ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 39 News From the Field A C Q U I S I T I O N S • T h ree sets o f m anuscript m ilitary orders and seven letter-press pam phlets, all o f the R evolutionary W a r period, h ave recen tly b een a cquired b y the U.S. M il it a r y A c a d e m y library. In ch ron olog ica l order, th e H udson V a lley orderly books are: a one v olu m e 1778- 1779 record o f a M assachusetts com pa n y , a tw o v olu m e set o f orders fo r a com pa n y in General H o w e ’s D ivision o f W ash ington ’s A rm y, and a nine v olu m e record o f a regim ent raised in N ew York State w h ich fo u g h t o n the side o f the C row n. • Tw o rare early American publications have been given to the Nils Yngve Wessell library at T u f t s U n i v e r s i t y , including one o f five copies o f the 1777 version o f The New England Primer. They are the gifts o f Mrs. Dorothy B. Penniman Hubbard o f W alpole, N.H., and her sister, Mrs. Ruth E. Penniman Ware. • W . H. Auden, C. Day Lewis, Robert Graves and Julian Huxley are among the fifty correspondents o f the Progressive League, a London literary and political forum, a group o f whose papers have been acquired b y the special collection o f m odem literature in the rare book department, W a s h i n g t o n U n i v e r s i ­ t y , St. Louis. Writing between 1949 and 1963, the authors address the League secretaries, Alex Craig and Ashton Burrall, about fees, dates, content o f readings they’ve been asked to give, their colleagues. • The U n i v e r s i t y o f N e w M e x i c o has re­ ceived the library of the late C. V. W icker as memorial gift from Mrs. Wicker. The collection o f eighteen hundred and fifty volumes is com ­ posed largely o f works on English literature. • H. Bacon Collamore o f Hartford, Con­ necticut, long-time fire insurance executive and presently chairman o f the board o f the Pitts­ burgh Steel Company, has presented to the F r e e L i b r a r y o f P h i l a d e l p h i a his collection o f the English author and illustrator Beatrix Potter. O f particular importance in the collec­ tion is a group of one hundred water colors, pencil sketches, and pen and ink drawings from Miss Potter’s own portfolio which show her work as an artist over a thirty year period. • Author Jan D e Hartog has donated ma­ terials used during preparation o f his book The Hospital to the M. D. Anderson memorial li­ brary at the University o f Houston. The collec­ tion contains De Hartog’s notes and diary com ­ piled during the time he was working as an orderly at Jefferson Davis hospital emergency room, and his worksheet for the book, the cor­ rected and final manuscripts and uncorrected proofs. F E L L O W S H I P S , S C H O L A R S H I P S • U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a , Berkeley, school o f librarianship and Institute o f L i­ brary Research announce ten fellowships and research assistantships for 1968/69, for study leading to the PhD or DLS degree: two fel­ lowships, at $3,000 and eight research as­ sistantships at $2,390 and $3,348. For study leading to the MLS degree, Higher Education A ct fellowships o f $2,200; one scholarship o f $600 and nine research assistantships at $2,390 and $3,348. Further information may b e obtained from the Dean, School o f Librarian­ ship, University o f California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720. • The U C LA school o f library service an­ nounces fellowships, scholarships and trainee- ships with stipends from $ 1,000 to more than $5,000. Application should b e made in con­ junction with the application to the UCLA graduate division for admission to graduate status. Deadline for awards made b y the school o f library service is March 15. For further in­ formation write to Graduate School o f Library Service, University o f California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024. • The N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e s o f H e a l t h li­ brary is offering a fifth medical librarian intern­ ship program in 1968/69. A concentrated sys­ tematic training program provides the interns with an overview o f all aspects of the library program in a biomedical research institution. A forty-week rotating work assignment in the sections o f the library is follow ed by twelve weeks in a regular position in a specific area of the library. Applicants for the Internship Pro­ gram should b e recent graduates with the Master o f Library Science degree from an ac­ credited school. A good reading knowledge of at least one foreign language is a selective requirement and undergraduate study in a sci­ entific field is desirable. All candidates must meet the current qualification standards of the U.S. Civil Service Commission for the position (Opportunities for Librarians in the Federal Service, Announcement No. W A-7-04, issued January 10, 1967). Program participants are appointed as grade GS-7 librarians. The pro­ gram will begin on August 25, 1968. Com ­ pleted applications must b e received b y March 15, 1968. Inquiries concerning the Internship Program should be addressed to Jess A. Mar­ 40 tin, Chief, Library Branch, Division o f Re­ search Services, National Institutes o f Health, Building 10, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. M E E T I N G S F e b . 15-16: Institute on Cooperative Library Systems: A New Look, at the School o f Library Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. M a r .: General Assembly o f the European Association for the Exchange o f Technical Literature in the Field o f Metallurgy, Luxem­ burg. M a r . 29-30: Third Annual Conference on Junior College Libraries Multi-Media Centers, sponsored b y the Illinois Library Association, Illinois Association o f Junior College Presi­ dents, and Northern Illinois University, at University Center, NIU, DeKalb, I11. M a y 3 - 4 : Fifth Annual National Colloquium on Information Retrieval, Philadelphia. M a y 3 - 4 : The Chemical Literature Division o f the American Chemical Society (A C S ) and the Chemistry Division o f the Special Libraries Association (S L A ) joint meeting, Columbus, Ohio. The technical sessions o f the meeting will b e devoted to acquisition, processing and dissemination o f chemical information. A u g . 5-10: 4th Congress o f the International Federation for Information Processing (I F I P ), Edinburgh. A u g . 11-23: Second Annual University of Maryland Library Administrators Development Program. Senior administrative personnel of large public, research, academic libraries and school library systems will study organization and administration under the direction o f man­ agement consultants, professors of business and public administration and library scholars. The program will b e held at the University o f Mary­ land’s Donaldson Brown Center, Port Deposit ( M d .), and will be directed b y John Rizzo of the school o f government and business admin­ istration, George Washington University. A u g . 18-25: 34th Conference o f IFLA, Frankfurt/ Main. S e p t . 9-18: 34th FID Conference and In­ ternational Congress on Scientific Information, Moscow. S e p t . 23-26: 42nd Annual Conference o f As- lib, Canterbury. O c t . 20-24: American Society for Informa­ tion Science, formerly American Documenta­ tion Institute, 31st annual meeting in Colum­ bus, Ohio. Papers are invited on all facets of methods and mechanisms to improve the op ­ erations o f information systems. The technical sessions chairman, David M. Leston, Jr., Bat- telle Memorial Institute, should be notified o f intent to submit papers, by March 1. M I S C E L L A N Y • F l o r i d a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y announced to­ day the selection o f Strozier library as a deposi­ tory o f United Nations publications. Depository status will enable the library to obtain free all generally distributed printed and mimeographed publications o f the United Nations. • “ Rare Book Librarianship” is a new course to b e offered this summer in the Newberry li­ brary, Chicago. Newberry associate director James M. Wells will b e the instructor, and the course will be offered b y the University of Illinois division o f university extension and the graduate school o f library science. Information on registration may b e had from Richard Cas­ per in the University o f Illinois at Chicago Circle (3 1 2 ) 663-8560. • Porter library o f K a n s a s S t a t e C o l l e g e at Pittsburg has joined the South East Kansas regional system o f cooperating public libraries as a cooperating resource library. By use o f teletypewriter communication, the college li­ brary is making available book, periodical and microtext resources which include public docu­ ments and publications of the state o f Kansas, and federal deposit items. • In gratitude for the dedication, devoted­ ness and magnificent care provided to a dis­ abled W orld W ar II Jewish war veteran, b y two Filipino nurses at Temple University hospital in Philadelphia a little more than a year ago, the R i z a l M e m o r i a l C o l l e g e library in Davao City, the Philippines, has thus far been en­ riched by some ninety-seven thousand books collected and shipped by the Department of New Jersey of the Jewish W ar Veterans o f the USA. • Although informal cooperative agreements have been in effect since 1959, not until the Fall o f 1967 was an official agreement signed by chief administrative officers, approving the for­ mation o f the Academ ic Libraries o f Brooklyn (A L B ). The nine participating institutions are: Brooklyn College o f Pharmacy; Long Island University (Brooklyn C enter); Medical Re­ search Library o f Brooklyn ( State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center); New York Community College; Polytechnic Institute o f Brooklyn; Pratt Institute; St. Francis College; St. John’s University (Brooklyn Center); and St. Joseph’s College for W om en. The group is com posed o f library administrators from the member institutions. The organization o f ALB has been completed and the following officers have been elected for a two-year term o f office: President—Elliot S. M. Gatner, Long Island 41 University (Brooklyn Center); V ice President (President-Elect)— Helen Kovacs, Medical Re­ search Library o f Brooklyn; and Secretary- Treasurer— Julius Lemansky, Brooklyn College of Pharmacy. ALB represents collections consisting o f over one million volumes and more than twelve thousand current serial titles. It serves thirty­ five thousand students, and the faculties and re­ search units at the various institutions. The pur­ pose o f the group is to engage in various co ­ operative studies and undertakings which will improve library resources and services to fac­ ulty and students of the member institutions, and to permit scholarly access to library hold­ ings which complement and reinforce collec­ tions available in the scholar’ s library. • M r s . M a r i a n M . O r g a i n , curator o f spe­ cial collections, University o f Houston libraries, gave the John Cotton Dana Lecture at Atlanta University on Dec. 1. • The U n i v e r s i t y o f H o u s t o n sponsored a seminar on Non-Government Sources o f Infor­ mation as the second o f its continuing education programs on Nov. 16. P U B L I C A T I O N S • The C L W Reprint Series has been estab­ lished by the College o f Librarianship Wales, for the purpose of returning to print selected o. p. desiderata in the field o f librarianship and bibliography. The new series aspires to bring out one title per month. Suggestions o f titles to be reprinted, or queries and comments concern­ ing the project, should be directed to Philip R. D. Corrigan, College o f Librarianship Wales, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth. • Bibliography o f the History of Medicine, No. 2, 1966, is the second o f a series o f annual bibliographies o f the history o f medicine. W ith­ in its scope are medicine and related sciences, professions, and institutions. All periods and geographical areas are represented. No. 2 (219 p .) is sold by the U.S. Superintendent o f D oc­ uments at $1.25 per copy. The bibliographies will be cumulated every five years. β Coden for Periodical Titles— (D S 23 A ) is a two-volume publication superseding all previ­ ous editions o f the ASTM Coden for Periodical Titles and contains 38,993 titles. It is a direc­ tory o f unique, five-letter codes, or CODEN, for the titles of periodicals and serials. The first four letters o f each CO D E N have some mnemonic relation to the title; the fifth letter is arbitrary and will assist in maintaining as many mnemonic relationships as possible for similar periodical titles. All codes in this book have a fifth letter “ A ” added to the CO D EN , including those codes previously appearing in the earlier editions of ASTM CO D EN listings. Future ASTM CO D E N will include mnemonic codes with other different fifth letters. These CODEN are immediately useful in electronic computer memories of scientific retrieval sys­ tems since they effectively reduce periodical titles, however long, to five letters. The C O D E N system provides a standard code for maximum flexibility between periodical retrieval systems throughout the world b y per­ mitting the same code to be used in different collections for the same request. Hard cover, 1110 pages. Price is $85. • InterDok Corporation has broadened the distribution of its annual cumulative volume of the D irectory o f Published Proceedings, orig­ inally available only to regular monthly sub­ scribers at an optional cost. The annual Cumu­ lative Volumes will now be available without a prior or current subscription to the monthly Directory. The cost o f the annual cumulative volume to regular monthly subscribers is $19.50; $37.50 to non-subscribers. • The Directory o f Published Proceedings Series SSH will include published proceedings literature in the fields o f education, economics, business administration, law, management, labor relations, social welfare, psychology and other areas of research in the social sciences and hu­ manities; the new Series SSH will provide con­ ference, congress, and symposium proceedings literature on a complete national and interna­ tional basis. T o b e published quarterly, it will include an annual index with the last issue o f each publication year. The annual subscription rate will b e $45.00 for United States and Ca­ nadian subscribers; $50.00 for all others. Pub­ lished is InterDok Corporation. • A Summary of Library Orientation Pro­ grammes in Eight Canadian University Libraries has been prepared by Canadian Association of College and University Libraries Orientation Programmes Committee ( C A C U L ). • The Engineering, Mathematics and Sci­ ence Library o f the U n i v e r s i t y o f W a t e r l o o , Ontario, Canada, has announced the publication o f fourteen computerized subject reference lists. These bibliographical lists, prepared b y the reference staff mainly for their senior and grad­ uate students and produced by IB M /360-75, in­ clude representative titles on each subject se­ lected from reference sources available in that library. The attractive lists, in a reduced format — 5½ x 8½, are to be up-dated at least semi­ annually. Limited number of complimentary copies are available and the set o f fourteen lists can also be purchased at the cost o f $3.50 from the E.M.S. library o f the University. For fur­ ther information on the project, please write to Mrs. C. C. Chen, head o f the E.M.S. library. This is the long awaited International Encyclopedia f the Social Sciences.o The first reference work of its kind in over thirty years, it brings the full scope of modern social science to your library. The original Encyclopaedia o f the Social Sciences was published by The Macmillan Com pany in 1937. Instead o f merely “ bringing it up-to-date,” we felt that a totally new encyclopedia was called fo r — one which would reflect the far-reaching progress being made by current social science. N ow, after an investment o f more than seven years and two million dollars, the International Encyclopedia o f the Social Sciences is ready. This monumental work covers the full range o f contemporary social science: anthropology, econom ics, geography, history, law, political science, psychiatry, sociology — and statistics, the tool o f the social scientist. Every article is written with unusual clarity. But sophisticated concepts have not been oversimplified. A n d the encyclopedia is liberally cross-referenced and indexed to be o f maximum use to students, social scientists and laymen in other fields. The authority o f the work is unquestionable. The list o f over 1,600 contributors — as well as the editorial board — reads like a virtual “ W h o’s W h o” o f distinguished social scientists throughout the world. N o viewpoint o f any importance has been overlooked. Send for our free prospectus today. It includes a complete list o f editors and contributors (with their affiliations), a detailed index o f all 17 volumes, and the story o f how this unique encyclopedia was created. Use the coupon below. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Collier-Macmillan Library Services, Dept. C R L - 2 866 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 □ Please send______ set ( s ) of the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Bill me at $495.00 per set. □ Send a free copy of your prospectus. □ Have a representative call with more information. N a m e Title N a m e of Sch ool A d d re ss City State Zip If we don’t have the E ven i f w e e n d u p in the A lps. Like w e d id last y ear to m ic r o ­ out-of-print book film 11th an d 1 2 th cen tu ry m a n u scrip ts in m o n a s tic you’re looking for, scriptoria. But su p p ose you need “T h e we’ll find it, 6 T w en ty-tw o M u sica l Srutis o f film it, the H in d u s.” Or “T h e D oty- D oten F am ily in A m e rica .” Or clear copy right, “G lavn yia T e c h e n iia R u ssk oi Istorich esk oi M ysli.” N ice pay royalties so u n d in g n a m es. N ice u ntil and send it to you y ou try to fin d them . U sually, w e ju st h a v e to for 4C a page. g o d ow n sta irs to o u r vaults w h ere w e keep ov er 5 0 ,0 0 0 titles. But w h eth er w e go to T im b u k tu or w h e th e r the origin a l is w orth $ 1 0 or $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 , the c o st fo r y ou r co p y is the sam e. A p en ny-an d -a-third a p a ge f o r 3 5 m m positive m icro film . F our ce n ts a p a ge fo r a p a p e rb o u n d x e ro g ra p h ic cop y. Six c e n ts a p a ge fo r a c o p y in a fo r e ig n la n gu a ge. T h is service o fte n c osts less than an in terlib ra ry loan. A n d y ou get to k eep the book. W rite fo r U n iversity M icro film s’ ou t-o f-p rin t b o o k c a ta ­ logs. T ell us w ha t fields y o u ’re in terested in. W h y sh ou ld you look fo r th in gs w h en w e ’ve alrea dy fo u n d them . U n iv e r s it y M ic r o f ilm s , A X e ro x C om pany 3 0 0 N . Z e e b R o a d , A n n A rb or, M ich ig a n 4 8 1 0 3 . 3 1 3 -7 6 1 -4 7 0 0 XEROX