ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 378 “Transition in Printing” from the original type­ script and a handlist of the University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Barbara, Guthrie Collection by Christian Brun. The keepsake was designed and printed by Mr. William Horton and his Sun Press. Copies are being mailed to the Friends of the UCSB library. • Xerox Corporation’s University Microfilms has been named publisher of The International Microfilm Journal of Legal Medicine, a unique medical-legal journal which is distributed only in microimage form. Sponsored by the Milton Helpem Library of Legal Medicine, the journal is published quarterly on microfiche. Editor-in- Chief of the publication is Dr. Milton Helpem, Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York. Annual subscriptions are $17.50; single issues $5.00. • The Harvard Graduate School of E duca­ tion, faced with the problem of improving its library facilities, convened a symposium on “Li­ brary Technology and Architecture.” Six “con­ sultants” contributed reports which formed the basis for an all day conference. The reports and conference transcript have been published in “Library Technology and Architecture, Re­ port of a Conference at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, February 9, 1967.” (Cam ­ bridge, Mass.: Library, Graduate School of E d ­ ucation, Harvard University, 1968. 51 pp. $1.00). Most attention was given to possible introduction of new library technology and methodology—decision areas which precede or should precede architectural design. The con­ sultants whose reports are included were: Carl F. J. Overhage, Director, Project INTREX (INformation TRansfer E xperim ent), Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology; Joseph Beck­ er, Director of Information Sciences, EDUCOM, ( Interuniversity Communications Council); W alter H. Kilham, Jr., O’Connor and Kilham, Architects, New York, N.Y.; Richard E. Schutz, Director, Southwest Regional Lab­ oratory for Educational Research and Develop­ ment; Richard C. Oldham, Assistant Director, Education Division, WGBH-TV Educational Foundation; Theodore R. Conant, Executive Producer, Education Division, WGBH-TV E d­ ucational Foundation. • Brief descriptions in German and English of 55 mechanized systems and mechanization projects in W est German documentation cen­ ters and libraries are contained in a new pub­ lication: Mechanization in Documentation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Third Com­ pilation: Position as at 1st January 1968. The entries are arranged by subject fields. Libraries are listed separately. There is an index of in­ stitutions with addresses and a person index. Copies are available from Zentralstelle für maschinelle Dokumentation, 6 Frankfurt am Main, Holzhausenstrasse 44, West Germany. The price is about $2.00. • The Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD ) has issued a new edi­ tion of Periódicos Brasileiros de Cultura which lists 2,049 periodicals currently published in Brazil. To the extent the information was avail­ able to the Institute, each entry includes the name and address of the publisher, the year in which publication commenced, the frequency, and, for appropriate publications, in which in­ dex or bibliography it appears. Newspapers are not included, b u t a few of their regular sup­ plements on special topics are. In addition to a subject index, there is also an alphabetical list of titles with reference to the numbered entry. More than 800 Brazilian publications th at have ceased or suspended publication or th at failed to respond to the Institute’s questionnaire are listed separately. The Institute plans to publish supplements to this edition containing new serial titles, changes of title, publications that cease or suspend publication, and revisions, as necessary, of entries in the current edition. Copies of Periódicos Brasileiros de Cultura may be purchased at NCr 10,000 each by writing to: Institute Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Docu- mentação, Avenida General Juste 171, 4 °. an- dar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ■ ■ HIGHER EDUCATION ACT On October 1, the President signed H.R. 18037 (Public Law 90-557), th e act making appropriations for the Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare. Included in the act is an appropriation of $5.5 million for Title II-C of the Higher Education Act. On October 16, the President signed S. 3769 (Public Law 90-575), the Higher Education Amendments of 1968. The law extends Title II, Part C (National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging) of the Higher Education Act for fiscal year 1969 and the next two succeed­ ing fiscal years. It authorizes an appropriation of $6 million for fiscal year 1969 and $11 mil­ lion for the next two years. In addition, this section of the Act was amended so as to give the Librarian of Congress authority to: 1. purchase additional copies of a single title of a book acquired through the Title II-C program. 2. provide not only cataloging information about currently acquired materials b u t also other aids to higher education, such as bib­ liographies, indexes, guides and union lists, describing not only current books b u t other important materials essential to research. 3. pay administrative costs of cooperative ar­ rangements for acquiring for institutions of higher education or combinations thereof, li­ brary materials not readily obtainable out­ side the country of origin. ■ ■