ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 387 ERIC Abstracts to Supplement CRL Reviews In its January issue College & Research L i­ braries will inaugurate a new service which should be of considerable use to its readers. In each issue thereafter its “Book Review” columns will be supplemented b y abstracts of recent documents of special interest to academic and research libraries. The abstracts which CRL will print will be selected from those prepared for Research in Education by th e ERIC Clearinghouse for Li­ brary and Information Sciences at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota. Unless otherwise noted, documents abstracted in CRL are available by purchase in microfiche or hard copy from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (N a­ tional Cash Register Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014). Orders must be placed by “E D ” or “L I” number. ■ ■ Librarians’ Association Asks Recognition The members of the Librarians’ Association at the University of California have submitted a request to University officials for formal rec­ ognition of their association. In a letter to Uni­ versity President Charles J. Hitch, the members requested: 1. T hat th e Librarians’ Association be recog­ nized by the University of California as the official organization w ithin the University structure which represents librarians as aca­ demic personnel. 2. That th e University of California grant the Librarians’ Association th e power to investi­ gate, discuss, and make recommendations to any and all officers and agencies of the Uni­ versity regarding matters of concern to Uni­ versity of California librarians as academic personnel. 3. T hat th e Librarians’ Association be granted permission to incorporate the name of the University of California w ithin its own, so that it may become th e Librarians’ Associa­ tion of the University of California. 4. That the University of California provide financial support for th e activities of the Librarians’ Association, including University time for its officers and members to con­ duct Association business, travel expenses, office space, secretarial assistance, equip­ ment, supplies, etc. 5. T hat th e Librarians’ Association be the means by which librarians are represented in an organization including all University of California academic personnel, should such an organization be created; however, that such an organization would not take the place of the Librarians’ Association. ■ ■ NACL REPORT The report of the National Advisory Com­ mission on Libraries entitled “Library Services for the Nation’s Needs—tow ard Fulfillment of a National Policy” was submitted to the Presi­ dent on October 3 by W ilbur Cohen, Secretary of th e D epartm ent of Health, Education, and Welfare, as Chairman of the President’s Com­ m ittee on Libraries. A formal presentation to th e President was made by representatives of the Commission at the W hite House on Octo­ ber 15. The Commission’s report appears on pages E9355-9368 of th e Congressional Rec­ ord (Extensions of Remarks), October 21, 1968, vol. 114, no. 173. Copies of the Congres­ sional Record for this date are available from th e Superintendent of Documents, GPO, for 20 cents. The report is also available through the ERIC Document Information Service, NCR Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Be­ thesda, Md. 20014, a t $3.04 for a hard copy or 50 cents for microfiche (Ed-020-446). A han­ dling charge of 50 cents is added for orders totaling less than $3.00, and paym ent m ust ac­ company any order totaling less than $5.00. A 25% service charge is added to orders from outside the United States. ■ ■ CLS/JCLS MEETING TOPIC t b t — L o t m s i o h b 4 “Library Instruction Beyond the Orientation Level” will be th e topic of the joint College Libraries Section/Junior College Libraries Sec­ ion meeting at the Atlantic City conference. T he presentation will be by a panel of li­ rarians, each giving the description and ra­ ionale of his program. The three people planning the joint meeting Ruthe Erickson and Betty Duvall of the St. ouis Junior College District, and Evan Farber f Earlham College—feel th a t in addition to hose committed to such instruction, the panel ight include someone who takes a negative or keptical view about the value of such library nstruction. They are, however, unable to think f a specific individual. If anyone is interested in fulfilling this role, or knows of someone else who might be, would e please get in touch with Evan Farber, Li­ rarian, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana 7374. ■ ■ 388 INFORMATION DYNAMICS CORPORATION 389 Imagine that... “I found LC 67-119079 in less than two minutes … all by myself.” That’s how easy LC searching is with IDC’s Micrographic Cata­ log Retrieval System. It’s the new System that lets libraries use their professional staff to the best possible advantage. And, makes LC search and print out so routine even clerical personnel have no difficulties. IDC’s Micrographic Catalog Retrieval System puts an end to the days when it took a real “pro” to unscramble the Library of Con­ gress Catalog. This new, high speed system automates LC search and print out procedures. To begin with, w e’ve compiled a quick- find Index by both LC Card Number and Main Entry. Then, the actual LC entries are reproduced on Microfiche cards, over 1,100 en­ tries on each card. (A 20-inch desk-top Microfiche file contains millions of entries.) Your people simply locate the entry in the In­ dex, select the proper Microfiche card, and insert this card in a Reader Printer. Six seconds later The M–C–R System gives you complete LC searching and … a full-size LC copy. print out at a single desk. IDC’s Micrographic Catalog Retrieval System is always up-to- date … weeks ahead of ordering printed LC cards and includes back issues through 1963. Subscribers receive weekly issues on Microfiche of approximately 3,000 advance release LC cards, all alphabetized and interfiled by Main Entry. Cumulative supplements, issued monthly, quarterly, and an­ nually, are also provided, completely indexed by LC Card Num­ ber and Main Entry. The M–C–R System is the best way to increase the effectiveness of your professional’s time, speed work flow, and keep up with current LC output. If you would like us to show you exactly what we mean, simply return this time-saving coupon. To: Information Dynamics Corporation Library Systems and Services Division 88 Main Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Gentlemen: HELP! □ Send me more information on the M-C-R System. □ Have your representative call me for appointment. □ I would like a demonstration in my area o n ------------------- Name_________________________________________________________________ Position------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Library-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S tre et---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City--------------------------------- S tate-------------------------------- Zip------------------------- 390 W hat book processing centers need is a good 5½₵ book jacket cover. In ex p en siv e enough to give all books a cover! L ow -cost p ro te c tio n fo r y o u r la r g e s t in v e s tm e n t. 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