ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 353 Personnel A P P O I N T M E N T S Linda Allen is now assistant catalog librar­ ian, Purdue University. Patricia Allen has been named undergrad­ uate reference librarian and assistant professor, University of Tennessee. Lawrence Auld, formerly assistant librarian for systems and research at Oakland University, is now head, technical processes, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. James M. Babcock, chief of the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit public li­ brary since 1957, has been named director of libraries and associate professor of library science, Alma College, Alma, Michigan. Mrs. Caroline Bachlund has recently been appointed assistant librarian of the Dumbarton Oaks research library. Gerald E. Bailey has been appointed hu­ manities librarian, Idaho State University. Barry B. Baker is now assistant librarian, technical services, Macon Junior College, Ma­ con, Georgia. Beverly L. Bebout has joined the staff of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute as a reference librarian. Mary Lou Beran is now cataloging librarian and acting head cataloger, Idaho State Uni­ versity. Larry X. Besant is now assistant director for technical services and associate professor, University of Houston. Kathryn Joan Blue has been appointed second assistant cataloging librarian, College of William and Mary. Roberta Boone has accepted the position of Anglo-American bibliographer and assistant instructor of library administration, Ohio State University. Edward Bosworth is now senior assistant librarian, serials and binding, Cornell Uni­ versity. C. Trenton Boyd has been appointed science reference librarian at Wichita State University. Mrs. Daisy S. Brightenback has joined the staff of Rutgers as instructor in library science and supervisor of the cataloging library. Lauretta Gay Buck has been appointed as­ sistant catalog librarian, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Michael Buckner has been named science librarian, Western Michigan University. Anthony M. Butler is now librarian, Cap­ itol campus, Pennsylvania State University. Jennifer Cargill has been appointed as­ sistant science librarian and instructor, Uni­ versity of Houston. Burton Lea Cesare is now head, circula­ tion department, College of William and Mary. Mrs. Patricia Chapman has accepted a po­ sition as cataloger at Sonoma State College, California. Mrs. E ffie Chen is the Chinese cataloger, Princeton University. Lee-Hua Chin has joined the staff of Prince­ ton University as a cataloger. Mrs. Eva Conrad is a new staff member in the cataloging department, Princeton Univer­ sity. Virginia Lee Conrard has been appointed assistant acquisition librarian, Wisconsin State University, Whitewater. Mrs. Doris Case Cook has joined the staff of the University of South Florida as assistant reference librarian. William L. Corya is now assistant en­ gineering librarian, Purdue University. Mrs. Mary A. Craft has been named ref­ erence librarian, Purdue University. James Craig is now biological sciences li­ brarian, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Mrs. Jennie Cross has been appointed gov­ ernment documents librarian and supervisor of the archives, Kresge library, Oakland Univer­ sity, Rochester, Michigan. Mrs. Carol Combs Cutler joined the staff of the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, on September 1, 1968, as assistant catalog li­ brarian. Lorraine Virginia Davis has joined the University of Houston as assistant catalog li­ brarian and instructor. Shirley Davis is now assistant acquisition librarian, East Texas State University. Mrs. Jean Day has been appointed periodi­ cals librarian, Sonoma State College, California. N. Harvey Deal, formerly assistant uni­ versity librarian, University of Cincinnati, be­ came director of libraries of the Virginia Com­ monwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, on July 1, 1968. Eunice Dennis is now head reference li­ brarian, East Texas State University. Joyce Dewbre is now assistant catalog li­ brarian, East Texas State University. Richard Duris has accepted the position of assistant head, music library, and assistant in­ structor of library administration, Ohio State University. Lucille Edwards has been appointed ma­ terials reference consultant at the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Rheda Epstein has joined the staff of the University of South Florida as an assistant catalog librarian. Donald D. F oos is now assistant professor and administrative assistant in the school of library science, State University College, Genes­ eo, New York. 354 Ronald Force has accepted the position of assistant to the head, department libraries, and assistant instructor of library administration, Ohio State University. Robert Fraser is now rare books cataloger, Princeton University. L. H. Freiser, former chief librarian of the Toronto board of education, has been ap­ pointed as director of the newly formed Long Island library resources council. Laura Nell Gasaway is now assistant cata­ log librarian and instructor, University of Houston. Mrs. Susan Gauck is now an assistant li­ brarian, Cornell University. Mary M. Gibbs has been appointed assistant reference librarian, Purdue University. Mrs. Margaret D. Gidney is the new head librarian at D’Youville College, Buffalo, New York. William B. Gordon has been named head of the serials department, University of South Carolina. Gloria Green has accepted appointment as a book cataloger, Air University Library, Max­ well Air Force Base. Anthony L. Grillo is now serials librarian, Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) State College. Pauline Hall is now instructor in library science and assistant serials librarian, Texas A&M University. Mrs. Dorothy Hamel has been appointed acquisitions librarian, Nevada Southern Uni­ versity, Las Vegas. Mrs. Mary Lou Barker Harkness was ap­ pointed director of libraries, University of South Florida, on July 1, 1968. Mrs. Madlynne Harris has joined the staff of the Maurice and Laura Falk library, Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh, as serials librarian. Mrs. Linda Harwell is now a cataloger at Randolph-Macon Women’s College, Lynchburg, Virginia. Peter Haskell is now an assistant librarian, Cornell University. Mrs. Maxine B. Hayden is the new ac­ quisitions librarian at Idaho State University. Mrs. Irene Cullen Heninger has been ap­ pointed acting assistant professor, University of Washington school of librarianship. Mrs. Vera C. Hinds is now assistant li­ brarian, reference department, Teachers Col­ lege, Columbia University. Ruth Ann Hively has been appointed an assistant reference librarian, University Park, Pennsylvania State University. Beatrice Holbrook has been appointed as­ sistant catalog librarian, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Ralph Holloway became assistant campus librarian, Tarrant County Junior College, Fort Worth, Texas, on September 1, 1968. Mrs. Martha Houston has joined the ref­ erence faculty at Wichita State University. Nancy Hoyle, formerly with the Encyclo­ paedia Britannica, is now bibliographer and assistant professor in the graduate school of library service, Rutgers University. Maria C. Huang is now assistant catalog librarian, Purdue University. Mrs. Sheila Johnson has been appointed cataloger at Sonoma State College, California. John Earl Keeth has joined the University of South Florida as assistant librarian in ac­ quisitions. Patrick Emmett Kehoe is now assistant law librarian and assistant professor, Univer­ sity of Houston. Patterson S. Kelsey has been named circu­ lation librarian, SUNY, Stony Brook, Long Island. Mrs. Gizella Keppel-Jones is now an as­ sistant reference librarian, Cornell University. Mrs. Soowon Kim has returned as Japanese and Korean head cataloger, Princeton Univer­ sity. Mrs. Evelyn M. King has been appointed instructor in library science and special collec­ tions librarian, Texas A&M University. Mrs. Nancy S. Klath is the new serials acquisitions librarian, Princeton University. Mrs. Galina Kraft is now an assistant cat­ alog librarian, Cornell University. Mrs. Myoung-Ja L. Kwon is the new assist­ ant cataloger, Nevada Southern University, Las Vegas. Burton E. Lamkin has been appointed ad­ junct lecturer in data processing, school of li­ brary and information science, University of Maryland. Mrs. Hilda Labrada is now assistant li­ brarian and foreign bibliographer, catalog de­ partment, Teachers College, Columbia Uni­ versity. Sung Ock Lee has been appointed assistant agricultural and biological sciences librarian, University Park, Pennsylvania State University. Hellmut Lehman-Haupt will become pro­ fessor of bibliography and consultant in rare books in the University of Missouri on Feb­ ruary 1, 1969. Robin Lesueur has been appointed librarian of Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. Berna Judith Levine has been appointed assistant law librarian, College of William and Mary. John Lolley has been named reference li­ brarian, Tarrant County Junior College, Fort Worth, Texas. Francis George Levy will join the faculty of the school of library and information science, University of Maryland, in February, 1969 as visiting lecturer in the field of classification and information retrieval. Vasyl Luchkiu, formerly associate librarian, 355 State University College, Brockport, New York, has been named director of library services, Rockland Community College, SUNY, Suffern, New York. Kathleen McCullough is now assistant order librarian, Purdue University. Rebecca McKillyps has been appointed as­ sistant circulation librarian, College of William and Mary. James R. Macklin is now coordinator of re­ source services and head reference librarian at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Antoinette Maleady has joined the staff as music and phonorecord librarian at Sonoma State College, California. Katherine M. Markee is an assistant refer­ ence librarian, Purdue University. Jane H. Marks is now assistant reference librarian and instructor, University of Tennessee. Myles Martin has been appointed associate professor, Syracuse University school of library science. In addition to his teaching duties, Dr. Martin will begin planning the new PhD pro­ gram which the school will soon offer. Mrs. Sharon Mason has accepted a position as serial bibliographer and instructor of library administration, Ohio State University. Mrs. Carolyn S. Mateer is now assistant librarian, Capitol campus, Pennsylvania State University. Milton C. Mayes has been appointed assist­ ant librarian for readers services and instructor in library science at Concord College, Athens, West Virginia. Albert J. Miller has been named librarian, Kensington campus, Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity. Tae H. Min is now social science librarian, Idaho State University. Gerald Moeller has been appointed graph­ ic arts technician at the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Alison Mook has joined the staff of the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, as an assistant reference librarian. Charles J. Morazan is now librarian of the Macon Junior College, Macon, Georgia. John A. Mraz has been appointed cataloger at Lewis College, Lockport, Illinois. Frances Myers is now a serials cataloger, Princeton University. Paul Napier became cataloger for special materials in July at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Lynda M. Netherland is now assistant reference librarian, East Texas State University. Douglas D. Oleson has accepted the posi­ tion as head, west campus library, and assistant instructor of library administration, Ohio State University. Janet R. Olsen is now assistant acquisition librarian, Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) State College. Edwin E. Olson has been appointed re­ search associate on the manpower research project, school of library and information science, University of Maryland. Mrs. Barbara Pactor has been appointed document cataloger, Air University library, Maxwell Air Force Base. James H. Parrish will become chief librar­ ian of the Hawaii Medical library Inc., Hon­ olulu, on December I, 1968. Barbara Parrott is now an assistant refer­ ence librarian, Princeton University. Marjorie Peregoy has joined the staff of the University of Houston as catalog and serials librarian and instructor. Aaron Polonsky is now acquisition librarian, Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) State College. Jack Pontius is now an assistant reference librarian, SUNY, Stony Brook, Long Island. Richard Powdrell has been appointed co­ ordinator of materials utilization at the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Donald Rady has accepted the position of international gifts and exchange librarian and associate professor of library administration, Ohio State University. Janet Reed has been named assistant to the director, University Park, Pennsylvania State University. George P. Rehrauer is now associate pro­ fessor of library service in Rutgers University. David L. Reich is now associate director, public services, for the Dallas (Texas) public libraries. Phyllis Richmond has been appointed pro­ fessor of library science, Syracuse University school of library science. She will join the faculty in January, 1969. Leon E. Rowe has been named librarian, York campus, Pennsylvania State University. Mrs. Sandra Schield is now assistant science librarian and instructor, University of Houston. Ida Schwartzberg has joined the staff of Teachers College, Columbia University as an assistant librarian, cataloging department. Allen Sévigny, formerly public library con­ sultant in the New York state library division of library development, is now executive di­ rector of the Central New York Reference & Resources Council. Kay Louise Shaffer has accepted a position as Slavic cataloger and assistant instructor of library administration, Ohio State University. Dorothy R. Shaulis has been appointed as­ sociate librarian at Susquehanna University, Selingsgrove, Pennsylvania. Ann Slevin is now an assistant reference librarian, Princeton University. Carol Small is now assistant librarian, cataloging department, Teachers College, Co­ lumbia University. Patricia A. Smith has accepted a position as reference librarian and assistant instructor 356 of library administration, Ohio State University. Beverly J. Speck is a newly appointed ref­ erence librarian at Memphis State University. Mary Jane Stoneburg is now head of the periodicals department, Bucknell University. Linda K. Stopher has accepted the position of reference librarian and assistant instructor of library administration, Ohio State University. Mrs. Jo Jernigan Stroud has joined the staff at North Carolina State University, Ra­ leigh, as assistant serials librarian. Anna Stuliglowa is now senior assistant librarian and Soviet studies bibliographer, Cor­ nell University. Melissa M. Sung has joined the staff of SUNY, College at Geneseo, as assistant cata­ loged George Sykora is now a descriptive cata­ loged Princeton University. Merrily E. Taylor is now an assistant ref­ erence librarian, University of South Florida. Mrs. Myra June Terrell is now assistant reference librarian, East Texas State University. Walter K. Thigpen is now assistant under­ graduate librarian and assistant professor, Uni­ versity of Tennessee. Felicia J. Thomas is now cataloger and instructor, University of Tennessee. Robert A. Tibbetts has accepted the posi­ tion of curator of rare books and special col­ lections and instructor of library administra­ tion, Ohio State University. Mrs. Ruth Tracy is a newly appointed as­ sistant librarian, Cornell University. Betty Treece is now assistant catalog li­ brarian, East Texas State University. Patricia Truschel has joined the staff of the Maurice and Laura Falk library, University of Pittsburgh, as circulation librarian. Mrs. Helen Welch Tuttle, formerly ac­ quisition librarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana, is now assistant university librarian for preparations, Princeton University. Robert Veihman has been appointed ma­ terials preparation consultant at the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Matthew J. Vellucci has been appointed research associate and special assistant to the dean, school of library and information science, University of Maryland. Mary Jo Vincent has been appointed to the position of acting assistant reserve librarian, Wisconsin State University, Whitewater. Henry Voos is now associate professor of library service in Rutgers University. E sther Waldron has recently joined the catalog department of the Maurice and Laura Falk library, University of Pittsburgh. Kenneth G. Walter is now assistant di­ rector for technical services, University of South Carolina. Richard R. Ward has joined the staff of Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, as co­ ordinator of media services and audio-visual director. Gladys C. Wessels has been appointed co­ ordinator of instructional services and acting head of instructional materials services, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Joan Wirth, assistant librarian, is a new staff member at Cornell University. Mrs. Nancy Woelfl has accepted the po­ sition of reference librarian and assistant in­ structor of library administration, Ohio State University. Mrs. Robert E. Wright has been appointed an associate in librarianship with responsibili­ ties in the areas of admissions and placement, University of Washington school of librarian- ship. Nolan Thomas Yelich is now public ser­ vices librarian at the College of William and Mary. Daniel J. Yett has been appointed science bibliographer for the George Washington Uni­ versity library, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Janice Young is now assistant acquisi­ tions librarian and instructor, University of Houston. Mrs. Dorothy D. S. Yu has joined the staff of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute as a cataloger. R E T IR E M E N T S E linor R. Keefer retired July 19 after serving as head librarian for fifteen years and as acquisition librarian for the past two years at the Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) State Col­ lege library. Lora Smith, head of the East Texas State University library’s reference department, re­ tired August 31 after completing twenty-three years and three months of service. ■ ■ N E C R O L O G Y Harry Clemons, 88, head librarian at the University of Virginia from 1927 to 1950, died on August 30. Miles O. Price, law librarian of Columbia University from 1929 until his retirement in 1961, died on August 18. Yun K. Song, cataloger at Wichita State University, died at her parents’ home in Chun- nam, Korea, September 15, while on a visit. ■ ■ IN MEMORIAM The Ralph T. Esterquest Memorial Fund has been established in the Count­ way library of medicine. Contributions are being received by the Countway li­ brary, 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, Massa­ chusetts 02115. 357 For new convenience in using CHOICE … Use CHOICE R eview s-on-C ards DELIVERY OF CARDS Fourth Class, Special H a n d lin g means y o u r box o f cards is c a rrie d fro m o u r post office to yours w ith re g u la r First Class m ail, b u t de live red acco rd in g to y o u r local Parcel Post de live ry schedule. You should receive cards a t a b o u t the same tim e as you r re g u la r issue b y Second Class m ail. SUBSCRIPTION TO REVIEW S-ON -CAR DS C ards are a v a ila b le by y e a rly subscription a t a cost o f $80. W ith current p u b lic a tio n o f m ore than 5 ,5 0 0 reviews pe r ye a r, the cost o f the c ard service is less than 1 ½ cents per review . C ards are a v a il­ a b le o n ly to re g u la r CHOICE subscribers, H O W TO ORDER Subscriptions to Reviews-on-Cards should be o r­ dered fro m S ubscription D epa rtm e nt, A m erican L ib ra ry A ssociation, 50 E. H uron S treet, C hicag o, Illinois 6 0 6 1 1 . They are n o t a v a ila b le th ro u g h agencies. An o rd e r fo rm is p ro v id e d b e lo w fo r y o u r convenience. N e w subscriptions are started w ith the next a v a ila b le issue fo llo w in g re ceipt o f orders. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g Reviews-on- C ards, please w rite C H O IC E E d ito ria l Offices, 100 Riverview C enter, M id d le to w n , C onn. 0 6 4 5 7 . W ith the firs t issue o f Volum e 5, M a rch 1968, CHOICE began an a d d itio n a l service long requested by subscribers— CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards. If you w ere not am ong the service’s c h a rte r subscribers, you may w a n t to consider it now. CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards can brin g to y o u r acquisitions system a new convenience as versatile as you w a n t to make it. C ards make it easy to separate and distrib ute reviews sim ultaneously to o th e r lib ra ria n s an d fa c u lty — no m ore te a rin g up copies o r w a itin g forever fo r c irc u la tin g copies to return. C ards can save clerical steps in o rd e rin g and checking holdings (am ple space fo r no tation s on both fro n t an d back o f each card). They are a c a ta lo g in g a id , and they are easy to locate in y o u r desid era ta file . You can p ro b a b ly th in k o f dozens o f oth er uses in y o u r ow n system. DESCRIPTION OF CARD REVIEWS As each re g u la r issue o f CHOICE goes to press, a ll reviews in the issue are re p rin te d sep a ra te ly on 3 x 5 cards. Each is id e n tifie d by subject he ading an d issue da te . C o lla te d in the o rd e r fo llo w e d in the m a gazine, the y are boxed an d m ailed to you via Fourth Class m ail, Special H a n d lin g . TO: Subscription Department American Library Association 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611 Institution: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —---------------------- Please consider this my order fo r a 1-year subscription to Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- — ---------- CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards at (Street) $80 per year to begin with the next available issue. (City) (State) (Zip) Authorized by: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Signature) (Title) 358 There are two ways to keep abreast of the 20,000 new English Language books that come out each year. The old way: Read tens of thousands of listings and ads. The new way: Use the unique Books-Coming-Into-Print Service from Bro-Dart’s Stacey’s Division. Books-Coming-Into-Print is a computer- operated advance notification and acquisi­ tion program which allows your library to profile its needs in specific disciplines. It gives you notification, continuations, and automatic shipment of books on approval. This is much more than an approval pro­ gram. Our Stacey’s Division, the nation’s lead­ ing academic bookseller, will classify and organize over 20,000 titles a year of interest to your library. Then there's the matter of our computer and the Thesaurus we provide you with. By using our Thesaurus and your specifications you pin point the exact type of books you'll be interested in, regardless of how broad or narrow your areas of special interest or the academic level desired. By carefully profil­ ing your needs, you'll be receiving books or information about only those publications that would be of special interest to your library. That's the advantage of dealing with a computer. The Books-Coming-Into-Print Program will provide you with an advance notice card prior to publication for each title which fits your profile. If you, for any reason, don't want the book, all you have to do is return the computerized card. And we won't send you the book. If, on publication, the book is not appropriate to your profile, you will receive a rejection notice with explana­ tion. Of course, all shipments are "on approval.” Remember, you’ll be dealing with one source for books from all publishers. The Books-Coming-Into-Print Program applies to all English language books, continua­ tions, and monographs by commercial and non-commercial publishers. In the humani­ ties. Or the sciences. Then, since you'll be dealing with Bro- Dart, you'll have the option of getting your books with a full variety of supplemental cataloging and processing services. Since you’ll be given advance notice about each new book, the system is com­ patible with your present way of ordering monographs and continuations. And what you’ll have is an “on order” fl le which your library can use for ordering, reference, or cancellations. Naturally, your library will receive com­ petitive discounts. Rapid Service. And ac­ curate selections. Much easier than reading all those ads and listings. For additional information on this excit­ ing new service, write: Dept. CRL-11 BRO DART P.O. Box 90337, Airport Station, Los Angeles, California 90009 Newark • Williamsport • Los Angeles • Brantford, Ontario THE COMPLETE LIBRARY SOURCE