ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1996/ 719 "C o p y r ig h t in the D ig ita l A g e " : A C R L /A R L N a sh v ille preconference ACRL has ad d ed “Copyright in the Digital Age: A Leadership W orkshop for Librarians” to the preconferences being offered at the ACRL 8th National Conference in Nashville (see C&RL News, November 1996). Sponsored by the Association o f Research Libraries (ARL), the revised, tw o-day w orkshop, led by copyright and licensing ex­ perts, will provide a foundation for understanding the U.S. copy­ right law, related guidelines, and key legal decisions. It will fo­ cus on the impact of national and international legislative proposals on li­ brary services and activities in the digital en ­ vironm ent and will highlight th e potential impact of licensing agreem ents on fair use and library exem ptions. The preconference w orkshop is scheduled for April 10, 1997 (1:00-8:00 p.m .) and April 11, 1997 (9:00 a.m .-5:00 p.m.). The w orkshop is limited to librarians interested in increasing said Keith Cottam, UW libraries director and project director. A $134,000 grant from the U.S. D epartm ent o f Education provided significant support for the project. Members o f the Consortium are: University o f Wyoming, Casper College, Central Wyoming College, Eastern W yom ing College, Laramie County Community College, Northern Wyoming Community College District/Sheridan College and the Gillette Campus, Western Wyoming Com­ munity College, and the Wyoming State Library. Save money with ACRL early bird registration— January 8 deadline Save nearly 30% over onsite registration rates by registering now for the ACRL 8th National C onference in Nashville, April 11-14, 1997. The conference offers more than 175 sessions on the general theme, “Choosing O ur Futures,” and prom ises to give participants an action plan to take hom e and im plem ent to achieve the p re ­ ferred future for their libraries. Cornel West, o n e o f A merica’s m ost cel­ ebrated academ ics and a professor o f philoso- their know ledge o f copyright in an educa­ tional setting. A ttendance is limited to 75 par­ ticipants. The registration fee includes resource m aterials, m eals, a n d breaks. Registration fees are: $350 for librarians from ARL institutions, ACRL members, and ALA m em ­ bers; $425 for n o n m em ber li­ b ra ria n s. To re g is te r s e n d a check payable to ARL to Mary Jackson, ARL, 21 D upont Circle, W ashington, DC 20036; (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e- mail: For additional inform ation, including confirmed speakers and registration information, visit ARL's hom epage at h ttp :// l. Registration informa­ tion for this preconference, all o ther ACRL preconferences, and the 8th National Confer­ ence in Nashville may be found at h ttp :// w w w .ala.o rg /acrl.h tm l o r contact D arlena Davis at (800) 545-2433 ext. 2519; e-mail: phy o f religion and Afro-American studies at Harvard University, will give the keynote ad­ dress. Alan Guskin, chancellor at Antioch Uni­ versity, and Eli Noam, professor at Columbia University and an expert on telecom m unica­ tions, will exam ine the future o f higher educa­ tion. Roundtable discussions and poster ses­ sions will provide o pportunities for sharing information, networking, solving comm on prob­ lems, and exploring innovative solutions. More than 250 exhibitors will share the latest in prod­ ucts an d services Registration materials have been m ailed and are available o n ACRL’s hom epage at h ttp :// w w w .ala/acrl.htm l. Early bird registration fees are $225 for ACRL m em bers; $275 for ALA m em bers, and $350 for nonm em bers. To re­ q u e s t m a te ria ls c o n ta c t D a rle n a D avis at or (800) 545-2433 ext. 2519. Lindα Hall Library celebrates 50th anniversary with visit from Sally Ride The Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri, hosted a talk by Sally K. Ride, form er NASA http://www.ala/acrl.html