ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1 9 9 6 / 745 social sciences, the governm ent docum ents depository, and distinctive collections in French; the Divinity Library which includes a special collection o f Judaica materials, and the Special Collections and University Archives featuring distinctive collections o f the writers known as the Fugitives and the Agrarians, materials on Southern history and culture, and rare books and manuscripts. A separate Science and Engi­ neering Library, located in the Stevenson Cen­ ter in the wing housing the new chemistry build­ ing, includes a U.S. Patent Depository. T h e E d u catio n Library, lo cated on the Peabody campus, focuses on materials in edu­ cation, educational psychology, special educa­ tion, and literature and curriculum materials for children and young adults. Separate libraries for Law, Management, and Music are located in the buildings housing those schools. The newest library facility is the Eskind Bio­ medical Library, a $12.5 million, 77,000-square- foot state-of-the-art building designed by Davis, Brody & Associates. It houses the library, as well as the Information Management Depart­ ment o f the Medical Center and the academic Division o f Biomedical Informatics. Off-campus, the library has a small collec­ tion o f astronomy materials at the Dyer Obser­ vatory, and manages an environmentally con­ trolled, 31,000-square-foot storage facility which opened in 1988. W e hope many conference visitors will join us on April 11 for tours to som e o f our local college and research libraries! Ed. note: Advance registration is required. Details an d form s are in the Preliminary Pro­ gram m ailed in November an d on the ACRL homepage: ■ C&RL N ew s 30th anniversary quiz What do you recall read­ ing in C&RL News each m onth for the past 30 years? To celebrate the News’ 30th anniversary, the Editorial Board and editors o f C&RL News have written questions based on news and articles published since its inception in 1966. Five questions (and answers) will be pub­ lished each month to help you wend your way through the past 30 years of academic librarianship as reported by C&RL News We hope you have as much fun answer­ ing these questions as we did writing them. If you have a question you’d like considered for the anniversary quiz series please send y ou r su g g estio n to Mary Ellen D avis at 1. Which of the following acronyms were featured in the April 1977 C&RL Neivs as “Recent LA’s (Library Acronyms) Encoun­ tered,” BLAISE, ERNEST, TINA, or GEORGE? 2. According to the 1991 article “Quiet Study Area: No Applause between Movements,” the library at the North County Campus of San Diego State University also doubled as what? 3. The Huntington Library’s decision to give scholars unrestricted access to what rare documents unleashed a “publicity storm” around the question o f intellectual freedom and access? 4. What document did the CLS Historical Commission produce in recognition o f the College Library Section’s 100th anniver­ sary? 5. A national conference that attracted librarians, curators, booksellers, attorneys, and law enforcement officers was held at Oberlin College in 1983 to discuss what subject? . ) 3 8 9 1 r e b ot c O( a ic r e mA f o noit ai c oss A sr ell es k o o B nai r a u iq t n A eht f o t ne di s er p , mu b do o W ht e basil E dna , nai r ar bil e gell o C ni l r e b O neht , tt eff o M . A mailli W yb deri a hc oc sa w which ec ner ef noc 3891 r e b met pe S eht f o ic top eht s a w tf e h T . 5 . ) 9 8 9 1 il r p A( ng eti Me r et ni wdi M 9891 eht g durin eetti m mo C e vit uc e x E SLC eht o t det nes er p s a wr which , LRCA o f noitceS seirarbi L egell o C eht of al nu a M eht dec udor p noi ssi m mo C l aci r ot si H ehT . 4 . ) 1 9 9 1 r e b me v o N( s noi t c ell oc sti n i de ni at noc sll or c S aeS dae D eht f o s h par g ot o h p f o t es et el p moc e ht o t ss ecc a det ci rt s er n u e id ov r p ld uo w yr ra ib L not g nit n u H eht t tha . 1991 . 22 r e b met pe S no dec n uo n na tt ef f o M . A mailli W r ot c eri d not g nit nu H n he T . 3 . ) 1 9 9 1 yr a unal( ll ha t r ec noc A . 2 . ) 7 7 91 li r p A( t) r le A noit ­ a v o n nI y g ol o n hc e T( ANI T dna ) eci vr e S noit a mr of nI det a mot u A ry ra ib L h is it Br ( E IS ALB . 1 : sr e ws n A