ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 7 3 8 /C&RL News ACRL candidates for 1 9 9 7 elections Be sure to vote in the spring election. Vice-President/President-Elect M aureen Sullivan. M aureen Sullivan is an or­ ganizational developm ent consultant w ho sp e­ cializes in service to aca­ d e m ic lib ra rie s. From 1983 to 1991 she held the position o f h ead of Per­ sonnel Services at Yale University Libraries. Pre­ viously she w as a train­ ing program specialist at th e A ssociation o f Re­ search Libraries. From 1979 to 1980 she was the assistant d irecto r o f li­ M a u r e e n S u lliv a n braries for personnel at the University of Maryland Libraries. ALA com ­ mittee service includes the H. W. Wilson Staff D evelopm ent Award Jury, chair, 1985; Nomi­ nations Committee, 1986; Minority Fellowship Advisory Board, chair, 1989–95; Office of Li­ brary Personnel Resources Advisory Commit­ tee, chair, 1991– 93; Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Jury, 1993–97; and the CLENE Round­ table. In ACRL she has b een a m em ber of the Personnel an d Staff D evelopm ent Officers Dis­ cussion G roup, 1978–present; University Librar­ ies Section, Program Planning Committee, 1987; Professional Enhancem ent Committee, 1991- present; an d chair of the Search Committee for the Executive Director, 1990. She has also b een active in LAMA, as the president from 1988 to 1989, and a m em ber o f several committees. She is a m em ber of the American Association o f University W omen, the American Society for Training and Development, and the College and University Personnel Association. H er publica­ tions include Developing Library S ta ff f o r the 2 1st C entury (H aw orth, 1994); P erform ance A nalysis a n d Appraisal, w ith Robert D. Steuart, (Neal–Schuman, 1991); and “The Changing Role o f the Middle M anager in Research Libraries” (.Library Trends, fall 1992). She holds a B.S. in history and an MLS from the University of Mary­ land. Jam es F. W illiam s III. Jam es F. Williams III has b een dean of libraries at the University of C o lo r a d o at B o u ld e r since 1988. His career in­ c lu d e s 13 y e a rs as a medical librarian and 15 years in research library adm inistration. His re­ search interests include health sciences librarian- ship, strategic planning, collection developm ent, leadership in research li­ b ra r ie s , a n d r e s o u r c e J a m e s F. W illia m s sharing and networking. He has b een a m em ber o f the Board o f Re­ gents o f th e National Library of Medicine and a Visiting Scholar and Senior Fellow at UCLA’s G raduate School of Library an d Inform ation S c ie n c e . H e is c u r r e n t l y a m e m b e r o f NASULGC’s Information Technology Board, a m em ber o f the Board o f Directors o f EDUCOM, a n d a past m em ber of the b o ard o f directors of the Association of Research Libraries. He is a m em ber o f the Board o f Visitors for Libraries at the Massachusetts Institute o f Technology and S outhern M ethodist University. He is also a m em ber of the Visiting Committee at the School o f Library and Information Science at the Uni­ versity o f Pittsburgh. He has chaired the ACRL K. G.Saur Award Committee and he is currently a m em ber o f the ACRL Publications in Librari- anship Editorial B oard and the editorial board o f College & Research Libraries. He holds a B.A. from M orehouse College an d th e M.S. from Atlanta University. ACRL Councilor-αt-Lαrge M aureen Pastine, Central University Librarian, December 1996/ 739 S o u th e r n M e th o d is t U n iv e rs ity ; H e le n H. Spalding, Associate D irector of Libraries, Uni­ versity o f M issouri-K ansas City; M a x in e H. Reneker, D irector, D udley K nox Libraiy an d Director, Information Services Naval Postgradu­ ate School. AAMES V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Clare B. D u n kle, M addux Library, Trinity University; D avid Hirsch, Middle East Bibliographer, University o f Califor- nia-Los Angeles. Member-at-Large: B in h Le, Senior Assistant Li­ brarian, Penn State University, O gontz Campus; A n n L. Wood, Collection D evelopment, Univer­ sity of Massachusetts. Secretary: Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Catalog Librar­ ian, Virginia C om m onw ealth University. AFAS V ice-C hair/Chair-Elect: S ylvem a Ford, Dean o f the Library, M ankato State University; D or­ othy W ashington, G raduate Student, Tem ple University. Secretary: A u d rey Taylor, C oordinator o f Ref­ erence Services, University of Houston; H eather M artin, R eference/O utreach Librarian, Wright State University. M ember-at-Large: K a th leen Bethel, A frican A m erican S tu d ies L ibrarian, N o rth w e s te rn U niversity; H a rry M urphy, H ead o f R efer­ e n c e /C o lle c tio n M anagem ent, U niversity o f W ashington. ANSS V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: J. C hristina Smith, Mugar Memorial Library, Boston University. Secretary: Cheryl C. Kugler, University Library, University of California-Irvine; Isabel del Carmen Q uintana, Tozzer Library, Harvard University. Member-at-Large: D avid Carpenter, Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University; Sally Wilson Weimer, Davidson Library, Univer­ sity o f California-Santa Barbara. ARTS V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J u d y Sahak, Assistant D irector o f Libraries, Libraries o f the Claremont Colleges. Secretary: Lorelei Tanji, Fine Arts Bibliogra­ pher, University o f California-Irvine; Rebecca S. Albitz, Assistant C urator for Media an d the Per­ forming Arts, New York University. CJCLS V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Cary L. Sowell, Head Librarian, Austin Com m unity College; J a y B. Clark, Library D irector, San Jacinto College Central. Secretary: TerryH ancox, Director, Library LRC, Cuyahoga Community College; Theresa S. Byrd, LRC Director, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. CLS V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Stephanie R. Bangert, D ean for A cadem ic R esources, Saint Mary’s College; Carolyn A. Sheehy, Clare a n d Lucy O esterle D irector o f Library Services, N orth Central College. Secretary: D arla Rushing, H ead o f Catalog­ ing, Loyola University, New Orleans; D a m o n D. Hickey, Director o f Libraries, The College of W ooster. Member-at-Large: Kristin D. Vogel, Access Li­ brarian an d Assistant Professor, Sheean Libraiy, Illinois W esleyan University; M arilyn A. D unn, Librarian for Public Services, M ount H olyoke College. Member-at-Large: John Sheridan, Head Librar­ ian, Tutt Library/Colorado College; Jacquelyn McCoy, College Librarian, O ccidental College. EALS V ice-C hair/Chair-Elect: Robert Melton, Bibli­ ograph er for English, American, and Com para­ tive Literature, Film, Theater, an d C om m unica­ tion Studies, University o f Kansas; W illiam A. Wortman, H umanities Librarian, Miami Univer­ sity. Secretary: M argaret Gordon, Assistant to the University Librarian, McHenry Libraiy, Univer­ sity o f California-Santa Cruz; Susan L. Peters, Coordinator for Languages and Literature, Emory University. Member-at-Large: Margaret K. Powell, Librar­ ian for Literature an d C om m onw ealth Studies, Yale University; Stephen Enniss, Manuscripts Librarian and Literature Bibliographer, Emory University. EBSS V ice-C hair/Chair-Elect: Jo a n B. Fiscella, Bib­ liographer, University o f Illinois at Chicago; J a n ic e M. Wilson, Public Services Librarian, California School o f Professional Psychology- Los Angeles. Secretary: M ary M. Gilles, Business Subject Specialist, W ashington State University; George 740/C&RL News H. Libbey‚ University of Detroit-Mercy, O uter Drive Library. M em ber-at-L arge: F ra n c in e M. D eFranco, Head o f Reference, University o f Connecticut; Beth G. Anderson‚ Director, Education Resource Center, University o f Delaware. ECLSS V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Ja ck Fritts, Assistant University Librarian an d C oordinator o f Public Services, National-Louis University; Robert P. Morrison, Reference Librarian an d C oordina­ tor, Distance Education Library Services, Utah State University. Secretary: Jerilyn Marshall, Assistant Schaffner Librarian, N o rth w e ste rn U niversity; N a n c y Gaynor, Librarian, Illinois Institute o f Technol­ ogy. Member-at-Large: Linda Barkley‚ Off Campus Reference Librarian, University o f Redlands; Susan Barnes Whyte, R eference an d Extended Services Librarian, Linfield College. IS Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Trudi Jacobson, Co­ ordinator o f User Education Programs, Univer­ sity at Albany, SUNY; M aryJane Petrowski, Head o f Library Instruction, Colgate University. Secretary: Loretta Rielly, Sponsor, Instruction & Training Team an d Reference & Research C onsulting T eam , O reg o n State U niversity; D eborah Tenofsky, Coordinator o f Instructional Services an d Programs, University o f Michigan. Member-at-Large: Lynn Bailey, Reference D e­ partm ent Head, DePaul University; Carl Phillips, Reference Librarian, Carrier Library, Jam es Madi­ son University. LPSS For Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: P aula J. Popma, Assistant University Librarian, Santa Clara Uni­ versity; G raham R. Walden, R eference Librar­ ian, O hio State University, Columbus. Member-at-Large: Janice S. Lewis, Business & Legal Reference Librarian, Virginia C om m on­ wealth University; Lisa Stimatz, Public Affairs/ G overnm ent Inform ation, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg. Secretary: Lucia Snowhill, University o f Califor- nia-Santa Barbara; M arifran Bustion, Head, Ac­ quisitions Dept., G eorge W ashington University. RBMS Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R ichard Oram‚ Librar­ ian, H any Ransom Humanities Research Cen­ ter, University o f Texas at Austin. Member-at-Large: Peter H anff, Coordinator, Special Projects, University o f California-Ber­ keley; B ra d Westbrook, M anuscripts Librarian/ University Archivist, University of California-San Diego. Secretary: Lois Fischer Black, Acting H ead, Historical Collections and Curator of Rare Books an d Manuscripts, T he New York Academy of Medicine; Jo h n Hoover, H ead, Special Collec­ tion/R are Book Librarian, St. Louis Mercantile Library Association. SEES V ice-C h air/ Chair-Elect: Tatiana GoernerB arr, Cataloger, Stanford Uni­ versity; P atricia Thurston, Slavic and East Eu­ ro p ean C ataloger/Assistant Professor o f Library Administration, University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Member-at-Large: J o a n n a K. Dyla, Associate Librarian/Slavic Cataloger, University o f Cali- f o r n ia - B e r k e l e y ; M ie c z y s la w ( M is c h a ) Buczkow ski, Slavic Librarian, University o f O r­ egon. STS V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: G ail C lem ent‚ Sci­ en ce/In fo rm atio n Services Librarian, Florida International University; Billie Reinhart, Science an d Engineering Librarian, Cleveland State Uni­ versity. Secretary: Elizabeth Brown, Catalog Librarian, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mike Haddock, Science R eference Librarian, Farrell Library, Kansas State University. ULS Vice-C hair/C hair-E lect: Karyle Butcher, In­ terim University Librarian, O regon State Uni­ versity; M aureen Pastine, Central University Librarian, Southern M ethodist University. Secretary: K athleen G unning, University Li­ brarian an d C oordinator o f Inform ation Re­ s o u r c e s , S u s q u e h a n n a U n iv e rs ity ; K a re n Hatcher, D ean o f Library Services, University o f Montana. M em ber-at-L arge: J a n e Conrow, A ssociate Dean of Libraries/Library Services, Arizona State University; F em e B. H ym an, Assistant Univer­ sity Librarian, Rice University; Eloise M cQuown, Librarian, San Francisco State University; Leslie Wykoff, Director of Information Services, W ash­ ington State University. (C a n d id a tes cont. o n p a g e 775) December 1996/ 741 December 19 9 6 / 775 More information for library advocates To su p p o rt library advocates an d help them stay involved, the ALA W ashington Office is developing additional information for the ALA W eb site. A sum m ary o f the status o f all major library legislation (including intellectual p ro p ­ erty) at the e n d o f the 104th Congress is now available in the N ovem ber issue o f the new s­ letter called ALA Washington News at h ttp :// w w w ashoff/alaw opub.htm l. Analysis o f election results as well as the latest informa­ tion o n such issues as intellectual property and the status o f the fair use guidelines will be re­ ported in ALAWON, the ALA W ashington Of­ fice Newsline, an d in the new sletter. Readers may redistribute material from these publica­ tions free o f charge for nonprofit purposes, with appropriate credit. To subscribe to ALAWON and receive notifications o f ALA Washington News online, send the message: subscribe ala- w o [ y o u r _ f ir s tn a m e ] [ y o u r _ la s t n a m e ] to listproc@ For further information on these an d other legislative issues as w e prepare for the 105th Congress to convene in January, please con­ tact the ALA W ashington Office at (800) 941- 8478 o r contact Lynne Bradley at leb@alawash. org. ■ (Candidates cont. fro m page 740) WESS Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Stephen L ehm ann‚ H umanities Bibliographer, University o f Penn­ sylvania, Philadelphia; Barbara Walden, Bibli­ ographer, W estern E uropean Social Sciences, University of Minnesota. Secretary: Thomas Izbicki, Resource Services Librarian, Jo h n s H opkins University; Charles Spomik, Coordinator, Beck Center for Electronic Collections & Services, Emory University. Member-at-Large: Fred W. Jenkins‚ C oordina­ tor an d H ead o f Collection M anagem ent, Uni­ versity o f Dayton; Reinhart Sonnenburg, Litera­ ture and Languages Bibliographer, University o f California-San Diego. wss Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Kristin H. Gerhard, Catalog Librarian and Selector (W om en’s Stud­ ies), Iow a State University. Secretary: Bernice Redfem, Reference Librar­ ian/Social Science Selector, San Jose State Uni­ versity. Member-at-Large: Mary Faith Pankin, Senior Subject Specialist, G elm an Library, G eorge W ashington University; Daren Callahan, Spe­ cial Collections Cataloger, Morris Library, South­ ern Illinois University. ■