ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 594 / C &RL News A C R L seeks volunteers for sections, committees, and editorial boards You help set and achieve ACRL’s goals and objectives. A re you interested in contributing to A C RL? T h ere are opportunities for your involve­ment in A C R L sections and standing com To be considered for appointment, complete the accompanying form and return to the appropriate individual. T he following information explains how you can be considered for a comm ittee appoint­ ment. A C R L section s A C R L has 16 sections (their names are listed below). You will find a description o f their areas o f responsibility in the ALA H andbook o f Organiza­ tion, 1991-92. T he chair-elect o f a section appoints the chair and members o f all section committees. Most o f these appointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. I f you would like to be considered for appointment as chair or m ember o f a section com ­ mittee, fill out the A C R L Comm ittee Volunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect o f the appropri­ ate section listed below before D ecem b er 1 5 , 1991. Afro-American Studies lib r a r ia n Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Doris H. Clack, Professor, Florida State University, School o f Library and Information Studies, Tallahassee, F L 32306. Anthropology and Sociology Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Maija M. Lutz, H eadofT ech ni- cal Services and Collection Development, Harvard University, Tozzer Library, 21 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 Arts Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Micheline C. Nilsen, 625 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, PA 19081-2319. m Asian and African Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Ray P. Boylan, C enter for Research Librar­ iiettse, e6s0. 5 0 S. Kenwood Ave,, Chicago, I L 60637. Bibliographic Instruction Section. Vice-Chair/ C hair-Elect: Sharon B. Mader, Associate Director, DePaul University Libraries, 2323 North Seminary Ave., Chicago, I L 60614. C ollege L ib raries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Mignon S. Adams, D irector, Philadelphia College o f Pharmacy and Science, Joseph W . E n ­ gland Library, 4 200 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104-4491. Community and Ju n io r C ollege L ibraries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D errie B. Roark, D ean o f L R C , Hillsborough Community College, Ybor City Campus, Tampa, F L 33675-5096. E du cation and Behavioral Sciences Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jo Ann Carr, Director, IM C , 225 N. Mills, Madison, W I 53706. Extend ed Campus L ibrary Services Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Colleen J. Power, Coordi­ nator o f Regional Services/Science Librarian, Cali­ fornia State University-Chico, Meriam Library, Box 6640, First and Hazel Streets, Chico, CA 95929- 0295. Law and Political Science Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Caroline J. Tibbetts, Associate Librar­ ian, University o f Delaware, Morris Library, New­ ark, D E 19717-5267. B a re Books and M anuscripts Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Gary L. Menges, Head, Special Collections and Preservation, University o f Wash­ ington, Allen Library, F M -2 5 , Seattle, WA 98195. Scien ce and Technology Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Karen E . Feeney, Head, Science and Engineering Library, University o f Califomia-San Diego, 950 0 Gilman Drive, L a Jolla, CA 92093. October 1991 / 595 Slavic and E ast European Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Molly F . Molloy, Slavic Reference Librarian, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Library, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. U niversity L ib ra rie s Section. Vice-Chair/ C hair-Elect: Carolyn Robison, Associate Univer­ sity Librarian, Georgia State University, Pullen Library, 100 Decatur Street S.E ., Atlanta, GA30303- 3081. W estern European Specialists Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Ceres B. Birkhead, Coordina­ tor, Library Instruction, University o f Utah, Marriott Library, Salt Lake City, U T 84112-1179. W omen’s Studies Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- E lect: Virginia L. Daley, W om en’s Studies Archi­ vist, Duke University, William R. Perkins Library, Durham, NC 27706. A C R L c o m m ittees A C R L has about 20 standing committees to which appointments may be made. These include such committees as Audiovisual, Copyright, Gov­ ernment Relations, Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Research, and Standards and Accreditation. A CRL also has various award committees and committees that help with the work o f the association, e.g., Budget, Membership, and Planning. You will find a complete list o f the committees and a description of their charges in the ALA H andbook o f Organiza­ tion, 1991-92. Appointments to A CRL standing committees are made in the spring for terms beginning imme­ diately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments and Nominations Comm ittee rec­ ommends to the president-elect o f A C R L the names o f members who might fill the vacancies. The president-elect makes the final appointments. I f you are interested in being considered for an ap­ pointment to an A C R L committee, you should complete the A C R L Committee Volunteer Form included in this issue o f C irR L News and mail it to Hiram L. Davis, D irector o f Libraries, Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, M I 48824- 1048 before D ecem b er 15, 1991. E d ito ria l b oard s A C R L has six editorial boards: • the C hoice Editorial Board; • the College ir R esearch Libraries Editorial Board; • the College ir Research L ibraries News E d i­ torial Board; • the New Publications Editorial Board; • the Publications in Librarianship Editorial Board; • the Rare Books ir Manuscripts Librarian- ship Editorial Board. Appointments to editorial boards are made dur­ ing Midwinter for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recommend the name o f a person to fill the vacancy. The Publications Committee must approve the recommendation, and the president o f A C R L makes the appointment. I f you would like to be considered for appoint­ ment to an editorial board, contact the editor o f the editorial board before D ecem b er 15, 1991. C hoice Editor: Patricia Sabosik, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, C T 06457. College ir Research L ibraries Editor: Gloriana St. Clair, Assistant Dean and Head o f Information Access Services, E 5 0 6 Pattee Library, Pennsylva­ nia State University, University Park, PA 16802. College ir Research L ibraries News Editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C irR L News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Hu­ ron St., Chicago, I L 60611-2795. New Publications Editor: Mary Taylor, ACRL/ ALA, 50 E . Huron St., Chicago, I L 60611-2795. Publications in Librarianship Editor: Jonathan A. Lindsey, D irector o f Corporate and Foundation Development, Baylor University, B.U. Box 7026, Waco, T X 76798-7026. Rare Books ir Manuscripts Librarianship Edi­ tor: Alice D . Schreyer, Curator o f Special Collec­ tions, The University o f Chicago Library, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, I L 60637. Rem em ber that at any given tim e there are only a limited number o f vacancies on A C R L’s commit­ tees, sections, and editorial boards. I f at first you don’t succeed in obtaining an appointment, try again. Make yourself known to committee chairs by sitting in on meetings, volunteering to help with committee projects, etc. I f committee chairs see that you are interested in the work o f their commit­ tees, they may recommend your name to the appro­ priate appointing body when a vacancy occurs. F o r a more detailed discussion o f A C R L’s ap­ pointment process see “T he A C R L committee ap­ pointment process,” by Pat Rom (C irR L News, O ctober 1990, page 885). ■ ■ Register in November Preliminary program and registration mate­ rials for the Sixth National Conference will be available in November. T he registration rate for A C R L members is $135 and $255 for non­ members. Additional conference information is available from the A C R L office, (800) 545- 2433, ext. 2516. 596 / C &RL News ACRL V O LU N TEER FORM A C RL would like you to participate in its activities.To volunteer, please com plete the form and retu rn it to the appropriate individual. RACKGROUND INFORM ATION: On a sep arate single sheet o f paper briefly summarize your background and activities in the following areas: • ALA professional activities; • A CRL professional activities; • state and regional offices held and com m ittee appointm ents; • educational background and/or o th er professional experience th at will assist the com m ittee in th e appointm ent process; • publications; • express your professional concerns and the contribution that you can make toward strengthening ACRL; • list any o th er professional organizations to which you belong. P lease indicate those organizations (if any) for which you would b e willing to serve as the A CRL liaison. Note: M e m b er s h ip in A L A a n d A C R L is re q u ir e d . A tte n d a n c e a t M id w in te r a n d A n n u a l C o n fe r e n c e is re q u ir e d . U se duplicate forms if you are interested in both a standing committee and a section appointment. R ETU R N TH IS FO R M TO: ACRL Section Com m ittees: I f you would like to serve on a section committee, send this form to the appropriate vice-chair/chair-elect b e fo r e D e c e m b e r 1 5 ,1 9 9 1 . You must be a m ember o f the section to be considered for appointment. Standing Com mittees: I f you are interested in serving on one o f the standing committees, complete this form and return it to: Hiram Davis, D irector o f Libraries, Michigan State University, East Lansing, M I 4 8 8 2 4 -1 0 4 8 ; (517) 3 5 5 -2 3 4 1 ; fax: (517) 3 5 3 -9 8 0 6 ; bitnet: 2 0 6 7 6 H L D @ M S U ; internet: 20676H L D @ IB M .cl.m su .ed u . Forms must be returned by D e c e m b e r 15, 1 9 9 1 , for you to be considered for appointment.