ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 229 Personnel A P P O I N T M E N T S Richard Lear Anders has been appointed assistant cataloger at the American Antiquarian Society effective July 1. David W. Brewer has been named readers services librarian at Albion College’s Stockwell memorial library. David Briggs has returned from military service to the staff of the bibliographic search­ ing section of University of California library, Santa Barbara. Mrs. F. Webster Browne has been named acquisitions librarian of Bowdoin College. Jerry Brownlee has been appointed li­ brarian of Livingston University, Livingston, Ala. Mrs. Flora Colton has become headquar­ ters librarian for the American Library Associa­ tion. She came to ALA from the library of the University of Pennsylvania, where she had been head of the reference department since 1952. Michael Costin has been named head of the catalog department, University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Barbara, library. Daniel Davila has been appointed audio­ visual supervisor with rank of instructor at the library of Kingsborough Community College of The City University of New York, effective Jan. 1968. David Forsythe has been appointed head of bibliographic services at Western Michigan University libraries on July 20. Bernard L. Foy has been appointed librari­ an of Florida Technological University. Lynn A. Grove has been named librarian of McKendree College, effective Aug. 1. Floyd C. Hardy has been appointed science bibliographer for the Rutgers University library of science and medicine. Mrs. Mary E lizabeth Harris has been named serials librarian in the Wisconsin State University library, Whitewater. William J. Hill, Jr., is newly appointed assistant learning materials center librarian in Wisconsin State University, Whitewater. Jerome W. Johnson has been named grad­ uate and special collections librarian in the Wisconsin State University, Whitewater. John R. Kaiser has been promoted to deputy chief acquisitions librarian at the Penn­ sylvania State University libraries, effective in September. Michael D. Kathman has been appointed reference-circulation librarian at Monroe County Community College, Monroe, Mich. Mrs. Shirley J. Keenan has been appointed head of public services, instructor, in the Ham­ line University library, St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. James H. Lyons is newly appointed as assistant cataloger in the library of Wisconsin State University, Whitewater. Violet Menoher is now head of the bibli­ ographic searching section, University of Cali­ fornia library, Santa Barbara. Sandra B. Neyman has been appointed senior cataloger at the Dawes memorial li­ brary, Marietta College (Ohio), effective July 1. John H. Ottemiller has announced his resignation as associate university librarian at Yale University to devote his full time to the publishing business beginning July 1. Mrs. Martha Peterson is now assistant librarian for collections, University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Barbara. Reve Prater is a new staff member of the University of California library, Santa Barbara. Anna Preller joined the staff of the Uni­ versity of California library, Santa Barbara on April 5, as reference librarian. Norbert St. Clair has been appointed as­ sociate librarian of Florida Technological Uni­ versity. Mrs. Hope Smith is now head of the order department, in the library of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Lovenia Summerville is newly appointed as cataloger in the University of North Caro­ lina’s Atkins library, Charlotte. M. Joan Woodruff has been appointed ref­ erence-circulation librarian at Monroe County Community College, Monroe, Mich. R E T I R E M E N T S Mary Louise Otto retired June 30 after forty-two years with the staff of the Dawes memorial library, Marietta College (Ohio). For the last twenty-five years she served as assistant librarian and head cataloger. ■ ■ 230 Here's good news for m a n y of our subscribers: W ith the firs t Issue o f Volume 5, M a rch 1968, CHOICE began an a d d itio n a l service long requested b y subscribers— CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards. If you w ere not am ong the service's ch a rte r subscribers, you may w a n t to consider it now. CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards can brin g to y o u r acquisitions system a new convenience as versatile as you w a n t to make it. C ards make it easy to separate and distrib ute reviews simultaneously to o th e r lib ra ria n s and facu lty — no more te a rin g up copies o r w a itin g forever fo r circula ting copies to return. Cards can save clerical steps in o rderin g and checking holdings (am ple space fo r notations on both fro n t and back o f each card). They a re a ca ta lo g in g a id , and the y are easy to locate in y o u r desiderata file . You can p ro b a b ly th in k of dozens of oth er uses in you r ow n system. DESCRIPTION OF CARD REVIEWS As each re g u la r issue o f CHOICE goes to press, a ll reviews in the issue are re printe d sep arately on 3 × 5 cards. Each is iden tified by subject heading and issue da te. C ollate d in the o rd e r fo llo w e d in the m agazine, they are boxed and m ailed to you via Fourth Class m ail, Special H and ling. DELIVERY OF CARDS Fourth Class, Special H and lin g mea ns y o u r box o f cards is ca rrie d fro m o u r post office to yours w ith re g u la r First Class m a il, b u t delivered acco rding to y o u r local Parcel Post de live ry schedule. You should receive cards a t a b o u t the same tim e as you r re g u la r issue by Second Class m ail. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO REVIEW S-ON-CARDS C ards are a v a ila b le on ly b y y e a rly subscription a t a cost o f $8 0 p e r ye a r. A ll subscriptions be gin in M a rch and run th ro u g h the fo llo w in g F ebruary. You must m a in tain a re g u la r subscription to CHOICE to receive cards. H O W TO ORDER S ubscriptionsto Reviews-on-Cards s hould be o rdere d fro m S ubscription D epa rtm e nt, A m erican L ibrary Association, 50 E. H uron Street, C hic a g o , Illinois 6 0 6 1 1 . They are not a v a ila b le th ro u g h agencies. An o rd e r fo rm is p rovided below f o r y o u r con­ venience. A ll subscriptions o rdere d now w ill be back d a te d to M a rch 1968, an d you w ill receive a ll back issues to th a t da te . For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n a b o u t the c a rd service, please w rite CHOICE E d ito ria l Offices, 100 River­ view C enter, M id d le to w n , Connecticut 0 6 4 5 7 .