ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 143 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Minutes of the pring eeting April 21, 1967 The spring meeting of the Missouri Association of College and Research Libraries was held at the University of Missouri in Columbia on Friday, April 21. Approximately one hundred and twenty were registered representing thirty- three colleges and universities. Following registration and a coffee hour the meeting was called to order in the auditorium of the Student Union by president William A. Martin. The other officers of the association were introduced as was the editor of the MACRL Newsletter. These are: George Hartje, vice president; Robert Harvey, secretary-treasurer; William Cohn, editor. Mr. Martin then introduced Ralph Parker, librarian of the University of Missouri and dean of its graduate school of library and informa­ tion science. Dr. Parker spoke on automation in the university library giving something of its history, its present status, and the plans and hopes for the future. Describing fully-automated libraries as one of the most complex and so­ S M Larqest Book Wholesaler! BAKER&TAYLOR CO. IN EACH OF OUR 3 MAJOR WAREHOUSES: 1,500,000 b o o k s ... 100,000 different titles from 1,200 p u b lis h e rs ...fa s te s t, most complete and accurate book service. EASTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION H IL L S ID E . N.J. 07205 RENO, N EVA D A 89502 Telephone: 201-923-3200 380 Edison Way N .Y.C . Te l: BArclay 7-8470 Telephone: 702-786-6700 MIDWEST AND INTERSTATE LIBRARY SOUTHERN DIVISION SERVICE CO. MOMENCE, IL L IN O IS 60954 A wholly-owned subsidiary Telephone: 815-472-2444 4600 N. Cooper Chicago Te l: 346-4074 Oklahoma City, Okla. 73118 (405) JA 5-6561 BOOK INSPECTION CENTER: The Baker & Taylor Co. of Texas, Inc. 1701 W. Gray St., Houston, Texas 77019 phisticated of all computer problems, Dr. Parker described the three subsystems of the library’s automation plan. These are the acquisitions and fiscal subsystem, the bibliographical subsystem and the inventory control subsystem. About one half of the entire system is now completed and in operation. Following Dr. Parker’s informative talk a short business meeting was held. The minutes of the fall 1966 meeting held in Kansas City were read and approved. A nominating committee consisting of Harry Voigt, chairman, Alma Bennett and Barbara Palling, was appointed by Mr. Martin for the purpose of nominating a secretary for 1968. The nominating committee will present their report at the fall meeting of MACRL in St. Louis. State librarian Charles O’Halloran was in­ troduced. Mr. O’Halloran explained that money was available under Title III of the Library Services and Construction Act for the purpose of undertaking cooperative projects between all types of libraries, including academic. A meet­ ing was held in Jefferson City on May 12 to discuss possibilities for cooperative projects. Mr. O’Halloran also announced the under­ taking of a public information program to better present libraries and their services to all the people of the state. He also mentioned the possibility of the state library providing ex­ panding service to the state government with perhaps a legislative and governmental refer­ ence branch of the library being provided in Jefferson City. A. P. Marshall talked briefly on the coopera­ tive projects aspects of Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965 stating that funds there­ from would be available to implement the Downs survey. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m . for a delightful buffet luncheon in the Student Union. John W. Schwada, chancellor of the univer­ sity, welcomed the members of the association. rincipal speaker at the luncheon was Ralph Lowenstein, editor of The Freedom of Informa­ tion Digest. Mr. Lowenstein reported on a re­ search project which he directed to determine the relationship between the degree of press reedom in a country and the amount of emocratization of the country. Following luncheon tours were conducted of he automated systems in the University of Missouri library. Also at this time Ralph Parker met with ome of the librarians and their staff members ho are involved in teaching library science ourses. The purpose of the meeting was to iscuss the coordination of content and course rganization between the undergraduate schools nd the school of library and information cience at the university.—Robert D. Harvey, ecretary. ■ ■ P f d t s w c d o a s s