ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 45 Personnel On July 1 R o y L. K i d m a n makes a cross­ country move to becom e university librarian at Rutgers— The State University o f New Jersey, leaving a similar post at the University of California, Riverside. Roy Kidman’s pro­ fessional career in­ cludes positions in the law library at UCLA, science librarian at the University o f Kansas, acting director and as­ sistant librarian at Tu­ lane University, and biomedical librarian at Mr. Kidman UCSD. At Kansas he brought together a group o f subject libraries, welded them into a smoothly functioning unit, and consolidated book selection in the science library— all with the enthusiastic support o f the faculty. At Tu­ lane he was responsible for reader services and helped develop the library’s organizational pat­ tern. At UCSD he put life into a wishful hope for a viable biomedical library, planning collec­ tions and building with equal skill. In his two years at UCR, he has had a strong hand in campus planning for accelerating ad­ vanced graduate programs and in spelling out the library development necessary to implement those plans. That the aggressive expansion tak­ ing place at Rutgers has lured him across the continent is unfortunate for California, but eas­ ily understandable. He has been highly successful in every posi­ tion he has held, demonstrating strong adminis­ trative ability but losing none of his enthusiasm for books. The scholars’ and students’ require­ ments for books and library services always re­ main uppermost. He is a leader in adapting data processing methods and equipment to library use. At Rutgers he will b e managing a complex library system o f nearly a million and a half volumes, including the graduate research li­ brary, three undergraduate libraries, the library o f science and medicine, two law libraries and a number o f smaller subject units. Roy Kidman is a graduate of U CLA and had his professional training at USC. He is active in library association activities, having held im­ portant committee assignments for the Medical Library Association and serving as chairman of the Agricultural and Biological Subsection of AC RL in 1966/67. That welcom ing challenge is a family char­ acteristic with the Kidmans is evident in Mari­ lyn Kidman’s comment in writing about their pending move, “ Life with Roy is so interesting.” — Melvin J. Voigt, University of California, San Diego. The appointment o f D e a n F. R i t z m a n as di­ rector o f the Upsala College library has been an­ nounced. A native of Gratz, Penn., Prof. Ritzman came to Upsala in 1949 as a member o f the department o f history. H e received his BA degree at Franklin and Marshall College in 1948, and M A in 1949 from the University of Chicago. In 1967 after a year’s leave o f ab­ sence, Prof. Ritzman received the MS de­ gree in library science, with honors, from C o­ Mr. Ritzman lumbia University. Prof. Ritzman was the recipient o f a Martin Luther Fellowship for graduate study from the Lutheran Brotherhood in 1958. In 1962 he was awarded the Service Award b y the Upsala Alumni Association for “ outstanding service to the college,” and in 1965 he received the Dis­ tinguished Teaching Award from the Lindback Foundation. H e is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Alpha Theta, the American Library Association, American Historical Association, Organization o f American Historians, American Association o f University Professors, and the Southern His­ torical Association. He was the founder and first president o f the Civil W ar Round Table of Northern N ew Jersey and received a Citation o f Merit from the Civil W ar Centennial Com ­ mission. He has published numerous book re­ views and articles in historical journals and is a regular contributor to Cross Flags, the publi­ cation of the Civil W ar Round Table. E d w a b d C. L a t h e m has been appointed li­ brarian o f Dartmouth College effective July 1, 1968. Dr. Lathem, associate librarian at Dartmouth since 1960, joined the staff in 1952, following the receipt o f a master’s degree in library ser­ vice from Columbia University. He had taken his bachelor’s degree at Dartmouth in 1951, and in 1961 he earned a doctorate o f philos­ ophy from Oxford University. A productive scholar as well as an ad­ ministrative librarian, Dr. Lathem has done several volumes relating to Robert Frost and has been instrumental in building up within the Dartmouth library an outstanding collection 46 o f Frost manuscri pt materials. Among the works on Frost written or edited b y him are: Inter­ views with Robert Frost (H olt, Rinehart and Winston, 19 66 ); Selected Prose of Robert Frost‚ with Hyde Cox (H olt, Rinehart and Winston, 19 66 ); Robert Frost and the Lawrence, Massa­ chusetts, ‘High School Bulletin,’ with Lawrance Thompson (T h e Grolier Club, 19 66 ); and Robert Frost: Farm-Poultryman (Dartmouth Publications, 1963), also done in collaboration with Professor Thompson. Mr. Lathem has also written on subjects as­ sociated with local history and the careers of both Daniel Webster and Calvin Coolidge. He is a trustee o f the New Hampshire Historical Society and a member of the American An­ tiquarian Society. Through his efforts the per­ sonal papers o f a number o f distinguished fig­ ures have in recent years com e to the Dart­ mouth library. His w ife is Dr. E. Elizabeth French, daugh­ ter o f one o f the founders o f the Hitchcock Clinic in Hanover, New Hampshire, and herself at present a senior member o f that Clinic.— Richard W . Morin, Dartmouth College. A P P O I N T M E N T S M a r y C. A d k i s o n is now head, social work and home economics libraries in Ohio State University libraries. R o b e r t M. A g a r d assumed duties as head librarian at Bennington College in January. M r s . E l l e n C. A n d e s is now technical serv­ ices librarian in the University o f Pennsylvania medical school library. R a l p h A r c a r i is now documents reference librarian at the Trinity College library, Hart­ ford, Conn. M a r y B a l m e r is head of the periodicals de­ partment, Rutgers University library. E m i l B a s i u k has been appointed librarian of Loyola University’s dental school, Chicago. R i c h a r d F. B e n e d i c t has been appointed chief, systems division, Air University library. P a h l B e r r i s f o r d has been promoted to a newly established position in University o f Min­ nesota libraries—that o f assistant director for processing. His responsibilities will include cat­ aloging, all operations in processing having to do with budgeting, expenditures, accounting, bindery preparation, and records o f library ma­ terials. M r s . S h i r l e y W . B o l l e s has been appointed head o f the new community services depart­ ment, Rutgers University library. M r s . D o r o t h y W . B o w e r s is the new assist­ ant reference librarian in Dickinson College. S a n d r a H. B o y d has been promoted to head, journalism library in Ohio State University li­ braries. G e o r g e M i c h a e l B r i c h is head o f technical services in Norwich University library. C a t h e r i n e M a r i e B r π › y is a newly-appoint­ ed cataloging staff member in Lippincott li­ brary, University of Pennsylvania. L o w e l l J. B r o s e has accepted the position o f general cataloger in Ohio State University libraries. A n n a Su e B r o w n has joined the library staff o f Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, as head catalog librarian. M r s . L o is B . B u r d i c k is periodicals cataloger in Florida State University library. O r v i l l e T. C h a m b e r s has returned to Air University library as an indexer-analyst. P a u l i n e P a o - C h i h C h i e n has been appoint­ ed a cataloger in the Virginia Polytechnic Insti­ tute library, effective Oct. 1. R a y m o n d R . C o t t e r , J r . started as reference librarian at SUNY Maritime College, Bronx, N.Y. on January 2. M r s . L i l l y C r a n e has been appointed assist­ ant education librarian, Southern Illinois Uni­ versity, Carbondale. T h o m a s D e n g l e r has been named period­ icals librarian at the Lewis Towers library, Loyola University, Chicago. J o s e p h D e r b y s h i r e has been appointed head o f the catalog department in Bowdoin’s Nathan­ iel Hawthorne-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow library. M r s . M e r i s E g g e r t is assistant catalog li­ brarian, Southern Illinois University, Carbon­ dale. R o l p h E r i c k s o n has been appointed admin­ istrative assistant to the university librarian, Northwestern University. M r s . L o u i s e F r a d k i n is assistant in the Trenton State College library. M r s . M a r c e l l a L . F r e y m a n is now a cata­ loger in Temple University’s College o f Allied Health Professions library, Philadelphia. R o y F r y has been promoted from assistant reference librarian to reference librarian at Cudahy memorial library, Loyola University, Chicago. A n n G a u t h i e r is assistant order librarian, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. J o a n G i l b e r t is geology librarian in Butler library, Columbia University. D w a i n E . G l e n n has been appointed auto­ mation librarian, Morris library, Southern Illi­ nois University, Carbondale. S a n d r a G o l u b has been appointed assistant reference librarian at Loyola University’s Lewis Towers library, Chicago. L i l l i a n B. G o o d h a r t , formerly head o f the Periodicals department, is now administrative assistant, Rutgers University library. M r s . J o s e p h i n e H a m p s o n is general librarian in W est Chester State College (P a .). M r s . J e a n H a n s o n is now a cataloger at the Franklin and Marshall College library. R o g e r K. H a n s o n is chief o f a newly-organ­ ized department of reference services in Uni­ 47 The Encyclopedia of Philosophy is the only reference work of its kind in the English language. □ Please send m e ____ sets of The Encyclopedia of Philosophy at $219.50 NET each. □ Please bill me. □ Please send me detailed information, with no obligation. N a m e T itle O rg a n iz a tio n A ddress C ity S ta te Z ip Any questions? Let Library Journal answer them. How com plete is it? Library Journal says: “… the 'reference gap' for philosophy has been bridged in a most impressive manner." "The 1450 signed articles are comprehensive in scope and treatm ent." H ow reliable is it? Library Journal says: "The roster o f 500 contributors from 24 countries reads like an international who's who of philosophy and cultural history.” Is it culturally objective? Library Journal says: "O rie ntal philosophy is cov­ ered as thoroughly and authoritatively as our own W estern traditions: ancient and medieval philoso­ phers receive a coverage at least equal to that of contem porary thinkers." Is it both sch o larly and stim u latin g ? Library Journal says: “ The manner o f presentation is orderly, logical and authoritative.” “ … the Encyclopedia o f Philosophy is characterized by a lively style and large attractive print that should delight public library patrons as much as university professors.” Is it sim p le to u s e ? Library Journal says: "A detailed, easy-to-use sub­ je ct index greatly enhances the usefulness o f this set fo r nonspecialists.” D o e s it do justice to “bord erline” s u b je c ts? Library Journal says: “ … students of science will find references to technical articles … ” “ Reference librarians w ill welcom e the exhaustive article on 'Philosophical Dictionaries and Encyclo­ p e dia s'… and another on 'Philosophical Journals'… ” W ho sh o u ld u se The E n c y clo p e d ia of P h ilo s o p h y ? Library Journal says: “ Because o f its broad cover­ age and sound scholarship, this encyclopedia is strongly recommended fo r college, university, and all but the sm allest public libraries.” A ll quotes taken from the issue dated A p ril 15, 1967. C o llie r-M a cm illa n Library S e rv ic e s 866 Third Avenue, New York, New Y ork 10022 48 versity of Minnesota libraries. The new depart­ ment will incorporate reference, documents, in­ terlibrary loan, map, newspaper and periodicals divisions; Mr. Hanson will also continue to function as assistant to the director. M b s . M a r y H . H a r b a c h is now a cataloger in Franklin and Marshall College library. M r s . H a z e l H u b b a b d has been appointed head o f the architectural library, Virginia Poly­ technic Institute. J u d i t h I. H y m e s has been appointed acqui­ sitions librarian in Inter-American University in San German, Puerto Rico. M a r g a r e t L. J o h n s o n is a cataloger in the University of Arizona library, Tucson. M r s . O. R o c h e l l e Jo h n s o n has joined the staff of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute library as a cataloger, effective Oct. 1. D a v i d E. J o n e s is a new member o f the Montgomery County Community College (P a .) library staff. M a r c i a J o n e s has been appointed an assist­ ant order librarian at Cudahy memorial library, Loyola University, Chicago. E l e a n o r K e n n e d y has been appointed cur­ riculum librarian at Loyola University’s Lewis Towers library, Chicago. M y u n g S o o k K i m has been appointed an assistant order librarian at Loyola University’s Cudahy memorial library, Chicago. Ja m e s K i n g s l e y has been named to the newly-established position o f assistant director for resources in the University o f Minnesota libraries, with responsibility for selection activ­ ities, acquisitions operation and special bibliog­ raphers. M a r y A n n K n o t t s is assistant in the Uni­ versity o f Alabama medical school library, Bir­ mingham. M r s . V e l m a L. K o l e s z a r has joined the library staff o f Peirce Junior College, Philadel­ phia. R o s e M a r g a r e t L a p p i n is now a reference librarian in Penniman library o f the University o f Pennsylvania. W i l l i a m H. L e d g a r d is a descriptive cata­ loger in Princeton University library. Y o u n g J a L e e is assistant circulation librarian in Swarthmore College library. L i l i a n e L e v y on D ec. 1 became head, foreign and international law sections at North­ western University law library. M r s . E l s a R. L i c h t e n b e b g has joined the catalog staff o f Johns Hopkins University library in Bologna, Italy. J o h n L e e McD ill has been appointed assist­ ant professor and cataloger at Montana State University library, to supervise the change-over o f our present collection from Dewey to LC classification. M e r c e d e s M a n t i l l a has been appointed assistant cataloger at Cudahy memorial library, Loyola University, Chicago. L u c i a A n g e l a M a r i n o is now a reference li­ brarian in University o f Iowa libraries. M r s . C a r o l y n S. M a t e e r is the new assist­ ant librarian in the Harrisburg (P a .) Commu­ nity College. F a d i l I. M e r h e m i c is now head, botany and zoology library in Ohio State University li­ braries. M a r t i n M o l n a b has been appointed librar­ ian o f Loyola University’s Center for Liberal Arts, Rome. Jo h n H. M u l h o l l a n d has been named head librarian o f Charles County Community C ol­ lege, La Plata, M d . M a r g a r e t M y e r s is a new member o f the catalog staff in Temple University library. M a r i l y n M y e r s has been appointed to the acquisitions department staff, Wichita State University library. K a r e n E. N e l s o n is assistant librarian in the Tem ple University school of pharmacy library. D a n i e l L. N u t t e r joined the faculty of East Texas Baptist College of Marshall as acting librarian, Sept. 1. B i r u t a Z. O sis has accepted the position of general cataloger in Ohio State University libraries. M a r y E l l e n P a g e is now assistant to the acting head, department libraries, in Ohio State University libraries. T H E BAKER & T A Y L O R C O . OLDEST AND LARGEST BOOK WHOLESALER IN THE U.S. • M o s t c o m p le t e firs t -s h ip m e n t serv ic e • 1 ½ m illio n b o o k s in each div isio n s to c k • M o r e th a n 100,000 different titles • B i g g e s t s t o c k s of U n iv e rsity P r e s s b o o k s • D i s c o u n t s c o m petit iv e … b i d d in g w e l c o m e d • C o m p le t e reports on s h o r t s Order from n e a re st w a reh ou se: DIVIS IO N ADDRESSES: H illsid e , N.J. 07205 • Momence, III., 6 0 95 4 • Reno, Nev. 89502 • School C enter, 50 K irb y Ave ‚ S om erville, N.J. 0 8 87 6 • In te rs ta te Library Service (subsid iary) 46 00 N. Cooper, Okla. C ity, 73118 49 M r s . A n t o i n e t t e A . P a s l e s has been named assistant circulation-reference librarian in Temple University school of law library. W a l t e r O . P e a r s o n is now assistant cata­ loger in the library of the State University of New York College at Binghamton. W i l l i a m J. R e c o r d joined the staff o f the New York University Medical Center library as archivist on Jan. 1. T e r r y L. R i c h a r t z has joined the circula­ tion staff in Temple University library. D e b o r a h Ross has accepted a position of cataloger in Ohio State University libraries. C. J a m e s S c h m i d t has accepted the position o f head, undergraduate libraries and instructor o f library administration, Ohio State University libraries. S t a n l e y S c h m i d t has been appointed as­ sistant reference librarian at Cudahy memorial library, Loyola University, Chicago. R i c h a b d S e r e n a is now assistant librarian o f Middlebury College. M u r r a y C. S h e p h e r d has been appointed chief cataloger at the Regina Campus o f the University o f Saskatchewan. S t u a r t C. S h e r m a n has been appointed librarian o f the John Hay library at Brown University. M a u r e e n S m i t h has joined the Tem ple Uni­ versity school o f medicine library staff as cataloger. R a l p h E. S t i e r w a l t has assumed the duties of coordinator o f technical services, Wichita State University library. M r s . D o n n a F o s t e r S t r i c k m a n is now a cataloger in Cumberland County College, Vine­ land, N.J. Y u n g S o o k S u h is assistant cataloger in the Temple University library. T h o b u r n T a g g a r t , Jr . has been promoted to the newly created position o f coordinator of public services, W ichita State University library. P h y l l i s T a t a r s k y has joined the circulation staff in the University o f Pennsylvania school o f social work library. C h a r l e s T h a r p is assistant catalog librarian, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. M b s . S y l v i a R. W a l s h has been appointed mathematics bibliographer, Rutgers University library. Ja m e s W . W a b d l e has been appointed as­ sistant catalog librarian in Morris library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. M r s . R u t h I. W e i d n e r is m u s i c l i b r a r i a n in W est Chester State College (P a.) M r s . T i n a G. W e i n e r is assistant cataloger, La Salle College, Philadelphia. L o r e t t a A. W e n t z was appointed law librarian of the department library, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, beginning Nov. 27. M r s . V i r g i n i a W h i t n e y is now librarian of Douglass College. M r s . M a r g a r e t M . W i l l i a m s o n has been promoted to catalog librarian with the rank o f assistant professor in the University of Houston libraries. W i l l i a m R o b e r t W o e r n e r has been ap­ pointed social sciences bibliographer, Rutgers University library. M r s . Ju d i t h A n n Y e l l i n is slide curator in University o f Delaware library. D e v o n J. Y o d e r is assistant librarian, Goshen College. R E T I R E M E N T S R a l p h B . B a k e r , librarian for research and development in the American Viscose Division o f FM C Corporation, has retired after twenty- eight years o f service with the division. M a r y S. H o p k i n s , librarian at Bennington College since 1956, is retiring. Ja n i e N e a r retired on June 3 0 from her position as searchroom librarian, Georgia D e­ partment o f Archives and History. D r . G e o r g e B. V a n S c h a a c k , since 1958 librarian o f the Missouri Botanical Garden, retired on Oct. 1. He has recently accepted the position of bibliographic consultant to the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois. HARLOW CITED An honorary doctors degree was conferred upon Dean Neal Harlow o f the Rutgers Uni­ versity Graduate School o f Library Service at a library dedication convocation at Moravian College on October 19. The citation read in part as follows: The distinguished career of M i. Harlow in the library profession has extended over a third of a century and has included his service to the Bancroft Library at the University of California at Berkeley, the California State Library, and the Library of the University of California at Los Angeles. Before coming to Rutgers in 1 9 6 1 Mr. Harlow was for a decade, head of the rapidly expanding library of the University of British Colum bia at Vancouver where he also laid the foundation for a new graduate library school. A past president of the Canadian Library Association, and of the Association o f College and Research Libraries, his influence has been felt through numerous library professional committees, International in scope as well as Canadian and American. A scholarly contributer to journals o f W e s t Coast history and author of a valued study of the early maps of San Francisco Bay, Mr. Harlow’s numerous articles on Librarianship reflect the rich background of administrative experience, scholarly research, critical thought, keen insight, and human understanding which he has brought to his special concern for the pro­ fessional education o f Librarians. As librarian, as scholar and man of letters, and as leader in library education, I present Mr. Harlow for the degree of Doctor of Humanities.