ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1994 /295 Librarian of Congress developing film preservation plan Librarian o f Congress James H. Billington is developing a national film preservation plan w h ich he expects to complete by the summer o f 1994. In accordance with the National Film Preservation Act o f 1992 (Public Law 102- 307), Billington submitted to Congress last June four vol­ umes o f testimony, written comments, and interview s which detail the problems inherent in preserv­ ing films. More recently, he has appointed a National Film Preservation Board Funding Com­ mittee and four task forces: Redefining Preser­ vation, Public Access and Educational Use, Public-Private Cooperation, and Public Aw are­ ness. These groups w ill w ork over the next five months to d evelop a coordinated national program to preserve films o f cultural and his­ toric value and to promote their use. ARL/OM S publishes SPEC kit on autom ating preservation m anagem ent The O ffice o f Management Services (O M S) o f the Association o f Research Libraries (ARL) has published “Automating Preservation Manage­ ment in ARL Libraries” as SPEC Kit no. 198. It includes the results o f a 1993 ARL libraries’ sur­ vey on h ow automation is used in the manage­ ment o f preservation activities, plus documen­ tation on preservation management information systems. Administrators are using automation to control files, maintain records, streamline workflow , manage backlogs, record preserva­ tion treatments, determine appropriate staffing levels, and generate reports. Copies are available for $40.00 (prepaid) from ARL/OMS Publications, Department #0692, Washington, DC 20073-0692; phone: (202) 296- 8656. PLMS presents education program at the ALA Annual Conference The Preservation o f Library Materials Section (PLMS) o f A LA ’s Association for Library Collec­ tions & Technical Services (ALCTS), in conjunc­ tion with the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), w ill present a pro­ gram on effective strategies for educating patrons about preservation at A LA ’s An­ nual Conference in Miami next month. “Selling Pres­ ervation: What to Say to the C u sto m er” w ill b e h eld M on da y, June 27, 1994, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. The speakers for the program will include: Peggy Sullivan, A L A e x e c u tiv e d irecto r; Anne Reynolds, W ellesley Free Library; Cheryl H o l­ land, W ashington University, St. Louis; and Lorraine Olley, Indiana University. Recent Commission publications • Intellectual Preservation: Electronic Pres­ ervation o f the Third Kind by Peter S. Graham, associate university librarian for technical and networked information services at Rutgers Uni­ versity, N ew Jersey. This publication considers and discusses the problem o f preserving and authenticating the intellectual content o f elec­ tronic documents. • The Digital Preservation Consortium Mis­ sion and Goals provides a context for collabo­ rative efforts to advance preservation and ac­ cess uses o f digital technology. The Digital Preservation Consortium has eleven members, representing the University o f California at Ber­ keley, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, the University o f Michigan, Pennsylvania State University, Princeton Uni­ versity, Stanford University, the University o f Southern California, the University o f Tennes­ see, and Yale University. Copies o f these documents are available for $10.00 each (prepaid) from the Commission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th St., NW, Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036-2217; phone: (202) 939-3400. (Commission sponsors receive all publications at no charge.) ■ Submissions fo r this column may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; (617) 283-2103; JHEDBERG®LUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU. Submission deadline is the 15th o f the month and precedes publication by approximately six weeks. Preservation N ews Jan e Hedberg