ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 160 ACRL ELECTIONS (Continued from page 158) Mason, director of library services, Hofstra University, Hempstead, L.I., N.Y. 11550. Editorial Board, Choice: Sister Helen, librarian, Trinity College, Washington, D.C. 20017; Editor, Peter Doiron, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, Conn. 06457. Are YOU a member of ALA? Join for 1967! Write: Membership Promotion American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 "CO In N O F ur I C D om E p N let C e E" Periodicals Service —Am erican or foreign. A ll periodicals, handled w ith a degree of accuracy second to none! W rite for our Brochure—then ASK FOR REFERENCES from any one of the hundreds of Librarians taking ad ­ vantages of our outstanding and accepted procedures. Send your list and ask for a quo tatio n and recom ­ mendations. "Promptness Is A Tradition With McGregor" —and Promptness is a mark o f Experience, Trained Personnel, A m p le Facilities, Proper W orking Space, Financial S ta b ility, Responsible Management, Com ­ pleteness of Service, and Efficiency. SUBSCRIBE TC OUR McGreg o r 33RD PERIODICALS YEAR BULLETIN MCGREGOR Magazine Agency Mount Morris, Illinois 61054 College & Research Libraries, Editor, David Kaser, director, Joint University libraries, Nashville 37203. ACRL Microcard Series, Editor, Mrs. Margaret Toth, Rush Rhees library, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. 14627. ACRL Monograph Series, Editor, David W. Heron, director of libraries, University of Nevada, Reno 89507. ACRL Representative on ALA Membership Committee: Frances Kennedy, librarian, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73106. AAJC–ALA (ACRL Committee on Junior Col­ lege Libraries: Staff Liaison, William G. Shannon, assistant executive director, Amer­ ican Association of Junior Colleges, Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036; George M. Bailey, ACRL executive secretary, Chicago 60611. Association of American Colleges–ACRL Com­ mittee on College Libraries: Chairman: Bran­ ford P. Millar, president, Portland State Col­ lege, Portland, Ore. 97207; Staff Represent­ atives, George M. Bailey, ACRL executive secretary, Chicago 60611; F. L. Wormald, vice president, Association of American Col­ leges, Washington, D.C. 20009. ■ ■ URBAN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL An information retrieval system that scans microfilm documents and automatically selects those with desired subject matter, is now oper­ ational in the library of the Center for Urban Regionalism, Kent State University. The system will (1) gather existing urban information and research data especially useful for planners; (2) abstract this information if necessary; (3) index each document according to key words or phrases from an “urban thesaurus”; and (4) microfilm each abstract along with its ac­ cess codes. The “urban thesaurus” is a 20,000 key word-phrase index compiled by John E. Rickert, associate director of the center. The system will receive contributed information from all over the country. Future users of the system also will most likely add their own data to the system’s coded microfilm library, and the system permits continuous updating of both the thesaurus and the microfilm library. Rose L. Vormelker, who compiled the mass of regional information in conjunction with the Community Research Conference, has been ap­ pointed chief of the Urban Library and Infor­ mation Service at Kent State to organize the urban data. Development of the thesaurus with the Recordak System and organizing the informa­ tion was made possible by a $32,943 federal grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ■ ■