ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Personnel David Kaser will become director of libraries at Cornell University next August 1. Presently director of the Joint University Libraries at Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Kaser will thus succeed on the Ithaca Campus Dr. Stephen A. McCarthy, who recently left the post after twenty-one years to become the ex­ ecutive director of the Association of Research Libraries. Dr. Kaser is in his eighth year in his present assignment. Prior to com­ Dr. Kaser ing to Nashville he was assistant director for tech­ nical services in the Washington University libraries in St. Louis. He has also served on the library staffs of the University of Michigan and Ball State University. The new director-elect at Cornell holds a bachelors degree from Houghton College, a masters degree from Notre Dame and a second masters and a doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Michigan. He has written several books and some two-score articles and has been editor of College & Research Librar­ ies since 1963. He is currently on leave from the Joint University Libraries studying book pirating and smuggling in the Orient under a Guggenheim Fellowship. Dr. Kaser is presi­ dent-elect of ACRL. For fuller biographical information, see CRL, XXI (May 1960) 237 and CRL News XXVIII (July/August 1967) 157. John David Marshall has been appointed university librarian of Middle Tennessee State University at Murfreesboro. He succeeds Catherine Clark, who had served as librarian for the past twenty years. She has relinquished her administrative post but will remain on the li­ brary staff as associate librarian. John David graduated from Bethel College in McKenzie, T e n n e s s e e , with BA degree in 1950 and received his library degree from F lo r id a Mr. Marshall State University in 1951. During 1951/52 he was enrolled in the gradu­ ate school of Florida State University for further graduate study in library science and history, and served as an administrative assist­ ant in the office of Louis Shores. Following his formal education he began his career as reference librarian at Clemson University from 1952 to 1955. From 1955 to 1957, he was head of the reference department at Auburn Uni­ versity. In 1957 he became head of the acqui­ sitions division at the University of Georgia libraries, a position he held for a decade. He is active in state, regional, and national library associations, and is a member of Beta Phi Mu and Phi Kappa Phi. He served as a member of the ACRL Publications Committee, 1957-1962, was secretary of the Georgia Li­ brary Association’s Library Resources and Tech­ nical Services Section, 1963-65, is vice chair­ man and chairman-elect of the Southeastern Regional Group of Resources and Technical Services Librarians of the Southeastern Li­ brary Association, and is a member of South­ ern Books Competition Committee of South­ eastern Library Association. He has been active in the American Library History Roundtable, and delivered a paper at the Cleveland Con­ ference in 1961. In literary and editorial activities it is im­ possible to list all of his assignments and con­ tributions. He serves as general editor of the Contributions to Library Literature Series pub­ lished by Shoe String Press and has edited three of the volumes in this series; the first of these, Books-Libraries-Librarians, has proved useful as a library school text. He served as a book reviewer for Library Journal from 1953 to 1964, was a contributing editor of the South­ ern Observer (1953-66), and is presently Book Review Editor of Journal of Library History. For one to get a true picture of John David Marshall as bookman and librarian it is neces­ sary to read two of his works, Books in Your Life (1959), and A Fable of Tomorrow’s Li­ brary, ( 1965). He is an avid book collector and has a growing collection of the works of three au­ thors—Louis Shores, Lawrence Clark Powell, and Sir Winston S. Churchill. His interest in Churchill started during his early school days, but was spurred on when he heard Churchill deliver his famous “iron curtain” speech at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, on March 5, 1946. With his background in public services and technical processing, and his literary accom­ plishments, he should make a real contribution to a growing university.—A. Ray Rowland, Augusta College Fred Folmer became librarian of the Uni- 294 versity of Texas at Austin on September 1. He succeeds Alexander Moffit, librarian since 1945, who is now con­ sultant for library de­ velopment in the uni­ versity system. Mr. Folmer had been associate university li­ brarian since 1946. He was assistant librarian at Wayne State College, Nebraska, 1937-38, and supervisor of departmen­ tal libraries at the State University of Iowa, 1938- 42. From 1942-44 he Mr. Folmer served in the U.S. Coast Guard. A native of Kentucky, he holds the BS in LS from George Peabody College and the AMLS from the University of Michigan. In 1962 the Texas Library Association named him Texas Librarian of the Year for his association work and for his contributions to library administration, education, and build­ ings. Two years after he arrived in Texas, Mr. Folmer was elected chairman of the College and University Libraries Division of the Texas Library Association, and in 1953-54 he was TLA president. Through association commit­ tee work he has contributed to Texas’ Plan for Statewide Library Development and to the formulation of a library systems bill which the 1969 Texas Legislature will be asked to enact. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the First Texas Governor’s Conference on Libraries in 1966. Many practicing librarians were once his students at the graduate school of library science of the University of Texas, where as part-time lecturer from 1948 to 1959 he taught courses in library organization, government publications, and college and university li­ braries. He has served officially as building consul­ tant for several Texas libraries and unofficially for a great many more. In recent years at the university he has been involved in the plan­ ning of the $4.5 million undergraduate library and academic center, which opened in 1963, and the collections deposit library, which will be completed late this year. At various stages of planning or construction are a $10.7 million east campus complex which, in addition to the Lyndon Baines Johnson library, will house the university’s Latin American and Texana col­ lections and a library for the Lyndon Baines Johnson school of public service; a $7 million humanities research center, a graduate library building; and new biology, engineering, and physics-mathematics-astronomy libraries within departmental buildings. By appointing Mr. Folmer, Chancellor Harry Ransom has wisely given continuity to the li­ brary’s administration. In turn Mr. Folmer will, by his proven competence and resourcefulness, give continuity to the library’s development as a major national resource center. Heartsill H. young, University of Texas. A P P O I N T M E N T S Robert Balliot, formerly undergraduate li­ brarian at the University of Illinois, has been appointed as science librarian at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Mrs. Floris Berger has been appointed assistant reference librarian at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, effective Sept. 1. Harold W. Billings, formerly head of ac­ quisitions, is now assistant librarian, supervi­ sor of technical services, of the University of Texas at Austin. Johanna Billingsley has been appointed assistant reference librarian, University of Mon­ tana. Mrs. Margery S. Blake was appointed as­ sistant reference librarian in Princeton Univer­ sity on July 1. Fred Blum has been appointed head of the special services department of the Catholic University of America libraries. Mrs. Jean Boddeker is assistant social sci­ ences librarian and instructor, University of Houston. Mrs. Virginia Brady is now assistant social sciences librarian and instructor, University of Houston. Mrs. Bonita Bryant is now bibliographer in the acquisition department of the Univer­ sity of Northern Iowa library, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Mrs. Carolyn F. Bucknall was appointed acquisitions librarian at the University of Texas library, Austin, in October. Mrs. Dianne B. Callendar became senior cataloger in the Princeton University library on Sept. 1. Bobby Carter was recently appointed phar­ macy librarian and instructor, University of Houston. Richard Centing has been appointed ref­ erence librarian, Kresge library, Oakland Univ- versity, Rochester, Mich. Moreau B. Chambers has been appointed head of the archives and manuscripts depart­ ment of the Catholic University of America li­ braries. Devon Chandler has been named director of the instructional materials service, Univer­ sity of Montana library. Charlotte Noell Chapman has joined the acquisitions department of the Perkins library of Duke University. 295 Donald Chvatal is now director of public services, University of Montana library. Clare Clemons has been appointed librar­ ian at the Regional Special Education Instruc­ tional Materials Center which is being set up at Hunter College, City University of New York. D. Whitney Coe is Russian cataloger in Princeton University library. James L. Craig of the Yale University staff was promoted, effective October 15, from his assignment as assistant to the university librar­ ian and associate university librarian to the position of assistant head, catalog department, university library. E. Bruce Dack has joined the staff of the Catholic University of America libraries as serials librarian. Mrs. Fidelia R. Dickinson has joined the San Diego State College library staff as gifts and exchange librarian. Ronald J. Dickson is an assistant acquisi­ tion librarian at San Diego State College. Mrs. Ruth Hadley Donovan, former as­ sistant director of libraries, has returned to University of Nevada libraries as bibliographer in science. Ralph S. Emerick has been named librarian of Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Hans Engelke has been appointed assistant director for resources, Western Michigan Uni­ versity library, Kalamazoo. Mrs. Ida Feryszka is a science cataloger in Princeton University library. Mrs. Caroline Fredregill has been named documents librarian with the rank of assistant professor, University of Houston. Ronald Freshley has joined the staff of Hofstra University library. Eliza Atkins Gleason has received appoint­ ment at the John Crerar library as assistant li­ brarian for student services. This position car­ ries responsibility for development and super­ vision of the Kemper library of Illinois Insti­ tute of Technology, which is operated under contract for I IT by the Crerar library, as its student services division. Wayne Gossage, formerly assistant to the librarian of Teachers College library, Colum­ bia University, was appointed library director at Bank Street College of Education as of July 1. Walter Grantham was appointed to the staff of the University of Illinois, Chicago Cir­ cle Campus as a cataloger. Donald W. Gray is now assistant director of library services (public services) at the University of Northern Iowa library, Cedar Falls. Joanne H. Greene is an assistant catalog librarian at San Diego State College. Lawrence R. Greene is head of the human­ ities division library of San Diego State Col­ lege. John Hendrickson has been appointed cam­ pus service coordinator in instructional mate­ rials service, University of Montana library. Fritz L. Herrmann has been appointed head of the reference department, and assist­ ant professor of library science at North Da­ kota State University. Fred E. Hershey joined the staff of the Harry A. Sprague library, Montclair State Col­ lege, New Jersey, as associate librarian on Sept. 1. Mary L. Heying is serials acquisition librar­ ian in Princeton University. Douglas Hieber has joined the staff of the University of Northern Iowa library, Cedar Falls, as head of the circulation department. Stanley E. Horst became acquisitions li­ brarian, University of Iowa law library, as of July 1. Donald Howard, formerly documents and map librarian at the Brigham Young Univer­ sity, has been appointed an acquisitions librar­ ian at the Olin library at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Renata Hsia joined the staff of Simon Fraser University as a senior cataloger. Mrs. Gene Jackson is interlibrary loan li­ brarian and lecturer, University of Houston. Mrs. Judith Jenkins assumed the duties as an assistant catalog librarian on Oct. 1, at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus. Mrs. Hilda Cao Joftis has been appointed assistant reference librarian, University of Ne­ vada. Gerald E. Johns is an assistant catalog li­ brarian at San Diego State College. Kathryn H. Johnston is assistant librarian, theology-philosophy library, the Catholic Uni­ versity of America. Mrs. Lorraine R. Jones is an assistant cat­ alog librarian at San Diego State College. Mrs. Ethel Kates has joined the library staff of Hofstra University. William G. Kerr, assistant librarian of the U.S. Military Academy library at West Point, has been appointed librarian of Eisenhower College of Seneca Falls. E leanor Kuhl has joined the staff of the Perkins library of Duke University as assistant head of the circulation department. Michael H. Lewis has joined the acquisi­ tions staff of Long Island University library, as of Nov. 1. Mary Louise Lacy has been appointed head of the catalog department, Kresge library, Oak­ land University, Rochester, Mich. Mrs. Judith S. McEntyre is a reference as­ sistant in the sciences and engineering library at San Diego State College. Marion McMillan has been named librar­ 296 ian with Marbon Chemical Division, Borg- Warner Corporation, Washington, W.Va. Avxnash Chandra Maheshwary, the newest member of the descriptive cataloging depart­ ment staff in the Perkins library of Duke Uni­ versity, came to Durham directly from Bom­ bay, India. Robert Patrick Mallory has been ap­ pointed acquisitions librarian, University of Montana. Mrs. Lois I. Marriott is an assistant cir­ culation librarian at San Diego State College. Marvin Meier is an assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus. Douglas Mills is now director of technical services, University of Montana library. Mrs. Omah H. Mondello is assistant li­ brarian, humanities library, Catholic University of America. Judith M ∞ maw is a new member of the Hofstra University library staff. Mrs. Mary Y. Moore has been appointed assistant catalog librarian, University of Mon­ tana. Martha Ann Mueller is now head of the serials department, Kresge library, Oakland University, Rochester, Mich. Tomislav Munetic has been appointed as bibliographer in the humanities, University of Nevada libraries. Necia Musser has been appointed head of acquisitions, Western Michigan University li­ brary, Kalamazoo. Gretchen Myers has joined the staff of the University of Northern Iowa library, Cedar Falls, as a reference librarian. Judy Lee Myers has joined the cataloging department of the University of Northern Iowa library, Cedar Falls. Barbara Nicholson is the new library in­ tern in University of Houston libraries. Mrs. Sara E. Patterson is an assistant catalog librarian at San Diego State College. Edwin D. Posey is now assistant librarian in Forrestal Campus library, Princeton Univer­ sity. Louis A. Rachow, librarian of the Walter Hampden memorial library, The Players, New York City, has been elected president of the Theatre Library Association, 1967-70. Joe Rees has been appointed engineering librarian of Duke University. Brian Rogers has been appointed a ref­ erence librarian on the staff of the Olin library at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Fred A. Rothberger has been appointed head of the loan department at the University of Texas, Austin. Glenn Scharfenorth has been made as­ sistant to the director at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle. 2 John L. Sharpe, III has been appointed curator of rare books in the Perkins library of Duke University. Mrs. Dorcas Smith has been named as­ sistant catalog librarian and lecturer, Univer­ sity of Houston. Lawrence E. Spellman is map curator of Princeton University library. Alfred Svenson is the new chemistry li­ brarian, Catholic University of America. Robert S. Tannehill, Jr. has accepted the new position of information scientist at the Vanderbilt University medical center library. Rollin H. Taylor has joined the staff of the Ellen Clarke Bertrand library, Bucknell Uni­ versity, as assistant catalog librarian. Julianne V. Wade-Cochran is now evening librarian in the Cook County law library, Chi­ cago. Seymour Weinstein is head of the circula­ tion department in University of Iowa libraries. Jean Weldon is a new cataloger in the de­ scriptive cataloging department of the Perkins library of Duke University. Mrs. Mary Frances Wightman is recently appointed water-science librarian in Princeton University. Jean L. W illiams is assistant librarian, bi­ ology-geology library, Princeton University. William Willmering has been appointed assistant reference librarian, University of Mon­ tana. Heartsill H. Young, assistant librarian of the University of Texas at Austin since 1957, was appointed associate librarian, effective Sept. 1. N E C R O L O G Y Richard Fredell, assistant to the director of libraries at Washington University, died on Sept. 7. Ruth F. Morton, catalog librarian in Uni­ versity of Houston library, died on Oct. 17. She had been catalog librarian since 1952 and has been responsible for the reclassification of the University of Houston libraries from Dewey to L.C. The ALA Headquarters Library receives frequent requests for sample copies of handbooks for four-year college and uni­ versity libraries. Therefore, we would be grateful if librarians from these institu­ tions would forward two copies of their handbooks to the Headquarters Library, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. 97 Polaroid® Helen Oustinoff. She found a way to order and process books faster with the Polaroid CU-5 Camera. Helen Oustinoff is Assistant Director of the University of Vermont Library. She has de­ veloped a remarkable new system for proc­ essing books, utilizing our Polaroid CU-5 Close-up Land Camera. No more checking or transcribing Here’s how her system works: When a book purchase request slip is received, the searcher looks up the book in the National Union Catalog or another standard bibliog­ raphy. Just as always. But she doesn’t bother to correct or complete the slip. She simply photographs the entire N.U.C. entry with the CU-5 Camera. We make that sound very easy. It is. You just center the CU-5’s frame over the entry and squeeze the trigger. Pull the tabs and 15 seconds later you have an enlarged print of the whole thing. (Like the one below.) Isn’t that easier than copying by hand? And faster? And more accurate? No handwriting to decipher Now the book order slip is typed from the Polaroid print. And the print is then filed away with a carbon of the typed order. If the original entry happens to be in He­ brew, or something else untypable, you can simply shoot an extra print and send it along with the order. When the book is received, it ’s checked against the print and the invoice is cleared. No waiting for catalog cards Who needs preprinted catalog cards? With this new system, you make your own. Using the Polaroid print as a guide, you can type them on an automatic typewriter. Or simply add necessary information to the print and run it through a copying machine. The system also gets books into circula­ tion faster because it eliminates waiting for preprinted cards. It also eliminates the job of ordering them. And the cost. For more information about the time and cost saving features of this library system, write to: Polaroid Corporation, Dept. 113, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. And if you have any suggestions as to new uses for our CU-5 Camera, send them along. Who knows? You might be our next ad. POLAROID C U -5 LIBRARY CAMERA The key to the Oust¡noff system: an enlarged copy of an N.U.C. entry made in 15 seconds.