ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 718/C&RL News the E. W. Fairchild-Martindale Library and Com­ puting Center. Univ. of Wyoming Libraries benefit from class gift The graduating class o f 1946 raised $20,000 as a 50th year class reunion gift for the University o f W yoming Libraries (UW). Francois (Marga­ ret) Dickman, a 1946 alumna, orchestrated the fund drive, w ith its success ann o u n ced at a H omecoming reunion luncheon on O ctober 11, and again at the football gam e the next day. The gift will purchase “best boo k s” not already in the libraries’ collections. T he University Li­ braries sponsor the 50th year reunion luncheon each year at Homecoming. “This has becom e a special tradition at UW,” said Keith Cottam, director o f libraries. “Alums from the class o f ’47 have already stated their intent to double that am ount next year, and you can bet w e are encouraging the spirit of com petition.” Wyoming Consortium receives award The Wyoming Academic Libraries Consortium (WALC) re c e iv e d th e W y o m in g L ib rary Association’s 1996 Georgia Shovlain Award for the state’s best library project. WALC’s Wyoming Academic Libraries Resource Project upgraded telecommunications lines and im plem ented an Ariel netw ork linking Wyoming’s academic li­ braries and the state library. The netw ork is now expanding to include public libraries. “The project is helping to overcom e som e of the geographical and technological rem ote­ ness and information isolation in W yoming,” 3 8 th R B M S preconference e x a m in e s h isto ry of the b o o k ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Sec­ tion (RBMS) will hold its 38th annual precon­ ference at the Claremont Colleges in south­ ern California, Ju n e 24-27, 1997. Entitled “Rereading the Past: New M ethodologies and A pproaches to the History of the B ook,” the preconference will look at how research in the history o f the boo k has developed since RBMS first looked at the subject in 1980. No longer the sole purview of the bibliographer and the scholar-librarian, the field has ex­ panded in ways that many rare b o o k librar­ ians may not yet realize. Scholars from many disciplines have entered the field and have given new meaning and p u rpose to the sub­ ject o f the history of the book, changing the way w e will view the “Book Age.” How does this new scholarship affect rare b ook and m anuscript librarians and curators? And how will it influence collection devel­ opm ent, programming, cataloging, teaching, and scholarly research? The RBMS 1997 pre­ conference program will look at the new his­ tory o f the book, hear som e of its m ost inno­ vative sch o lars, e x a m in e w ays in w h ic h librarians can take advantage of this burgeon­ ing field for their ow n use and developm ent, and discuss ways o f servicing this interest. Scheduled speakers will include Robert Gross (College o f William and Mary), Jeffrey G roves (H arvey M udd C ollege), R osalind Remer (M oravian College), Steve Ferguson (P rin c e to n U niversity), an d Ellen D u n lap (American A ntiquarian Society). In addition, there will be a series o f short paper presenta­ tions on research in the history of the book primarily by m em bers o f RBMS. The precon­ ference will also include a variety of seminars o rganized by the Sem inars C om m ittee of RBMS. W orkshops on cataloging and preser­ vation are planned. O ne day will be spent at the H untington Library, w hich will include tours of the grounds and galleries. Registration is $175 for RBMS m em bers, $210 for nonm em bers. Late registration, after May 15, will be $225 for m em bers and $265 for n o n m e m b e rs. A dditional fees w ill b e charged for w orkshops. H ousing and some meals are not included in the registration fee. Housing will be available in residence halls o n the Claremont Colleges cam puses as well as local motels and hotels. Claremont is lo­ cated east o f Los Angeles, and is a 20-minute drive from the Ontario, California, airport. Registration material will be available after March 1, 1997. For more information please contact ACRL, 50 East H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (800) 545-2433, ext. 2511 or see th e RBMS W eb site at URL: h ttp ://w w w . s.htm l. http://www