ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 287 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. BOOKS SEARCH SERVICE is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodicals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 532, White Plains, N.Y. OUT OF PRINT COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. Catalogues, & buying lists. J. S. Canner Inc., Dept. ACRL, Boston 20, Mass. POSITIONS W ANTED MULTILINGUAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES—com­ position by expert linguist on IBM Composer. Nyqvist, 3468 Cowper Ct., Palo Alto, Calif. MALE, AGE 35, married. B.A., M.A. ed., M.S.L.S. Experience: 2 yrs. in large high school, over 3,000 students. 1 yr. head of branch library in large mideastern metropolitan city system, branch has circulation of 200,000+ per annum. Seeking position in academic li­ brary, no geographic preference, salary open for proper position. Box 732, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. BOOK SELECTION LIBRARIAN, M.L.S., 6 years professional experience, 2 years with non-printed media. Some archival training. Likes research. Male supervisor only. Avail. Sept. 1968. Will relocate. Box 733, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN LIBRARIANS Community College, 25 minutes from N.Y.C. and all cultural benefits, opening in September, planning a computerized library. Immediate opening for: CATALOGER (op­ portunity to become head of technical serv­ ices), ACQUISITION, REFERENCE & CIR­ CULATION Librarians. Two years experience and administrative ability required for the first two positions. Faculty salary scale with rank and benefits. Experience in computer applica­ tion not required, but favorable attitude and willingness to learn is necessary. Write Box 734, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LARGE COLLEGE LIBRARY, NYC. ACQUI­ SITION LIBRARIAN, Gifts: some experience preferred. Position will be open 9/1/68, at the instructor rank. As of 10/1/68, the salary will be $10,050. Work week 35 hours, 30 during the summer. 6 week paid vacation, choice of paid health plans. MLS from accredited library school required. STATE FULL DETAILS OF EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE IN RE­ PLY. Box 735, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago 60611. LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS SPECIALIST to coordinate the automation de­ velopmental activities at the University of Colorado Libraries. Projects presently under­ way are circulation and reserve, accounting, and other technical services activities. Experi­ ence: Library systems work two (2) years, familiarity with computer systems necessary; programming experience desirable but not ab­ solutely essential. Benefits: Salary range $13,000 to $16,000 depending on experience; faculty status, TIAA-CREF retirement program, sick leave, one month’s vacation, eligibility for faculty fellowships, transportation paid to one professional meeting each year. Contact Mr. Richard M. Dougherty, Associate Director of Libraries, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Library of Med­ ical Sciences, Chicago. Two positions open, 5th year Library School degree, salary dependent on qualifications, minimum $7,600, month va­ cation, retirement system, academic rank. CAT­ ALOGER, science subject training desirable, experience not required. CIRCULATION LI­ BRARIAN, experience necessary, administra­ tive position. Write: Wilma Troxel, Director, University of Illinois, Library of Medical Sci­ ences, 1853 West Polk Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612, Telephone 312-663-7332. 288 REFERENCE ASSISTANT: One-year posi­ tion available starting September 1, 1968. MLS preferred. Minimum $6200. Faculty sta­ tus, 4 weeks vacation, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, major medical, life insurance and other fringe benefits. Would consider making this half-time position for graduate student in Chicago area library school. Apply Dr. William R. Lansberg, Director of Libraries, Roosevelt University, 430 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605 (312) WA 2-3580. IT’S STILL HAPPENING AND WE STILL NEED HELP. We’ve interviewed many inter­ esting persons but our System Resources Li­ brarian’s position is still available. A creative and stimulating professional life can be yours as you assist in selecting materials and de­ veloping a cooperative selection and acquisi­ tion policy for the DUPAGE LIBRARY SYS­ TEM of 21 public libraries in the Chicago met­ ropolitan area. Headquarters office and head­ quarters library conveniently located in Whea­ ton on commuter line 45 minutes to loop. Di­ rectly responsible to the System Director, but will develop program by working with staffs of member libraries. Beginning salary up to $10,000. If you have imagination, under­ standing, some supervisory experience, knowl­ edge of acquisition sources, wide book knowl­ edge and talent for organization call, write, wire or come to see Alice E. McKinley, Ex­ ecutive Director of the DuPage Library System, 330 South Reber Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187 (Tel: 312 653–6457). FOREMAN required for The Newberry Li­ brary Bindery. An intensive conservation pro­ gram, requiring varied binding of a high standard, calls for a person wth unusual adapta­ bility to meet each problem in the best way. State background and salary requirements. Re­ ply to Technical Department, The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illi­ nois 6Ö610. AN EXPANDING PRIVATE COLLEGE needs an Assistant Librarian. Duties include biblio­ graphic searching, compiling monthly records, assisting in the supervision of student assistants, and processing of Library of Congress catalog cards. Bachelor’s degree required, with courses in Library Science and audio-visual instruction desirable. Liberal fringe benefits. Position avail­ able September 1968. Starting salary, $6,000. Apply Head Librarian, Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers College, Chicago, Illinois 60601. CAREERS for young and ambitious library school graduates with strong academic back­ grounds in a major university library in a pleas­ ant Midwestern town. Vacancies in the acquisi­ tions, cataloging, government publications, and serials departments, and in the education, mathematics, and medical libraries. Faculty status and exceptional fringe benefits including Social Security, TIAA (15% plan), and life, disability, and major medical increases. Starting salaries from $7,700 to $9,000. Apply to the Director, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA. Head­ ship of Reader Service (Reference) depart­ ment now available; will keep open reasonable time for right person. Department of 7 professionals, 3 non-professionals; Library degree and several years of reference, ad­ ministrative experince desired. Faculty sta­ tus. TIAA, CREF, insurance, other benefits. Beginning salary $10,000-$13,000, depending upon education, experience. University enroll­ ment 8,500. Library has 300,000 volumes, staff of 48, budget of $700,000. New building. For full information write and/or send credentials to Donald O. Rod, Director of Library Serv­ ices, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES to direct order, serials and cataloging activities of col­ lege library converting to LC classification. Degree from ALA-accredited school, and pro­ fessional experience at supervisory level essen­ tial. Usual benefits. Library collection of 125,000 volumes. Department staff of eight. Under­ graduate liberal arts college for women, mid­ way between Boston and Providence. Apply: Miss Hilda F. Harris, Librarian, Wheaton Col­ lege, Norton, Mass. 02766. CATALOGER: Immediate opening in expand­ ing Liberal Arts College Library of 50,000 vols. in L.C. classification. To supervise 1 assist­ ant and students. Faculty status, 11-month con­ tract, and generous fringe benefits. Accredited L.S. degree required. Salary and rank de­ pendent on education and experience qualifica­ tions. Attractive new building, congenial sur­ roundings on campus convenient to Boston expressway. Write: Mrs. Carol E. Fraser, Li­ brary Director, Stonehill College, North Easton, Mass. 02356. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN: Oakland University requires a Science Librarian who will be re­ sponsible for science reference services, will assist in the selection and building of the science collection, and will maintain liaison with science faculty. A Bachelor’s degree with a science concentration and a Master’s degree in Librarianship from an accredited school are required. The salary range is from $8,500 to $10,000, depending upon education and ex­ perience. Kresge Library is located twenty-five miles from Detroit in beautiful surroundings. Send resume to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Mich­ igan 48063. SOCIAL SCIENCE LIBRARIAN: A new po­ sition. To head up a newly established Social 289 Science Division at the fastest growing Uni­ versity Library in Western Michigan. We are interested in an imaginative working admin­ istrator-bibliographer, who can develop col­ lections, deal with faculty and students, and able to train supporting staff. This is an op­ portunity to work in a unique public service area. Plenty of room for creative and imagina­ tive ideas to be introduced. Faculty rank and faculty status. Salary open and com­ petitive. Generous fringe benefits. Kalama­ zoo is a pleasant city and a cultural cen­ ter itself. Has excellent freeway connec­ tions in all directions and is two hours driving time from such major cities as Detroit and Chicago. Position available after September 1, 1968. Please send your application and curricu­ lum vitae or call: Peter Spyers-Duran, Di­ rector of Libraries, Western Michigan Uni­ versity, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. 616/383- 1847. ADELPHI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ( 1) Cata­ log Librarian (2) Reference Librarian. MLS degree required. New air-conditioned building designed by R. J. Neutra. University within commuting distance of New York City. 35 hour week, 32/2 during summer. Month’s vacation, TIAA/CREF; other benefits including faculty status and sabbaticals. Starting salary: $7,200. Apply to Miss D. Nora Gallagher, Director of Libraries, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York 11530. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Open­ ings for DEPARTMENT HEAD AND SUB JECT SPECIALIST. HEAD CATALOGER. Must be experienced in automation, cataloging and must be receptive to new ideas. Open September 1, 1968. Salary $12,000. EDUCA­ TION SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Strong back­ ground in education and social sciences. Super­ visory experience. Salary $10,000 plus. MSLS from accredited Library School. Experience required. Excellent fringe benefits including educational benefits. Apply: Mrs. Elizabeth S. Newlove, Syracuse University Library, Syra­ cuse, New York 13210. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts col­ lege of 1400 students. Holdings 97,000 vols. 5 professionals, 4 non-professionals on staff. Posi­ tion now open, salary $7,500-$8,500, M.L.S. or equivalent. One month vacation, M academic vacations. Faculty status, TIAA, major medical and other group benefits. Apply: J. B. Arm­ strong, Librarian, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Help develop a library for the new Hamilton Campus of Miami Univ. Establish reference services, assume ad­ ministrative duties in librarian’s absence. Ideal for young M.L.S. looking for more responsi­ bility. Salary: $7,000-up. Apply: Jean M. Lucas, Librarian, Miami University-Hamilton, Hamil­ ton, Ohio 45011. 513–529–6889. UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARIAN, $10,000- $12,000, depending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 8 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hues ton Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Assoc. Dir. & University Librarian, Miami Uni­ versity, Oxford, Ohio 45056. CATALOGER, $7,600 and up, depending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 8 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hueston Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Assoc. Dir. & University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL DIVISION HEAD responsible for controlling access to in- process materials in large University Library. Duties include: training and supervision of professionals, searchers and student assistants in searching and precataloging. Requirements: 5th year library degree, min. of 2 years previ­ ous experience. Salary commensurate with ex­ perience and education. Send vita with 3 references to: Personnel Librarian, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. ASSISTANT CATALOGER (with some work in reference) in liberal arts college library located in beautiful and historic rural setting near eastern metropolitan centers. Participant in active 10-college library cooperative pro­ gram. 5th year library degree. Salary depends on qualifications and experience. Attractive fringe benefits. Apply: Mrs. Lillian H. Smoke, Librarian, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa. 17325. DOCUMENTS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN re­ sponsible for collection of U.S., Pa., interna­ tional governmental documents, and legal refer­ ence materials in large University Library. Duties include development and coordination of collection; provision of documental and le­ gal reference service; supervision of profes­ sionals and clericals. Requirements: 5th year library degree, min. of 3 years appropriate and supervisory experience. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Good benefits, faculty status. Send vita with 3 references to: Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, Pennsyl­ vania 16802. 290 SERIALS CATALOGER responsible for all serials cataloging in large University Library. Duties include: training and supervision of professional and non-professionals using LC copy; original cataloging in LC classification. Requirements: 5th year library degree, min. of 1 year previous serial catalog experience. Salary adjusted for experience and education. Good benefits, faculty status. Send vita with 3 references to: Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University Libraries, Uni­ versity Park, Pennsylvania 16802. HEAD LIBRARIAN for the Dubois Campus of the Pennsylvania State University. Campus has delightful rural setting, about 450 full-time students. Part of a growing & innovative li­ brary system. 5th-year library degree required, plus experience. Good benefits, salary depends on experience and qualifications. Apply to: Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, Pennsyl­ vania 16802. THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knox­ ville. Two positions, reference and cataloging. Foreign language competency and experience desirable for the cataloging position. Library of Congress classification. Write to Ruth C. Ringo, Associate Director. Zip 37916. HEAD CATALOG LIBRARIAN with experi­ ence at the university or research library level and the ability to direct staff of professionals and assistants. Starting salary at least $12,000. New building, good fringe benefits. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. SERIALS CATALOGER with experience at the university library level and with LC classi­ fication. Knowledge of languages desirable. Starting salary of $800 per mo. Houston cost of living lowest of any major city. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. CHEMICAL, librarian. The Shell Companies have an opening in the San Francisco Bay Area, and another in New York, for a chemical librarian. San Francisco Bay Area: Library serving major industrial research laboratory seeks individual to take charge of all public services, including scientific and bibliographic reference, and to assist in planning and imple­ menting utilization of new methods of handling scientific and technical information. New York: Cataloging, reference, and literature searching on behalf of management and technical person­ nel engaged in research and development, engi­ neering, sales, and market research. Require­ ments: BS in Chemistry, MLS preferred. 0 to 5 years experience. Shell’s employee benefits in­ clude a libreral education assistance program. If interested in these positions, please send a complete resume to Q. C. Stanberry, Recruit­ ment Representative, Dept. RL, The Shell Companies, Box 2099, Houston 77001. An equal opportunity employer. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE has openings for a reference librarian and cata- logers. Fifth year degree from ALA accredited library school required. Salary range $6,700- $8,400 depending on experience. Apply to: Frank C. Shirk, Library Director, V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. 24061. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Person chosen will or­ ganize move of small college library (36,000 volumes) into new facility and will plan and direct rapid and vigorous growth which move will allow. Salary $9,000-$ll,000. Apply: Rob­ ert V. Cramer; President; Northland College; Ashland, Wisconsin 54806. SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY in­ vites applications for the following positions: Head of Cataloguing. This senior position re­ quires a dynamic person with several years of experience and demonstrated administrative ability, who is flexible and eager to introduce innovation. Knowledge of EDP applications an asset. Annual acquisitions rate of over 50,000 volumes. Department staff establishment of 38 includes 12 librarians. Reclassification from Dewey to LC nearing completion. Salary range begins at $9,300 with allowance for experience. Cataloguers. Experience in H or P classes of LC or in reclassification from Dewey preferred but not essential. Salary range $7,000-$10,500. Science and Engineering Library Reference Li­ brarian. This position involves providing refer­ ence service to students and faculty, participat­ ing in the selection of books, periodicals, stand­ ards, technical reports and other relevant li­ brary materials in the subject fields of science and engineering, supervising relevant clerical operations and staff, and assisting the Science and Engineering Librarian. There is a full­ time staff of three librarians and six assistants. Academic background in engineering or science would be an asset and at least two years work­ ing experience in a science and/or engineering library is essential. Salary range $7,000-$10,500. For all positions consideration will be given for special qualifications and relevant library ex­ perience. Graduation from an accredited library school is required. Staff benefits include one month’s paid vacation, pension plan, group life insurance, and health insurance. An analysis of library systems is in progress. Stimulating, con­ genial atmosphere, 35-hour week; full-time staff of 116. Address letter of application and resume of education and experience to: Uni­ versity Librarian, Sir George Williams Uni­ versity, 1435 Drummond St., Montreal 25, Quebec, or telephone 514-879-2820. 291 14 Good Reasons Why You Should Spend $1250 a Year for a Permuterm® Subject Index 1 MULTI-ENTRY INDEXING The key to PSI™ indexing is title indexing in-depth by presenting alphabetized entries for every possible pairing of words in titles and subtitles. 2 SPEED AND FLEXIBILITY PSI’s A technique of pairing words enables the user to locate any combination of terms quickly without having to examine a number of irrelevant items under a par­ ticular term. 3 SPECIFICITY AND SELECTIVITY PSI searches involving a single term are quick and efficient. Searches involving two or more terms are especially easy, as simple as an alphabetical look-up. Terms may even be used to exclude cer­ tain types of information. 4 UNIQUENESS The PSI is a “ natural language” indexing system based on the real language of science, the cur­ rent living vocabulary used today by pub­ lishing authors, not indexers. 5 COMPREHENSIVENESS The PSI policy of indexing all articles within a journal, regardless of discipline, prevents coverage gaps associated with the selec­ tive subject indexes. 6 JOURNAL SELECTION The PSI selection of important journals in all important fields is based, in part, on highly accurate citation analyses of their articles, not a mindless lifting of titles from other lists. 7 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCOPE The PSI covers over 90 disciplines, categorizing the journals by subject and by country. 8 EXTENSIVE COVERAGE The PSI for 1967 covers 300,000 scientific and 9 te chnological items. SOURCE IDENTIFICATION A ll the source items are listed alpha­ betically by author in the accompanying Source Index. The source material identi­ fies type of items as well as all co-authors an 1 d 0 includes full bibliographic details. CROSS-REFERENCED AUTHORS Comprehensive cross-references are provided for every co-author. Thus, all current articles by a given author can be ide 1 n 1 tified in one place in the Source Index. CALENDAR YEAR COVERAGE The PSI is a calendar year index and, for the journals covered, includes all items published and available by the end of the year. 1 2 TRANSLATION Foreign language titles are indexed under the corre­ sponding English terms. Judicious man- machine editing has been applied as much as possible to standardize spelling varia­ tions. 1 3 RELIABILITY The PSI is produced by ISI, leader in producing proven information retrieval and dissemination services. 1 4 SAVINGS If you're already a sub scriber to the Science Citation Index,® you can save an extra $550. The price of the PSI to SCI® subscribers is a low $700. And there is more. Find out for yourself. Write today to Dept. 101-91 .We’l l send details, infor­ mation and sample formats. In s titu te fo r S c ie n tific In fo r m a t io n 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106, USA id Kn at il ou Av $1 Ye When we first announced the publication of Science Citation Index,® skeptics said that it couldn’t be done— that we could not main­ tain the initial low cost of $1250 per year for SCI.® Contrary to this pessimistic prognosis, ISI has, in effect, reduced the price of SCI by 20% . When you purchase a five-year run of SCI for 1964-1968, including the quarterlies for 1968, you pay only an average $1000 for each year. The arithmetic is simple: you pay the same price for the 1968 SCI as when it started in 1964—-$1250— but you get the 1964 and 1965 editions at half-price, sav­ D ing $1250 in all. In other words, you get those five years of SCI for the price of You four— a total discount of 20%. And consider this: Although the price in 1968 is the same th -—$1250— as in 1964, the number of journals cov­ ered by SCI has tripled A v a — an increase from 700 in 1964 to over 2000 in 1968! Each calendar-year to Y edition of SCI is a completely different and p e rm a n e n tly fo r an v a lu a b le re fe re n c e tool. Each quarterly alone is a storehouse of information (and o f the quarterly issues capn also be used in satellite librar­ ies). Each annual is truly e r a re c o rd o f th e y e a r’ s research— the only calendar-year index published. Don’t be misled by false claims— SCI is the only index for science published based on the concept of citation indexing. ISI in­ vented the SCI. SCI is the only index in which you can trace the path of related scientific ideas through the years and across the arbi­ trary boundaries imposed by conventional classification systems and title ind exin g.! The fact that the 1968 SCI will contain over two million citation access points might seem meaningless in itself, were it not indica­ tive of the orderly way in which this large reservoir of interdisciplinary data has been made available to you. Each access point represents an avenue of approach into the current scientific literature— a starting point in a search— that enables you to extract pre­ cisely that information which is most relevant to each of your scientist's particular needs— time and time again. A recent article by C. C. Spencer illus­ o tr w ates the unique role of SCI in the li­ brary. “ Subject Searching with Science Citation Index: Prepara­ Ci ISs tio n of a Drug Bibliogra­ phy Using Chemical A b s t r a c t s , In d e x able Medicus, and Science Citation Index 1961 and 1964’’ can be fo u n d in A m e rica n Now Doc umentation, Vol. 18, No. 2, pages 87-96 (1967). A final word of caution er a g e to forw ard-looking librar­ ians: We all resent th e h ig h c h a r g e s 000 made for reprinted edi­ tio n s o f im p o rta n t b ib lio ­ graphical works. So d on ’t wait ar? until SCI is out of print. We do not have an inexhaustible sup­ ply. Indeed, SCI sales have exceeded our expectations and supplies will be exhausted within the next few years. Now is the time for you to act. If you are planning a new library, reserve your SCI set now. † We ought to know. We also publish the largest title index in the world. (It's called Permuterm® and it's sold to our SCI cus­ tomers at a special discount.) In s titu te fo r S c ie n t if ic In f o r m a t io n 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106, U S A