ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.00 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. Catalogues, & buying lists. J. S. Canner Inc., Dept. ACRL, Boston 20, Mass. THANKS for keeping us so busy that we had no time for selecting and addressing our custo­ mary Season’s Greetings. Please accept our heartiest wishes in this manner. ALBERT J. PHIEBIG, ABAA, Foreign Books & Periodicals, Box 352, White Plains, N.Y. 10602. OUT-OF-PRINT ECONOMICS, Business, Labor and Industrial Relations, Trade Union Movement, Politics, Foreign Affairs, Government, Public Adminis­ tration, Social History. Successful search service for o.p. wants in these and allied subjects. Cata­ logues twice a year. U.S. and foreign imprints. Write: William Bledsoe, Bookseller. Specialist in the Literature of Economics and Political Science. Box 763, San Carlos, Calif. 94070. COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. POSITIONS W ANTED UNIVERSITY, LARGE COLLEGE, admin­ istrative position (Head, Assoc, or Asst. Head) sought by male, B.S.L.S., PhD., 15 years ex­ perience administration, technical and reader’s services, presently state college head. 13,000 min. Box 705, CELL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. WOMAN, membr. Subs. Bk. Com., Fulbrighter, seeks Ref.-Bk. Sei. job, divisional, deptmentl lib. Exp. Hum. libn. Soc. Sei. major, B.S.L.S., M.A. Eng. Interviews Midwinter. Box 706, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111. 60611. POSITIONS OPEN JUNIOR COLLEGE. Instructional Resources Center of new Illinois community college open­ ing this fall invites applications for the follow­ ing positions. (1) General Reference Librarian. Subject specialty in Sciences or Social Sciences desirable though not essential. (2) Coordinator of Materials Production. A-V specialist who will eventually head a staff for the production of instructional materials including audio-visual, TV, film, radio, graphics, etc. Several years ex­ perience in the field of AV production is re­ quired. Requirements for both positions: Mas­ ters degree in the area of specialty. The college opens this fall with approximately 2500 stu­ dents. The area has a population of over 600,- 000, and a tax base of almost two billion dol­ lars. The College is located 20 miles west of Chicago on all major commuter lines, and with­ in easy access to the vast recreational and cul­ tural opportunities of the area. The Instruc­ tional Resources Center will offer a dynamic program of service which should challenge the right person wishing to enter the fast-growing community college field. Salaries are dependent on qualifications and experience. Box 704, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN for a four-year private liberal arts college in Florida beginning September 1, 1968. Masters degree from an A.L.A. accredited Library School. Recent ex­ perience in college or university reference work required. Salary open. Fringe benefits. Please send résumé with salary needs to: Box 708, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD OF CIRCULATION, middle-size uni­ versity library in midwest. Should have desire and ability to renovate old-fashioned system. Some interest in electronic data processing de­ sirable, but EDP experience not essential. Sal­ ary $10,000 up depending on qualifications. Position open July 1, 1968; might negotiate earlier start if desired. Box 707, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER, Occidental College Library. Po­ sition now open for person with library science degree. Some experience preferable but not essential. Knowledge of German and some sci­ ence background desirable. Apply to: Tyrus G. Harmsen, College Librarian, Occidental Col­ lege, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, Califor­ nia 90041. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY has opening for re­ cent library school graduate with solid back­ ground in humanities. Position entails survey of approximately 170,000 vols. reference ma­ terials, maintained in conjunction with rare book and manuscript holdings. Responsibilities include book selection and acquisition of modern texts and scholarly criticism in field of liberal arts. Work could lead to research in current bibliography and the compilation of further reference tools, with eventual opportu­ nity to originate and establish new objectives in collection building. Salary open. Liberal employee benefits. Send details of training 268 and experience to Mrs. K. D. Beyloos, Person­ nel, Huntington Library, San Marino, Cali­ fornia 91108. HD. CATALOGER to supervise one cataloger, clerk and students assistants. Library changing from L.C. to Nat. Lib. of Medicines system. Required Lib. degree, 3 years of exper., work­ ing knowledge of two foreign languages, pref­ erably reading knowledge of German. Prefer scientific background or exper. Salary $9221- $12,056. Asst. Cat. Librarian Required: Lib. degree, Exper. not required $7696-$10,045. Ap­ ply to Roberta T. McLemore, Medical-Dental Library, Howard Univ., Wash., D.C. 20001. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN posi­ tion open Jan., 1968, $9,000. Responsible for separate science library, its reference service, liaison with science faculties. Training in sci­ ence, experience in reference work or a science library, reading knowledge of German desira­ ble. Now in the Main Library, the Science Li­ brary will have vastly expanded quarters in the Library for Advanced Studies, now under construction. Send resume to Guy R. Lyle, Emory University Library, Atlanta, Georgia 30322. CATALOGING Librarian, needed now by rapidly growing univ lib now using LC. Req: 5tĥ yr degree from ALA accred LS; 1 mod lang, 1 yr exp pref. Offered: $7464. Can hold until Feb 1 if necess. Apply: E. Oboler, Idaho St Univ Lib., Pocatello, Idaho; Ph 208-236- 3480, 9-5:30 MST for further details. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, Car­ bondale Campus, has openings for Assistant Hu­ manities Librarian and Assistant Serials Cata­ loger. 5th year Library degree, graduate degree in appropriate subject field desirable. Faculty rank and privileges. Salary $7,260 up depend­ ing on qualifications, 37 hour week, 4 weeks vacation, Illinois retirement. Apply: F. S. Ran­ dall, Director, Morris Library, Southern Illi­ nois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901. CHIEF, GENERAL INFORMATION AND CIRCULATION. General and reserve book cir­ culation for John Crerar and Illinois Inst, of Tech, collections. Interlibrary loan; faculty and graduate student borrowing needs. Supervise one professional, eight clerical, plus part-time. New building on IIT campus, staff housing available. Starting range $9,500-$10,000. Usual fringe benefits. MLS and experience required, preferably academic. Wm. S. Budington, Ln., John Crerar Library, 35 West 33rd St., Chica­ go, 111. 60616. POSITION OPEN. Assistant Librarian. Cata­ loging and Reference Work. MLS. Knowledge of modern languages. Salary open, depending on qualifications and experience. Four year liberal arts college. Fringe benefits. Apply: Gerard Gagne, Librarian, Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. CATALOGER, for college library converting to LC classification. Qualifications: LS degree from accredited library school, 2 years’ experi­ ence, knowledge of foreign languages. Salary $7000 or more, depending on qualifications. Undergraduate liberal arts college for women, midway between Boston and Providence. Write or phone to: Hilda F. Harris, Librarian, Wheaton College, Norton, Mass. 02766. Tel. 617/285-7722 ext. 261. PERFORMING ARTS Librarian (music, thea­ tre, dance); MLS and music background essen­ tial. $9,000 minimum. Apply to W. Royce But­ ler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN to supervise bib­ liographic section. MLS and experience in aca­ demic acquisitions essential. $8,500. Apply to W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063. SENIOR CATALOGER with two years experi­ ence LC classification. Will revise other cata­ loged’ work and supervise files. MLS required. $8,500. Apply to W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Mich­ igan 48063. CATALOGER—For Arts Reference Library. Detroit Institute of Arts. Library Science De­ gree and familiarity with art and foreign lan­ guages required. Generous fringes including paid Blue Cross-Blue Shield, sick leave, etc. Starting salary $7021. Apply Detroit Civil Service Commission, 612 City-County Building, Detroit, Michigan 48226. OPPORTUNITY for a creative public service librarian: Head of Humanities Division, East­ ern Michigan University Library, situated in a region of unusual cultural and educational opportunities. New air-conditioned building. Supervises staff of three other professionals, two clericals, and student assistants. Gives ref­ erence service, coordinates book selection in the humanities, works with faculty in humanities subject departments, assists with library orien­ tation, develops new collections and programs. Complete academic status. Position carries rank of assistant professor and is paid on regular faculty salary schedule, plus additional com­ pensation for summer session. Salary open. Professional staff receive all regular faculty vacations. Master’s degrees in library science and in one of the humanities, sound reference experience, and demonstrated planning and supervisory ability required. Begin January 2 when incumbent leaves to be married. Apply to E. W. Erickson, head librarian, Eastern Michi­ gan University, Yysilanti, Michigan. SLAVIC CATALOGER with several years of cataloging experience, preferably including ex­ perience in cataloging Slavic materials, to per­ form descriptive and subject cataloging and classification for Slavic language books and serials. $9,000-10,200 a year. Apply to Miss Marjorie M. Tompkins, Personnel, University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, 48104. The Uni­ versity of Michigan is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. 269 REFERENCE-CIRCULATION L IB R A R IA N (MALE). Position Open. MLS; experience de­ sirable. Starting salary range $7800-$9600 (1967-68) $8400-$10,500 (1968-69) for 12 months, depending on experience and qualifi­ cations. Faculty status and fringe benefits. New community junior college located in Southeast Michigan. Apply: Director of Learning Re­ sources, Monroe County Community College, 1555 South Raisinville Road, Monroe, Michi­ gan 48161. DEPUTY LIBRARIAN. To administer large medical library under general direction of of- ten-absent Librarian. Much experimentation and teaching in automation. Staff of 25. Budget over quarter million. Salary open. Send cur­ riculum vitae to Dr. Estelle Brodman, Wash­ ington University, School of Medicine Library, 4580 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110. ORDER LIBRARIAN, MLS, $6870-$8240 de­ pending on experience. Computerized Acqui­ sitions System. One month vacation. TIAA, New York State Retirement, faculty status, and other fringe benefits. Write Josiah T. New­ comb, Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts col­ lege of 1400 students. Holdings 97,000 vols. 5 professionals, 4 non-professionals on staff. Posi­ tion now open, salary $7,500-$8,500, M.L.S. or equivalent. One month vacation, ½ academic vacations. Faculty status, TIAA, major medical and other group benefits. Apply: J. B. Arm­ strong, Librarian, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762. HEAD LIBRARIAN to start new college li­ brary on the Hamilton, Ohio campus of the Miami University. New campus, zero volumes, and great opportunities. Salary $9,000 and up depending on qualifications. Apply to Dean E. V. Thesken, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, Kent, Ohio. Kent is located in a city of 25,000 situated 33 miles southeast of Cleveland. The second largest state university in Ohio has the fol­ lowing positions open. Almost all vacancies are the result of an increase in the University support of the Library and are new positions. Available: (1) MAP LIBRARIAN, $9,500. (2) HEAD, SERIALS SECTION OF THE ACQUISITION DEPARTMENT, $9,000. (3) SERIALS CATALOGER, $7,500. (4) CATA- LOGER FOR SCIENCE MATERIALS, $8,000. (5) CATALOGER FOR GENERAL MATE­ RIALS, $7,000. (6) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND INFORMATION CENTER LIBRARIAN, $6,800. All positions require the fifth year degree in Library Science. Salaries indicated are beginning salaries based on relevant ex­ perience. For information write: Hyman W. Kritzer, Director of Libraries, Kent State Uni­ versity, Kent, Ohio 44240. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, Still­ water. Four positions now open offering career growth and advancement in a progressive ARL library. Reference Librarian, Assistant Prof. Serve as head of General Reference Depart­ ment. Experience. Salary open. Assistant Ref­ erence Librarian, Instructor. $6,600. Cataloger. Assistant Professor. Revision, supervision. $7,500. Junior Cataloger. Instructor. $6,600. Apply to: Roscoe Rouse, Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074. An equal opportunity employer. RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE, Providence, Rhode Island. Position as Director of the Li­ brary open February 1, 1968. Expanding State College in capital city, proximity to other major library collections. Present full-time staff of 20, annual budget of $227,000, collection of 90,000 volumes with annual addition of 10,000. Starting salary $12,000-$14,000. Contact: Dr. Ridgway F. Shinn, Jr., Dean of Liberal studies, Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island 02908. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WIS­ CONSIN. Immediate openings for Librarian IV, head of Technical Services/Acquisitions. Salary range $9,960-$12,960. Supervise cata­ loging routines in LC classification and re­ classification program. Responsible for acqui­ sitions of all forms of materials in American history library, with strong emphasis on labor, radical movements, church history, minority groups in American life, and current social movements; book/microforms budget of $100,000. Require MLS, supervisory experi­ ence, and graduate degree or strong interest in American history, political science, or Amer­ ican studies, and 5 years relevant experience. Serials Librarian II. Salary range $7,812- $10,152. To organize central serials record of 4,000 titles, and catalog periodicals in LC clas­ sification. Require MLS and 2 years relevant experience. Apply Librarian, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison 53706. An equal opportunity employer. LAW FACULTY LIBRARIAN is required for a new law building expected to be ready for occupation in the summer of 1968. The services of the librarian are required as soon as possible in connection with the planning and organiza­ tion of the library. Apply with resume of edu­ cation and experience to Dean William F. Ryan, Q.C., Faculty of Law, The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada. QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON, ON­ TARIO, needs Assistant Head, Cataloging Di­ vision ( Librarian 4, $9000) and Senior Cata­ loger (Librarian 3, $7900-8800) for demand­ ing professional duties. LC classn., 45,000 v. 534,000 v., 18 branches. Cat. Divn. 10 prof, posns, 18 nonprof.; using LC Shared Cat. Pro­ gram; new building already bursting with people & books. Write D. A. Redmond, Chief Librarian. 270 take the mystery out of magazine binding... STANDARD PERIODICAL BINDING PRODUCED FOR M A N Y… TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY For many years there has been a need for an e f f ic ie n t, e c o n o m ical method of binding periodi­ cals that would simplify or­ dering procedures and result in an impor­ tant savings of both time and money. Hertzberg-New Method’s Standard Peri­ odical Binding, currently being used by many universities, colleges and public li­ braries in all parts of the country, fulfills that need. Standard Periodical Binding is a pre-set method for binding any periodical title using the most modern production tech­ niques. Wording of titles, height sizes and designated lettering positions have all been standardized in order to simplify and assure uniform alignment. Ordering and preparation procedures have been so sys- temized as to be readily usable by libraries of any size, computerized or not. Standard binding affords one flat price for all sizes of periodicals. Service is re­ markably prompt … and yet with all of its savings and efficiency, this new stand­ ardized method combines the same cus­ tom quality and fine workmanship which have been the hallmarks of Hertzberg- New Method for over three generations. Get complete information on this rev­ olutionary binding procedure at once! HERTZBERG-NEW METHOD STANDARD PERIODICAL BINDING 271 Tens of thousands of dissertations have been written. That’s not news. But we can find the one you want in seconds. That is. Finding the right dissertation at the right time is a problem. Compiling a bibliography of relevant titles means days—even weeks—of searching. It’s a formidable, time-wasting prob­ lem for researchers and librarians. Now there’s a way that greatly reduces the time needed to put together a bibliography of pertinent dissertations. It’s a way to quickly and inexpensively get actual research started sooner. It’s a service named DATRIX. A computer is the core of DATRIX. Here’s what it does: It performs a thorough search of the more than 126,000 post-1938 dissertations we have in our files (including 95% of those written last year at U. S. and Canadian universities) ; retrieves, with computer speed, titles of desired dissertations; and prints out the desired bibli­ ography. Positive microfilm or bound xero­ graphic copies of the complete dissertations can be ordered. DATRIX is another new service of Univer­ sity Microfilms, a pioneer in making the library a more efficient research tool. Using DATRIX is simple and direct. With our order form and descriptive words selected from a key-word list supplied, the researcher defines his specific area of interest. When this request is transmitted to a com­ puter, a bibliography of relevant titles is printed and mailed to the library or individual so that they’ll have what they need in working days instead of waiting weeks. For the DA TRIX brochure, write: University Microfilms Library Services, Xerox Corporation, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. DATRIX IS A TRADEMARK OF XEROX CORPORATION.