Librarian, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. LIBRARIAN with science background. Interest­ ing position in charge of Chemistry, Math-Phys­ ics & Agriculture Departmental Libraries of University. July 1. No experience required. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Major Medical, month va­ cation, State retirement plan. 37.5 hours a week. Write Director of Libraries, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711. LIBRARIAN—Immediate opening in a rapidly expanding community college, in stimulating suburban area, one hour from Chicago. Faculty status, state retirement benefits. Beginning sal­ ary $8,500 to $10,000, depending on training and experience. Annual increments, summer school extra. Write: President, Bloom Com­ munity College, Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411. CATALOGER—Immediate opening in a rapid­ ly expanding community college in stimulating suburban area, one hour from Chicago. Faculty status, state retirement benefits. Beginning sal­ ary $6,000 to $7,500 depending on training and experience. Annual increments, summer school extra. Write: President, Bloom Community College, Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411. GENERAL LIRRARIAN, Elmhurst College. Private liberal arts college of 1300 students located in western suburb of Chicago. Master’s degree essential. Twelve month contract, one month vacation. Beginning September 1, 1967. From $6800. Faculty status. Blue Cross, major medical, and other group benefits. Apply to Melvin R. George, Librarian, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Library of Med­ ical Sciences, Chicago. CIRCULATION-REF­ ERENCE ASSISTANT, fifth-year library school degree, experience desirable, minimum salary $6,600, month vacation, retirement system, aca­ demic rank, available April 1, 1967. Write: Wilma Troxel, Director, University of Illinois, Library of Medical Sciences, 1853 West Polk Street, P. O. Box 7509, Chicago, Illinois 60680. Telephone: 312-663-7332. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Liberal Arts Col­ lege. Position open July 1, 1967. Minimum salary with graduate library degree $6,500. Additional benefits include college paid TIAA/CREF, insurance, family tuition etc. De­ tails will be sent to applicant. One month annual vacation. Faculty Status. Apply to: Robert Y. Coward, Head Librarian, Franklin College Library, Franklin, Indiana 46131. Telephone 317-736-6181. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, HANOVER COL­ LEGE. United Presbyterian, liberal arts college of 1,000 students. Present holdings of 90,000 volumes, increase of 8% per year. Staff of 8, new position for fourth professional on staff. Duties in general reference and cataloging, with primary responsibility in reference. Excellent opportunity to learn all phases of librarianship for a beginning professional. Salary, $6,000-$8,- 000, depending upon degrees and experience. Fringe benefits of approximately 18% of base salary. Apply to Walter D. Morrill, College Li­ brarian, Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana 47243—Phone: 812-866-2151. INDIANA UNIVERSITY—( 1 ) Librarian for Economics and Government, library degree plus subject background, French and German, salary $10,000 up. (2) Librarian for English, library degree with subject background plus German and French, salary $10,000 up. (3) Librarian for History, library degree plus sub­ ject background and knowledge of French and German, salary $10,000 up. (4) Cataloger for Slavic Materials, knowledge of two Slavic Languages, salary $7,000 up. Reply Jane Flener, Indiana University, Bloomington, In­ diana. CAREERS in a major university library in a small Midwestern town. ( 1) Education Library assistant; (2) serials cataloger; (3) cataloger for materials in Japanese; and (4) cataloger for materials in Slavic languages. Salaries, $7,350 and up. Faculty status. Social Security; TIAA ( 15% plan) ; disability, life, and major medical insurance programs. Apply to the Director, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. COORDINATOR, Library Services and Instruc­ tional Materials. Responsibility: establish li­ 76 brary and instructional materials center in new, two-year community college. Master’s degree library science and some experience required. Projected enrollment, 1967—1500. Salary; $12,- 000-$15,000. Openings for assistant librarians also exist. Contact: Dr. V. R. Pickett, Area Ten Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has openings for (1) a Reference Librarian for general ref­ erence work in Central Library—a beginning position but one or two years experience will be no hinderance; (2) a Periodicals and Re­ serve Librarian in the Law Library—also a be­ ginning position; (3) Two catalogers—would prefer some experienee but will consider be­ ginners; familiarity with LC classification help­ ful but not mandatory. 5th year degree required for all positions. Minimum beginning salary for person with no experience $6,300. Addi­ tional compensation for experience and/or ad­ ditional degrees or special language or subject competency. Full faculty status including TIAA. Usual fringe benefits. Kentucky is an equal op­ portunity employer. Apply: Stuart Forth, Di­ rector, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lex­ ington, Kentucky 40506. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN to begin June 25, 1967. New air-conditioned building. Complete academic status. Rank: assistant professor. Be­ ginning salary, including summer session, $8,- 800-$9,900, depending on qualifications. Ex­ perience with documents required. Write E. W. Erickson, Head Librarian, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN and an Acquisi­ tions Librarian needed for expanding staff of a rapidly growing liberal arts college library. TIAA, Blue Cross, Christmas and Easter recess plus one month summer vacation. Competitive salary. Write James A. Dodd, Director, Ship- man Library, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan 49221. GRADUATE LIBRARIAN, The University of Michigan Library. Responsible for graduate reader services in the humanities and social sciences primarily through the Circulation and Reference Departments, and for service to the faculty of the nearly 30 teaching departments and their nearly 15,000 students who predom­ inantly use the General Library collections; as­ sists in reviewing the General Library book collections in these subject areas, in recom­ mending titles for withdrawal or transfer, and in book selection in these subjects; is in charge of the maintenance of the General Library Building, and assists in planning for its re­ habilitation in the near future; prepares studies of possible future needs for graduate reader services. Qualifications and salary: Graduate de­ gree in Library Science and a minimum of five years of progressively more responsible profes­ sional library experience, including public ser­ vice and supervisory responsibility in a college or university library; completion of doctorate desirable. $12,500 minimum beginning salary, higher salary possible for extensive relevant ex­ perience. Apply to Miss Marjorie M. Tompkins, Personnel, Univ. of Mich. Library, Ann Arbor, 48104. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE-ORDER LIBRARIAN. Open September 1. Liberal arts college for men in historic small town close to larger cities. New library; expanding services and collection to meet demands of changing curriculum and science research grants. Faculty rank, pension plan, 39-hour week; 4 weeks vacation plus fac­ ulty holidays. Salary: $6500 with adjustment for experience. Write: Mrs. Jean Brose, St. Mary’s College, Winona, Minnesota 55987. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN—If you want the pleasure and satisfaction of working in a small congenial situation with a friendly staff, bring your ideas and experience to help us re­ organize periodicals and serials records, expand the subscription list, get the binding backlog bound, and then move into collections develop­ ment. Salary $8000, Assistant Professor, start May 1 or as soon as possible. Liberal benefits include TIAA-CREF, Social Security, group hospitalization, one month vacation. Beautiful campus overlooking Missouri River, ½ hour from downtown Kansas City. Write Harold Smith, Librarian, Park College, Parkville, Mo. 64152. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN—To offer a pro­ gram of public service to students and faculty in a liberal arts college with a fine tradition and excellent undergraduate curriculum. Salary $8400, Assistant Professor, start September 1. Liberal benefits include TIAA-CREF, Social Security, group hospitalization, one month va­ cation. Beautiful campus overlooking Missouri River, ½ hour from downtown Kansas City. Write Harold Smith, Librarian, Park College, Parkville, Mo. 64152. MEDICAL LIBRARY. Acquisitions Librarian. Select and supervise additions to collection of largest Midwest medical library south of Chi­ cago and to Rockies. Written acquisitions pol­ icy. Computerized system. Acquisitions budget $70,000 per year. Clerical assistance. Salary $7,000-$8,000, depending on experience. Dr. Estelle Brodman, Washington University School of Medicine Library, 4580 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110. MEDICAL LIBRARY. Machine Projects Li­ brarian. Plan and execute experiments in ma­ chine methods. Teaches pre-doctoral Fellows in Computer Librarianship. Staff includes one professional librarian and one machine operator. Salary $8,000-$12,000, depending upon expe­ rience. Dr. Estelle Brodman, Washington Uni­ versity School of Medicine Library, 4580 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110. CHAIRMAN, LIBRARY EDUCATION DE­ PARTMENT needed September 1967 to expand our current library science minor program to include a Teacher-Librarian major at a state college located in North Jersey within the greater New York metropolitan area. Position is available at the Associate Professor level with a salary range from $9,405.00 to $12,225.00 with annual increments of $478.00. Excellent pension and health insurance plans. Opportunity for summer session teaching results in addi­ 77 tional compensation. Qualifications include two years of approved graduate study beyond the MLS plus a minimum of six years of professional experience including, preferably, both school library work and classroom teaching. Write in detail to; Dean Alton D. O’Brien, Newark State College, Union, New Jersey 07083. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN AND PERIOD­ ICALS LIBRARIAN needed for rapidly ex­ panding college library near New York and Philadelphia by Sept. 1. Positions available either as Asst. Prof. (Masters degree in subject plus library school degree plus 4 years expe­ rience) at salary $7,037 to $10,059, annual in­ crement $387; or Asst. Prof. II (Library school degree plus 2 years experience) salary $6,684 to $8,688, increment $334. Ten month appoint­ ment; summer session optional, paid separately; full faculty status; good pension system; free major medical. Broadly interested, industrious, alert librarians apply immediately to Felix E. Hirsch, Librarian, Trenton State College, Tren­ ton, N.J. 08625. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO will need on July 1, 1967 the following librarians: (1) Assistant subject librarians for Social Science, Humanities, General Reference, Sci­ ence and Engineering, and Fine Arts. (2) Gift and Exchange Librarian. (3) Catalogers for government publications and for serials. Sal­ aries depend upon qualifications. Apply to: David O. Kelley, University Librarian, Univer­ sity of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. READER SERVICES HEAD. Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute. Major staff position to organ­ ize professional services to faculty, research and students. Salary $10,500 base. Position for one of proven administrative and planning abilities in informational and bibliographic services to technical community and collection develop­ ment. L.S. degree required. With assistance of professional programmer participate in and contribute to definite program of computer applications in bibliographic control. Opera­ tional IBM system 360 immediately available. Apply: Edward A. Chapman, Director of Li­ braries, R.P.I . Troy, N.Y. 12181. Telephone collect 5 1 8 - 2 7 0 - 6 4 2 6 . SCIENCE REFERENCE. Rensselaer Polytech­ nic Institute. Assist Reader Services Head in organizing and supplying professional services to faculty, research and students; participate in technical collection development and in devel­ oping automated library system. Qualifications desired; Science major, M.L.S. Base $7500 per annum plus usual benefits and professional status. Apply: Edward A. Chapman, Director of Libraries, R.P.I . Troy, N.Y. 12181. Tele­ phone collect 518-270-6426. LIBRARIAN, (male or female), Chief cataloger for community college library in N.Y.C. Re­ classification to LC in process. A.L.A. accred­ ited library degree & cataloging experience re­ quired. Ass’t professor rank. Effective Sept. 1, 1967. Salary range $8950-$11,950 in seven steps. Send résumé to: Box CRL 218, 125 W. 41 St., NYC. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, HEAD OF READ­ ERS’ SERVICES. Administer Reference and Circulation Departments; supervise work of three professional librarians and six-non-profes­ sional assistants; take part in reference work with students and faculty. Begin September 1, 1967. Undergraduate liberal arts college for women in process of moving to new campus. Beautiful new library opened in June 1966. Re­ quirements; liberal arts background, graduate professional degree from accredited library school, at least four years progressively respon­ sible reference experience in academic library. Salary: $8,000.00 or more depending on ex­ perience and qualifications. Benefits: faculty status, 2 months summer vacation. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and major medical paid by College, TIAA, Social Security. Apply with résumé and references to; Gladys M. Brownell, Librarian, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to develop section in small liberal arts college. Located on South Shore of Long Island 50 miles from New York City. Faculty rank, TIAA, and other benefits. 5th year library degree and experience required. Salary commensurate with experience. Send application to; Martha R. Schmidt, Chief Li­ brarian, Adelphi Suffolk College, Oakdale, N.Y. 11769. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN to learn all phases of library work in a growing community col­ lege, beginning September 1. Liberal person­ nel policies. A new building to look forward to. Salary dependent on training and experience. Apply Dean of Instruction, Sinclair Community College, 117 W. Monument Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45402. THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON will have the following openings on or before July 1, 1967. The first two positions require the MLS but no prior experience. The third, fourth and fifth po­ sitions require the MLS and subject back­ ground. 1 ) General reference librarian for So­ cial Science and Humanities, 2) General cata­ loger, 3) Science-technology librarian to ad­ minister library in new science center and to perform undergraduate reference work in the sciences, 4 ) Science-technology subject librarian to work initially in all sciences (the number of subject areas will be reduced as staff is added), build a collection and work primarily with graduate students and faculty, 5) Humanities subject librarian to perform the duties described above in No. 4 in the fields of philosophy, psy­ chology, languages and literature. For addi­ tional information or for application write Uni­ versity Librarian, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304. OHIO UNIVERSITY, ATHENS. Oldest insti­ tution of higher learning in the Northwest Territory. A state assisted university under youthful vigorous leadership. (See Life Maga­ zine January 15, 1965). Increasing emphasis on research and on area redevelopment. Auto­ mation for library has begun; new library build­ ing is under construction and should be ready 78 in spring of 1968. Present size of book collec­ tion approaches 400,000 volumes, plus extensive microfilm holdings. Athens is pleasantly located in the hills of southeastern Ohio, 75 miles from Columbus. The University brings a wide variety of inexpensive cultural offerings. Professional librarians enjoy faculty status and most faculty privileges. Insurance and major medical premi­ ums are partly added to the salary. Annual va­ cation is 26 working days. All salaries are open depending on qualifications. Minimum base salary for beginners: $7,000. Applicants should be emotionally mature professionally minded individuals who can get along with people and who will respond to the challenge of the new Ohio University. Acquisitions Librarian. Directs administration of acquisitions depart­ ment in a fast growing situation with E.D.P. prospects. Has staff of bibliographical and cleri­ cal assistants. Languages desired. Bibliothecal and business sense expected. Assistant Catalog­ ing Librarian. Does original cataloging of mono­ graphs ( not L.C. card work). Library has changed to L.C. classification. Languages de­ sired. Serials Cataloger. To handle serials cata­ loging. Has clerical assistants. Opportunity to work with developing E.D.P. and other de­ velopments in new building. Assistant Refer­ ence Librarians. General reference in present building will change to specialized service in the new library. Would like to find personnel with interest in business and sciences. Other backgrounds can also be used. Music Librarian. To head music library, and to serve as liaison between Main Library and School of Music. Adequate music background and library sci­ ence degrees needed. Salary open depending on qualifications. Science Librarian. To serve initially in Main Library reference to develop science holdings and faculty liaison, then to head Science-Tech division of new library to open in the late spring of 1968; then, if de­ velopments proceed as expected, to become li­ brarian of a separate science research library now being projected. Write Walter W. Wright, Director of Libraries, Ohio University, Athens Ohio 45701. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON LIBRARY, in a lively city of 75,000 between mountains and ocean, seeks (1) Mature, experienced cataloger with administrative talents and thorough knowl­ edge of LC classification, to work as supervis­ ing head of serials and reclassification unit. Salary not less than $9,060 for initial appoint­ ment; (2) Cataloger with some experience with LC classification for reclassification project. Initial salary $7,200 or more depending upon qualification; (3) Science librarian to admin­ ister new Science Divisional Library in campus Science Center. Requires appropriate subject background, experience, a working knowledge of one or more languages, and administrative talent. Salary $10,000-$12,000. All positions carry faculty status, eligibility for sabbatical leave, and other fringe benefits. Write with full details to: Carl W. Hintz, University Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403. STATE COLLEGE expanding staff in Septem­ ber to match increased enrollment and library building addition. Needs 2 Assistant Catalogers and 1 Assistant Reference Librarian. First cataloger to supervise change from D C to L C. Must have MLS plus 3 years experience, preferably with L C. Second cataloger to assist in regular processing. Can be recent MLS grad­ uate. Reference Librarian to aid students in using library and assist in book selection with­ in his subject speciality or interest. Will give preference to librarian with second Master’s and 3-5 years experience. Salary for 9 months: $6,580-15,080, depending on education and experience. Summer employment extra. Com­ plete faculty status, state retirement plan, sabbaticals, cumulative sick leave, cost-sharing Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Major Medical. Brief driving time to Penn State, Corning, Cornell, Finger Lakes. Apply James J. Simonis, Mans­ field State College, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933. READERS SERVICE LIBRARIAN (M an). Immediate opening in rapidly expanding com­ munity college near Philadelphia. F ull faculty rank and status, liberal employee benefits in­ clude Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Life and health insurance, T.I.A.A. Excellent salary scale with position on scale depending on training and ex­ perience. Requirements: Masters degree from A.L.A. accredited school, 3 years’ experience desired but will consider well-qualified be­ ginner. Apply: Mrs. Marjorie F. Davis, Librar­ ian, Montgomery County Community College, Conshohocken, Pa. 19428. TWO POSITIONS: Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., urban area near New York City, Philadel­ phia and the Poconos. Expanding library in a new building. Assistant Cataloger and Assistant Reference Librarian. 5th year library degree. Salary depends upon experience and qualifica­ tions. 38-hour week, faculty status, month’s vacation plus holidays, TIAA, hospitalization. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. 18042. CATALOGER, RICE UNIV., HOUSTON, TEXAS. University experience, languages im­ portant, capable original cataloging. New build­ ing under const., good prospects. Salary open, at least $700/mo. Write Richard O’Keeffe, Acting Librarian. NEW 6.7 MILLION DOLLAR LIBRARY BUILDING BEING STAFFED. The University of Utah Libraries in Salt Lake City has re­ cently budgeted new positions as Life Sciences Librarian, Literature Librarian, and Social Sciences Librarian; salaries beginning at $8,500. Additional positions available as Undergraduate Librarian, Book Stacks Librarian, Audio Visual Librarian, Gifts & Exchanges Librarian, and Catalogers; salaries beginning at $6,500. All positions carry faculty rank of Instructor or higher, 24 days vacation, 12 days sick leave annually, Sabbatical Leave after each 12 quarters, Medical insurance, low-cost health and accident insurance, TIAA-CREF retire­ ment. Beginning dates July through December. Submit application and personal résumé to Ralph D. Thomson, Director of Libraries, Uni­ versity of Utah Libraries, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. 79 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN for Norwich Univer­ sity. Good opportunity for the right person. Located in New England village with good environment for growing family. Salary up to $8,500 depending upon experience. Responsible for technical processing initially. MA from ac­ credited library school required. TIAA, usual fringe benefits, one month’s vacation, etc. Con­ tact Victor H. Johnson, Librarian, Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont 05663. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE has positions open in Cataloging, Reference and Acquisitions. Salary $6,144-$7,680 depending on experience. All positions require a 5th year degree from ALA accredited library school. Apply to Frank C. Shirk, Library Di­ rector, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacks­ burg, Virginia 24061. WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COL­ LEGE needs a Catalog Librarian, position open June 19; expect new positions Sept. 18 for Serials and Assistant Acquisitions Librarians. Instructor’s level; presently $6,600 for 9 months with $1,467 for 2 months summer quarter but should increase with final 67/68 budget. TIAA & Social Security; excellent group health and medical insurance. Graduate library degree re­ quired. New Math-Computer Center lends im­ petus to library’s automation; IBM 357 Circula­ tion program now in operation is first phase, with Acquisitions and Serials next projected. First new “cluster” college opens Fall ’68. $1,- 750,000 library addition to be ready Fall ’69. Unbeatable outdoor recreation, close to metro­ politan centers. Apply: Wm. H. O. Scott, As­ sociate Director for Data Processing, W.W.S.C., Mabel Zoe Wilson Library, Bellingham, WA. 98225. HEAD CATALOGER wanted for rapidly grow­ ing 2-yr. community college library in Mari­ times. Library degree plus experience with LC classification required. Salary competitive and depending on qualifications. Regular fringe benefits. Completely new campus under con­ struction this spring. Send résumé, with refer­ ences, to K. M. Duff, Librarian, Univ. of New Brunswick in Saint John, 144 Union St., Saint John, N.B., Canada. THE UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE re­ quires a Chief Librarian to assume responsi­ bility for organizing, planning, and directing library services for the new university, estab­ lished on January 1, 1967. This is a senior ap­ pointment. Salary and level of appointment de­ pendent on previous experience and on aca­ demic qualifications. Duties likely to begin on July 1, 1967. Salary Schedule: Professor $16,- 600- ; Associate professor $12,500-16,550. Send applications and enquiries to Dr. R. J. Leskiw, Acting President, The University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, expanding profes­ sional staff for new (628,000 volume capacity) building, ready in May, 1967, invites applica­ tions for six new positions, all requiring ac­ credited library training. The first two are senior positions, requiring relevant experi­ ence and background, with salaries depend­ ing upon qualifications but not less than $8,000. (1) Collections Librarian, to be responsible for growth of collections through purchase, gift, and exchange; coordinating selection of books, etc. by faculty and library staff. Needed quali­ ties are administrative and bibliographic abili­ ties, scholarly interests, tact and judgment. (2) Engineering Librarian, to be responsible for Engineering Faculty Library; to supervise Branch staff and work with faculty in selecting materials and devising and implementing sys­ tems of information control and retrieval. (3) and (4) Two Reference Librarians (beginning or intermediate), interest in library orientation and/or in book selection in subject areas an asset; starting salaries $6,000 or $7,000, (5) and (6) Two Catalogers (beginning or inter­ mediate), one with science-engineering back­ ground or experience, other with arts back­ ground; starting salaries $6,000 or $7,000, with extra allowance for language competencies. Excellent working conditions and fringe bene­ fits; four weeks’ vacation; faculty club mem­ bership; creative arts activities; hillside campus in pleasant small city. Apply with résumé of education and experience to Dr. Gertrude E. Gunn, Librarian, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada. TECHNION—ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, HAIFA. Applications are in­ vited for the post of HEAD LIBRARIAN for the Central Library of the Technion, Israel’s only technological university, directed equally towards research ( fundamental and applied) and teaching in engineering, architecture, eco­ nomics and the exact sciences. It has some 4,000 undergraduate and 1,300 graduate stu­ dents, and 800 faculty members. It consists of 16 departments, some with branch libraries. The Central Library is beautifully located in a new modern building. It has 100,000 volumes, 5,000 periodicals, a book budget of $300,000, and a staff of 70. The Head Librarian is a mem­ ber of the Academic Senate. The salary is that of a full professor, IL 27,000 per annum. Fares to Israel for the appointee and his family and the cost of transporting their personal effects will be paid by the Technion. In addition, re­ tirement pension benefits, subsidised housing, sabbatical leave, book allowance, and an annual travel grant of $900 for participation in over­ seas conferences are provided. QUALIFICA­ TIONS required for the position are: Academic education in Natural Sciences or Technology; degree of D.L.S., Ph.D. or D.Sc. Preference will be given to holders of M.L.S. or D.L.S. or equivalent. Experienee in library administra­ tion at an institution of higher learning. Ability to conduct negotiations at a high level with individuals and institutions. Perfect knowledge of English; knowledge of Hebrew desirable. Overseas candidates will be given an oppor­ tunity of improving their knowledge of Hebrew. Preference will be given to candidates with a good knowledge of several languages (French, Russian, German). APPLICATIONS should be addressed to: The Secretary for Academic Staff, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa, Israel, by not later than 1st June 1967. Dept. 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