ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1991/ 611 THESAL CD ADSEIFIS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space- available basis after the second of the month. Rates Classified advertisements are $6.30 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.00 for others. Late job notices are $15.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $18.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates are also available. Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announce­ ments will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Appli­ cants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $40 for ACRL members and $45 for non-members. Contact: Ted Bales, classified advertising manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library As­ sociation, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280- 2513;fax: (312) 280-7663; ALANET: ALA0306; ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti- discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com­ mitted to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. For sale FOR SALE. Lost Cause Press microfiche edition of the Anti- Slavery Propaganda Collection in the Oberlin College Library. Nergative microfiche, 8x 13 cm, 7,245 fiche. Like new condition; boxes never opened. Make offer. The Duggan Library, Hanover College, P.O. Box 287, Hanover, IN 47243-0287. Phone (812)866- 7161; FAX (812) 866-7172. Grants GRANTS OFFERED. The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) announce the availability of awards of $25,000-$75,000 to universities and other research libraries in the Unites States for the purpose of making currently uncataloged materials in major library collections accessible to users. Research materials eligible for inclusion in the program are those materials in the vernacular of the territories of the countries of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as currently constituted. Cost-sharing commitments are required and program support is subject to the availability of funds. The deadline is December 1 ‚ 1991. For information on application prooedures, please contact: Joint Committee on Soviet Studies, Social Science Research Council, 605 Third Avenue, New Yofk, NY 10158, (212) 661-0280. THREE POSITIONS Archibald Stevens Alexander Library Rutgers University R TME ST U ATE UNI TG VERSITY O ER F NEW JER S SEY Rutgers, the State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages candidates to apply who can contribute to an environment of cultural and ethnic diversity. We seek three resource librarians: Hu­ manities (APP # 178) and Social Sciences (APP #179 and 180) to work in a highly automated environment. Responsibilities in­ clude general/specialized reference services, library instruction, faculty/student liason and collection development in one of the three assigned areas: Western European History (APP #178); Latin American Studies (APP #179); and Economics and Political Science (APP #180). Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, three years professional experience in a research library required for librarian III, tenure-track appointment. Advanced degree(s) in one of the focus areas highly desirable, scholarly record preferred. APP #179 requires profi­ ciency in Spanish language. Salary: $35,205 minimum is negotiable dependent upon expe­ rience and qualifications. Profile: The Alexander Library, currently undergoing a$16 million-dollar expansion, is the largest of 18 libraries in the Rutger’s system, and houses over 1 million volumes. Rutgers is a member of the Research Librar­ ies Group, the Association of Research Li­ braries, and American Association of Univer­ sities. To Apply: Submit resume and three sources for current reference no laterthan November 8,1991, to: Sandra Troy APP# Libraries Personnel Officer Rutgers University Libraries 169 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08903 FAX: (908) 932-7637 612 / C &RL News ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN/DEPARTMENT HEAD (12-month, tenure-track). Open January 1992. Plan, organize, and direct acquisitions services in a land-grant university, using PALS auto­ mation system; supervise two technicians plus student assistants; coordinate selection activities of three bibliographers and faculty liaisons. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; three years’ experience in academic librarianship; knowledge of one modern foreign lan­ guage; OCLC experience; demonstrated ability to communicate and work effectively with faculty, staff, and colleagues. Desired: Subject master’s degree; experience with acquisitions systems (automated experience preferred); knowledge of out-of-print and national/foreign book markets; additional foreign language; knowl­ edge of accounting principles. Minimum salary $26,000, with standard benefits. Application deadline is September 30, 1991. Send resume, and have transcripts and three recent letters of recommendation sent directly to: B. J. Kim, Acquisitions Search Committee, Box 2115, South Dakota State University Library, Brookings, SD 57007-1098. An AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND CATALOGER. University of Cali­ fornia, Riverside, Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research manages four major projects of international significance. One of these, the California Newspaper Project (CNP), is part of a nation­ wide scheme to provide a complete record of surviving newspa­ pers published in this country. Assistant Director for the California TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTER LIBRARIAN Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne INDIANA UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITY FORT WAYNE Fort W ayne, In diana 46805-1499 Affirmative action/Equal opportunity employer Master’s degree in library science required. Qualities Sought: experience in an information environment; experience and/or potential in the following areas: general reference, instruction, technical skills relevant to computers (e.g. soft­ ware installation, knowledge of PC hardware and peripherals, knowledge of software such as LO­ TUS or Dbase, LAN, CD-ROM technology); abil­ ity to learn the bibliography of a particular subject area, flexibility and personal qualities to be able to work successfully in a dynamic, team environ­ ment. Salary range $25,000-$29,000. Available Janu­ ary 1 ‚ 1 992. To apply send letter of application resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: Larry W. Griffin Director of Library Services Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne 2101 Coliseum Boulevard East Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Closing date: October 31,1991. Newspaper Project; librarian appointment salary range: $35,052- $59,316. Associate Librarian l-Librarian VI. Position Description: This position reports to the Director of the Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research and acts for the Director supervising and training the CNP, providing technical advice, maintaining an in- house database, planning and supervising a state-wide canvass, developing and managing a microfilming program, cataloging newspapers and adding holding records in CONSER, and acting as liaison with the USNP cataloging specialist at the Library of Congress. The position is further responsible for assisting with publicity for the project, corresponding with contributing libraries, and representing the project at professional meetings. The project staff will consist initially of two assistant/associate librarians, two library assistants, and hourly workers. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent. Experi­ ence in serials cataloging and supervising professional staff. Preferred: Experience with OCLC and CONSER. Desirable: One or more foreign languages, preferably Spanish, Chinese, or other Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for govern­ mental agencies that employ librarians. The recommenda­ tions are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommen­ dations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­ cies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $23,750 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $20,000 Wisconsin $24,837 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a profes­ sional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. October 1991/ 613 TWO POSITIONS Saginaw Valley State University Saginaw Valley State University, afour-year public university of 6,200 students, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Head of Technical Services and Systems Full-time position responsible for all facets of management of Technical Services Department and administration of the library’s portion of a shared computer system (Dynix). Duties include development of policies and procedures, planning and implementation of an online catalog, and supervision of cataloging and classification, catalog maintenance, and physical processing. This position also supervises the acquisitions program and related budgets. Minimal Reference Desk and occasional Bibliographic Instruction duties can be expected. Reports to the Library Director, minimum salary $30,000. MLS from an ALA-accredited library science program and at least three years experience with progressively increasing responsibilities in Technical Services or Systems required. Must be thoroughly familiar with Anglo-American Cataloging Rules 2, OCLC, or other utility and automated library environment. Experience with Dynix desirable. Reference Librarian Full-time position with shared responsibility for providing allfacets of reference service, including direct reference and research support, instruction of patrons in the use of library and its holdings, bibliographic instruction, selection of material for the Reference Collection, computerized information retrieval (online database and CD-ROM index searching), and participates in collection development for appropriate subject areas. Reports to Head of Reference Services, minimum salary $23,000. MLS from an ALA- accredited library science program required. General reference experience and database searching skills required. Excellent benefits including vacation, sick leave and TIAA/CREF retirement. Both positions are open until filled. For full consideration send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Larry Fitzpatrick Director of Personnel Saginaw Valley State University University Center, Ml 48710 AA/EOE languages in which California newspapers have been published. Send letter of application, resume, and list of three professional references to: Henry Snyder, Director, Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside, 016 Rivera Library, Riverside, CA 92521-0154. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont. Respon­ sible for the overall coordination, direction, and supervision of the Collection Management Services Division, including Acquisitions, Cataloging, Circulation, and Collection Development, with a staff of 5 librarians and 28 support staff, a material budget of $2 million, and a collection of over 1 million volumes. Participates in the overall administration of the university libraries and media services, includ­ ing budgeting, planning, and policy formulation. Required Qualifi­ cations: ALA-accredited MLS, 7 years increasingly responsible and varied professional library experience, including demonstrated managerial/supervisory competence and actual work experience in at least two of the following areas: acquisitions, cataloging, circu­ lation, and collection development. Knowledge of and commitment to public service, innovative technical services, library automation, use of national bibliographic utilities, scholarly use of collections, and affirmative action. Strong leadership, interpersonal, and com­ munication skills. Record of productive scholarship, research, and experience in professional organizations. Desired Qualifications: Experience in both technical services and public sen/ices; experi­ ence with integrated library systems and OCLC; knowledge of trends in collection development, preservation, and standards for bibliographic control; positive public relations experience. The University of Vermont enrolls 9,500 students in outstanding under­ graduate and graduate programs, and has numerous active re­ search programs. It is located in Burlington, a metropolitan area of 125,000 situated between the Adirondack and Green Mountains on the shores of Lake Champlain. The combined libraries’ annual budget is $6.8 million. Appointment will be at the rank of Library Associate Professor or above (non-tenure track). The University strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. Salary minimum: $45,000. Generous benefits package, including TIAA/CREF (or alternative plan) and 22 days of annual leave. Position open until filled; priority given to application received by November 15,1991. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three professional reference to: Chair, Assistant Director Search Committee, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. AA/EEO employer. AUTOMATION/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Search reopened to fill a 12-month faculty position that will be open on January 1, 1992, with latest possible appointment in summer of 1992. Respon- 614 / C &RL News TWO REFERENCE LIBRARIANS Baylor University Two library faculty positions in a general reference department. Participate in planning and implementing expanded services in a new library building. Responsibilities for both positions will include desk coverage with one evening and some weekend hours in rotation, database searching, library instruction and user education. Required Qualifications for both positions are ALA-accredited MLS, skill in library instruction, excellent verbal/written communication and interpersonal skills. Desired qualifi­ cations include knowledge and experience in new information technologies, database searching, and supervision and training. Entry-level position includes responsibility for microforms collection and vertical file and requires demonstrated aptitude for working with machines. Salary Minimum: $22,000. Experienced position includes responsibility for maintenance of the reference collection and requires 3 or more years of reference experience after receipt of MLS. Salary minimum: $28,000, depending on experience. Baylor University is a privately supported coeducational university. Chartered by the Republic of Texas in 1845, it is the oldest university in Texas and one of the nation’s major church-related universities providing liberal arts and professional education in a Christian environment. Enrollment is over 11,000 with afaculty-student ratio of 1 to 20. The University’s 428-acre campus adjoins the historic Brazos River near downtown Waco, a thriving Central Texas city of 110,000 halfway between Dallas and Austin on I-35. Faculty rank and status. Tenure-track, twelve-month contract with 20 days vacation. Fringe benefits include retirement, health, dental. Send letter of application, resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five current references to: Head of Reference Services Moody Memorial Library P.O. Box 97148 Baylor University Waco, TX 76798-7148. Applications received by October 31 ‚ 1991 ‚ will receive first consideration. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. sibilities include continuing implementation, management, and maintenance of KeyNOTIS (turnkey integrated library system), CD- ROMs, and commercial online databases; reference service; bib­ liographic instruction; academic department liaison; and oversight of circulation. Requirements include ALA-accredited MLS, with an additional graduate degree preferred; minimum of 3 years of academic library experience; thorough knowledge of integrated library systems and expertise in online database searching using DIALOG or BRS. Salary range between $30,000 and $36,000, depending on experience and education. Messiah College is a Christian College committed to an evangelical perspective on the Christian faith. Send letter of inquiry with vita to: Jonathan Lauer, Director, Murray Learning Resources Center, Messiah College, Grantham, PA 17027. Application due by October 15, 1991. AA/ EOE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, General Libraries, Emory University. A senior management position responsible to the Vice Provost/Director of Libraries for administrative sen/ices, in­ cluding personnel, fiscal affairs, and facilities of the General Libraries of Emory University. Available: Winter 1992. Responsibili­ ties: Formulates policies and administers financial operations. Administers personnel program covering professional staff, gen­ eral staff, and student employees, including recruitment, compen­ sation policies, staff development, training. Provides leadership regarding employment relations with professional staff, such as performance evaluation, rankings, promotion, probation, and for­ mation of search committees. Oversees purchasing of equipment and supplies. Administers facilities of the General Libraries. Serves as Library's chief representative in planning process for new and renovated library facilities and in working with architects in carrying out construction projects. Exercises leadership for policy and administration of building security issues. Serves as a member of the Directors’ Council. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited master’s degree in library/information science plus either an undergraduate degree in business administration or equivalent relevant experi­ ence. Extensive successful administrative experience in research libraries in personnel and fiscal areas. Demonstrated leadership qualities, as well as skills in written and oral communication, interpersonal relations, management, teambuilding, planning, and familiarity with research library trends. The General Libraries’ collections total 1,250,000 volumes, with 2,200,000 volumes in all Emory Libraries, staff totals 150, with budget of approximately $9.1 million. Beginning salary: Minimum of $45,000 depending on experience and qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to : Search Committee for the Director of Administrative Sen/ices, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, October 1991/ 615 GA 30322. Application deadline is November 15, 1991. Emory University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. The Libraries at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are seeking a leader to serve as head of Public Services (reference, UL, bibliographic instruction, data­ base searching, and branch operations.) Working in a strong team environment, the individual will manage a staff of 14 FTE, develop programs and services that emphasize the innovative application of technology, and contribute to the overall librar­ ies' management. Candidates must have an ALA/MLS, three years of supervisory/management experience, a demonstrated knowledge of computer applications that goes beyond data­ base searching and/or OCLC use, a demonstrated commitment to professional growth, and strong communication and inter­ personal skills. Minimum salary $36,000. Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute is a multifaceted private university with gradu­ ate and undergraduate programs in architecture, humanities and social sciences, management, science, and engineering. The university is located in the Capital District area of upstate New York which is rich in cultural and recreational opportunities. Rensselaer offers a competitive fringe benefits plan, including spouse and dependent education support. Submit letter of application, names of three references, and a statement of your professional goals to: Barbara Lockett, Director of Libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Folsom Library, Troy, NY 12180-3590 by November 29, 1991, for full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Eastern Washington Univer­ sity is accepting applications for this twelve-month, tenure-track position available January 1 ‚ 1992. Responsibilities: Reports to the Dean of Libraries and participates in management, policy-making, and planning for the Libraries as a member of the Administrative Council. Responsible for directing all technical services processes, including acquisitions, cataloging, materials processing, and pres­ ervation. Supervises three library faculty and 10.5 full-time classi­ fied staff. Establishes technical sen/ices policy and procedures in coordination with other library divisions. Participates in library and other university committees and projects. Qualifications: ALA/MLS; minimum five years recent relevant professional experience, with evidence of increasing management and supervisory responsibili­ ties. Experience with OCLC or equivalent, automated library sys­ tems, AACR2, LCSH, and LC classification. Good oral and written communication and problem-solving skills. Knowledge of at least one foreign language and second master's degree desirable. Faculty status requires that librarians meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion and tenure. Salary: Commensurate with experience and level of appointment, $30,000 minimum. TIAA/ CREF; comprehensive medical protection; 24 days vacation; Uni­ versity holidays; generous sick leave; assistance with moving expenses and professional development travel. Review of applica­ tions will begin November 1,1991, and will continue until the position is filled. Submit letter of application, resume, and names and current addresses/telephone numbers of three references to: David Nelson, Chair, HTS Search Committee, The Library, MS 84, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004-2495. AA/ EOE. INFORMATION SPECIALIST FOR THE BASIC SCIENCES. The William H. Welch Medical Library, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, invites applications for an Information Special­ ist for the Basic Sciences. S/he will help students and faculty manage the biomedical literature using information tools and technologies. Responsibilities include consultation with individuals and small groups to solve information management problems, and participation in the Library’s instructional program, including the proposal and development of courses to be taught within existing curricula. Applicants should have a graduate degree in the biologi­ cal/life sciences and a master’s degree in library science; experi­ ence with teaching and searching scientific databases; and an understanding of academic and research environments. The library offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Applicants should submit an application letter and curriculum vitae to: Don Horan, Employment Specialist, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity, P.O. Box 2454, Baltimore, MD 21203-2454. EOE/M/F/H LIBRARIAN/HEAD, DATABASE MANAGEMENT. Position Readvertised. Serves as the supervisor of the Database Manage­ ment Section of the Bibliographic Control Unit in the Technical Services Division. Reports to the Head, Bibliographic Control and oversees a Section consisting of 7.55 FTE staff positions and several temporary employees in two functional units : Database Maintenance, which provides online maintenance and quality control of the WSU local online catalog; and Marking, which provides the physical marking of items in the WSU Libraries collections. May also perform original cataloging of monographs and/or serials in a variety of formats. The Washington State University Libraries run a locally developed integrated online system which is part of the University’s database operating on an IBM 3090-300E mainframe. The library system includes an online catalog, circulation, detailed holdings, and a serials control system. The user-friendly interface to the online catalog and the serials control system have been written in a 4th Generation Language (Natural 2). The Head, Database Management sits on the Database Coordinating and Implementation Committee which oversees de­ velopment and enhancement to the Libraries online system. Librar­ ians are appointed as members of the Washington State University faculty and are expected to participate actively in the University’s instructional, research, and service programs. All privileges, obliga­ tions, and research responsibilities of faculty are inherent in such membership. Librarians are ranked in grades of 2, 3, and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. A progressive record of professional/ scholarly achievement is expected of all librarians. Required: ALA- accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent; professional cataloging experience in an academic or research library, including a substan­ tial component of fully original cataloging; extensive knowledge of REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne Master’s degree in library science required. Qualities Sought: experience in an information environment; experience working with business- related sources and databases; general refer­ ence; instruction; flexibility and personal qualities to be able to work successfully in a dynamic, team environment; ability to meet the require­ ments for promotion and tenure in the areas of performance, professional development, and ser­ vice. Salary range: $24,000-$26,000. Available August 1992. To apply send letter of application, resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four references to: Larry W. Griffin Director of Library Services Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne 2101 Coliseum Boulevard East Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Closing date: October 31 ‚ 1991. 616 / C&RL News HEAD, EVANSDALE LIBRARY West Virginia University Libraries The University Libraries invite applications and nominations for the position of the Head of the Evansdale Library, West Virginia University. The Evansdale Library, with a collection of more than 225,000 volumes, is the largest of 8 branch libraries in a university of approximately 20,000 students. The Evansdale Library serves graduate and undergraduate programs in agriculture, engineering, mineral and energy resources, education, social work, physical education, art and theater. Under the general direction of the Dean of University Libraries, responsibilities of the Head of the Evansdale Library include: overall library administration, facilities management, program development, budgeting, and long-range planning. With a team of four other librarians, the incumbent manages and develops the collections, performs bibliographic instruction and reference service, and administers the implementation of automation. The Head of the Evansdale Library represents the library to university constituencies, and appropriate technology and community groups. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 5 or more years experience in an academic or research library, with a minimum of 3 years administrative experience, and education and/or experience in a discipline served by Evansdale Library. Strongly Preferred: science o r technology background. Responsibilities require highly developed interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with college deans, department chairs, faculty and university staff; a strong service orientation; an understanding of the mission of a land-grant institution; and experience with automated systems. Benefits: TIAA-CREF; medical plan; 24 days annual leave; 18 days sick leave. This is a non-tenure track faculty position. Morgantown is a highly rated small city with proximity to recreational and cultural opportunities in the Allegheny Mountains, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C. Salary: Minimum $42,500 depending on qualifications and experience. Send application, with 2 copies of resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 references to: Myra Lowe Chair, Head Librarian Search Committee Wise Library P.O. Box 6069 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506-6069 Review of applications will begin November 15 and continue until the position is filled. national and international standards, including AACR2 and LCSH; experience with a bibliographic utility and familiarity with local online systems. Preferred: Experience in a database maintenance or quality-control unit; experience with a variety of formats, subjects, and languages; supervisory experience; demonstrated verbal and written communication skills. Salary: from $25,000; commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2 or 3, commen­ surate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Ben­ efits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application Procedures: Send letter of appli­ cation, resume and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application re­ view begins: November 15,1991. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Mem­ bers of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam-era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encouraged to apply. LIBRARIANS. Applications are invited for the following vacancies: Librarians Ill/Assistant Librarians. 1) Audio-Visual, Medical Sci­ ences Library with good first degree preferably in Science subject, professional qualification in Library/Information Sciences, relevant experience in Audio-Visual or Learning Resources Systems in­ cluding acquisition and cataloguing of audio-visual materials and knowledge of audio-visual equipment. Experience in medical science or academic library an advantage. 2) University Libraries. A good degree and professional qualification in Librarianship/ Information Science required for post of Assistant Librarian plus a minimum of three years professional experience for Librarian III post. Appointee may be assigned to any area. Experience in academic or research-oriented library an advantage. Annual Sal­ ary ranges: Librarian III: TT$60,108-$71,988, (B)-$83,868. Assis­ tant Librarian: TT$50,484-$54,444. Annual regional allowances: Librarian III above bar: TT$7,884; Below bar: TT$4,380. Passages, pension, housing allowances, study and travel and Book Grants. Applications naming three references and detailing qualifications and experience to: Registrar, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, as soon as possible. Further particulars sent to all applicants. MIDDLE EAST BIBLIOGRAPHER needed to assume responsibil­ ity for developing and maintaining the library’s collections about and from Egypt and the Middle East and for providing bibliographic/ October 1 9 9 1 / 617 HEAD, RESOURCE SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Johns Hopkins University The Milton S. Eisenhower Library of the Johns Hopkins University has recently reorganized the way it delivers the full range of reference and collection development services to the academic community. The new Resource Services Department is composed of subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. At the same time, the provision of general reference and instructional services by all Resource Services librarians testifies to our determination to make this excellent research library an equally excellent teaching library. Our commitment to transformation will soon be seen in a major remodeling and reorienting of the department’s service spaces. The Eisenhower Library prizes energy, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, indepen­ dence, and visibility to members of its Resource Services team. Responsibilities: Lead and manage the Resource Services Department: oversee departmental planning process; develop innovative programs to deliver services to the University community; structure department and allocate resources; develop policies and procedures; hire, train, supervise, evaluate, and lead staff; manage budgets; represent the department on library-wide Department Heads Group; address library-wide management issues through this group; partici­ pate in the delivery of services to the University community. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and an advanced degree in asubject area. Demonstrated management, supervisory, and teaching skills. Knowledge of collection management and development policies and practices. Knowledge of reference services, including bibliographic instruction and computer-based information sources. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages. The hiring range is $31,500-$40,200 depending on education and experience. Excellent benefits including life and health insurance, and dental and tuition plans for staff member, spouse, and dependent children. The search will remain active until the position is filled. To apply, send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference to: The Johns Hopkins University 34th and Charles Sts. Baltimore, MD 21218 Attn: Edward S. Warfield 146 Garland Hall AA/EOE 618 / C &RL News HEAD OF THE REFERENCE DEPARTMENT University of Alabama Responsibilities: The University of Alabama is seeking leadership for the Reference Department of the Gorgas (main) Library. Incorporated in this department are the reference, government documents, music, and microforms services, staffed by six librarians, seven classified personnel, and thirty student assistants. Reference librarians are also engaged in collection development, bibliographic instruction, and an expanding array of electronic information services, and it is anticipated that the Head of the department will participate in these activities. The Head of Reference reports to the Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; successful supervisory experience; five years of successful reference experience in a university setting, in either a main or branch library; successful experience in collection development and in the provision of electronic information services; and a demonstrated interest in contribution to the profession. The successful applicant will also communicate effectively, evince a strong service orientation, and demonstrate a willingness to accept the full range of middle management responsibilities. Compensation and Rank: This is atenure-track faculty position. Rank and salary will be determined on the basis of qualifications, the minimum salary being $36,000. Benefits include sick leave, twenty- two days vacation, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, TIAA/CREF and state retirement plans. Application Procedure: Send a letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references postmarked by November 18,1991 ‚ to : Voni B. Wyatt Assistant to the Dean for Personnel The University of Alabama Libraries P.O. Box 870266 T uscaloosa, AL 35487-0266 The University maintains memberships in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, SOLINET, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The NOTIS system is in place and 99% of the cataloged records are in the bibliographicdatabase. The University o f Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. instructional assistance to users researching Middle Eastern sub­ jects. M.A. in Middle East Studies or a Middle Eastern area discipline and a graduate degree in Librarianship are required. Minimum three years professional library experience required; experience in bibli­ ography preferred. Fluent English and Arabic are required. A work­ ing knowledge of Turkish, Persian, and European languages is desired. Two-year appointment (renewable) begins February 1992. Rank will be Senior Librarian; salary to be based on qualifications and experience. For expatriates, housing, roundtrip air travel, plus schooling for two children included. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews will be held at the November 1991 Middle East Studies Association meeting in Washington, D.C. Write with curriculum vitae to: George H. Gibson, The American University in Cairo, 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 517, New York, NY 10017. MONOGRAPHIC CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont. Under the direction of the Assistant Director for Collection Management and the head of the Catalog Department, performs original cataloging of monographs in a variety of formats including books, microforms, scores, sound recordings, and videocas­ settes. Trains and acts as a consultant to 8 Cataloging Specialists and DLC copy catalogers, plus those doing cataloging for the University Archives, Media Library, and the Museum. Participates in the planning and implementation of computer applications for cataloging operations. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; familiarity with AACR2, LCSH, and LC Classification; knowl­ edge of computer applications and other new technologies in libraries; interest in innovative application of technology in catalog­ ing; familiarity with at least one language other than English. Preferred Qualifications: Cataloging experience; experience work­ ing with the NOTIS and other integrated library systems. Experi­ ence with the OCLC system. Seeking a person with broad general academic background, effective oral and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal and analytical skills, and the ability to work in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Contrib­ utes in areas of educational mission, scholarship, and creative activities and service. Candidates will qualify for the rank of Library Instructor or Library Assistant Professor, depending upon qualifi­ cation, non-tenure track, 12-month appointment. The University strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. Salary minimum: $23,000. Generous benefits package, including TIAA/CREF (or alternative plan) and 22 days of annual leave. Position open until filled; priority given to applications received by November 15,1991. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three professional references to: Chair, Monographic Catalog Librarian Search Committee, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. AA/EEO employer. October 1991/ 619 TWO POSITIONS University of California, Santa Barbara The University of California, Santa Barbara invites applicants for two librarian positions. The UCSB Library serves 18,000 students and 1,250 faculty, and its staff of 62 academics and 150 classified staff support 33 Ph.D. programs and several colleges and divisions. Basic responsibilities: Work with faculty and students in assigned academic departments to determine service needs and program require­ ments. Provide reference service in all humani­ ties and social science disciplines. Design and conduct classes and seminars in information research methods. Appointment will be at Assistant or Associate Librarian level, salary range $28,668to $50,496. Chicano Studies Librarian. Required: ALA- accredited MLS and relevant academic back­ ground. Fluency in speaking and writing Span­ ish. Background and experience relevant to working with Spanish- speaking students and community groups. Preferred: Online search­ ing experience, knowledge of microcomputer applications. Experience in reference service, and collection management/development in a research library. Slavic Studies Librarian. Required: ALA-ac­ credited MLS, strong working knowledge of Russian, and relevant academic background. Knowledge of appropriate literature, publishers, and vendors. Preferred: Online searching ex­ perience, knowledge of microcomputer appli­ cations, experience in reference service, auto­ mated cataloging, collection management/de­ velopment in a research library. Original cata­ loging experience of Slavic materials. Review of applications will begin on Novem­ ber 15,1991. Send letter of application specify­ ing position desired, resume, and names of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Assistant University Librarian- Personnel University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 UCSB is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S. employment required prior to employment. B o w d o i n C o l l e g e COLLEGE LIBRARIAN Reporting to the Dean for Academic Affairs, Bowdoin’s Librarian provides overall leadership for the Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, the Hatch Science Library, and satellite libraries o f art history and music. These libraries house more than 7 7 5 ,0 0 0 volumes. There is a full-time staff o f 13 professional librarians and 19 support personnel. Acquisition, cataloging, and circulation systems are fully automated. We seek a librarian who can maintain a distinguished tradition o f national leader­ ship among college libraries while providing vigorous guidance as the library adapts to new information technologies. Desirable qualifications include an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, significant experience in library management, and familiarity with the distinctive academic environment o f an undergraduate college. T he successful candidate will have demonstrated the capacity to establish fruitful relationships with faculty members and to work productively and cooperatively with library staff. We especially encourage applications from women and minorities. Founded in 1794, Bowdoin College is a highly selective liberal arts college o f 130 faculty and 1400 undergraduates and an endowment exceeding $150 million. This historic campus is located in Brunswick, Maine, a half hour north o f Portland and two hours north o f Boston. Applications should consist o f a letter explaining the candidate’s interest in the position, resume, and the names and addresses o f at least three professional references. Review o f applications will begin on October 1 and continue until an appointment is made. The appointment will begin January 1, 1992 o r as soon thereafter as possible. Send applications and nom inations to: C h a rle s R . B eitz, D ean f o r A cadem ic Affairs, B ow doin C o lleg e, B ru n s w ick , ME 0 4 0 1 1 . Bow doin College is com m itted to Equal O pportunity through Affirm ative Action. 620 / C &RL News HEAD OF THE CATALOGING DEPARTMENT University of Alabama Libraries Responsibilities: The Head of the Catalog Department at the University of Alabama Libraries is responsible for the coordination of all cataloging activities and the overall management of the department. Cataloging activities include original and copy cataloging of all formats using OCLC and NOTIS, database maintenance, book preparation, and some conservation responsibilities for the Gorgas Library and three branch libraries: Education, Business, and Science and Engineering. The department head supervises eight librarians, nine classified personnel, and student assistants, and reports to the Associate Dean for Access Services. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; successful supervisory and man­ agement experience; five years of successful cataloging experience in a university setting; and a demonstrated interest in contribution to the profession. The successful applicant will also communicate effectively, evince a strong service orientation, and demonstrate a willingness to accept the full range of middle management responsibilities. Compensation and Rank: This is a tenure-track faculty position. Rank and salary will be determined on the basis of qualifications, the minimum salary being $36,000. Benefits include sick leave, twenty- two days vacation, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, TIAA/CREF and state retirement plans. Application Procedure: Send a letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references postmarked by November 18,1991, to: Voni B. Wyatt Assistant to the Dean for Personnel The University of Alabama Libraries P.O. Box 870266 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266 The University maintains memberships in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, SOLINET, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The NOTIS system is in place and 99% of the cataloged records are in the bibliographic database. The University o f Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN will head the Conservation Labora­ tory for the Marriott Library University of Utah. Incumbent is respon­ sible for overall planning and coordination of preservation-related efforts throughout the Marriott Library. The Preservation Librarian supervises the lab which employs 4 full-time staff plus part-time staff. Incumbent will work with librarians to establish priorities and goals, and ensure highest professional standards are met. Respon­ sible for organizing the library’s programs in the areas of disaster preparedness, preservation awareness, environmental monitoring and assessment sun/eying. Develops alternatives for the preserva­ tion of information contained in deteriorating book and nonbook formats: photocopy and microform replacements, reprints and other copying and information storage methods. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Specialized training/interest in pres­ ervation and conservation. Demonstrated project management, communication, and organization skills. Preferred: Experience in a research library setting. Demonstrated successful increased su­ pervisory experience and human resource/interpersonal skills. Salary minimum: $21,000 +, depending on qualifications and experience. Benefits: Paid health and dental insurance, TIAA- CREF. Reduced tuition, 25 days vacation plus professional devel­ opment time, sick and holiday leave, academic leave possible after three years of employment. Additional fringe benefits. Send letter of application addressing why you are interested in this position and a summary discussing your qualifications, resume and names and addresses of three references and/or Placement Bureau address by October 31, 1991, to: Kathy Ann MacDougall, 330 Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112; FAX (801) 585-3464. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES OPENINGS. (2 positions). The Moody Medi­ cal Library of the University of Texas Medical Branch invites applicants for: (1) a full-time clinical librarian and (2) a full-time reference librarian. Responsibilities for both positions include assisting clients in securing needed information by providing reference/online services and participating in library educational programs. The clinical librarian will assist clients in clinical depart­ ments. Required (both positions): ALA master's degree and one of the following: undergraduate science degree; work experience, preferably in an academic health sciences or hospital library; microcomputer/online search skills. Minimum salary: $25,600 (both positions). Available immediately and applications will be accepted until filled. Send application, resume, and names of 3 professional references to: Larry J. Wygant, Assoc. Director for Public Services, Moody Medical Library, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550-2782. EOE/M/F/H/AA.X October 1991/ 621 HEAD OF THE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY University of Alabama Libraries Responsibilities: The University of Alabama is seeking leadership for the Science and Engineering Library, which serves 3,000 students and 250 faculty in relevant disciplines. The library, whose construction was completed in 1990, is staffed by three librarians, four classified staff, and nineteen student assistants. The Head of the Science and Engineering Library is responsible for the supervision of all personnel in the provision of all branch library services, including reference, circulation, faculty liaison, collection development, bibliographic instruction, ILL verification, building management, and an expanding array of electronic information services, and it is anticipated that the incumbent will participate in most of these activities. The position reports to teh Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; successful supervisory experience; five years of successful reference experience with science or engineering emphasis in a university setting, either in a main or branch library; successful experience in collection development and in the provision of electronic information services; and a demonstrated interest in contribution to the profession. The successful applicant will also communicate effectively, evince a strong service orientation, and demonstrate a willingness to accept a full range of middle management responsibilities. Compensation and Rank: This is atenure-track faculty position. Rank and salary will be determined on the basis of qualifications, the minimum salary being $36,000. Benefits include sick leave, twenty- two days vacation, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, TIAA/CREF and state retirement plans. Application Procedure: Send a letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references postmarked by November 18,1991 to: Voni B. Wyatt Assistant to the Dean for Personnel The University of ALAbama Libraries P.O. Box 870266 T uscaloosa, AL 35487-0266 The University maintains memberships in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, SOLINET, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The NOTIS system is in place and 99% of the cataloged records are in the bibliographic database. A new Science and Engineering Library opened in June 1990. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (Entry level) Versatile individual with a broad social science background to work in support of the university's thrust toward the internationalization of the curriculum. Successful candidates will share in reference desk service, liaison assign­ ments, online searching, collection development, and bibliographic instruction. Qualities sought include demonstrated ability to work collegially in a team environment, flexibility and initiative, effective communication skills. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, knowledge of social sciences literature, and familiarity with social science research methods. Minimum salary of $22,000 for twelve-month contract with standard benefits, 22 days vacation. Faculty position. Review of applications begins on September 16th and continues until position is filled. Send resume, transcripts, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references to: Director, Penrose Library, University of Denver, 2150 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208. The University of Denver is an equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Specialist in theology in Pius XII Me­ morial Library which includes outstanding research holdings in theology and philosophy. Pius is the general library of Saint Louis University, a Jesuit university founded in 1818. Provide general reference sen/ice on a rotating schedule with eight other reference librarians (including some evening and weekend hours) in humani­ ties, social sciences, business, and sciences. Responsible for reference, liaison, and collection development with theology and philosophy faculty. Participate in expanding library instruction program, which includes orientation, course-integrated classroom sessions, demonstrations of online and CD-ROM searching, prepa­ ration of instructional materials, and research counseling. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS, advanced degree in theology or philosophy, knowledge of the church, its ministry, and resources necessary for theological and philosophical scholarship and reli­ gious studies, strong public service orientation, effective oral/ written communications and interpersonal skills, flexibility, initia­ tive, and commitment to professional growth, online search skills and familiarity with microcomputers. Reading knowledge of Latin, Greek, German, Italian, or French in addition to English, Preferred: Two years reference experience in a large academic library or equivalent related experience such as teaching, knowledge of 622 C &RL News / TWO POSITIONS SUNY College at Cortland Library Access Services Librarian. Responsibilities: Overall administrative responsibility for Circulation Function and Electronic Media Center. Coordination of computer-assisted reference program. Library has expensive CD-ROM reference database collection. Responsible for resolution of equipment, database, and software problems and the development of future services. Qualifica­ tions: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Strong technical interest and experience in library computer applications. Demonstrated successful supervisory experience and skills, and effective oral and written communication skills. Position carries academic rank of Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian depending on qualifications. Minimum salary: $27,000. Teaching Materials Reference Bibloigrapher. Responsibilities: Administration of the Teaching Materials Center collection and services including extensive liaison work with teaching faculty. Includes bibliographic instruction and reference service. Some cataloging. The Teaching Materials Center includes over 50,000 items including 500 K-12 software programs, 8,000 audio-visual items, and a collection of over 17,000 pictures supporting the largest teacher education program in New York State. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. K-12 coursework, recent school experience including curriculum methodology and educational technology. Demonstrated supervisory, communication, and interpersonal skills. Second master’s preferred. Position carries academic rank of Senior Assistant Librarian. Minimum salary: $30,000. Cortland is an undergraduate liberal arts college of 7,000 students located conveniently in beautiful Central New York near Cornell and Syracuse Universities. Positions carry faculty status and responsibilities, calendar year appointments and excellent fringe benefits including TIAA/ CREF. Submit cover letter and resume listing at least three references (including phone numbers) to: Selby U. Gration Director of Libraries SUNY College at Cortland P.O. Box 2000 Cortland, N Y 13045 Applications requested by October 20, but accepted until positions filled. AA/EOE federal documents. Assistant Professor, non-tenure-track, 12- month appointment. Minimum salary $24,000 based on qualifica­ tions and experience. Attractive benefits include retirement pro­ grams, insurance, tuition remission, and vacation. Available Janu­ ary 2, 1992. Send resume, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references by November 8, 1991, to: Reference Librarian Search, Administrative Offices, Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis University, 3650 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63108-3302. Saint Louis University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women, the handi­ capped, and Vietnam-era veterans are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION. Pa­ cific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA. Participates in all phases of reference services and general collection development, but primary responsibility is for bibliographic instruction and its coordi­ nation. Qualifications: MLS from ALA accredited program; mini­ mum of two years experience, with some in bibliographic instruc­ tion in an academic library; teaching expertise; ability to work effectively with teaching faculty members, other librarians, and support staff; effective interpersonal and communication skills; strong service orientation; second master's degree desirable; and demonstrable interest in scholarly research. Twelve-month, ten- ure-track position with faculty status. Benefits include 22 vacation and 12 medical leave days per year plus university holidays; life and health insurance; 10 percent university contribution to retire­ ment plan. Excellent working conditions. Salary from $23,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts, and names of three references to: John W. Heussman, Library Director, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447. Position available January, 1, 1992, or as arranged. Applications received until November 1 ‚ or until position is filled. Pacific Lutheran University embraces the goals of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and actively encourages applications from women and ethnic minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/SUBJECT SPECIALIST (Search Re opened), Arizona State University. Serves as reference librarian/ subject specialist for justice studies, political science, and public administration, with four broad areas of responsibility: reference service, collection development, faculty liaison, and specialized public sen/ice (database searching, orientation and instruction, specialized reference in assigned subject areas). Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree; appropriate academic background in jus­ tice studies, political science or public administration; strong inter­ personal and communication skills; strong potential for public service; demonstrated interest in professional development/contri­ butions and service, as required for promotion and continuing appointment. Preferred: Graduate degree injustice studies, political science, or public administration; relevant reference experience in October 1991/ 623 LIBRARIAN, OFF-CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES Central Michigan University Central Michigan University (AA/EO institution) encourages diversity, and resof/es to provide equal opportunity regardless of race, sex, handicap, sexual orientation, or other irrelevant criteria. Off-campus Library Services. This position will provide reference assistance, library user education and referral services for Central Michigan University, Extended Degree Programs, and Credit Courses (EDP/CC) students and faculty involved with graduate- level credit courses in the midwest, southwest, and other locations. Position is located in Fairfax, Virginia and collaborates with five other program librarians: one other in Fairfax, Virginia; two in Troy, Michigan; and two in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Marketing of the Library Program is a key element of this position. Minimum qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and two years professional experience in public services setting; knowledge of online and/or CD-ROM search­ ing; familiarity with library user education; evidence of excellent communication and interpersonal skills; willingness to travel by airplane and work a flexible schedule are required. Preferred Qualifications: Reference experience with social sciences, administration, or health services literature and experience with microcomputing. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions, minimum $30,000. Position is a 12-month appointment based in Fairfax, Virginia. Excellent fringe benefits. Submit a letter of application, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of three reference to: Chairperson, Selection Committee 207 Park Library Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859 Position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Review of candidates will begin immediately. Central Michigan University is a state institution with an enrollment of 16,000 on-campus students and an off-campus constituency of about 12,000 students. CMU’s Off-Campus Library Services program, a nationally recognized model, serves non-traditional students at off-campus centers, sponsors the Off-campus Library Services Conference, and publishes its conference proceedings to support librarians in this field. an academic, large public, or research library; experience and/or training in: collection development; library instruction and orienta­ tion; online searching, end-user systems, or other automated technologies. Salary: $23,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experience. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Rebecca Burke, Acting Assistant Dean for Person­ nel, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287- 1006; Phone (602) 965-3417. Deadline: November 1 ‚ 1991; appli­ cations will be accepted after the deadline and reviewed on a biweekly basis until the position is filled. ASU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES. George Mason Uni­ versity, a growing university in the Washington DC area, seeks Associate Librarian to lead dynamic Special Collections and Ar­ chives Department. The library is committed to an active role for SC&A in achieving the mission of the university, and in actively developing collections and services. The Associate Librarian re­ ports to the Director of Libraries and is part of the management team. Strong emphasis is placed on collection development and coordi­ nation with the university’s academic departments in encouraging use of the collections. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and formal training in archives, supervisory experience required; sec­ ond master's, successful grantsmaking experience, and 3-5 years experience in research library preferred. In keeping with the library’s interest in advanced technologies, experience or strong interest in innovative uses of technology in archives is highly desirable. Salary: $32,500 + depending on experience and education. Excel­ lent benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references by October 31 ‚ to: SC&A Search Committee, Fenwick Library, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030. AA/EEO employer, minorities encouraged to apply. 624 / C &RL News UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Weber State University Weber State University seeks applicants for University Librarian. WSU is located in Ogden, Utah, 30 miles north of Salt Lake City at the foot of the Wasatch Mountains. Ogden is a metropolitan area of one million, rich in cultural and year-round recreational opportunities. A Master’s Degree from an ALA-accredited program is required; additional graduate degree preferred. The position requires a minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in academic libraries. Selection will be based on evidence of the following: Administrative management skills including planning, budgeting, and personnel management. Interpersonal skills including human relations ability, communication skills, and multicultural sensitivity. Vision and potential in dealing with emerging technologies, social impacts, and changing educational environments. A library background which demonstrates breadth and depth. The dean-level position offers a minimum salary of $50,000, tenurable faculty status, and an excellent benefits package. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references who can verify qualifications. The review of candidates will begin November 1,1991, and continue until a suitable candidate is selected. Women and ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply. Apply to: Library Search Committee c/o Human Resources Weber State University Ogden, UT 84408-1016 WSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS LIBRARIAN. Trenton State College invites applications and nominations for an experienced and energetic librarian to head the college’s library and prepare it for the 21st century. Trenton State is a highly selective, comprehensive institution with 5,200 full-time undergraduates and 1,000 (primarily part-time) master’s degree candidates. The College is located on an attractive suburban campus of 250 acres, ten miles from Princeton and about an hour by auto or rail from New York and Philadelphia. The Roscoe L. West Library has a collection of over 500,000 volumes and a history of strong public service. It also has a 20 station “end user” lab, programs for teaching computer search, and is installing NOTIS 5.0 during 1991-92. Respon­ sibilities: Responsibilities will include the leadership and organization of the library faculty and staff; development of budgets, policies, priorities; long-range planning; faculty relations; and representation of the library to the campus and community. The appointee will report to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Qualifications: Candidates must have strong leadership and interpersonal skills, substantial experience in library administration, and a record of professional achievements. ALA-accredited MLS required; second master’s or doctorate preferred. Title and Salary: Title and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. (Director I Range: $44,791 to $62,712; Dean II Range: $49,382 to $69,142). Qualified candidates will be eligible for faculty status and tenure consideration. The position will be available as soon as appointment is made but must begin by September 1,1992 at the latest. Deadline: Applications must be received by November 4, 1991. All candidates should send a letter of application, a full resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Richard Kamber, Chair of the College Librarian Search Committee, School of Arts and Sciences, Trenton State College, Hillwood Lakes, CN4700, Trenton, N J 08650-4700. To enrich education through diversity, TSC is an AA/EOE.