ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 295 Personnel P R O F I L E E ffective the first of August, W . David Laird moved from his position of associate director of libraries at the University of Utah to university librarian at the University of Arizona. His tenure at U tah from Ju n e of 1967 through Ju ly of 1972 covered a wide spec trum of duties pri marily in the technical services area. He rose from monographs or der librarian to acqui­ sitions librarian to as sistant director for technical services. In 1971 he becam e associ ate director of libraries. W hile at the U ni versity of U tah he W . D avid Laird served the Utah L i brary Association on their Publications Council. He has also played a number of roles in ALA; h e is now on the Resources and T ech nical Services Division or ganization com mittee, and was on A C R L ’s ap­ pointments and nominations committee ( 1970- 7 1 ) . He currently holds a Council on Library Resources fellowship to investigate title-by- title access to microfilm collections in major U n ite d S t a t e s a c a d e m i c lib r a r ie s . W hile the problems of a new director are many, one o f the m ajor problems, facing him as he begins at the University of Arizona will b e the planning and construction of their new main library building. Though he did not as­ sume his position until August, he becam e in­ volved in the planning almost as soon as his appointment was approved. A P P O I N T M E N T S J e a n E l i z a b e t h A l l i s o n received an ap­ pointment as reference librarian in the science and medicine department of the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. J o a n A s h was named senior reference li­ brarian for the Yale M edical Library. M r s . S a l l y B r e m n e r was appointed cata loger for the Learning Resources Centre at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, C al­ gary, Alberta, Canada. J . M i c h a e l B r u e r has becom e the assistant director of libraries at the University of Hous­ ton, Texas. M r s . F r a n c e s C a b l e has b een appointed as assistant state services librarian in the Penn­ sylvania State University libraries, University Park, Pennsylvania. M r s . E t h e l S. C r o c k e t t is the newly ap­ pointed California State L ibrarian, Sacramento. M r s . K u z u k o M . D a i l e y was announced as the assistant ch ief librarian for T ech n ical Ser­ vices at the City College, City University of New York. R o n a l d D . F r e d e r i c k has accepted an ap­ pointment as assistant reference librarian at In ­ diana State University in Terre Haute. B o n n i e F r i c k has joined the reference staff of the Earlham College library, Richmond, In ­ diana. M a r y E l i z a b e t h G a r v i e was named librari­ an in the rare books departm ent of the U ni­ versity of Toronto library, Ontario, Canada. R u t h G a y has becom e the new catalog li­ brarian, su bject cataloging division at the Yale University library. C h r i s t o p h e r J . G u l e f f was appointed spe­ cial services librarian at Indiana State Univer­ sity, T erre Haute. J a m e s P. H a w k s is the new reference li­ brarian at the Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. T so k a n H uang has jo in e d th e In d ia n a S ta te U n iv ersity sta ff a t T e r r e H a u te as assistan t r e f­ ere n c e lib ra ria n . J o h n W . I r w i n was recently appointed spe­ cial collections librarian at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. M a r y I s b e l l has assumed the duties of the assistant catalog reference librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. S u s a n J a c o b s o n has b een appointed ac­ quisitions librarian for Yale University library. E l i z a b e t h K e l l y has accepted the position of assistant catalog librarian at Southern Illi­ nois University, Carbondale. M i c h a e l J . L a C r o i x received an appoint­ m ent to W ake Forest University, W inston-Sa­ lem, North Carolina as head, acquisitions de­ partment. M r s . J o a n S. L e M o s y has joined the staff of the Florida Institute of Technology library in Melbourne in the position of head o f refer­ ence. C a r o l y n M. L e o n a r d has assumed the posi­ tion of acting serials librarian at Illinois State University, Normal. 296 297 E u d o r a L o h has been named reference li­ brarian in the Denison Library of the Honnold Library of the Carlemont Colleges, Claremont, California. M r s . D e b o r a h L u c k was named cataloger for the Z. Smith Reynolds Library, W ake For­ est University, W inston-Salem, North Carolina. Ross M c L a c h l a n has joined the staff of the Yale University library as catalog librarian, descriptive cataloging division ( rare books). J o h n M a n i a t i s has been named catalog li­ brarian, descriptive cataloging division ( rare books) at the Yale University library. E l i z a b e t h M a t t h e w s has been appointed medical cataloger at Southern Illinois Univer­ sity, Carbondale. R u s s e l l E . M u r p h y , J r . was appointed to the staff of the M edical Library as librarian I, Science Information Specialists at the Uni­ versity of Missouri, Kansas City. A n n e O ’ M a h o n e y has assumed th e position of assistant acquisitions librarian at New York City Community College, Brooklyn. T h e o p h i l a O t t o s has been appointed as­ sistant humanities librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. S t e p h e n L. P e t e r s o n has accepted the po­ sition of librarian, Yale Divinity Library. R e b e c c a T . R e e d e r was named assistant acquisitions librarian at Illinois State University, Normal. C a r o l y n O. R i c e was appointed a visiting instructor in librarianship for the University of Oregon, Eugene. L i n d a C a r o l R i s i n g is the new librarian of the Nursing Library, science and medicine de­ partment of the University of Toronto library, Ontario, Canada. S a l l y J . R o o f has received an appointment as head of acquisitions at the George W ashing­ ton University library, Washington, D .C . T h y r a R u s s e l l was appointed assistant order librarian for Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. R o b e r t G. S a b i n has been appointed new director of libraries of Juniata College in H unt­ ingdon, Pennsylvania. M a r i o n S a c h d e v a joined the staff of the Yale University library, descriptive cataloging division as a catalog librarian. J u d i t h S a v a g e has assumed the duties of reference librarian, Social Science Library at the Yale University library. W i l l i a m Z. S c h e n c k has assumed the posi­ tion of assistant to the head, acquisitions de­ partment, Yale University library. E d i t h S. S c o t t has been appointed head, catalog department at the University of Cali­ fornia, San Diego. W . W i l e y S c o t t is the new assistant un­ dergraduate librarian at Southern Illinois U ni­ versity. M a r g a r e t t e A n n S e i b e l h a s jo i n e d t h e staff as acting residence halls librarian at Illi­ nois State University in Normal. L i l l i a n L . S h a p i r o accepted the appoint­ ment as assistant professor on the staff of the Borough of Manhattan Community College li­ brary in New York City. M r s . G r a c e S h u l e r is now serving as cata­ log librarian at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. M r s . A d e l e S i m o n has joined the reference staff in the General Library as a librarian II, University of Missouri-Kansas City. D r . G e o r g e S p e a r s has been appointed act­ ing director of library services at Manatee Ju n ­ ior College, Bradenton, Florida. M a r t h a D. S p i e t h is the new cataloger at the George Washington University library, Washington, D.C. R a n d o l p h A. S t e w a r t is the new serials cataloger for Illinois State University, Normal. J a m e s T a y l o r is now the new business li­ brarian at W ich ita State University library, Kansas. J a m e s B. T c h o b a n o f f has joined the staff of the Medical Library of the University of Mis­ souri-Kansas City as librarian I, science informa­ tion specialist. M a n h a r P. T h a k o r e has accepted the po­ sition of assistant acquisitions librarian at the Illinois State University in Normal. V i o l e t V i g u r i has assumed the position of assistant librarian at M anatee Junior College, Bradenton, Florida. L e s l i e V . V u y l s t e k e has accepted the po­ sition of catalog librarian at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. A l b e r t a W a l k e r is now a cataloger in the Honnold Library of the Claremont Colleges. M r s . P a u l W e l l s is the new head of tech ­ nical services for the Learning Resources Cen­ tre at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary, Canada. N a t a l i e W i e s t has been named head of Myers Science Library of Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. M a r g a r e t E . W h i t e has assumed the duties of librarian in the Government Publications Section of the reference department at the Uni­ versity of Toronto library, Ontario, Canada. J o h n W i l l i a m s o n was welcomed as human­ ities bibliographer, bibliography department by the Yale University library. M y n r a W o s k was appointed serials cataloger at the University of California, San Diego. ■ ■ B U S I N E S S • C O M M E R C E • E C O N O M IC S S p e c ia lis ts in O u t - o f -P r in t B o o k s in th e S o c ia l S c ie n c e s W a n t L is ts S e a r c h e d C o lle c tio n s F u lf ille d — C a ta lo g s Issu ed HIVE OF INDUSTRY, BOOKSELLERS B o x 6 0 2 E a s t o n , P e n n a . 1 8 0 4 2 298 THE YOUNG PHENOMENON P aperbacks in Our Schools John T. Gillespie a n d Diana L. Spirt A survey of the status of paper­ backs in schools, including case studies of how they are being used, suggestions on their se­ lection and handling, and advice on managing school p ap erb ack b o o k sto re s and book fairs, as well as school-sponsored pa­ perback book clubs. Also included are a selected bibliogra­ phy and lists of paperback bind­ eries and man­ ufacturers of d i s p l a y equipment. IS B N 0-8389-0133-6 $4.50 THE DISADVANTAGED AND LIBRARY EFFECTIVENESS Claire K. Lipsman, Ph.D. If public libraries are to attract low-income city dwellers, special programs and activities are required. This pilot study conducted by the Planning Research Corporation under contract with the U.S. Office of Education analyzes and evaluates current library pro­ grams and their problems. I t then seeks to discover new directions the programs can take to respond most effectively to social needs. ISBN 0-8389-0129-8 $10.00 PERIODICALS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES A Guide to Magazines, Newspapers, and P eriodical Indexes Revised Edition Compiled and ed ited by Marian H. Scott An evaluation of periodicals for children from kindergarten through grade 12. Covering the realities of curricular de­ mands and the wide range of reading levels and personal interests of stu­ dents, the publications chosen include key foreign and ethnic periodicals, and all meet the recommendations of the new Standards at all grade levels. ISBN 0-8389-0139-5 Fall FALL1972 SERIAL PUBLICATIONS 2nd Edition Andrew D. Osborn The standard treatise on the selection, proc­ essing, cataloging, and servicing of serials is here brought up to date. Osborn emphasizes the implications of developments new to the profession: the growth of computer technol­ ogy, the Anglo-American Catalog Rules of 1967, the use of Coden, and the emergence of the book catalog for serials. He sets forth sound principles and relates them to actual practice. ISBN 0-8389-0118-2 $15.50 REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES An Examination of America’s Literary Heritage John Gordon Burke, ed itor Hayden Carruth, George Garrett, Larry Goodwyn, John Knoepfle, and William Everson examine five geographical re­ gions of the United States, the qualities which define them, the literary heritage and important contributions of each, and the characteristics which make each region’s literature unique. A bibli­ ography on regionalism and American literature is also included. ISBN 0-8389-3136-7 Winter LIBRARIES IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Gisela von Busse and Horst Ernestus This panoramic view of libraries in West Germany today, both academic and public, outlines the govern­ mental, administrative, and edu cational systems and the state of the book trade against which they have developed. Cooper­ ative efforts, inform ation science, and career train ing and opportunities are among topics covered. ISBN 0-8389-0135-2 $12.00 American Library Association 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611