ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 50 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, AC RL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.00 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. POSITIONS W A N T E D UNIVERSITY, administrative position (Head, Assoc. Head, Asst. Head) or college head sought by male. BSLS; PhD (H istory), 20 years’ ex­ perience, presently state college head. Avail. Winter-Spring 1968. $13000 min. CRL, Box 709, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ACADEMIC administrative, reference, or special biblio. position sought by male, M.A. in Journal­ ism, M.L.S. Exp.: Humanities, Public re., re­ search in publishing, 2 years reference lib. arts coll. Specialism: Spanish-Latin Am. lit. Reads, speaks, writes Spanish, German, Avail. Summer 1968. Hamilton College Library, Clinton, N.Y. 13323. LIBRARIANS F lo rid a 's newest S tate U n ive rsity w ill have openings f o r several professional lib ra r ­ ians in a ll areas o f lib ra r y work p rio r to S eptem ber, 1968 opening. A p p lic a ­ tions are being a cce p te d now for all positions. O u ts ta n d in g o p p o rtu n ity for professional g ro w th and advancem ent. Excellent re tire m e n t plan, plus usual v a ­ ca tio n and sick leave. Address inquiries to : L. W . W a lk e r D ire c to r of Instructional Resources F L O R ID A T E C H N O L O G IC A L UNIVERSITY P. O . Box 25,000 O rla n d o , Florida 32816 An e q u a l o p p o rt unit y em ployer POSITIONS OPEN HEAD OF CIRCULATION, middle-size uni­ versity library in midwest. Should have desire and ability to renovate old-fashioned system. Some interest in electronic data processing de­ sirable, but EDP experience not essential. Sal­ ary $ 10,000 up depending on qualifications. Position open July 1, 1968; might negotiate earlier start if desired. Box 707, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. A MIDDLE size liberal arts college in U p­ state New York invites applications for the following positions: 1. Head of Circulation. To direct circulation and reserve book operations. Experience desirable, but will consider recent graduate. 2. Head of Public Services. Major responsibility in development and coordination of services to faculty and students, and mate­ rials selection in reference area. Liberal edu­ cation and library administrative experience required. 3. Head of Cataloging Department. T o supervise departmental operations, perform original cataloging and revise descriptive cata­ loging. Cataloging experience and administra­ tive skills required. All positions require Mas­ ter’s degree in librarianship. Salaries depend on qualifications: ( 1 ) $7,500 and up; ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) $11,200 and up. Optional TIA A and CREF or New York State retirement programs; major medical insurance; social security. State presently assumes all costs o f retirement and major share of contributions for medical insur­ ance programs. Box 711, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN— Immediate opening in a rapidly expanding Seminary library in Boynton Beach, Florida. Masters degree in Library Science re­ quired. Experience in L.C. classification and cataloging. Aid in student research. Congenial working conditions. Full or part-time. Assistant position with opening toward Director o f L i­ brary if capable. Salary depends on experience. Contact: Rev. Leslie Sheridan, Seminary of St. Vincent, P.O. Box 460, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. CATALOGER, for college library converting to LC classification. LS degree from accredited library school, 1 or 2 years appropriate experi­ ence in LC classification. Salary open, depend­ ing on qualifications and experience. Sick leave, 4-week vacation, retirement plan, faculty status. W rite to: Regina M. Yoast, Librarian, Arm­ strong State College, Savannah, Ga. 31406, or telephone 912/354-9715. ACQUISITION LIBRARIAN: To supervise staff of one professional, six clerical. Book budget of $300,000. Blanket order plan for U. S. scholarly books. Data processing equip­ ment and procedures will be introduced within next year. Previous experience in acquisitions desired. Position available now. Salary $10,000 to $12,000. Apply to Joe W . Kraus, Director o f Libraries, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61761. 51 CAREERS for ambitious library school gradu­ ates in a major university library in a small Midwestern town. Opportunities in cataloging, circulation, and serials departments, and in the education, mathematics and speech pathology libraries. Faculty status; social security and TIAA (15%) retirement plans; disability and major medical insurance; minimum salary, $7,700. Apply to the Director, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. POSITION OPEN. Assistant Librarian. Cata­ loging and Reference Work. MLS. Knowledge o f modern languages. Salary open, depending on qualifications and experience. Four year liberal arts college. Fringe benefits. Apply: Gerard Gagne, Librarian, Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. ASSISTANT ART LIBRARIAN. Smith Col­ lege. Art Library. Primary responsibilities: sub­ ject cataloging o f books, full cataloging of photographs, pamphlet files. Past assistants moved to top positions. Qualifications: M.L.S. (m ay b e in process), knowledge o f History of Art, preferably college major, scanning ability in languages. Experience not essential. Salary dependent on qualifications. Liberal vacation and fringe benefits. Four colleges o f Connecti­ cut Valley (Amherst, University o f Massa­ chusetts, Mount Holyoke, Smith) offer cultural life. Scenic countryside with summer and winter sports. 3 hours from New York, 2 from Boston by car. Limousine service to Hartford- Springfield airport. Send résumé to Phyllis A. Reinhardt, Librarian, Hillyer Art Library, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. 01060. SENIOR CATALOGER with two years’ ex­ perience LC classification needed immediately. W ill revise other catalogers’ work and supervise files. $8,500. Openings for beginning catalogers July 1, 1968. MLS required. Apply to W . Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland Uni­ versity, Rochester, Michigan 48063. CATALOGER AND REFERENCE LIBRAR­ IAN for liberal arts college o f one thousand students, book collection o f 96,000 including government documents. Both positions open now. MLS required. Salary open, depending upon experience. Faculty status, one month vacation. TIIA, Blue Cross and Major Medical available. In progressive city with cultural and recreational opportunities. For further particu­ lars write Dorothy Doering, Drury College, Springfield, Mo. 65802. CATALOGERS with experience sought for growing department. N ew building, expanded operations planned. Faculty rank, normal bene­ fits, salary to $8000 dependent upon qualifica­ tions. Fifth year library degree, language facil­ ity required. T w o positions available July 1. Contact Dean o f Library Service, University o f Montana, Missoula, 59801. Tel.: 406- 243-2053. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN to assist in formulation o f Science Division, coordinate selection and A rm or Books are paperbacks w hich have been library-bound in hard covers to the standards of the Library Binding Institute. They are available out of stock in over 1500 “ Educator A pp ro ve d ” titles. They cost less than hardback editions and w ill provide lib rary bound service at lowest cost per circu latio n. Most books o u t-o f-prin t in hardbacks may be obtained in A rm or qu ality because paperbacks are obtainable and we w ill bind to yo u r order. W rite to d a y to r th e A rm o r C a ta lo g a n d a s a m p le A rm o r B o o k — n o o b lig a tio n D A ivisi r on m of R o eyn r old B s Bin o der o y ks 1703 Lister. Kansas City, Mo. 64127. 816 CH 10163 52 build collection, effect liaison with science faculties. New building, expanded operation planned. Faculty rank, normal benefits. Rank and salary dependent upon and commensurate with candidates qualifications. Fifth year li­ brary degree, language facility, reference or administrative experience, relevant science background or experience required. Position available July 1: Contact Dean o f Library Service, University o f Montana, Missoula, 59801. T e l: 406-243-2053. FOUR NEW POSITIONS expected on Sep­ tember 1 at rapidly growing multipurpose in­ stitution located on attractive suburban cam­ pus 20 minutes from Princeton, 40 from Phila­ delphia, 60 from New York City. Needed are broadly educated, intellectually alert, enthusi­ astic younger people to serve as 1.) Readers Adviser in Education and Psychology, 2 .) Readers Adviser in Science and Technology, 3 .) Catalog Librarian, 4 .) Bibliographer. Posi­ tions may be filled either by candidates with library school Master’s degree plus one year of subject graduate study and four years of experience (salary range $8,124-10,560 for ten months) or Master’s degree from library school plus two years o f experience (salary $7,018-9,124 for ten m onths). G ood vacations; summer session optional, paid separately. Pen­ sion system, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Major Medical, and other benefits. Full faculty status. Library will occupy additional building in FOR TH E RUSSIAN BOOK SECTION Reference and Source M aterial • Russian Literature: Classics, Contemporary • Linguistics and Literary Criticism • English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionaries • Russian Language Records, Folk Songs and Dramatic Readings • Children’s Literature • Books on Art • Books on Science • Textbooks on mathematics, geography, natural sciences, history, etc. • Socio-E conom ic Literature • Russian Atlases and Maps • Soviet Magazines and Newspapers Inquire about our out-of-print books and back issue magazines. W r i t e f o r Ca talogs & Prices Phone 212 CH 2-4500 F O U R C O N T I N E N T B O O K C O R P . DEPT. 7 2 7 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N . Y. 10010 1969. Write or phone at once Dr. Felix E. Hirsch, Librarian, Trenton State College, Tren­ ton, New Jersey 08625. (Tel. 609-882-1855, ext. 314.) THREE NEW POSITIONS. Progressive Uni­ versity Library planning expansion and mech­ anization. ( 1 ) Cataloger to design and imple­ ment procedures for reclassification o f collec­ tion from D D C to LC. MLS and experience required. Interest in or knowledge o f mechani­ zation desirable. ( 2 ) Fine Arts /Music Librarian to assist in development o f subject division of university library. MLS and art/music back­ ground required. Opportunity for advancement. ( 3 ) R eference Librarian to administer curricu­ lum resource collection. MLS and education background or teaching experience required. Faculty rank, liberal benefits. Salaries open. New air-conditioned building on beautiful cam­ pus near New York City and L. I. beaches. Apply to: Miss D. Nora Gallagher, Director o f Libraries, Adelphi University Library, Gar­ den City, L.I., N.Y. 11530. CATALOGERS ( L C ) . Eleven college libraries in beautiful Finger Lakes area beginning co ­ operative processing center. Learn automation while you earn. W e ’re moving ahead. W ant to join us? T w o positions ( $7,000-$8,000 to b egin ), open Jan. ’68. Send resumé to: Robert Schalau, Director, College Center of the Finger Lakes/Library Center, Gen. Del., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, reference and re­ search resource agency. Coordinate programs o f special, college and public libraries in eight counties. Administration planning and public relations important. Some background in ad­ vanced reference work needed. Starting salary up to $16,000, depending on experience. Write Edward Locke, Acting Executive Director, Southeastern New York Library Resources Council, 103 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts col­ lege of 1400 students. Holdings 97,000 vols. 5 professionals, 4 non-professionals on staff. Posi­ tion now open, salary $7,500-$8,500, M.L.S. or equivalent. One month vacation, ½ academic vacations. Faculty status, TIAA, major medical and other group benefits. Apply: J. B. Arm­ strong, Librarian, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762. HEAD LIBRARIAN to start new college li­ brary on the Hamilton, Ohio campus o f the Miami University. New campus, zero volumes, and great opportunities. Salary $9,000 and up depending on qualifications. Apply to Dean E. V. Thesken, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Positions available requiring experience: Head of R ef­ erence Department; Head of Acquisition D e ­ partment; a Circulation Librarian; Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections; and Head 53 o f tlie Branch Campus Library at Marion, Ohio. Salary and faculty title appropriate to experience, educational preparation, publica­ tions and professional activity. Positions avail­ able requiring no previous professional ex­ perience: Head o f G eology Library; Reference Librarians in Commerce Library, Botany and Zoology Library and Main Reference Room; Social Sciences Bibliographer; Serial Bibli­ ographer; Cataloger in Slavic and General LC; Assistant Personnel Librarian. Benefits for all positions include full faculty rank with ac­ companying privileges, 5 weeks vacation plus 6 holidays, premiums paid on major medical and life insurance policies, and time off with pay up to five hours per week for additional study. Association with research library of over 2 million volumes and staff o f 93 pro­ fessionals gives excellent opportunities for com ­ mittee work, promotions and career growth. Each position includes responsibility for some book selection. Columbus is a metropolitan area o f over 800,000 with many cultural ac­ tivities, low cost of living index and ample housing. University has golf course, ski slope, indoor ice skating and indoor pool. If area o f your interest is not mentioned above but a move is necessary in the near future for your professional growth, send your inquiry. Our definite future plans include a University College Library serving lower-division under­ graduates on the W est Campus, an Under­ graduate Library, and expansion in Health Sci­ ences, Agriculture, Engineering, M EDLARS, and others. MLS from A L A accredited school required. Beginning salary with no professional experience or related experience is $7200. Increment for second Master’s is $600. Send résumé and salary requirements to Personnel Office, 1858 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210. An equal opportunity employer. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN for department with three professional assistants, book budget o f $350,000. MLS and several years acquisi­ tions experience required, large institution pre­ ferred. Rank o f assistant professor, minimum starting salary $9,216. Assistant in Business Administration-Economics department. MLS required, Bus. ad. or economics major preferred. Instructor, minimum salary $7,296. Write, Jean P. Black, Librarian, Box 1151, Portland, Oregon 97207. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN for a new and grow­ ing Community College. M.S.L.S. preferred with one to two years experience, but will consider recent graduate. Salary open, and depends upon training and experience, good fringe benefits. W ork varied, mostly Readers Services and Reference. A pply to: Frederick von Lang, Librarian, Lehigh County Com ­ munity College, 501 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. 18101 Think small! CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS on Microfilm 1 Volum e (26 1 Volum e (26 Issues) o f Issues) o f • I f you w o u ld lik e to pack a lo t in to a s m a ll space, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS on M ic ro film w i ll s u it y o u r needs. A ll 3.8 m illio n a b s tra c ts p u b lish e d sin ce 1907 are film e d on M ic ro film on 16 mm m ic ro film to fo rm a re a d ily a cce ssib le f ile • To fin d o u t h o w you can use t h is m odern in fo rm a tio n d o c u m e n tin g 60 years o f ch e m ic a l pro g re ss. to o l in y o u r program , w r ite o r te le p h o n e E. G. Johnson, • You can fin d a b s tra c ts q u ic k ly and e a s ily , u s in g a S u b s c rib e r In fo rm a tio n D e p a rtm e n t (614 293-5022). v a rie ty o f m ic ro film re a d e r-p rin te r e q u ip m e n t. A b s tra c ts m ay be ph o to co p ie d a t th e to u c h o f a b u tto n , e lim in a tin g CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICE th e need to m ake h a n d w ritte n n otes. As a consequence A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l S o c ie t y users re p o rt a s u b s ta n tia l tim e s a v in g and in c re a s in g use Of CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS. Columbus, Ohio 43216 54 CATALOGER, Rice Univ., Houston, Texas. N ew building, good prospects. Salary open, at least $700/m o., more for exceptional training and ability. Houston cost o f living among low ­ est in U.S. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA has openings for catalogers. One position is for exclusive work with monographic serials. Masters in library science required. Excellent working conditions in beautiful surroundings. W rite Employment Manager, 1416 W . Main Street, Charlottesville. An Equal Opportunity Employer. MEDICAL LIBRARIAN. Medical School Li­ brary. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901. Responsible for administration o f serials operations in busy Medical-Hospital library. Present subscription list includes some 1,350 domestic and foreign biomedical serials. M.L.S. degree from A L A accredited school and two years experience required, interest in library mechanization desirable. Salary: $7,680-$9,600. G ood opportunity for young energetic person who wishes to join the growing community of health science librarians. Library located on campus o f large State university in beautiful Piedmont country. A pply to: Dr. Wilhelm Moll, Director. LIBRARIAN/SYSTEMS ANALYST. Oppor­ tunity to train for and perform a full range o f library systems work in a rapidly expand­ ing multi-million dollar university library sys­ tem on manual, mechanized, and computer- based systems including on line fast response and time sharing applications involving infor­ mation storage and retrieval and library admin­ istrative processes, e.g., management informa­ tion, acquisitions, cataloging, circulation. The main university computer is an IBM 360/67. The University Library contains over 700,000 volumes, has a staff o f over 280, and a book budget o f more than $1,300,000. W here: Uni­ versity o f Alberta Library, Edmonton. W hen : Positions will be open April 1, 1968. T ype of appointment: Academ ic status, tenure after two years o f satisfactory service. Salary: $9,000-10,450, $400 annual increments. A p­ pointment above the minimum salary level is possible, depending on education and experi­ ence. Benefits are comprehensive, and removal grants are provided. Education and experience: Bachelor’s degree in a subject field, fifth-year degree in library science from an A.L.A. ac­ credited school, 5 years o f increasingly respon­ sible experience in librarianship, with prefer­ ence to persons experienced in technical services. Responsibilities: Upon completion of training, full responsibility for the analysis, design, and implementation o f individual sys­ tems o f the types mentioned above. Send complete résumé and the names o f three ref­ erences to Mr. N. W . Johnson, Co-ordinator, Systems Planning and Development, University Library, University o f Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Applications will be received for the position o f Assistant Librarian in the B.C. Institute o f Technology, Burnaby, B.C. The Institute, now entering its fourth year o f operation, is situated in metropolitan Vancouver, B.C. Enrollment is expected to grow to 2,600 day students and 2,500 night students in 1968/69. A new Library building under construction and scheduled for com ­ pletion in July 1968, is designed to house 500 students and over 50,000 volumes. Applicants must b e graduates o f an accredited Library School. Starting salary will depend on training and experience. Applications will b e received up to April 1, 1968 by the Principal, B.C. Institute o f Technology, 3700 W illingdon Avenue, Burn­ aby 2, B.C. HEAD SCIENCES LIBRARIAN, Simon Fraser University Library. Applications are invited from candidates with a good university science degree, preferably in chemistry, physics or mathematics. Professional qualification in Librarianship is essential. At least ten years’ experience in scientific work is required, some o f which is at the supervisory level. Candi­ dates must have appreciation of, and, ideally, some practical experience with, automated in­ formation retrieval systems. Automated circu­ lation and acquisitions systems now operational. One month vacation; superior retirement, m edi­ cal and other benefits. Salary $12,000 to start. Transportation grant o f $1,000. Required b e ­ tween April 1 and August 1 1968. Apply to: University Librarian, Simon Fraser University Library, Burnaby 2, British Columbia, Canada. M O V I N G If you are changing your mailing address, please be sure to let ALA know at least six weeks in advance. Important: Please send ALA both your old and new addresses plus the date you would like the change made. (A copy of your address label clipped to your notice would help.) Mem bership Records Am erican Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 55 DO YOU K N O W W HAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT? ALA members scored 100! W hat about you? True False ----------- -------------- --- A L A has over 35,000 members. ----------- -------------- --- A man named Foster is President of A L A . ------------- ------------ --- C h o ice is a book selection a id — n o t a ca fe te ria slogan. ------------- ------------ --- A L A ’s dues are scaled to yo u r salary. ------------- ------------ --- " L e t G eo rg e do i t " is A C R L 's password. ----------- ----------- O v e r 500 co m m itte e s give you an o p p o rtu n ity to p a r­ tic ip a te . ----------- ----------- Germ aine is n ot misspelled— it's the name of the bus­ iest gal in W a sh in g to n . ----------------------------G aver : A L A = M c C o y : A C R L . ------------------------- --LTP is a d e riv a tiv e of LSD. ------------------------- -- 6061 1 is A g e n t 007's cousin. ------------------------- --There are 14 divisions— from A A S L to Y ASD. ------------------------- -- PEBCO is a new mouthwash just for librarians. ----------- ----------- "M e m o to M e m b e rs" is published b y Planned Parent­ hood. ----------- ----------- Kansas C it y will be ju m p in g next June. THE A M E R IC A N LIBRARY A S S O C IA T IO N H A S A L L THE A N S W E R S ! Write to: AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 50 East H uron S tree t C h ica g o , Illinois 6061 1 S E C O N D ( 1 9 6 8 ) E D I T I0 N - DIR E C T 0 R Y O F S P E C I A L L I B R A R I E S A N D I N F O R M A T I O N C E N T E R S R E A D Y N O W ! ! E d ite d b y A n th o n y T . K ruzas, A s s o c ia te P rofessor o f L ib ra ry S c ie n c e , U n iv e rs ity of M ic h ig a n Three thousand new entries • Three hundred more p a ge s • Four hundred new subjects • Nine new appendixes Since publication in 1963 of the first edition of the DIRECTORY OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION CENTERS, specialized centers for the acquisition and organization of printed materials dealing with specific activities and interests have continued to grow in number and scope. The second edition of DSLIC represents an updated continuation of the standard guide to collections and personnel in U. S. and Canadian special libraries, information centers, documentation centers, and other similar units, sponsored by government agencies, business firms, trade associations, and pro­ fessional societies, as well as major special collections in university and public libraries. 11,500 U. S. and Canadian Facilities Identified In this edition, detailed entries for 11,500 special libraries and information centers are arranged alphabetically by name of the supporting organization— the U. S. facilities in one section, the Canadian in another. The individual entries provide more than a dozen facts, including official name, address, and telephone number; name of sponsor­ ing organization or institution; address, name, and title of the person in charge; and the names of other professional personnel. 2,500 Additional Units Given in Eighteen Appendixes Eighteen appendixes— nine more than in the first edition— contain 2,500 name and address listings, by state, for special information facilities not included in the main part of the volume. These include units such as U. S. Information Agency Libraries, U. S. Regional Libraries for the Blind, National Aeronautics and Space Administra­ tion Regional Dissemination Centers, and National Bureau of Standards National Standard Reference Data Centers. Guide to Information on 2,000 Topics Collectively, the 13,000 specialized research libraries represent the prime sources of in-depth information concerning more than 2,000 subjects— some as general as electrical engineering and business administration, and many as specialized as the cattle industry, beryllium, and family planning. 1,048 Pages Subject Index $28.50 ORDER TO D AY A N D EXA M IN E FREE FOR THIRTY DAYS GALE RESEARCH COM PANY 1400 Book Tower Detroit, M ich igan 48226