ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 36 JUNIOR COLLEGE INFORMATION CENTER A Junior College Library Information Center, established by a $15,000 grant from the J. Morris Jones-World Book Encyclopedia-ALA Goals Award for 1967, will begin operation at A LA headquarters on March 1. Serving as director o f the information center on a half- time assignment for twelve months will be Peggy Anne Sullivan, who will conclude her appointment as director o f the five-year Knapp School Libraries Project on February 29. Miss Sullivan also will be doing graduate work in library science at the University o f Chicago. The project will be under the supervision of ACRL. The information center has been funded as a crash program to collect and disseminate infor­ mation on a variety of subjects o f concern. Recommendation for a center o f this kind was part o f a ten-point program developed in 1965 b y the American Association of Junior C olleges/A L A Committee on Junior College Libraries, and b y librarians, junior college ad­ ministrators, and instructional personnel. Ma­ terials on such topics as standards for junior college libraries, innovative programs, surveys, budgets, and annual reports will be sought out and organized for reference and loan for individuals, the contents pages from the world’s significant journals of pure and applied chemistry in this NEW W EEKLY AW A RENES S G U ID E TO C U R R E N T C H E M IC A L LIT E RA T UR E CURRENT CONTENTS CHEMICAL SCIENCES leads you to articles of special interest with structural diagrams of compounds mentioned in each article, unique PERMUTERM™ subject index, author index and address directory For com plim e n ta ry review copy of CURRENT CONTENTS® CHEMICAL SCIENCES w rite to Dept. 12-13 In s t itu te f o r S c ie n tific In f o r m a t io n 325 C h e s ln u t S tre e t P h ila d e lp h ia , P e n n s y lv a n ia 19106, U .S .A . colleges, and other agencies interested in this rapidly growing and indigenous Ameri­ can institution, the two-year community college. A survey o f the literature in the field o f junior college libraries will b e a part o f this one-year project. Handbooks for faculty, students and staff; blueprints; charts o f organization; plans for development; annual reports, and similar materials from junior college libraries, will be included in the collection. Such materials may b e sent at any time to the Junior College Library Information Center, Association of College and Research Libraries, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Miss Sullivan has done both public and school library work, as well as teaching at Catholic University o f America, Drexel Insti­ tute, University o f Maryland, Rutgers, the State University o f New Jersey. From 1961 to 1963 she was library specialist with the Montgomery County Board o f Education in Rockville, Mary­ land. Previously, she was head of work with children in the Arlington County library in Virginia and worked as school specialist in the Enoch Pratt free library in Baltimore. She began her professional work as assistant chil­ dren’s librarian in Kansas City public library. Miss Sullivan has an AB from Clarke College and an MS in LS from Catholic University in Washington. She is a frequent contributor to professional journals, and is the author o f a book for children called The O ’Donnells. She also has written Impact: the School Library and the Instructional Program‚ the first book­ length report on the Knapp Project, published in 1967. CALL FOR IDEAS The Planning Committee o f the Resources and Technical Services Division is interested in hearing of new needs and problems within the responsibilities o f the division. The com ­ mittee is inviting librarians with ideas for studies or projects which can best be handled through cooperative action within the RTSD framework to present their ideas at a meeting during the Kansas City Conference. This is an experiment launched in an opti­ mistic effort to enlarge participation in RTSD ’ s goals, to give an opportunity for participation to all who wish to work in the division’s pro­ gram, to involve in projects those most inter­ ested in them, to coordinate activities and avoid wasteful repetition, and to gain the advantages of discussion. The experiment grew out of an observation that a good idea has sometimes faded and disappeared without full exploration simply because a committee chairman ap­ pointed to carry it out has lacked interest and understanding to give the necessary energy to push it forward. The outcome might have been productive, if the originator of the idea had carried it out. 37 In order to structure the meeting, the Plan­ ning Committee is requiring a not-more-than- one-page description o f the proposal, stating ( 1 ) the name and address of the person ( or persons) presenting the idea, ( 2 ) the problem to be solved by the proposal, and ( 3 ) the general plan of procedure. Anyone is invited to present a proposal. The only restriction is that it must lie within the division’s areas o f responsibility; acquisitions, cataloging, classifi­ cation, serials, reproduction, and resources. Projects will b e presented and discussed at a meeting o f the Planning Committee during the A LA Conference in Kansas City. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 1968 at 4 :3 0 p.m. The place will be listed in the Con­ ference Program and will also b e reported to those sending in proposals. Available at the meeting for consultation will b e members of the Policy and Research Committees o f the RTSD sections— Acquisitions, Cataloging and Classification, Serials, and Reproduction of L i­ brary Materials— as well as a representative of the Resources Committee. W hen a proposal is accepted, action to set it in motion will be taken. If it falls within a section’s responsibilities, it will b e referred to the appropriate Policy and Research Com­ mittee. It might go to one of the divisional committees. It might warrant a recommenda­ tion to the RTSD Board that an ad hoc com ­ mittee be created. In every case, the intention is that the person making the proposal be a central figure in the implementation o f his idea. To be included in the Kansas City meeting, the proposal must b e received b y May 15, 1968. Descriptive sheets should b e addressed to: Helen M. W elch, Chairman o f the RTSD Planning Committee, University o f Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois 61801. INFORMATION NEEDED AC R L has been requested to present a pro­ gram on “ E d u c a t i o n a l P o t e n t i a l f o r L i ­ b r a r i e s i n L i v i n g U n i t s ” at the Annual Con­ ference o f the National Association o f Students Personnel Administrators, on April 2. W e would be grateful if information and policy statements regarding practices and programs in Academ ic Libraries would b e sent to: Edward B. Stanford, Director of Libraries, University o f Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minne­ sota 55455. The Guidelines for Library Service to Exten­ sion Students were officially endorsed by the National University Extension Association at its 1967 Annual Meeting and reprinted in the NUEA Spectator, October-Novem ber 1967. Your Certified Library Binder belongs on Only one man can help you get the m ost from your books. He is your Certified Library Binder — the man who rebinds your worn books acco rd in g to C E R T IF IE D S T A N D A R D S so that they w ill m u ltip ly your circu lation five tim es at less than half the cost. He is the man who can beautify your library with quality — who can inspire good reading by m a k in g books attractive too — whether books have been prebound or rebound. T H IS S E A L G U A R A N T E E S P E R F O R M A N C E It is th e stamp of approval given only to CERTIFIED LIBRARY BINDERS which is your assurance th a t your books have been bound accordin g to th e standards of the Library Binding In s titu te . W ith o u t th is seal, you have no assurance th a t your books have been tru ly library bound. B e w e ll in fo r m e d , w rite to d a y to r fre e lite ra tu re . T h e r e is n o o b lig a t io n . LIBRARY BINDING INSTITUTE 1 6 0 S ta te S tre e t B o s t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 0 9