ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 139 ACRL Joint Committee Activities The Association of College and Research Li­ braries represents the interests of libraries and librarians in postsecondary education on four joint committees with other educational asso­ ciations. Each of the four committees met dur­ ing the spring of 1973. The Joint Committee on Junior College Li­ braries ( American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Association for Education­ al Communications and Technology, and ACRL) met on February 28, during the an­ nual conference of AACJC, in Anaheim, Cali­ fornia. The chairman, representing ACRL, is Hal C. Stone, coordinator of the Library and Learning Resources Center of Los Angeles City College. Other ACRL representatives are Jo- leen Bock, William J. Hoffman, and Michael P. Schuller. The committee is assembling a visual presentation of the “Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Resources Programs” (CRL 'News, Dec. 1972) to illustrate the variety of administrative models supported by the guide­ lines. The pilot will be previewed during the program meeting of ACRL’s Junior College Li­ braries Section at the ALA conference in Las Vegas. The committee is also developing forms and procedures for revising the guidelines. To reflect the current terminology in the two-year college field, the committee elected to change its name to “Joint Committee on Learning Re­ sources Programs.” The Joint Committee on College Libraries (Association of American Colleges, American Association of University Professors, and ACRL) met in Washington, D.C., on March 25. The chairman, representing AAUP, is Martha Friedman, professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The ACRL representatives are Brendan Connolly, Wyman Parker, and Luella R. Pollock. The committee heard a report from AAC on the recent decision of the AAC Commission on Liberal Learning to recommend approval of the “Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Li­ brarians” (CRL News, Sept. 1972) with an ap­ pended interpretation relating to procedures for implementation. As the principal item of busi­ ness, the committee reviewed a proposal for im­ proving the role of the college library in re­ sponse to new demands on higher education. A revised draft of the proposal will be present­ ed to each of the respective associations in June. The Joint Committee on University Exten­ sion Library Services (National University Ex­ tension Association and ACRL) met in Omaha, Nebraska, on April 15, during the annual con­ ference of NUEA. The chairman, representing NUEA, is Frank MacDougall, librarian of the Continuing Education Library at Michigan State University. The ACRL representatives are Barry E. Booth, Karl S. Bynoe, Nina Cohen, and Dorothy A. Kittel. The committee drafted the following resolution, which was subsequent­ ly passed at the NUEA annual association busi­ ness meeting on April 18: WHEREAS, There is a continuing public need for a variety of extension programs in postsecondary education from our colleges and universities; and WHEREAS, The concept of continuing edu­ cation has now become so comprehensive as to include a broad spectrum of collective and in­ dividual learning experiences; and WHEREAS, The nation’s libraries constitute a network of major resources in the support of these learning experiences; be it therefore RESOLVED, That the National University Extension Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries (a division of the American Library Association) make a con­ certed effort to devise new uses of libraries as facilities for formal and continuing education services, examine the capabilities of increased interlibrary cooperation among university, state, public and other types of libraries as a system for better utilization of existing educational re­ sources, and aggressively seek public and pri­ vate funds to strengthen and expand the Amer­ ican tradition of lifelong education. To reflect the changing nature of extension ser­ vices, the committee is considering revisions of the “Guidelines for Library Services to Exten­ sion Students” (ALA Bulletin, Jan. 1967) and other materials. The Joint Committee on University Library Standards ( Association of Research Libraries and ACRL) met during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Washington, D.C., and during the ARL spring meeting in New Orleans. Robert B. Downs, dean of library administration emer­ itus of the University of Illinois, is chairman; John W. Heussman, director of the University Library at the University of Nebraska, is vice- chairman. The ACRL representatives are Gus­ tave A. Harrer, John P. McDonald, Ellsworth G. Mason, and Norman E. Tanis. Methods for developing a standards statement and various forms of standards statements are under con­ sideration by the committee. ALA’S FIRST WAREHOUSE Take this opportunity to receive the best books pub- existence, the ALA is offering these recent quality lished by the American Library Association at a saving books to you at 40% off on BILLED orders; 50% off of 40% or 50% off listed prices. For the first time in its on PREPAID orders; COUPON ON NEXT PAGE. Unless otherwise indicated, all books have cloth binding. MINIMUM ORDER $5.00. This sale runs from May 1, 1973 to Sept. 1, 1973 3005-0 Access to Public Libraries: A Research Proj­ ect. International Research Associates, Inc. Paper $3.00. A survey of restrictions on free and equal access to the resources and services of public libraries. 0079-8 American and British Genealogy and Her­ aldry: A Selected List of Books. P. William Filby, com piler. $10.00. Over 1,800 entries list the best and the best-known works in genealogy and heraldry. 0117-4 American Film Institute's Guide to College Film Courses, 1971-1972. Dorothy I. Weil, editor. Published for the American Film Institute by ALA. Paper $3.50. Lists 427 colleges and universities offering credit courses in film . American Library Laws, 3d ed. Alex Ladenson. 0006-2 First Supplement 1963-64 $5.50; 0007-0 Sec­ ond Supplement 1965-66 $6.00; 0068-2 Third Supple­ ment 1967-68 $6.50; 0106-9 Fourth Supplement 1969-70 $6.50. Compilation of federal and state laws affecting libraries. 0014-3 Bibliography of Place-Name Literature: United States and Canada, 2d ed. Richard Ð. Sealock and Pauline A. Seely, compilers. $7.50. Revised and enlarged edition of the authors' stan­ dard guide (1948) to the literature dealing with place- names in the U.S. and Canada. 3012-3 Biographical Directory of Librarians in the Field of Slavic and East European Studies. Peter A. Goy, com piler and editor. Paper $3.25. Identifies more than 300 librarians, information specialists, archivists, bibliographers, and editors who have subject or language competence in the Slavic and East European fields. 0084-4 A Biographical Directory of Librarians in the United States and Canada, 5th ed. Lee Ash, editor. $45.00. Contains biographies of approximately 20,000 li­ brarians, archivists, and information scientists. Books for Children: 0016-X 1960-65 $10.00; 0017-8 1965-66 paper $2.00; 0018-6 1966-67 paper $2.25; 0019-4 1967-68 paper $3.00; 0082-8 1968-69 paper $3.50. Annual compilations listing titles selected and recommended for purchase in Children's Books sec­ tion of The Booklist. 0070-4 Bridge of Children’s Books. Jella Lepman. $5.00. Jella Lepman’s story of the restoration of Germany by using children’s books. 3086-7 Buckram Syndrome: A Critical Essay on Paperbacks in Public Libraries of the United States. Public Library Reporter No. 13. Marie T. Curley. Paper $1.75. Public library use of paperbacks is explored. 3114-6 Case for Faculty Status for Academic Li­ brarians. ACRL Monograph No. 33. Lewis C. Brans- comb, editor. Paper $5.00. Contains 13 papers in favor of faculty status for librarians. 0023-2 Cataloging of Persian Works: Including Rules of Transliteration, Entry, and Description. Nasser Sharify. $3.50. A comprehensive code for cataloging Persian- language publications based on accepted American principles of cataloging. 0025-9 Classification: An Introductory Manual, 2d ed. Margaret M. Herdman. Paper $1.00. An elementary and compact study of classification. 3021-2 College Teaching and the College Library. ACRL Monograph No. 23. Patricia B. Knapp. Paper $3.00. An examination of library use by students at Knox College and the relationship between college teach­ ing and student use of the library. 0030-5 First Freedom: Liberty and Justice in the World of Books and Reading. Robert B. Downs, editor. $8.50. A com pilation of 88 outstanding twentieth-century American and British writings on literary censorship and intellectual freedom. 3122-7 Format Recognition Process for MARC Rec­ ords: A Logical Design. Information Systems Office, Library of Congress. Paper $10.00. Format recognition is a technique designed for the computer analysis of bibliographic records. 3098-0 German Exile Literature in America 1933- 1950: A History of the Free German Press and Book Trade. Robert E. Cazden. $10.00. This pioneering bibliographical study illuminates an important chapter in the history of German-Amer­ ican cultural interchange— the years 1933 to 1950. 0032-1 Guide to Japanese Reference Books: Nihon no Sankotosho, 1965 Revised Edition. Edited and Trans­ lated by the International House Library, English Edition. $10.00. The Japanese counterpart of Wincheli ’s Guide to Reference Books edited and translated for those who do not read Japanese. 0033-X Guide to Lists of Master Theses. Dorothy M. Black, compiler. $5.25. A compilation, through 1964, of all known b ib li­ ographies, collections of abstracts, and lists of U.S. and Canadian master’s theses. 0080-1 Institutional Library Services: A Plan for the State of Illinois. Social Educational Research and Development, Inc. Paper $3.50. Analyzes the existing library facilities, services and programs in Illinois state institutions. 0040-2 Integrating Library Instruction with Classroom Teaching at Plainview Junior High School. Elsa Berner. Paper $2.75. Uses a composite, hypothetical school to show a school-wide library program based on teacher-li­ brary cooperation. 0085-2 Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Languages, 1877-1969. Compiled and edited by Frank J. Shulman for the Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan. Paper $6.95. This work assembles in classified order approxi­ mately 2,500 dissertations from 26 countries and written in 14 Western languages, that bear on Japan and Korea. 3104-9 Library-Sponsored Discussion Group. Robert Lee. Paper $1.75. Methods of planning and organizing an effective adult education program based on having group dis­ cussion in the public library. 3101-4 Library U S A: A Bibliographic and Descrip­ tive Report. Gordon P. Martin, Joseph Becker, and Alphonse F. Trezza. $5.00. Report on the American Library Association ex­ h ibit at the 1964-65 New York W orld’s Fair. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION • 50 East Huron Street • Chicago, Illinois 60611 CLEARANCE SALE!! The Literature of Jazz. Donald Kenn¡ngton. 0102-6 Cloth $6.95. 0105-0 Paper $3.50. No aspect of Jazz is neglected from this reliable and selective bibliography. 3095-6 Metropolitan Libraries: The Challenge and the Promise. Judith Dommu Guthman. Paper $1.75. Inner-city library programs are reviewed and neces­ sary legislative actions recommended. 3050-6 National Inventory of Library Needs. Ameri­ can Library Association. Paper $2.00. Details the gap between library resources on a national basis and ALA’s minimum standards for li­ brary service in the areas of staff, operating ex­ penditures, and book collections. 3059-X Planning Library Buildings for Service: Pro­ ceedings of a Library Buildings and Equipment Insti­ tute, July 6-8, 1961. Sponsored by the Library Administration Division, ALA. Harold L. Roth, editor. Paper $3.75. Covers the design and layout of public, school, college, and university libraries with emphasis on service to users. 3061-1 Present Status and Future Prospects of Ref­ erence/Information Service: Proceedings of the Con­ ference Held at The School of Library Service, Columbia University, March 30 - April 1, 1966. Wini­ fred B. Linderman, editor. Paper $3.75. Analyzes the fundamental aspects of reference/ information service, consumers of information, ser­ vices offered, information networks, sources of in­ formation, and development and use of storage and retrieval systems. 3062- X The Printed Book Catalogue in American Libraries: 1723-1900. ACRL Monograph No. 26. Jim Ranz. Paper $3.00. First documented history of the printed public or reader catalog. 0049-6 Promotion Ideas for Public Libraries. Sarah L. Wallace. Paper $2.00. Workable ideas on how to dramatize the work and services of the library and stimulate interest in them. 3065-4 Public Library Policies— General and Specific. Public Library Reporter No. 9. Ruth M. White, editor. Paper $3.50. Selected policy statements in actual use by 200 public libraries of various sizes which provide a useful guide for libraries and trustees formulating policy statements. 3087-5 Public Library Systems in the United States: A Survey of Multijurisdictional Systems. Nelson As­ sociates for the Public Library Association, ALA. $10.00. Landmark study based on data collected from 58 selected systems. 3067-0 Realization: The Final Report of the Knapp School Libraries Project. Peggy Sullivan, editor. $10.00. Reports on each of the eight schools and teacher- education programs which participated in the Knapp Project as demonstrations of excellent school li­ brary programs, 1963-68. 3069-7 Scientific Serials: Characteristics and Lists of Most Cited Publications in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Physiology, Botany, Zoology and Entomology. ACRL Monograph No. 16. Charles Harvey Brown. $5.00. Reviews the technique of citation analysis on which this book is based. 0086-0 Serial Publications in the British Parliamen­ tary Papers, 1900-1968: A Bibliography. Frank Rod­ gers. $7.50. Identifies and lists by responsible agency those serials that have appeared in the House of Commons Sessional Papers between 1900 and 1968. 3075-1 Student Use of Libraries: An Inquiry into the Needs of Students, Libraries, and the Educational Process. Papers of the Conference within a Confer­ ence. Paper $3.00. Presents ways of meeting increased student de­ mand for library services. 0056-9 Subject Guide to Major United States Gov­ ernment Publications. Ellen Jackson. $5.50. This comprehensive, selective subject guide to U.S. Government publications of major and lasting interest covers titles of permanent importance from the earliest period to early 1967. Subscription Books Bulletin Reviews: 0061-5 1962-64 paper, $2.00; 0062-3 1964-66 paper, $2.25; 0063-1 1966-68 paper, $2.25. Reviews of reference works originally published in The Booklist. 3097-2 Undergraduate Library: ACRL Monograph No. 31. Irene A. Braden. Paper $8.50. Analyzes the purpose of the first six undergradu­ ate libraries in the country. 3111-1 University and Research Libraries in Japan and the United States. Thomas R. Buckman, Yukihisa Suzuki, and Warren Tsuneishi, editors. $13.50. Contributions by 44 American and Japanese li­ brarians, educators and scholars in an exchange of information on the development of professional activities, professional associations, libraries and advanced information systems in their respective countries. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION • 50 East Huron St. • Chicago, Illinois 60611 Please send the WAREHOUSE SALE books in the quantities indicated below: Date__________________ _ _ _ _ 3005-0 $ 3 . 0 0 _________0016-X 10.00 3021-2 3.00 3101-4 5.00 3087-5 10.00 _____ 0079-8 10.00 0017-8 2.00 0030-5 8.50 0102-6 6.95 3067-0 10.00 _____ 0117-4 3.50 0018-6 2.25 3122-7 10.00 0105-0 3.50 3069-7 5.00 _____ 0006-2 5.50 0019-4 3.00 3098-0 10.00 3095-6 1.75 0086-0 7.50 _____ 0007-0 6.00 0082-8 3.50 0032-1 10.00 3050-6 2.00 3075-1 3.00 ---------0068-2 6.50 0070-4 5.00 0033-X 5.25 3059-X 3.75 0056-9 5.50 _____ 0106-9 6.50 3086-7 1.75 0080-1 3.50 3061-1 3.75 0061-5 2.00 _____ 0014-3 7.50 3114-6 5.00 0040-2 2.75 3062-X 3.00 0062-3 2.25 ---------3012-3 3.25 0023-2 3.50 0085-2 6.95 0049-6 2.00 0063-1 2.25 _____ 0084-4 45.00 0025-9 1.00 3104-9 1.25 3065-4 3.50 3097-2 8.50 TOTAL LIST PRICE__________ /L E S S 50% . ___________ PAYMENT ENCLOSED. _____ 3111-1 13.50 LESS 40% . 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