ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 132 ALA Representatives AT INAUGURATIONS, DEDICATIONS AND OTHER ACADEMIC CEREMONIES On Oct. 8 Warren Boes represented ALA at the inauguration of Albert Edward Holland as president of Hobert and William Smith Col­ leges; and on Oct. 20 Andrew J. Eaton attended the inauguration of John Anthony Brown, Jr., as president of Lindenwood College. At the inauguration of Elwin Lloyd Skiles as president of Hardin Simmons University on Nov. 7, Perma A. Rich represented ALA. Sister Jeanne d’Arc represented ALA at the inauguration of Elizabeth K. McCormack as president of the College of the Sacred Heart in Manhattanville, N.Y., on Dec. 9. On Jan. 14 Wilbur F. Helmbold attended ceremonies inaugurating James Huey Edmond­ son as president of Judson College in Marion, Ala.; on Feb. 13, ALA was represented by Guy Lyle at the Centennial celebration of More­ house College. Foster E. Mohrhardt represented ALA at the Charter Day Centennial celebration of Howard University on March 2; and James R. O’Rourke was the ALA representative at the inauguration of Karl Kenneth Wilson as presi­ dent of Asbury College on March 28. On April 2, Edmon Low attended the in­ vestiture of Granville Oral Roberts as president of Oral Roberts University. Ray S. Barker rep­ resented ALA at the Centennial Convocation at Johnson C. Smith University on April 7; on April 8, Herbert B. Anstaett attended the Lebanon Valley College Centennial Convoca­ tion; and on April 14, H. William Axford, the Academic Festival at Colorado Women’s Col­ lege honoring its founders and benefactors, and Conference on Junior College Libraries June 21-24, 1967 University of California, Los Angeles For program and registration informa­ tion refer to ALA Bulletin, May 1967, pp. 473-74. Fees are; $60 for registration with single room $55 for registration with dougle room $40 for registration with meals only (except breakfast) Registration fee should be mailed im­ mediately to Miss Harriett Genung Chairman, Junior College Libraries Section P.O. Box 111, Rural Station Mt. San Antonio College Walnut, California 91789 celebrating its renaming as Temple Buell Col­ lege. Mrs. Ruth W. Pinkerton was the ALA repre­ sentative at the inauguration of G. Wayne Glick as president of Keuka College on April 15; on that date also, Herbert Anstaett repre­ sented ALA at the inauguration of Morley J. Mays as president of Elizabethtown College; and Jerrold Ome, at the inauguration of E. Bruce Heilman as president of Meredith College. Edward H. Elliott represented ALA at the Skidmore College Honors Convocation on April 18; and at the inauguration of John Carrier Weaver as president of the University of Missouri on that date Ralph S. Emerick was the ALA representative. At the University of South Dakota inaugura­ tion of Edward Quentin Moulton as president on April 21 Kordillia C. Johnson was in at­ tendance; on April 22, Emerson Jacob repre­ sented ALA at the inauguration of Chester T. McNerney as president of Edinboro State Col­ lege, Edinboro, Penna.; and on that date also John L. Glinka attended the inauguration of James Edward Doty as president of Baker University; and Victoria Hargrave, the in­ auguration of Glenn Lowery McConagha as president of Blackburn College. At the inauguration of Leonard L. Holloway as president of Mary Hardin-Baylor College on April 25, James H. Rogers represented ALA; and on April 29, Katharine M. Stokes was the representative to the University of Michigan International Conference on Higher Education in Tomorrow’s World, and Commencement Convocation. Elizabeth C. Welborn attended the inauguration of Joseph Wightman as presi­ dent of Erskine College on that date. On May 2, Juliet B. Clark represented ALA at ceremonies inaugurating John Summerskill as president of San Francisco State College; on May 6, Mrs. Lillian H. Smoke, at dedication ceremonies of the new campus of Hagerstown Junior College; Peter Spyers–Duran, at the inauguration of Bernard Schroeder Adams as president of Ripon College; Rice Estes, at the dedication of Hofstra University Library, and John O. Bronson, at the inauguration of Frank N. Philpot as president of Athens College, Athens, Ala. On May 7, Robert W. Orr at­ tended dedication ceremonies of Cowles library, Drake University; and on May 8, Tyrus G. Harmsen, the inauguration of John Alden Greenlee as president of California State Col­ lege in Los Angeles. Frederick H. Wagman attended the dedica­ tion of the new library at Eastern Michigan 133 University on May 12; on May 13, Beverly T. Moss represented ALA at the inauguration of William Lincoln Giles as president of Missis­ sippi State University. At Chico State College, Chico, Calif., on May 20, Gordon Martin at­ tended as ALA representative the inauguration of Robert Eugene Hill as president of the Col­ lege; and at State University of New York at Buffalo, on May 29, John R. Russell, the in­ auguration of Martin Mayerson as president of the university. ■ ■ ACRL EXHIBIT BOOTH ACRL will again provide an exhibit booth (No. 243) at the ALA conference in San Francisco. The booth will serve as a center of information about ACRL activities, including publications and reprints of interest to academic and research librarians. Inquiries for informa­ tion can be answered by academic librarians who are staffing the booth, or left for answering by the ACRL executive secretary after he re­ turns to the ALA headquarters in July. The ACRL booth is being manned by aca­ demic librarians of the San Francisco Bay area under the supervision of Juliet B. Clark, acting university librarian, University of San Francisco, and chairman of the ACRL Com­ mittee on Local Arrangements. Special emphasis is being provided in two areas of ACRL activity; 1. The ACRL Audio-Visual Committee will provide information relative to the pur­ pose and activities of the committee, as well as books, articles and other items on the establishment, use, promotion and evaluation of audio-visual materials and services, primarily in academic libraries. Committee members and consultants will be present to answer questions and offer assistance to delegates interested in A-V problems and programs. 2. The Junior College Libraries Section of ACRL will provide copies of bibliogra­ phies, surveys, and other information of interest to junior college librarians for as­ sistance in development of effective library programs. Sample copies of handbooks will be available for browsing. Members of the Section also plan to assist in the staffing of the booth, to act as consultants. The booth, located in Brooks Hall, will be open from Sunday, June 25, through Thursday, June 29, during the regular exhibit hours. ■ ■ ACRL Membership; April 30, 1967 . 10,978 April 30, 1966 . . 9,669 COLLEGE & RESEARCH NEW S LIBRARIES A C R L N ew s Issu e o f C ollege & R esearch L ib ra rie s Editor, David Kaser, Joint University Li­ braries, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Publications Officer, Mary Falvey, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ACRL Executive Secretary, George M. Bailey. A C R L Officers, 1 9 6 6 / 6 7 : P resid e n t, R alp h E. M cCoy; C ollege L ib ra rie s S ection C h airm a n , L ee S u tto n ; Ju n io r C ollege L ib ra rie s Section, H a rrie tt G en u n g ; R are Books Section, W illiam H . R u n g e; S u b je c t Specialists Section, M ary E . Schell; A g ric u ltu re a n d B iological Sciences Su b sectio n C h airm a n , Roy L . K id m an ; A rt Subsection, M rs. K a th ry n B lackw ell; L a w a n d P o litica l Science S u b section, Jan e W ilson; Slavic a n d E a s t E u ro p e a n S u b section, B o h d an S. W y n ar; U n iv ersity L ib ra rie s S ectio n C h airm a n , Jo h n M. D aw son. E d ito ria l B o ard ; J o h n M. D a w s o n , U niv ersity o f D e la ­ w are; Gu sta v e A. H a r r e r , B oston U n iv ersity ; Sa m ­ u e l R o t h s t e in , U n iv ersity o f B ritish C o lu m b ia; J a m e s E. Sk i p p e r , P rin c e to n U n iv ersity ; N o r m a n E. T a n is , K ansas S ta te College o f P ittsb u rg ; M a u r ic e F. T a u r e r , C o lo m b ia U n iv ersity ; E i l e e n T h o r n t o n , O b e rlin C ollege. N ew s from th e F ie ld , P erso n n el profiles a n d n otes, classified a d v ertisin g , official m a tte r o f A C R L , a n d o th e r m a te ria l o f a tim e ly n a tu re is p u b lish e d in th e N ew s issues o f C ollege & R esearch L i b raries. In c lu sio n o f a n a rtic le o r a d v e rtise m e n t in C R L does n o t c o n stitu te official e n d o rsem e n t b y A C R L o r ALA. P ro d u c tio n a n d A d v e rtisin g a n d C irc u la tio n office; 50 E . H u ro n St., C h icag o , 111. 6 0 6 1 1. C h a n g e o f ad d ress a n d ord ers fo r su b scrip tio n s s h o u ld b e a d d re sse d to C ollege i f R esea rch L ibraries, fo r re c e ip t a t th e above a d d ress, a t le a s t tw o m o n th s b e fo re th e p u b lic a tio n d a te o f th e effective issue. S u b sc rip tio n to CR L is in c lu d e d in m em b e rsh ip d u es to A C R L o f $6 o r m o re; o th e r subscrip tio n s to C R L are $ 1 0 p e r year. N e ith e r su b scrip tio n s n o r m em b ersh ip s in c lu d e m iscellan eo u s u n s c h e d u le d su p p lem en ts, w hich a re a v a ila b le b y p u rc h a se only. R etro activ e su b sc rip ­ tions are n o t a c c e p te d . Single jo u rn a l copies a re a v a il­ a b le a t $ 1 .5 0 eac h a n d N ews issues a t $ 1 .0 0 each from A LA P u b lish in g D e p artm e n t. In d e x e d in L ib ra ry L itera tu re. A b stra cte d in L ib ra ry S c ien ce A b stra cts. Book review s in d e x e d in B o o k R e ­ v ie w In d e x . C ollege & R esearch Libraries, is th e official jo u rn a l o f th e A ssociation o f C ollege a n d R esearch L ib ra rie s, a d iv ision o f th e A m erican L ib ra ry A ssociation; a n d is p u b lish e d sev e n te e n tim es p e r y ear— b i-m o n th ly as a te c h n ic a l jo u rn a l w ith 11 m o n th ly N ew s issues, com - bining July-August–at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo 6 5 2 5 1 . Second-class p o stag e p a id a t F u lto n , Mo. a n d a t a d - d itio n a l m a i l i n g o ffi c es.