ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 134 ACRL Microcard Series- Abstracts of Titles The ACRL Microcard Series is published for ACRL by the University of Rochester Press under the editorship of Mrs. Margaret K. Toth. Titles are available directly from the Press. Recently published titles include: Bone, E sther J. No. 163 The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature: a study, iv, 1221. 28 cm. (Thesis: MLS, Kent State University, 1965.) Bibliography: I. 61-62. $1.50. The purpose of this study is to measure the value of the Readers’ Guide and to record any changes that may have occurred during its first sixty years. The criteria for determining the value of an index are taken from Constance Wincheh’s Guide to Reference Books, (Chicago: ALA, 1951) and are applied in an analysis of the first twenty-three volumes of the Readers’ Guide, using charts and tables as illustration. There is also a brief history of its publication. The study is accompanied by a checklist of all periodicals ever indexed in Readers’ Guide. Vinopal, M. Jeanne Donnan No. 164 The Bookmans Manual: a descriptive-his­ torical study, vi, 1331. 28 cm. (Thesis: MA, Kent State University, 1964.) Bibliography: I. 131-133. $2.00. This study demonstrates the continuing growth in the scope and usefulness of The Bookmans Manual. A descriptive analysis of the nine revisions shows how subject categories and their sub­ divisions have been enlarged so that emphasis of use has gradually transferred from a book­ seller’s general guide to literature in print; to a librarian’s book selection tool; to an edu­ cator’s reference tool; and finally to a reader’s advisor. Three special studies: representative authors; the Shakespeare chapter; and the chapter on Bibles, illustrate through tables and charts this same growth. A brief history, presented through reviewers’ comments, traces its acceptance and use. DeStephen, Anthony E. No. 165 The Library of the Goodyear Aerospace Cor­ poration; operations and procedures, viii, 107Z. 28 cm. (Thesis: MA, Kent State Uni­ versity, 1964.) Bibliography: I. 104-107. $1.50. The purpose of this thesis is to define the operations and procedures of a special library, more specifically, one that provides service to a company in which government contracts are its main business concern. General library op­ erations are discussed with the primary em­ phasis on the procuring, storing, and dissemi­ nating of classified documents. By checking of corporate records and inter­ viewing of company personnel, the writer has acquired information pertaining to the develop­ ment of the company library. The history, phys­ ical facilities, and capabilities of the Goodyear Aerospace Corporation are briefly outlined. The library holdings are revealed through an inspection of the library accession records and the various technical files. Ready reference sources and periodical titles held by the Good­ year Aerospace library are listed. There is also a list of books and government publications on standing order. Library acquisition procedures are detailed which show methods used to reduce purshasing costs. Since a great many of the technical doc­ uments are acquired from the Defense Docu­ mentation Center and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a thorough examina­ tion of these services has been undertaken. A detailed description of the books and periodical section and the technical files section, including the specific functions of each, are given. The general library procedures and policies have also been presented. The writer concludes that the benefits from a well organized library are numerous. While the Goodyear Aerospace library is a highly de­ veloped organization, there is a constant re­ examination of policies and procedures in order continually to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the library, enabling it to become a more useful unit of the entire corporate structure. Hoyer, Mina No. 166 The History of Automation in the University of Missouri Library, 1947-1963. v, 75Z. 29 cm. (Thesis: MA in LS, Indiana University, 1965.) Bibliography: I. 73-74. Vita. $1.00. This thesis traces the history and develop­ ment of automation at the University of Mis­ souri library, Columbia, where methods based on automatic procedures have been in use since 1948 to facilitate numerous library operations by adapting a library systems approach. The university library is viewed as a large business operation involving long range planning for automation to include the following areas: catalog statistics, subscription records, carda- type operations, ordering and accounting, cir­ culation records, catalog production, shift of professional work load, computation of costs, cost studies for Flexowriter production of cat­ alog cards, and projections for the future. Lawler, Marion (Mrs. George B. McClellan) No. 167 “An investigation of Catholic and non–Cath– olic reviews of 1958 bestseller fiction to de- 135 termine whether or not the bestseller list provide an adequate selection criterion fo a Catholic women’s college.” viii, 251. 29 cm ( [Research paper]: Marywood College Scranton, Pa., 1959.) Bibliography: I. 24-25 $1.00. Through this study, an effort was made t determine whether or not bestseller lists coul be used by the librarian of a Catholic women college as a guide to the selection of fictio titles for the student’s use and enjoyment. The forty-one titles of which reviews wer read showed no common ground as to subjec matter or literary quality. The findings bor out that the books themselves rather than thei popularity with the public are the basis of th reviewer’s favorable or unfavorable accounts To make a wise choice, the librarian mus know what the Catholic review sources hav to say about the soundness of the moral value of the books and what the non-Catholic source have to say about the literary quality. Coleman, Dorothy V. No. 168 “A study of two Catholic book review pub lications as compared with the New Yor Times Book Review for coverage and cur rency.” [3] 52Z. 29 cm. (Thesis: MA, Mary wood College, Scranton, Pa., 1955.) Bib liography: [51]-52. $1.00. s Sacks, Patricia Ann (Mrs. Kenneth L.) r No. 169 . Cataloging cost study in five small public , libraries, vii, 84Z. 28 cm. (Thesis. MS in LS, . Drexel Institute of Technology, 1965.) Bib­ liography: I. 83-84. $1.50. o This study measured, compared, and ana­ d lyzed the material and staff costs of various ’s methods of cataloging in five small independent n public libraries serving populations of under ten thousand. The five libraries were selected e for their well organized cataloging procedures, t acceptable cataloging products, and conformity e to the guidelines established in the Interim r Standards for Small Public Libraries. The ob­ e jective was to determine under what conditions . a cataloging method was most economical and t efficient. Original cataloging, and the use of e Wilson and LC printed cards were the methods s analyzed in cataloging both fiction and non­ s fiction. The conclusion emphasized the con­ sideration of the needs and goals of the small public library in recommending cataloging methods and procedures. ­ Isabella, Santina Maria No. 170 k Education for information center personnel ­ in ALA accredited library schools of the - U.S. and Canada, iii, 100Z. 28 cm. (Thesis: ­ MS in LS, Drexel Institute of Technology, 1964.) Bibliography: Z. 82-86. $1.50. ■■ W ill y o u r b o o k ends pass this simple test? Load a standard 36” steel shelf w ith up to 28" of average octavo-size books, w ith B ow ker’s American Library Direc­ tory adjacent to the book support. Remove enough books so the Directory will be at least 5 " from the support. Let all of the books then fall against the support, which shouldn’t shift more than IV2" before holding the books at an angle, w tih no sharp edges touching them. Following this, use only one hand to straighten the books and re-position the support. If you can’t perform this simple test w ith your present book supports, you need WEYLL BOOK SUPPORTS!* For full details, contact *Pat. Pending WEYLL CORPORATION Box 62, Glen Cove, New York 11542 (Also availablethrough local ESTEY CORP, representatives) 136 LIBRARIANS: Now you can complete your holdings of this basic reference collection in the History of Science, " The Annual Reports and General Appendices of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1846-1932 th e chronicle of a vital century of scientific exploration, controversy, and achievement. Here in these facsimiles of long out-of-print volumes are: • more than one thousand contemporary reports by prominent scientists on their experiments and findings (including Roentgen, Marconi, Mme Curie, and the W right B rothers); • hundreds of detailed commentaries on the scientific exploration of America and the world, complete with maps, drawings, and photographs; • scores of fascinating narratives describing the development of the Institution itself, and of its many divisions and affiliated groups; • and a wide variety of long neglected source material ranging from an eyewitness report on the "Loot of the Imperial Summer Palace at Pekin” in 1900, to a 198 page appendix to the 1849 Report which was compiled by Charles C. Jewett on the "Libraries of the United States”. This series includes 82 volumes, averaging more than 650 pages each. The Reports for 1846-1849 are combined in one volume, as are those for 1850-1852. All other years are covered in single volumes, each of which contains an Annual Report, a General A p ­ pendix, and its own Index. The General Appendices, which in most years make up the great majority of the content of the volumes, were created in 1849 to "enrich” the Annual Reports "with memoirs illustrating the more remarkable and important develop­ ments in physical and scientific discovery.” Also reprinted— as a convenient key to the more than 2,000 articles which appeared during the coverage period— the 200 page cumulative Author-Subject Index to Articles in the Smithsonian Annual Reports, 1849–1961. The following sample citations indicate the quality of authorship and scope of coverage of the articles appearing in this series: Audubon, John J. : Passenger Pigeon. 1911 Baden-Powell, B. F. S.: Recent Aeronautical Progress. 1902 Boas, Franz: The Mind of Primitive Man. 1901 Chamberlain, T. C.: Future Habitability of Earth. 1910 Compton, Arthur: Assault on Atoms. 1931 Cornu, Alfred: Wave Theory of Light. 1899 Cottrell, F. G-: Problems in Smoke, Fume, and Dust Abatement. 1913 Curie, Mme: Modern Theories of Electricity and Matter. 1906 Curie, E. (Pierre): Radium. 1903 Ellis, Havelock: Mescal: a New Artificial Paradise. 1897 Einstein, Albert: Isaac Newton. 1927 Gray, Asa: Biographical Memoir of Joseph Henry. 1878 Helmholtz, H. L.: Connection of Electricity and Magnetism. 1873 Henry, Joseph: History of the Electromagnetic Telegraph. 1857 Heyl, Paul L.: The Lingering Dryad. 1929 Kirby, W. W.: Journey to the Youcan (Russian America). 1864 Koch, Robert: Epidemiology of Tuberculosis. 1910 Langley, S. P.: Story of Experiments in Mechanical Flight. 1897 Le Bon, Gustave: Intra-atomic Energy. 1903 Little, Arthur D.: Natural Resources in their Relation to Military Supplies. 1919 Marconi, Guglielmo: Wireless Telegraphy. 1901 Maxim, Hiram P.: Gun Report Noise. 1916 Roentgen, W. C.: X-rays. 1897 Solvay, Ernest: Part Played by Electricity in the Phenomena of Animal Life. 3894 Squier, George O.: Present State of Military Aeronautics. 1908 Wells, H. G.: Discovery of the Future. 1902 Wright, Orville: Stability of Airplanes. 1914 Wright, Wilber: Aeronautical Experiments. 1902 Many librarians have just received copies of our detailed brochure by mail. If you are not among them, please write and we’ll send one to you as quickly as possible. REMEMBER: these volumes are eligible for purchase under several Federal programs, including HEA Title II-A, ESEA Title II, and the Library Services and Construction Act. If you have funds w hich m ust be "expended” before Ju n e 30, 1967, use th e cou­ pon provided below to be sure th a t yo u r order is on record before th a t date. ORDER SINGLE COPIES OR 20 VOLUME SETS FOR 1967 AND 1968 DELIVERIES. TO: CARROLLTON PRESS, INC., 2523 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22201 Please ship us the following twenty-volume sets of the Annual Reports and Appendices of the Smithsonian Institution at the special postpaid pre-publication price of $620 per set (check enclosed) or S650 postpaid (if billed). The regular price per set will be $685. Also send us one free copy of the cumulative Author-Subject Index, 1849-1961 with each set ordered. □ 1853-1872 □ 1873-1892 □ 1893-1912 □ 1913-1932 W e want to order the following single volumes at the special pre-publication postpaid price of $32.50 (check enclosed) or $35.00 (if billed). The regular price will be $37,50 per volume. All single volumes may be purchased ON APPROVAL for a two week examination period. □ 1846-1849 (one volume) □ 1850-1852 (one volume) □ Others (list years desired) □ Cumulative Author-Subject Index, 1849-1961, 200 pages, $15 each postpaid. 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