ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries COLLEGE &RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS No. 8, September 1968 ACRL News Issue (A ) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 29, No. 5 ACRL Grants Program Shown at a luncheon in Chicago where United States Steel Foundation checks were distributed to educators are: (Left to right) H. Vail Deale, chairman of the Committee on Grants of ACRL and librarian at Beloit Col­ lege (Beloit, Wis.); Vernard M. Christensen, general superintendent of the Elgin, Joliet, and Eastern Railway Company; and James T. Hosey, director of programing for the United States Steel Foundation. membered that the grants are primarily for the improvement and development of college un­ dergraduate collections in ways in which the institution itself would not, or cannot, give as­ sistance. The Committee will continue its sup­ port of the federal program of basic grants (under the Higher Education Act 1965) by considering requests to employ consultant help. A substantial contribution has again been re­ ceived from Library Bureau/Remington Rand, for the purchase of wood furniture and equip­ ment. The same form should be used to re­ quest furniture and equipment grants as for the monetary grants. Application forms are being mailed early in September to librarians of all eligible institu­ tions, as listed in the current U.S. Office of Education, Directory Part III, Higher Educa­ tion. Application forms must be returned to the ACRL Office no later than October 9. Requests for the support of research or bib­ liographical projects from individual librarians may also be submitted for consideration of the Committee. Such requests will be given par­ ticular consideration if the research or biblio­ graphic activity would result in something beneficial The ACRL Grants Program, now in its four­ teenth year of service to privately endowed, four-year, undergraduate institutions, will con­ tinue support from the United States Steel Foundation, the Library Bureau Remington Office Systems Division of Sperry Rand Cor­ poration; H. W. Wilson Foundation, the Olin Mathieson Charitable Trust, TIME Incorpo­ rated, Pitney Bowes, Inc. and the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. As in past years, the Committee on Grants will consider applications for the improvement and development of library collections from privately supported institutions whose curricu­ lum incorporates a four-year program of under­ graduate instruction. Applications for items or projects which would be a normal part of the academic library budget will not be given con­ sideration in view of the large number of ap­ plications received each year. It should be re­ 242 Our policy is your assurance of better SERVICE for a quarter of a century, Taylor-Carlisle's policy has been to offer its clientele the finest service possible. This policy is supported by a huge inventory conveniently at hand in our own warehouses . . . . . . by having com petent, efficient personnel … . . . and experienced, progressive management. Better service is our policy. Send for our brochure and terms. Taylor- Carlisle NEW YORK: 115 E ast 23rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10010 FLORIDA: Winter Park Mall, Winter Park, Florida TEXAS: 1 Shell Plaza, Houston (opening soon) 243 to academic libraries. A request for the proper form should be addressed to the ACRL office. Members of the ACRL Committee on Grants are: H. Vail Deale, chairman; Humphrey G. Bousfield, consultant; Johnnie E. Givens, Mrs. Virginia Lacy Jones, Rev. Vincent R. Negher bon, Mrs. Jessie Carney Smith, Donald E. Vin­ cent, and David Kaser (ex officio). Any further inquiries should be sent to the Executive Sec­ retary, Association of College and Research Li­ braries, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. AUGMENTED CRL EDITORIAL STAFF David Doerrer, assistant circulation librar­ ian, Cornell University, has been named News editor of CRL. Mr. Doerrer will assist David Kaser in the preparation of the monthly CRL News issues. He holds the AB and MSLS de­ grees from Syracuse University, and is present­ ly writing his thesis for an MA in American history at Syracuse. He is a former contributor to CRL. Mrs. Betty Swint of the Joint University Li­ braries, Nashville, continues as assistant editor of the bimonthly journal. Mary Falvey, ACRL publications officer since 1961, on Sept. 1 became managing editor of the Central Production Unit at ALA headquar­ ters. This is a new unit which will be responsi­ ble for the production of five journals, six news­ letters and other printing and publications for ALA divisions. ■ ■ MARGARET MANN CITATION An annual citation, awarded by the Cat­ aloging and Classification Section of the Re­ sources and Technical Services Division, made to a cataloger and/or classifier, not necessarily an American, for his outstanding professional achievement in the areas of cataloging and classification, either through publication of sig­ nificant professional literature, participation in professional cataloging associations, introduction of new techniques of recognized importance, or outstanding work in the area of teaching within the past five years. Deadline for nominations, Dec. 1. Send nom­ inations with resume of achievement on which nomination is based, in triplicate, to the com­ mittee chairman—Mrs. Benjamin A. Custer, 9305 Twentieth Avenue, Adelphi, Maryland 20783. ■ ■ ACRL Membership Tuly 31, 1968 ………… …… … 12,604 Tuly 31, 1967 ………… … … … 11,915 July 31, 1966 ………… ………10,539 COLLEGE & RESEARCH N E W S LIBRARIES ACRL News Issue of College & Research Libraries Editor, David Kaser, Cornell University Li­ braries, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. Managing Editor, Mary Falvey, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. News Editor, David Doerrer, Cornell Uni­ versity Libraries, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. Editorial Board: John M. Dawson, University of Dela­ ware; Gustave A. Harrer, University of Florida; Samuel Rothstein, University of British Columbia; James E. Skipper, University of California, Berkeley; Norman E. Tanis, Kansas State College of Pittsburg; Maurice F. Tauber, Columbia University; Eileen Thornton, Oberlin College. ACRL Officers, 1968/69: President, David Kaser; Chairman, College Libraries Section, Evan Ira Farber; Junior College Libraries Section, Shirley A. Edsall; Rare Books Section, J. M. Edelstein; Subject Specialists Section, Thomas D. Gillies; Agriculture and Biological Sciences Subsection, Louise Darling; Art Subsection, Herbert G. Scherer; Law and Political Science Sub­ section, Morris L. Cohen; Slavic and East European Subsection, Dmytro M. Shtohryn; University Libraries Section, G. F. Shepherd. News from the Field, Personnel profiles and notes, classified advertising, official matter of ACRL, and other material of a timely nature is published in the News issues of College &- Research Libraries. Inclusion of an article or advertisement in CRL does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. Production and Advertising and Circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111. 60611. Change of address and orders for subscriptions should be addressed to College & Research Libraries, for receipt at the above address, at least two months before the publication date of the effective issue. Subscription to CRL is included in membership dues to ACRL of $6 or more; other subscriptions to CRL are $10 per year. Neither subscriptions nor memberships include miscellaneous unscheduled supplements, which are available by purchase only. Retroactive subscrip­ tions are not accepted. Single journal copies are avail­ able at $1.50 each and News issues at $1.00 each from ALA Publishing Department. Indexed in Library Literature. Abstracted in Library Science Abstracts. Book reviews indexed in Book Re­ view Index. College & Research Libraries is the official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association; and is published seventeen times per year—bi-monthly as a technical journal with 11 monthly News issues, com­ bining July-August—at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Mo.