ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 74 News From the Field A C Q U I S I T I O N S • A collection of materials chronicling this country’s emergence into the space age has been given to the P r i n c e t o n U n i v e r s i t y li­ brary by G. Edward Pendray, a long-time ad­ vocate of the use of rocket power for scien­ tific and commercial goals. The collection con­ tains books, bound volumes of periodicals, newspaper and magazine articles, correspond­ ence, photographs, tape recordings and motion pictures, tracing the development of rocketry as an experimental science. • Mills memorial library of M c M a s t e r U n i v e r s i t y in Hamilton, Ont., has recently acquired a collection of books by James Shirley (15 9 6 -1 6 6 6 ). The volumes, originally gathered by William S. Kable of South Carolina, con­ sist of first editions of some twenty-nine of Shirley’s plays, several in duplicate copies, some later editions of the plays, a copy of the rare Gram m atica A nglo-Latina (1 6 5 1 ) and an interesting copy of the Poem s (1 6 4 6 ) with MS notes and a MS poem bound in. In all, there are fifty-four volumes. A W A R D S , G R A N T S • A grant to the U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a , Santa Cruz, in the amount of $18,841 to assist the development of a machine-manipulable classification scheme for slide collection has been announced by the Council on Library Resources. Plans call for publication of the classification scheme, which is expected to be of possible use to other libraries, and of a computer-produced book catalog of the thirty thousand slides in the Santa Cruz li­ brary’s collection. The projected universal classification scheme is expected to accommo­ date visual materials of all academic disciplines. • The Council on Library Resources has announced a $66,500 grant to the free library of Philadelphia for the development and field testing of the “Checkpoint” system designed to prevent book thefts from the library. An initial six-month field trial is now nearing completion. Approximately half of the one­ year grant will be used to set up field-tests of the system in three other branch libraries in Philadelphia. The other half will be used to refine and improve the operation and effective­ ness of the system itself. B U I L D I N G S • Ground was broken on September 3 for a new $2.2 million library building at L u t h e r C o l l e g e , Decorah, Iowa. Its three floors, each of 25,000 square feet, will provide space for about nine hundred and fifty readers and for three hundred thousand volumes. The build­ ing will be completed in early 1969. • The new $6.7 million university of Utah library was opened in January following one of the university’s most complex moving jobs. In a little more than two weeks, the library staff and several private moving contractors transferred more than a million volumes (weight: nearly nine hundred tons) from the old George Thomas library to the new facility. The new library has some three hundred thousand square feet of usable space, and a minimum capacity of 1.5 million books. F E L L O W S H I P S , S C H O L A R S H I P S • The U n i v e r s i t y o f t h e A m e r i c a s will offer two special summer scholarships to grad­ uate librarians. One scholarship will be given for the first summer session, June 17-July 19; the other will be for the second summer ses­ sion, July 22-August 23. Those who are granted scholarships will receive full tuition and fees plus living allowance. In return the holders of the scholarships will be expected to assist in the university library from 15 to 20 hours per week. For further information and applica­ tion forms, please write to Dr. Manuel de Ezcurdia, Librarian, University of the Ameri­ cas, P.O. Box 968, México 1, D .F. Applications must be filed before April 1, 1968. T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C E N E • The director of the International Rela­ tions Office of the ALA and the project officer have just completed survey trips in Asia and Latin America respectively. They conferred with AID officials and others about existing and planned assistance programs and ways in which library and book components could be used effectively. Mr. Esterquest visited Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia and participated in a UNESCO con­ ference in Ceylon. Mr. Donovan visited Ja ­ maica, Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. • The IRO is sending Arnulfo D. Trejo, University of Arizona, to Venezuela where he will evaluate several library projects under consideration by the U.S.A.I.D. Mission in Caracas. Dr. Trejo will assist the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion (IE S A ) to organize and develop a library of business and public administration. He will also re­ view the library building plans of the Instituto de Pedagogia and discuss a proposed seminar or workshop for Venezuelan librarians. 75 M E E T I N G S M a b . 2 9 -3 0 : Third Annual Conference on Junior College Libraries Multi-Media Centers, sponsored by the Illinois Library Association, Illinois Association of Junior College Presi­ dents, and Northern Illinois University, at University Center, N IU, DeKalb, I 11. A p r . 1 1 : T he Sixth Annual Symposium for Librarians sponsored by the alumni and faculty of the graduate school of library service, Rutgers University, at the Institute of Manage­ ment and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N .J. from 9 : 3 0 a .m . to 4 : 0 0 p .m . T he Symposium is open to everyone in­ terested. “Is Library Research Necessary?” will cover the implications of both library research and research in related fields which effect the practicing librarian. Mary Gaver, professor of library service, Rutgers University, will discuss library research as it affects school libraries; Lowell Martin, Grolier Enterprises, will discuss library research and the public library; Warren Haas, director of libraries, University of Pennsylvania, will represent academic libraries. For more information or reservations write to Leonard Meinhold, Free Public Library of Woodbridge, 8 0 0 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge, N .J. 0 7 0 9 5 . A p r . 2 5 : The first New England Church and Synagogue Library Conference will be held in Providence, R .I. from 9 : 0 0 a . m . to 5 : 0 0 p . m . at the Central Congregational Church. This one-day meeting will be sponsored by the graduate library school of the University of Rhode Island, The Rhode Island Council of Churches, the Catholic Library Association of Rhode Island, and the Association of Jewish Libraries. T he program will include speakers, workshops, and exhibits. All associated with or interested in starting church libraries are cordially invited to attend. For particulars, write to Miss Helen T . Geer, Associate Pro­ fessor, Graduate Library School, University of Rhode Island, Promenade and Gaspee Streets, Providence, Rhode Island 0 2 9 0 8 . M a y 3 - 4 : T he Midwest Academic Librarians Conference will be held in Winona, Minnesota. The host colleges will be Winona State Col­ lege, College of St. Teresa, and St. Mary’s College. M a y 3 - 4 : Fifth Annual National Colloquium on Information Retrieval, Philadelphia. M a y 3 -4: T he Chemical Literature Division of the American Chemical Society (A C S ) and the Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association (S L A ) joint meeting, Columbus, Ohio. T he technical sessions of the meeting will be devoted to acquisition, processing and dissemination of chemical information. Save TIME & MONEY when ordering SERIAL BINDINGS Send today for brochure BI d N es D crib - i 0 n g MATIC THE A UTO M ATIC CODED CARD SYSTEM FOR ORDERING A N D RECORD-KEEPING Exclusively by E A S Y B I N D I N 1 703 L is te r • K AD TI-B0CI ™NMG S Y S T E M a n s a s C ity , M o . 6 4 1 2 7 ™ 76 J u n e 23-29: ALA Annual Conference, Kan­ sas City, Mo. A u g . 5-30: The Georgia Department of Archives and History in cooperation with the Emory University Division of Librarianship will hold its second Archives Institute. The institute is designed for those presently em­ ployed or preparing for employment in the fields of archives, manuscripts, records man­ agement, or special libraries; or advanced stu­ dents in history or related disciplines. Appli­ cants should hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Enrollment will be limited to ten. The Institute will be under the direction of Carroll Hart, state archivist and director of the Georgia department of archives and history, and will be held in the new Archives and Records Building, Atlanta. Participants may register on a non-credit basis or receive six quarter hours academic credit. For non-credit registrants the fee is $50; for credit awarded by the Emory Uni­ versity graduate school, the fee is $275. Dor­ mitory housing will be available on the Emory University campus. For further information contact Miss Carroll Hart, Director and State Archivist, Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta, Georgia 30334. A u g . 5-10: 4th Congress of the International Federation for Information Processing ( I F I P ) , Edinburgh. A u g . 11-23: Second Annual University of Maryland Library Administrators Development Program. Senior administrative personnel of large public, research, academic libraries and school library systems will study organization and administration under the direction of man­ agement consultants, professors of business and public administration and library scholars. The program will be held at the University of Mary­ land’s Donaldson Brown Center, Port Deposit (M d .), and will be directed by John Rizzo of the school of government and business admin­ istration, George Washington University. A u g . 18-25: 34th Conference of IFLA, Frankfurt/Main. S e p t . 9-18: 34th F ID Conference and In­ ternational Congress on Scientific Information, Moscow. S e p t . 23-26: 42nd Annual Conference of As- lib, Canterbury. O c t . 2 0 - 2 4 : American Society for Informa­ tion Science, formerly American Documenta­ tion Institute, 31st annual meeting in Colum­ bus, Ohio. Papers are invited on all facets of methods and mechanisms to improve the op­ erations of information systems. The technical sessions chairman, David M. Leston, Jr., Bat- telle Memorial Institute, should be notified of intent to submit papers, by March 1. M I S C E L L A N Y • S a i n t J o s e p h C o l l e g e o f O r a n g e a n d M a r y m o u n t C o l l e g e w ill m e r g e o n t h e c a m p u s o f L o y o l a U n i v e r s i t y a t L o s A n g e le s , in S e p t e m b e r 1968. S a i n t J o s e p h w i l l c o n ­ t in u e i t s s u m m e r , e x t e n s io n , a n d c o m m u n ity p r o g r a m s a s a b r a n c h c a m p u s o f M a r y m o u n t a t L o y o la . • T r o y S t a t e C o l l e g e , Troy, Ala., in December became Troy State University. • Six college libraries in northeast I o w a are cooperating to produce a union list of serials—Clark College, University of Dubuque, Loras College, Luther College, Upper Iowa College, and Wartburg College. The list, called N EIULS, for Northeast Iowa Union List of Serials, has been under development for al­ most a year. A procedure manual was written by Duane Fenstermann, acquisition librarian at Luther College; data was collected during the summer and fall; and editing began late in 1967. Keypunching began on January 9, 1968, and the list should be available in March. The first edition, which will contain approximately forty-five hundred titles, will in­ clude periodicals, newspapers, annuals, jour­ nals, memoirs, society proceedings and trans­ actions, and some numbered monographic series. • The main building which housed the li­ brary at the H o l y o k e C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e , Holyoke, Mass. was completely destroyed by fire on Jan. 4. Publishers are asked to please forward their catalogs, to assist in the re­ constituting of the library. Harold L. Roth, vice-president, library and institutional relations department of The Baker & Taylor Co. asks that we point out to our readers the fact that the Holyoke Community College Library has been completely destroyed by fire. In order to help the college meet the needs of their students, Mr. Roth suggests that the library would appreciate sets of cata­ logs, indexes, professional magazines and ref­ erence materials, in fact, duplicates of any materials that might be of value to the Com­ munity College would be greatly appreciated. All contributions should be sent to Miss Mar­ ion Root, Librarian, Holyoke Community Col­ lege, 541 South Street, Holyoke, Massachussetts 01040. • To meet the ever-increasing demands of faculty and students for more and varied re­ search materials, five W e s t e r n N e w Y o r k universities will coordinate the long-range de­ velopment of their libraries through a new association, Five Associated University L i­ braries. The University of Rochester, Cornell 77 University, Syracuse University, and the State Universities of New York at Binghamton and Buffalo, whose library holdings already total more than six million volumes, are members of the new group. Louis Martin, associate di­ rector of libraries at the University of Roches­ ter, has been named chairman. • A six-member library panel to serve as an adjunct to the Chemical Abstracts Service ( C A S) Advisory Board comprises leaders in library science from government, industry, and education. Members of the panel include: Fred E . Croxton, director of the Redstone Scientific Information Center, U.S. Army Mis­ sile Command; Richard De Gennaro, associate university librarian for systems development, Harvard University library; Roger M. Martin, librarian, Shell Development Corporation; Stephen A. McCarthy, executive director, As­ sociation of Research Libraries; John Sherrod, assistant director for systems development, AEC Division of Technical Information. James L. Wood, head librarian of CAS, will chair the panel. Mr. De Gennaro and Mr. Sherrod are members of the full CAS Advisory Board. • The L i b r a r y f o r t h e B l i n d of the free library of Philadelphia has officially changed its name to The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. • The Scandinavian Documentation Center in Washington, D.C.—SCANDOC—since Jan­ uary 1 has been managed by Mrs. Sinikka Koskiala, formerly head of the documentation activities at the Finnish Graphic Arts Research Institute in Helsinki. SCANDOC is sponsored by the national research councils and academies for the technical sciences in Denmark, Fin­ land, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden through their joint Scandinavian Council for Applied Research. The center serves to facilitate the exchange of non-classified technical docu­ ments between North America and Scandina­ via, and has supplied Scandinavian users with about fifty thousand documents from USA and Canada. P U B L I C A T I O N S • B ibliography: Current State an d Future Trends, edited by Robert B. Downs, University o f Illinois dean of library administration, and Frances B. Jenkins, U. of I. graduate school of library science at Urbana, is a compre­ hensive review of the current status and fu­ ture outlook of bibliography, general and special, at home and abroad, in every major area. It has been published by the University of Illinois Press at Urbana, and sells for $8.95 per copy. NEW POWER IN MAGNETIC BOOK SUPPORTS! Here’s the F-3 Weyll Book Support, with magnetic power so strong it will support folios either upside down from the shelf above or right side up on the shelf sur­ face! Then there’s the 0 -2 , which w ill support quartos and heavy octavos. Fit­ ting companions indeed to the original 0 -1 , now proven in use in over 60 American libraries. Choose the ones best suited to your needs … and find out how much easier they make your day! For information, w rite: Weyll Corporation, P.O. Box 62, Glen Cove, New York 11542 (Also available through your local ESTEY CORP. representative) 78 • A B ibliography f o r Librarian-R ecruiters lists materials of interest to librarians active in recruitment. A B ibliography fo r G uidance C ounselors lists articles, films, and books which are designed to acquaint counselors and potential recruits with the library profes­ sion. Also available is A C areer in H ospital and Institution Librarian ship prepared by the Library Education Division and the Associa­ tion of Hospital and Institution Libraries of the ALA. All three leaflets are available in quantity. Single copies are free. They can be ordered from the Offi c e for Recruitment, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. • The Canada Council has awarded $10,000 to the McPherson library, University of Vic­ toria, Victoria, B.C., in support of its project to revise, update and expand C anadian B io­ graphies: Artists an d Authors, which was pub­ lished by the Canadian Library Association, 1948-1952. • Herner and Company, of Washington, D.C., is compiling issue No. 15 of the National Science Foundation’s publication, Current R & D in Scientific D ocum entation. This series has become a basic source for information on domestic and foreign research and develop­ ment in information processing, manipulation, dissemination, communication and use patterns. In order to ensure comprehensive and defini­ tive coverage Herner and Company is eager to hear from all those engaged in research and development in scientific documentation, par­ ticularly those not represented in previous issues of the Foundation’s publication. Ques­ tionnaires are being mailed to a large num­ ber of individuals and organizations active in these fields who were listed in earlier editions, or identified by perusal of the literature. A questionnaire will be sent immediately to each person or organization communicating with Herner and Company concerning this publica­ tion. Address: Project CRDSD No. 15, Herner and Company, 2431 K Street, N.W., Washing­ ton, D.C. 20037. • ALA’s Library Technology Program has adopted a new pricing and distribution plan for L ibrary T echn ology R eports in its con­ tinuing effort to broaden the availability of this publication. Retroactively effective De­ cember 1, 1967, the price for a complete set of back issues of the R eports ( three years, each of which consists of six issues) is $95 when the complete set is ordered with a subscription for the current year ($ 1 0 0 ). Thus, the new subscriber can get all materials published in the Reports to date, plus the current year subscription for $195. L T P will also issue a series of portfolios of reports on single topics priced at $35 per portfolio. Topics available in the portfolio form will include the following: steel shelving, manual typewriters, electric typewriters, type­ writer ribbons, electric erasers, record players, catalog card reproduction, steel filing cabinets, contemporary steel office desks, contemporary posture chairs, photocopiers, microform readers, microform reader-printers, and circulation control systems. Other topics will be added to the portfolio list as soon as they have been published in L ib rary T echn ology R eports; such topics as card catalog cabinets, contemporary steel swivel chairs, wood straight-back chairs, and plastic straight-back chairs are anticipated. • N ational C o n feren ce o n L ib rary Statistics, which reports the proceedings of that confer­ ence, held June 6-8, 1966 in Chicago, has been published by the American Library Asso­ ciation (available for the Library Administra­ tion Division. Paper. $ 2.00). The conference, co-sponsored by the Library Administration Division of ALA and the Na­ tional Center for Educational Statistics (U S O E ), attracted more than one hundred and twenty-five representatives of the various ALA divisions and statistics committees, other national library associations, state library agencies, library schools and school library supervisors. • Publication of P reservation o f D ocum ents an d Papers, a collection of technical papers translated from the Russian, was announced today by the Council on Library Resources, Inc., Washington, D.C. The work, entitled P roblem a d olgoυechn osti doku m en toυ i bum agi in the original, was edited by D. M. Flyate, Lecturer at the All-Union Correspondence Course Institute of Forestry, and was published in 1964 under the auspices of the Laboratory for the Preservation and Restoration of Docu­ ments [LKRD] of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The English translation was made by J. Schmorak of the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, for the Office of Tech­ nical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, from a Russian text obtained by Melville J. Ruggles of the Council on Library Resources. The work was performed under the National Science Foundation’s Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program. Orders should b e addressed to the: Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151, U.S.A. Orders should include order number T T 67-51400. Payment should be by check or postal money order, made payable to the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Tech­ nical Information. ■ ■