ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 395 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed fine. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE FINE & APPLIED ARTS REFERENCE COLLECTION. ca 500 titles. Checklist and particulars sent to institutions upon applica­ tion. C. Verbeke, North Salem, N.H. 03073. Tel. (603) 893-0601. BACK ISSUES—Unbound original editions, clean, top condition. Over 20% below fist, ship­ ping extra. W. Parrish, 309 Woodbine Rd., Stamford, Conn. 06903. Review Scient. In­ strum. V 16-33 (1945-62) $260; Acta Crystal- lographica V 1-23 (1948-67) $570; Miner- alogical Abstracts V 14-18 (1959-67) $130; Bull. Soc. franc. Min. Crist. V 82-90 (1959-67) $90; Amer. Mineralogist V 2-4, 20-52 (1917- 19, 1935-67) plus 3 indices, $575. $1500 for entire lot—more than 25% below list. 7th Collective Index to Chemical Abstracts 1 9 6 2 -1 9 6 6 Your guide to nearly P u b lic a tio n o f the 7TH COLLECTIVE INDEX began in April, 1967. Subscription rates for the complete 28 volume set are as follows: ACS M em bers*.............. . $2,000 Colleges & Universities*. . $2,000 All O th e rs ...................... . $2,500 Postage: Foreign—$24.00: PUAS & Canada— $16.00 chemical papers *Due to the special rate granted, purchase is made through a lease agreement. and patents... *Order from: The 7TH COLLECTIVE INDEX gives you A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l S o c i e t y access to one-fourth of all abstracts ever 1155 Sixteenth St. N. W. I Washington, D.C. 20036 published in CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS. Vol­ umes 56-65 of CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS are * included. The 10 separate Subject Indexes, Formula Indexes, Author Indexes and Patent Indexes for these volumes are combined, re-edited, and updated in to one S u b je ct CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICEIndex, one Formula Index, one Author Index and one Numerical Patent Index and Patent A m e r ic a n C h e m ic a l S o c ie t y Concordance. You can focus on your interests Columbus. Ohio 43216 within this large body of information and see 5 years of development in your specialty. POSITIONS WANTED ADMINISTRATOR MLS, male, 39 years old, 11 years experience. At present Associate Di­ rector for Technical Processes in a large uni­ versity library. Seeks directorship of college or university library, or associate directorship in a university library. No geographical prefer­ ence. Box 746, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Acquisitions ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN who will also provide some reader service for an old estab­ lished liberal arts college now located on a new campus. This is a new position in a new library building. A chance for a young person to learn and grow professionally with a fast­ growing library. Faculty status, T.I.A.A., C.R.E.F., major medical, one month vacation and other liberal group benefits. M.L.S. re­ quired. Salary $7,000-$8,000. Apply: James T. Michna, Library Director, Howard Colman Li­ brary, Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois 61101. Administration LIBRARY DIRECTOR: Challenging oppor­ tunity to help plan, build and administer the new Central Reference Library in Nassau County, New York (population approximately 396 1,500,000). Send resume attention Dr. Sally B. Ronsheim, John F. Kennedy Educational, Civic and Cultural Center, Firehouse, Building 20, Mitchel Field, Garden City, New York 11530. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Wisconsin State Univer­ sity, Superior, Wisconsin 54880. Multi-purpose University with 3300 enrollment. New library building, September 1968. Collection of 130,000 volumes, with professional staff of seven. Can­ didate with Ph.D. or M.L.S. with additional graduate work and experience preferred. An­ nual appointment with salary open and com­ petitive, depending on training and experience, effective July 1, 1969. Contact Dr. John C. Haugland, Vice President for Academic Af­ fairs, Wisconsin State University, Superior, Wisconsin 54880. Automation EITHER: Library Automation systems spe­ cialist or Cataloger to begin work immediately at Millersville State College, Lancaster, Penn­ sylvania. $6,910.00 to $13,680.00 for 9 months. Summer work optional. State supported; pres­ ent staff of 17 professionals, new building with dial access system in operation. Contact: Mr. John S. Maine, Library Director, Millersville State College, Millersville, Pa. 17551. Cataloging CATALOG LIBRARIAN wanted for small lib­ eral arts college. M.L.S. from an accredited A.L.A. library school. Experience preferred but not mandatory. Will consider applicants with B. A.L.S., B.S.L.S. Beginning salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Send resumes to: Miss Carolvn Eaves, Librarian, Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas 76801. CATALOGER, $9000 a year. University Li­ brary in midwest. One month vacation, retire­ ment, health insurance, congenial community and staff. Some relevant cataloging experience is desired, but adaptability to change is es­ sential. If interested, please write Box 740, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGING POSITIONS, $7600. And up, depending on qualifications, for materials in (1 ) near eastern languages; (2 ) Spanish and Portuguese. Good fringe benefits on campus with 28,000 students. Apply to Miss Jane Flener, Asst. Director, Indiana University, Li­ brary, Bloomington, IN 47401. HEAD CAT. LIB.—You bring: 3-5 year exp., pref. with LC System, cat. in acad. or pub. lib.; 5th yr. LS degr. from accred. lib. sch.; reading knowledge at least one mod. lang.; supervisory ability. W e offer: $8,700-$9,200 (with large increase within 2 yrs.); good chance for early advancement; Asst. Prof, rank and privileges; unparalleled fringe benefits, good working and living conditions (new lib. planned for completion within 4 yrs.). Young staff, good morale, plenty of creative work. Send resumé (ed. and prof.), 3 refs, (at least 1 h b n .), lib. sch. dossier. WRITE OR PHONE (CO LLEC T): E. OBOLER, IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, POCATELLO, IDA­ HO 83201, 208-236-3480. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Opening after Jan­ uary 1, 1969. Graduate degree in Library Science. Additional graduate degree in sub­ ject area desirable. Knowledge of French or Spanish. Faculty status. Salary for nine months $6,910-$8,400 and up depending on qualifica­ tions. Optional nine weeks in summer on same salary scale as above. Library of 175,000 vol­ umes. New building 1968. Apply to Miss Alma Winton, Head Librarian, Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257. Multiple ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH LIBRARIANS. Opportunity for professional librarians with three to five years of appropriate experience to aid in the development of cooperative pro­ grams among college, university, public and research libraries in the New York State 3R’s Program. Assistants in Academic and Research Libraries—Salary Range: $11,365-$13,675, Challenging Duties—(1 ) Consultant service to 3R’s Systems; (2 ) Advisory assistance to aca­ demic, special and research libraries; (3 ) As­ sistant planning projects to foster interlibrary cooperation. Associates in Academic and Re­ search Libraries—Salary Range: $14,070-$16,- 780. Challenging Duties-—( 1 ) Plan and super­ vise projects relating to interlibrary coopera­ tion among college, special and public librar­ ies; (2 ) Supervision of staff of a field services section; (3 ) Consultant services to academic and research libraries. Excellent Fringe Bene­ fits. Inquiries and resumes should be sent to: Division of Personnel, New York State Educa­ tion Department, Albany, New York 12224. (1 ) ASSISTANT ACQUISITIONS LIBRAR­ IAN responsible for supervision of bibliographic searching, coordination of book selection; other possible responsibilities: development of documents collection. (2 ) CATALOGER to as­ sist in reclassification from Dewey to L.C.; also some responsibility for current material. Minimum academic requirement for both po­ sitions: Master’s degree in Library Science from ALA accredited school. Full faculty sta­ tus. Salary open. Apply to: Fritz Veit, Director of Libraries, Chicago State College, 6800 S. Stewart Ave., Chicago, 111. 60621. BEAUTIFUL SOUTHWESTERN LOUISI­ ANA—a floral paradise and fisherman’s delight. Seafood and French cuisine combine for the best eating in the South. To share these un- matchables in the midst of French Acadiana, we need: I. Head of Readers Services to super­ vise and coordinate the Divisions of Human­ ities, Science and Social Sciences, Circulation, Reserve Books, Audio Department, News- papers and Microforms, Documents and the Louisiana Collection. II. Head of Technical Services to coordinate Acquisitions, Catalog­ ing and Circulation, to apply the new tech­ nology and to initiate procedures for automa­ tion. Positions I and II defined as Associate or Assistant Director, depending on experience and qualifications. Salary for both negotiable, range $12,000-$14,000. III. Assistant Acquisi­ tions Librarian, to supervise 5 clerical assist­ ants, to coordinate bibliographic control and to help analyze procedures prior to automa­ tion. Minimum qualifications: M.A.L.S. Salary negotiable depending on experience, minimum $8,000. IV. Systems specialist to study pro­ cedures of entire library, to assist in statistical analysis and to work with programmers. Mini­ mum qualifications: appropriate degrees, ex­ perience. Salary negotiable, depending on ex­ perience, minimum $12,000. V. Any combina­ tion of above. We may be able to combine or re-define these positions around your experi­ ence or preference. Faculty rank and usual benefits. Apply: William E. McGrath, Director of Libraries, University of Southwestern Lou­ isiana, Lafayette, La. 70501. STOUT STATE UNIVERSITY, Menomonie, Wisconsin, is seeking candidates for three po­ sitions: Acting Catalog Librarian (September 1969-August 1971), Assistant Catalog Librar­ ian, and Educational Materials Center Librar­ ian. For the first, a cataloger with considerable experience is desired, to direct the work of the department while the regular department head is on leave. All new cataloging is in L.C.; con­ version from Dewey is in process. Familiarity with MARC, and an interest in continuing and developing automation in progress, are essen­ tial. For the Assistant Catalog Librarian, a minimum of two years’ cataloging experience is desired, but not required. The position of Educational Materials Center Librarian carries the responsibility and challenge of initiating and developing a new department. Background in this area is desired. Positions carry faculty status and perquisites, including excellent fringe benefits. Salaries are on academic year basis, with additional compensation for summer ses­ sion employment, which is customary. For Acting Catalog Librarian and Educational Ma­ terials Center Librarian: Salary open and ap­ propriate to training and experience. For As­ sistant Catalog Librarian, $8,200 and up with requisite training and some experience. Master’s degree in Library Science required. Stout is a Wisconsin State University, specializing in industrial education, industrial technology, home economics, vocational education, and related fields. Present enrollment is 4,330. An air-conditioned addition to the present build­ ing (ready in the summer of 1969) will pro­ vide excellent working facilities. Menomonie is a small city, situated in the heart of beauti­ ful country, with easy freeway access to Min­ neapolis-St. Paul, 70 miles to the West. Apply to: Miss Phyllis D. Bentley, Librarian, The Robert L. Pierce Library, Stout State Univer- sity Menomonie, Wispnnsin 54751. Public Services PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN—In a grow­ ing former state teachers college which has just received University status. Enrollment 1,600. Experience preferred but not absolute­ ly necessary. Need a person who is willing to accept responsibility. Must have MSLS or equivalent training and experience. 35 hours per week. 1 month vacation, state teacher re­ tirement, and other benefits. Salary $7,500 up depending on experience. Position open im­ mediately. Send complete resume to Jerry W. Brownlee, Librarian, Julia Tutwiler Library, Livingston University, Livingston Al 35470. Readers Services PACIFIC NORTHWEST academic librarian seeks EXCHANGE agreement with a Reference Librarian located in/or between Boston and Washington, D.C. September 1969 to the ensuing February. Home institution must agree to forward salary of away librarian. Inquire prior to December 25, 1968. Box 742, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. Reference Services REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, preferably with science degree or strong background of experi- ■ Most complete first-shipment Service.■ Stocking for immediate shipment, more htan 100,000 different titles!■ Four regional warehouses for arpid delivery!■ Biggest inventory of University Press Books. ■ No order too small… none too large!■ Discounts competitive and realistic. Competitive bidding welcomed! ■ Detailed reports on shorts! ■ More than 30,000 titles, kindergartenthrough high school—Standard cataloging and Processing 60£ per book—ready for immediate shipment! (Write for Elementary and/or our eScondary School catalogs) BAKER & TAYLOR CO. OLDEST & LARGEST U.S. BOOK WHOLESALER Eastern Div., Somerville, N.J. 08876 Midwest & Southern Div., Momence, III. 60954 Western Div., Reno, Nev. 89502 Interstate Library Service (subsidiary)Oklahoma City, Okla. 73118 Baker & Taylor Book Inspection Centers 1701 West Gray Street 5820 Wilshire Biva. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77019 LOS ANGELES, CALI F. 90036 397 398 ence with the physical sciences, is required for expanding service to graduate and research interest. Keen interest in collection building and bibliographic work, including instructional work with students, is highly desirable. Sal­ ary will be commensurate with qualifications. Full faculty fringe benefits, plus the intangibles of life in British Columbia’s capital city, a vacationer’s mecca. Apply, with resume, to D. W. Halliwell, University Librarian, Uni­ versity of Victoria, Victoria, Canada. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Oc­ cidental College. Position now open. Duties in­ clude responsibility for special collections. Ap­ ply to: Tyrus G. Harmsen, College Librarian, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, California 90041. REFERENCE—Circulation depts. head, Uni­ versity, with primary responsibility in refer­ ence. In heart of Green Mountain ski and Lake Champlain areas. Accredited MLS required, with adequate college-university reference ex­ perience. CATALOGING positions, accredited MLS, with minimum two years of experience: 1) serial and monograph original cataloging; 2) cataloging of Vermontiana and rare books for the Special Collections Dept. Open now, with competitive salary dependent on qualifi- FOR THE RUSSIAN BOOK SECTION Reference and Source Material • Russian Literature: Classics, Contemporary • Linguistics and Literary Criticism • English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionaries • Russian Language Records, Folk Songs and Dramatic Readings • Children’s Literature • Books on Art • Books on Science • Textbooks on mathematics, geography, natural sciences, history, etc. • Socio-Economic Literature • Russian Atlases and Maps • Soviet Magazines and Newspapers Inquire about our out-of-print books and back issue magazines. W rite ] o r Catalogs & Prices Phone 212 C H 2-4500 F O U R C O N T I N E N T B O O K C O R P . DEPT .7 7 0 , 156 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK, N. Y. 10010 cations. Apply: Paul B. Kebabian, Director of Libraries, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. 05401. Phone (802 ) 864-4511, Ext. 651. Resources ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN I: Salary range $7,164-$7,908 per annum. Duties: Assist in preorder and precatalog bib­ liographic searching, maintain out-of-print desiderata files, contact faculty in direct plan­ ning of library collections for curriculum sup­ port, assist in collaboration with circulation department in on-going inventory and collec­ tion building. For this position, some reading knowledge of foreign languages is necessary. (Russian especially desirable, though not necessary.) An active interest in the book trade and the application of computer tech­ niques to the acquisitions process, combined with an aggressive personality, are especially important as qualifications for this position. Academic status. Annual leave, 24 working days. Liberal retirement plan, sick leave and health insurance plans. Write: Donald G. Wil­ son, Acting University Librarian, University of California Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, California 92507. W E ARE AN EQUAL OP­ PORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Subject Specialists BIBLIOGRAPHER. New position, combining reference, cataloging, and some selection as specialist within functional organization. Aca­ demic status, good fringe benefits. Require graduate library degree and graduate study in Humanities or Social Sciences. Salary range $7,100-$9,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Box 738, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD OF HUMANITIES DIVISION, Librar­ ian III, $759-$969. 120,000 volume collection. Accredited degree, strong humanities back­ ground, minimum of three years college refer­ ence experience, administrative ability. 21 work­ ing days vacation, 12 days sick leave, good re­ tirement program. Apply: C. J. Crisley, Chair­ man, Library Personnel Committee, San Diego State College, San Diego, California 92115. LAW LIBRARIAN for joint appointment as faculty member and librarian. Both law and library degrees necessary. College of Law has faculty of 20 and student body of 450, housed in new building with new library. Library of 93,000 volumes, staff of seven. Faculty status, TIAA/CREF, usual fringe benefits, salary open. An excellent opportunity for a strong person boxed in by circumstances or a head man who will never retire. An equal opportuni­ ty employer. For details, write Stuart Forth, Vice President and Director of Libraries, 207 Administration Building, University of Ken­ tucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. 399 M inato—Ku, Tokyo. Telephone (591) 5181-6. Now playing at leading college and research libraries w orldw ide The Literature Problem in “PUTTING SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION TO WORK” a 3 6 - m in u t e f i l m f e a t u r i n g a s t e l l a r c a s t : ASCA® SCI® PSI™ OATS® 1C® CCCS ISI MAGNETIC TAPES CCLS CCPS ISI SEARCH SERVICE The Institute for Scientific Information, the pioneering in­ formation people, wanted more college and research librari­ ans to be aware of their services. A film seemed the most practical answer to accomplish this objective. By combining the talents of some IS I services with the exciting world of color, an interesting, informative, swiftly - paced film re ­ sulted. If your organization would like to screen this 36- minute, 16 mm sound and color film, attach the coupon below (or a copy of it) to your letterhead. No charge, of course, we’d like everIsi®yone to see the film.Name----------------------------------------------Title------------------------------Organization------------------------------------------------------------------------Library--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Address--------------------------------------------------------------------------------City--------------------------------------State---------------Zip---------------------Country------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I N UNITED STATES: send coupon to Dept. 12-119, In stitu te fo r Scientific Inform ation, 325 Chestnut S treet, Phila., Pa. 19106. IN EUROPE: contact M r. Anthony Cawkell, 86 High S treet, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England. Telephone Uxbridge 30085 or M r. Peter Aborn, 6 Square Moncey, Paris 9, France. Telephone TRI 6738. IN JAPAN: contact M r. Takashi Yamakawa, Tsutsumi Building, 13-12 1-chome, Shimbashi ONE OF THE YEAR'S MOST IMPORTANT NEW REFERENCE WORKS Library of Congress and National Union Catalog Author Lists, 1 9 4 2 -1 9 6 2 : A Master Cumulation 152 VOLUMES OVER TWO MILLION ENTRIES $2888.00 Each Volume Billed on Delivery $19.00 WRITE FOR DETAILED BROCHURE AND ORDER FORM With the announcement of its plans to begin immediate publication of a 152-volume, one-alphabet cumulation of the four important supplements to A Catalog o f Books Represented by Library o f Congress Printed Cards, Gale has launched one of the major publishing events of 1969. Gale's LC–NUC Author Lists, 1942-62, includes the entries in the following four supplements— Catalog o f Books Represented by Library o f Congress Printed C ards-Sup plem ent [1942-1947] The Library o f Congress Author Catalog, 1948-1952 The N ational Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List, 1953-1957 The N ational Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List, 1958-1952 Thus, the master cumulation is a one-stop source for quick, easy reference to bibliographical and cataloging data covering books, maps, atlases, periodicals, and other serials cataloged by the Library of Congress during the twenty-one years, 1942-1962. and by other North American libraries. 1956-62. The format and type size of the entries now in the supplements w ill be retained in the cumulation, assuring the smooth continuation of any Polaroid or other photographic cataloging system now in use. High- quality printing and binding, plus the use of permanent/durable paper, w ill insure that the set withstands years of constant use. Of course, a much larger and more inclusive cumulation, titled N ational Union Catalog Pre-1956 imprints (and often called just " M a n s e ll," after the publisher) is in early stages of publication, with completion expected in 1979. and libraries unable to afford both cumulations should give serious consideration to Mansell. Subscribers to the Gale cumulation w ill have in the meantime, however, not only the advantage of the immediate availability of this twenty-one-year bibliographical record but also the corollary gain of an immediate saving in the time and labor now being expended by catalogers, bibliographers, acquisitions personnel, scholars, and all other users of the present four separate LC–NUC author lists. In fact, the Gale cumulation should increase the productivity of library personnel and other researchers to a degree that its cost w ill be recovered many times before completion of Pre-1956 Imprints by Mansell in 1979. Twelve or more volumes of the cumulation are scheduled for publication each month, with the entire 152-volume set scheduled for completion by the end of 1969. Production on the initial volumes is now well under way. Total cost of the set is $2888.00 or a cost per volume of $19.00. Write us or call us collect if you want any additional information before placing your order or tentative reservation. G A L E R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y B ook T o w e r D e tro it, M ichigan 48 2 26 I-3I3-96I-2242