ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries I N D E X T O V O L . X X IX (including CRL News issues) Prepared by Richard Schimmelpfeng ABBREVIATIONS Standard abbreviations for names of organizations, ALA, ACRL, L.C etc, a re a lp h a b e tiz e d a s if s p e lle d n u t. O th e r a b b r e v ia tio n s : appt. —appointment cat.(s) —catalog(s) coll. —college ed. —editor, edition l.(s), ln.(s) —library(ies), librarian(s) port. —portrait ref. —reference rev. —review( er) s (before page numbers) —CRL News issues univ. —university A Acquisitions, s11; s39; s74; s109; s139; sl7 1 -7 2 ; s219; s274–75; s305–06; s344–46 “Activities and opportunities of univ. Ins. for full participa­ tion in the educational enter­ prise,” Kellam and Barker, 195–99 Administrative Organization of Australian Univ. Ls., Fielding, ed., rev. of, 62 “The administrative structure of the univ. 1.,” Kilpela, 511–16 American Council of Learned Societies, Committee on Re­ search Ls., report, s69–70 “ALA award nominations,” 1969, s337, 340–41 ALA, et al., Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, rev. of, 62–63 “ALA representatives at aca­ demic ceremonies,” sl9 1 ALA, Research Round Table, s244 ALA, Ref. Services Division, new ILL code, s271–72 ALA Standards for Coll. Ls., 132–40 “American 1. resources on Asia,” Yang and Yang, 477–82 The American Printer, 1787- 1825, Silver, rev. of, 240 Amsden, Diana, “Information problems of anthropologists,” 117–31 “An anemometer for I.L.L. winds,” Atwood, 285–91 A n g lo -A m e r ic a n C a ta lo g u in g Rules, American L. Association et al., rev. of, 62–63 Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, v. 2, Cuadra, ed., rev. of, 238–40 Appointments, s17–20; s46–49; S79–81; S120–21; s154; s 195, 198; s283–86; s312–13; s353– 56; s391, 393–94 ACRL, Board of Directors, meet­ ing, Jan. 8–9, 1968, brief of minutes, s57, 59–65; meeting, June 24, 26, 1968, brief of minutes, s259–65 ACRL, Coll. Ls. Section, Com­ mittee on Non-Western Re­ sources, s71 ACRL, Executive Secretary, let­ ter, s247–48 ACRL grants, s6–8; s241, 243 ACRL, Junior Coll. Ls. Section, chairman’s newsletter, s133–34 ACRL, Junior Coll. Ls. Section, Information Center, s167, 169– 70 ACRL, Junior Coll. Ls. Section officers (Nominees), 1968/69, sl3 1 ACRL meeting, Kansas City, June, 1968, proposed pro­ gram, s89, 91–97; Midwinter Meetings, s365, 367–68; con­ ference notes, s l6 3 , 165–66; S251–53 ACRL officers, 1968/69, s267– 68 ACRL officers (nominees) , 1968/69, s5 ACRL, Rare Books Section, Manuscripts Collections Sub­ section, s244 ACRL, report to ALA Council, June, 1968, s213–18 ACRL, section and subsection committee chairmen, s341 ARL, meeting, Bal Harbour, Jan. 1968, brief of minutes, slO l- 05; meeting, Kansas City, June 22, 1968, brief of min­ utes, s316–27 Association of Southeastern Re­ search Ls., meeting, Jan. 8, 1968, brief of minutes, s l0 7 – 08 “Attitudes of Wisconsin State Univ. System Ins. towards the ALA Standards for Coll. Ls.,” Blankenship, 132–40 Atwood, Ruth, “An anemometer for I.L.L. winds,” 285–91 B Bailey, George M., “From the ACRL Executive Secretary,” s247–48; resignation, s l o l , 163; appt. & port., s l9 4 –95 Banks, Paul N., rev., 315–16 Barker, Dale L., “Activities and opportunities of univ. Ins. for full participation in the educa­ tional enterprise,” 195–99 Bass, Lawrence W., ed., Formu­ lation of Research Policies; Collected Papers from an In ­ ternational Symposium, rev. of, 321–22 Beard, John Robert, Canadian Provincial Ls., rev. of, 444–45 Beatty, William K., rev., 63–64 Bennett, Fleming, rev., 517 Berkeley, Bernard, Floors: Se­ lection and Maintenance, rev. of, 520 Berner, Richard C., “Observa­ tions on archivists, Ins., and the National Union Cat. of Manuscript Collections,” 276– 80; erratum, 507 Berriman, S. G., British Public L. Buildings, rev. of, 321 Bibliography, Current State and Future Trends, Downs and Jenkins, eds., rev. of, 317–19 Blackburn, Robert T., “ Coll. ls. —indicted failures: some rea­ sons—and a possible remedy,” 171–77 Blake, Fay M., “Tenure for the academic In.,” 502–04 Blanchard, J. R., “Planning the conversion of a coll, to a univ. 1.,” 297–302 Blankenship, W. C., “Attitudes of Wisconsin State Univ. Sys­ tem Ins. towards the ALA Standards for Col. Ls.,” 132– 40 Boaz, Martha, rev., 319–20 “The bottomless pit, or the'(aca­ demic 1. as viewed from the administration building,” Munn, 51–54 Braden, Irene A., “The sep­ arately housed undergraduate 1.,” 281–84 Briggs, Donald R., “Gift ap­ praisal policy in large research Is.,” 505-07 British Public L. Buildings, Berriman and Harrison, rev. of, 321 Broadus, Robert N., “The prob­ lem of dates in bibliographic citations,” 387–92 Brooks, Harley C., appt. & port., s283 Brown, George W ., EDUNET: a Report of the Summer Study on Information Net­ works Conducted by the In- teruniv. Communications Coun­ cil, rev. of, 159–60 Bryan, Harrison, A Critical Sur­ vey of Univ. Ls. and Lnship in Great Britain, rev. of, 157– 58 Buckman, Tom appt. & port., s 117 Buildings, s12; s74; s1 10; s 139- 40; s 172–73; s275; s306 Bundy, Mary Lee, “Professional­ ism reconsidered,” 5–26 c Canadian Provincial Ls., Beard, rev. of, 444–45 Carlson, William H., “Id a An- geline Kidder: pioneer western land-grant In.,” 217–23 Cavanaugh, G.S.T., rev., 446 Cheney, Frances Neel, rev., 237– 38 Classification for Medical Litera­ ture, Cunningham, 5th ed., rev. of, 63–64 “ Classification trends in junior coll. Is.,” Taylor, 351–56 Cleaning and Preserving Bind­ ings and Related Materials, Horton, rev. of, 158–59 “ College Is.—indicted failures: some reasons—and a possible remedy,” Blackburn, 171–77 “ The college 1. and the drop­ out,” Kramer and Kramer, 310–12 “Colorado Academic Ls. Book Processing Center: a feasibil­ ity study,” Leonard, 393–99 “Comparative classification for administrators: a short ser­ mon,” Perreault, 46–50 Conference of Eastern Coll. Lns., 53d, 1967, brief of minutes, s 1, 3 –4, 20 Connecticut Teletype network, s68 Conservation o f L . Materials: a Manual and Bibliography on the Care, Repair and Resto­ ration of L. Materials, Cunha, rev. of, 315–16 Cooper, Marianne, “Organiza­ tional patterns of academic science Is.,” 357–63 Copying Methods Manual, Haw- ken, rev. of, 517–18 “Criteria for appointm ent to and promotion in academic rank,” Hintz, 341–46 A Critical Survey o f Univ. Ls. and Lnship in Great Britain, Bryan, rev. of, 157–58 Cuadra, Carlos A., ed., Annual Review o f Information Science and Technology, v. 2, rev. of, 238–40 Cunha, George Daniel Martin, Conservation of L. Materials: a Manual and Bibliography on the Care, Repair and Resto­ ration of L . Materials, rev. of, 315–16 Cunningham, Eileen R., Classi­ fication for Medical Litera­ ture, 5th ed., rev. of, 63–64 The Design of Books, Wilson, rev. of, 443–44 D Davis, R ichard A., a p p t. & port., s391 Developing a Computer-Based In ­ formation System, Rosone et al., rev. of, 316-17 “Development of quantitative as­ sessment of medical Is.,” Pings, 373-80 Diffusion of Abstracting and In ­ dexing Services for Govern­ m e n t –S p o n s o r e d Research, Klempner, rev. of, 518–19 “Doctoral study—key to what?” Harlow, 483–85 Downs, Robert B., “Status of academic Ins. in retrospect,” 253–58; Bibliography, Current State and Future Trends, rev. of, 317–19; rev., 160-62 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award, s228 Durrance, Raymond E., “Im pli­ cations for ls. of th e National Sea G rant Coll, and Program Act of 1966,” 210–12 E Edelstein, J. M., ed., A Garland for la k e Zeitlin on the Oc­ casion of His 65th Birthday and the Anniversary o f His 40th Year in the Book Trade, rev. of, 237 E D U N E T: a Report o f the Sum ­ mer Study on Information Networks Conducted by the I n t e r u n i v . Communications Council, Brown, Miller, and Keenan, rev. of, 159–60 “The ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Coll. Information—an innovation in education,” Mathies, 41–45 Eshelman, William R., rev., 443– 44 F “Faculty studies: a survey of their use in selected ls.,” Spyers–Duran, 55–61 Fielding, F. D. O., ed., Adm inis­ trative Organization of Aus­ tralian Univ. Ls., rev. of, 62 Fletcher, Charlotte, rev., 157 Floors: Selection and M ainte­ nance, Berkeley, rev. of, 520 Forbis, Yates M., appt. & port., s281–82 “ Foreign press and academic ls.,” W all, 213–16 Forman, Sidney, “Innovative practices in coll. ls.,” 486–92 Formulation of Research Poli­ cies; Collected Papers from an International Symposium, Bass and Olds, eds., rev. of, 321–22 Fristoe, Ashby J., “Paperbound books: many problems, no so­ lutions,” 437–42 “From inside the D LSEF,” Stokes, s9; s33; s67; s99; sl3 2 ; sl7 0 ; s212; s250; s303; s342; s369 G Gaines, James E., “Reclassifica­ tion in the Is. of the Great Lakes Colleges Association,” 292–96 A Garland for Jake Zeitlin on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday and the Anniversary of His 40th Year in th e Book Trade, Edelstein, ed., rev. of, 237 Gelfand, Morris A., Univ. Ls. for Developing Countries, rev. of, 444 “Gift appraisal policy in large research ls.,” Briggs, 505–07 Grants: ACRL, s6-8; s241, 243 Greenaway, Emerson, rev., 321 Griffith, Alice B., “JCLS chair­ man’s newsletter,” s13 3–34 Grisham, Frank P., appt. & port., s281 “ Guards, turnstiles, electronic devices and the illusion of se­ curity,” Roberts, 259–75 “Guide to methods of l. evalu­ ation,” s293, 295, 297, 299 Gulick, Melba C., “Nonconven- tional data sources and ref. tools for social science and humanities,” 224–34 H Hackett, Alice Payne, 70 Years of Best Sellers, 1895–1965, rev. of, 319–20 Harlan, Robert D., rev., 517-18 Harlow, Neal, “Doctoral study— key to what?” 483-85; hon­ orary degree awarded, s49 Harrer, Gustave A., appt. & port., s311 Harrison, K. C., British Public L. Buildings, rev. of, 321 Harvey, John, ed., The L.-Coll.: Contributions for American Higher Education at the Jamestown Coll. Workshop, 1965, rev. of, 157 Harwell, Richard, appt. & port., s 118 Hawken, William R., Copying Methods Manual, rev. of, 517- 18 Hayes, Robert M., rev., 238–40; 316–17 Health Sciences Lnship, Lieber­ man, rev. of, 446 Heron, David Winston, appt. & port., s282 Hetler, Eliese, “The status of lns. in four-year state colls, and univs.,” 381-86 Hines, Theodore C., rev., 62-63 Hintz, Carl, “Criteria for ap­ pointm ent to and promotion in academic rank,” 341–46 Hirsch, Rudolf, rev., 236–37 Holley, Edward G., Raking the Historic Coals: the A .L.A . Scrapbook of 1876, rev. of, 320–21; rev., 162 Horton, Carolyn, Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Re­ lated Materials, rev. of, 158–59 Houghton, Bernard, ed., Infor­ mation W ork Today; Papers Presented at a Symposium for Inform ation Workers Held at Liverpool School of Lnship in September, 1966, rev. of, 445- 46 Humphry, James, appt. & port., s 193–94 I “Id a Angeline Kidder: pioneer western land-grant ln.,” Carl­ son, 217–23 “Implications for Is. of the Na­ tional Sea G rant Coll, and Pro­ gram Act of 1966,” Durrance, 210–12 “The implications of oral his­ tory for lns.,” Zachert, 101-03 “Indexing in source,” Vensenyi, 400–02 “The information desk: the l.’s gateway to service,” Kleiner, 496-501 “Information problems of an­ thropologists,” Amsden, 117- 31 Information W ork Today; Papers Presented at a Sym posium for Information Workers Held at Liverpool School of Lnship in September, 1966, Houghton, ed., rev. of, 445-46 “Innovative practices in coll. Is.,” Form an, 486-92 Institute Program for Lnship Training, s231 Interlibrary loan code, revision, S271-72 “An investigation of classroom­ 1. relationships on a coll, cam­ pus as seen in recorded cir­ culation and GPA’s,” Ritter, 30-40 J Jenkins, Frances B., ed., Bibli­ ography, Current State and Future Trends, rev. of, 317-19 Jesse, William H., “Professional staff opportunities for study and research,” 87-100 Jones, James V., appt. & port., S118-19 Jordan, Robert, ed., The L .­ Coll.: Contributions for Amer­ ican Higher Education at the Jamestown Coll. Workshop, 1965, rev. of, 157 Journal of L. Automation, an­ nouncement, s9 Junior Coll. L. Information Cen­ ter, s36 K Kaser, David, rev., 240; 444 Keenan, Thomas A., EDUNET: a Report of the Summer Study on Information Net­ works Conducted by the In­ teruniv. Communications Coun­ cil, rev. of, 159-60 Kellam, W. Porter, “Activities and opportunities of univ. Ins. for full participation in the educational enterprise,” 195-99 Kidder, Ida Angeline, 217-23 Kidman, Roy L., appt. & port., s45 Kilgour, Frederick G., appt. & port., s l6 Kilpela, Raymond, “ The admin­ istrative structure of the univ. 1.,” 511-16; “The univ. 1. committee,” 141-43 Kleiner, Jane P., “The informa­ tion desk: the l.’s gateway to service,” 496-501 Klempner, Irving M., Diffusion of Abstracting and Indexing Services for Government-Spon­ sored Research, rev. of, 518- 19 Kramer, Lloyd A., “The coll. 1. and the drop-out,” 310-12 Kramer, Martha B., “The coll. 1. and the drop-out,” 310-12 L Lane, David O., “The selection of academic 1. materials, a literature survey,” 364-72 Lathem, Edward C., appt., s45- 46 Leach, Maurice D., appt. & port., s i 19 Leonard, Lawrence E., “Col­ orado Academic Ls. Book Processing Center: a feasibility study,” 393-99 “The librarian in Catholic in­ stitutions,” Novak, 403-10 Librarians, 5-26; 253-58: 381- 86; 502-04 Library and Information Science Research Program ( Title II- B ), S268-70 Library Buildings Award Pro­ gram, 4th, 1968, sl2 9 , 135-37 The Library–Coll.: Contributions for American Higher Educa­ tion at the Jamestown Coll. Workshop, 1965, ed. by Shores, Jordan and Harvey, rev. of, 157 Library Coll. Journal, s i 08 Library evaluation methods, s293, 295, 297, 299 Library History Seminar, 3d, Tallahassee, 1968, report, sl3 5 “Library instruction for the un­ dergraduate,” Phipps, 411-23 “Library statistics, 1966/67,” s29, 31, 33-34 Library Surveys, Line, rev. of, 235-36 Library Surveys, Tauber and Stephens, eds., rev. of, 160-62 Lieberman, Irving, Health Sci­ ences Lnship, rev. of, 446 Liebert, Herman W., rev., 237 Line, Maurice B., L. Surveys, rev. of, 235-36 Little, Thompson M., appt. & port., s312 Littleton, I. T., rev., 240-41 M McCarthy, Stephen A., rev., 157- 58 McGowan, John P., rev., 159-60 McGrath, William E., “Measuring classified circulation according to curriculum,” 347-50 McLean, Edward B., “Shared mobile 1. collections,” 27-29 McNiff, Philip J., ACRL election & port., s209, 211 McPherson, Madeleine, “On the indexing of anthropological journals,” 313-14 Madan, Raj, “The status of Ins. in four-year state colls, and univs.,” 381-86 Makerere Univ. Coll. L., 200-09, 212 Mark Hopkins’ Log and Other Essays, Shores, rev. of, 237-38 Marshall, John David, rev., 320- 21 Massachusetts Conference of Chief Lns. of Public Higher Educa­ tion, s231-32 Mathies, Lorraine, “The ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Coll. Information—an innovation in education,” 41-45 “Measuring classified circulation according to curriculum,” Mc­ Grath, 347-50 Merry, Susan A., “The Ontario New Universities L. Project— a centralized processing exper­ iment completed,” 104-08 The Methodist Publishing House. Vol. I: From Its Beginnings to 1870, Pilkington, rev. of, 517-18 Miller, Edward, Prince of Lns.: the Life & Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Mu­ seum, rev. of, 162 Miller, James G., EDUNET: a Report of the Summer Study on Information Networks Con­ ducted by the Interuniv. Com­ munications Council, rev. of, 159-60 Mills, Elizabeth, “The separate undergraduate j.,” 144-56 Mitchell, Ann E., “Professional staff opportunities for study and research,” 87-100 Monke, Arthur, appt. & port.. S119-20 Munn, Robert F., “The bottom­ less pit, or the academic 1. as viewed from the administra­ tion building,” 51-54 N National Sea Grant Coll, and Program Act of 1966, 210-12 Necrology, s81; sl2 1 ; sl5 4 ; sl9 8 ; s286; s327; s356 “National Interl. Loan Code, 1968,” S271-72 “News from the field,” s l 1-14; S39-41; S74-78; sl09-15; S139-41, 143, 145-46, 148- 49; S171-78; s219-23, 226-28; s274-80; s305-09; s344-50; s370-78 Nitecki, Joseph Z., “The title cat.: a third dimension,” 431- « 36 “Nonconventional data sources and ref. tools for social scien­ ces and humanities,” Gulick, 224-34 “Non-Ins. in the academic 1.,” Trumpeter, 461-65 Novak, Victor, “The In. in Cath­ olic institutions,” 403-10 o “Observations on archivists, lns., and the National Union Cat. of Manuscript Collections,” Berner, 276-80; erratum, 507 Olds, Bruce S., ed., Formulation of Research Policies; Collected Papers from an International Symposium, rev. of, 321-22 “On the indexing of anthro­ pological journals,” Routh and McPherson, 313-14 “The Ontario New Universities L. Project—a centralized proc­ essing experiment completed,” Merry, 104-08 “Organizational patterns of aca­ demic science Is.,” Cooper, 357-63 “Organizing and administering a univ. archives,” Wasson, 109- 16 “Out-of-print booksearching,” Smith, 303-09 Owens, Warren S., appt. & port S282-83 P “Paperbound books: many prob­ lems, no solutions,” Fristoe, 437-42 Parker, Dorothy et al., Primer for Agricultural Ls., rev. of, 517 Perreault, Jean M., “Comparative classification for administra­ tors: a short sermon,” 46-50 Personnel, sl6-20; s45-49; s79- 81; s ll7 - 2 1 ; sl53-54; sl9 3 - 95, 198; s229; s281-86; s311- 13, 327; s353-56; s391, 393- 94 Phipps, Barbara H., “L. in­ struction for the undergrad­ uate,” 411-23 Pilkington, James Penn, The Methodist Publishing House. Vol. I: From Its Beginnings to 1870, rev. of, 517-18 Pings, Vem M., “Development of quantitative assessment of med­ ical Is.,” 373-80 “The place of 1. resources in doctoral programs,” Subbarao, 424-30 “Planning the conversion of a coll, to a univ. 1.,” Blan­ chard, 297-302 Primer for Agricultural Ls., Par­ ker et al., rev. of, 517 Prince of Lns.: The Life ‹b- Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum, Miller, rev. of, 162 “The problem of dates in bibli­ ographic citations,” Broadus, 387-92 “Professional staff opportunities for study and research,” Jesse and Mitchell, 87-100 “Professionalism reconsidered,” Bundy and Wasserman, 5-26 Progress of Ls. in Free India; Being a Symposium on L. Science by Some Em inent and Experienced Lns. of India, Sen, ed., rev. of, 446-47 Q “ Question–negotiation and infor­ mation seeking in Is.,” Taylor, 178-94 Quick, Richard, appt., s i 95 R Raking the Historic Coals: the A .L.A . Scrapbook of 1876, Hol­ ley, rev. of, 320-21 ‘‘Reclassification in the Is. of the Great Lakes Colleges Associa­ tion,” Gaines, 292-96 “Reference books,” Sheehy, 65- 72; 323-32 Reichmann, Felix, rev., 317-19 “ Relations between historical re­ searchers and custodians of source materials,” Rundell, 466-76 The Research Triangle of North Carolina, Wilson, rev. of, 240- 41 Retirements, s49; s81; sl2 1 ; sl5 4 ; s229; s286; s327; s356; s394 Rhodes, Dennis E., ed., Victor Scholderer, F ifty Essays in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Cen­ tury Bibliography, rev. of, 236-37 Ritter, R. Vernon, “An investi­ gation of classroom-1, relation­ ships on a coll, campus as seen in recorded circulation and GPA’s,” 30-40 Ritzman, Dean F., appt. & port., s45 Roberts, Matt, “Guards, turn­ stiles, electronic devices and the illusion of security,” 259- 75 Rosone, R. E., et al., Developing a Computer-Based Informa­ tion System, rev. of, 316-17 Routh, S. J., “On the indexing of anthropological journals,” 313-14 Rundell, W alter, Jr., “Relations between historical researchers and custodians of source ma­ terials,” 466-76 Russell, John R., rev., 446-47 S Schliecker, Charles, rev., 520 “The selection of academic 1. materials, a literature survey,” Lane, 364-72 Sen, N. B., ed., Progress o f Ls. in Free India; Being a Sym ­ posium on L. Science by Some E m inent and Experienced Lns. of India, rev. of, 446-47 “ The separate undergraduate 1.,” Mills, 144-56 “The separately housed under­ graduate 1.,” Braden, 281-84 70 Years of Best Sellers, 1895- 1965, Hackett, rev. of, 319-20 “Shared mobile 1. collections,” McLean, 27-29 Sheehy, Eugene P., “Selected ref. books,” 65-72; 323-32 Shores, Louis, ed., The L .–Coll.: Contributions . fo r . American Higher Education at the James­ town Coll. Workshop, 1965, rev. of, 157; Mark Hopkins’ Log and Other Essays, rev. of, 237-38 Silver, Rollo G., The American Printer, 1787-1825, rev. of, 240 Sitzman, Glenn L., “U ganda’s univ. 1.,” 200-09, 212 Skipper, James E., appt. & port., s79 Smith, Eldred, “Out-of-print booksearching,” 303-09 “Some circulation data from a research 1.,” Trues well, 493- 95 Southwest Academic L. Consor­ tium, s i 08 Spyers–Duran, Peter, “ Faculty studies: a survey of their use in selected Is.,” 55-61 Srygley, Ted, rev., 445-46 Statistics, 1966/67, s29, 31, 33- 34 “ Status of academic lns. in ret­ rospect,” Downs, 253-58 “The status of lns. in four-year state colls, and univs.,” Mad- an, Hetler and Strong, 381-86 Stephens, Irene Roemer, ed., L. Surveys, rev. of, 160-62 Stokes, Katharine M., “From in­ side the D LSEF,” s9; s33; s67; s99; s l3 2 ; sl7 0 ; s212; s250; s303; s342; s369 Strong, Marilyn, “The status of lns. in four-year state colls, and univs.,” 381-86 Subbarao, M. Suseela, “The place of 1. resources in doctoral pro­ grams,” 424-30 T Tauber, Maurice F., ed., L. Sur­ veys, rev. of, 160-62; award, s l9 1 ; rev., 62; 235-36 Taylor, Desmond, “Classification trends in junior coll. Is.,” 351- 56 Taylor, Robert S., “Question- negotiation and information seeking in Is.,” 178-94 “ Tenure for the academic In.,” Blake, 502-04 “A theory of ref. service,” Vav- rek, 508-10 Thomas, J. Donald, appt. & port., S311-12 Thompson, Lawrence S., rev., 517-18 “The title cat.: a third dimen­ sion,” Nitecki, 431-36 Toombs, Kenneth E., appt. & port., sl6 -1 7 Trues well, Richard W ., “Some circulation data from a re­ search 1.,” 493-95 Trumpeter, Margo, “ Non-Ins. in the academic 1.,” 461-65 U “U ganda’s univ. 1.,” Sitzman, 200-09, 212 University Ls. for Developing Countries, Geífand, rev. of, 444 “The university 1. committee,” Kilpela, 141-43 Upper Mississippi Academic L. Association, s232 V Vavrek, Bernard F., “A theory of ref. service,” 508-10 Vensenyi, Paul E., “Indexing in source,” 400-02 Victor Scholderer, F ifty Essays in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Cen­ tury Bibliography, Rhodes, ed., rev. of, 236-37 W Wall, Carol, “Foreign press and academic Is.,” 213-16 Wasserman, Paul, “Professional­ ism reconsidered,” 5-26 Wasson, Woodrow W ., “ Organ­ izing and administering a univ. archives,” 109-16 Wikander, Lawrence E., appt. & port., s i 53-54 Williams, Edwin E., rev., 444- 45 Wilson, Adrian, The Design of Books, rev. of, 443-44 Wilson, Louis R., The Research Triangle o f North Carolina, rev. of, 240-41 Woods, Bill M., rev., 321-22 Wynne, Marjorie G., rev., 158- 59 Y Yang, Teresa S., “American 1. resources on Asia,” 477-82 Yang, Winston L. Y., “American 1. resources on Asia,” 477-82 z Z-39 Standards Committee, meet­ ing, Apr. 5, 1968, Chapel Hill, N.C., report, sl9 8 -2 0 2 Zachert, Martha Jane K., “The implications of oral history for Ins.,” 101-03