ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 9 9 5 -9 6 A n n u a l R e p o rt A s s o c i a t i o n O f C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s A D I V I S I O N O F T H E A M E R I C A N L I B R A R Y A S S O C I A T I O N ACRL's M ission T he Association o f College and Re­search Libraries (ACRL) provides leadership for development, promo­ tion and improvement o f academic and research library resources and services to facilitate learn­ ing, research, and the scholarly communication process. ACRL promotes the highest level o f pro­ fessional excellence for librarians and library per­ sonnel in order to sere the users o f academic and research libraries. E v e r y L ib r a r ia n a L e a d e r 748/C&RL News Message from the President P ATRICIA S ENN B REIVIK ACRL’s 5 7 TH PRESIDENT T h e p a s t y e a r fo r A CRL w as o n e in w h ic h a g re a t m a n y p e o p le w o rk e d v e ry h a r d to acco m p lish a g re a t deal. It w as a g o o d fast s ta rt to w a r d achieving th e g o als o f th e ACRL S trategic P lan a d o p te d b y th e A CRL B oard of D irecto rs a t th e A n n u a l C o n fere n ce in 1995. In k ee p in g w ith G oal 4, th e ACRL B oard a n d E xecutive C o m m ittee h eld te le p h o n e co n ­ feren ce calls befo re each of th e ir m e etin g s in o r d e r to g e t th in g s ro llin g a t a fast clip, a n d o p e ra tio n s w ere strea m lin ed . T he P la n n in g C o m ­ m ittee w a s elim in ated . A ll o th e r co m m ittees w ere ch a lle n g ed to reth in k th e ir ch an g es in k ee p in g w ith th e n e w p lan ; th e M e m b ersh ip a n d P ro fes­ s io n a l L iaiso n C o m m ittees w e re co m p letely re ­ s tru c tu re d . The G o v e rn m e n t R elations C o m m ittee an d C h a p te rs ' C o u n cil w o rk e d to g e th e r to d e v e lo p a Patricia Senn Breivik b e tte r p ro ce ss to m o n ito r, r e sp o n d to, a n d in i­ tiate ac tio n s o n the n atio n al a n d sta te political scenes o n issu es of concern to th e fu tu re of ac a­ d em ic lib raries. ACRL sectio n s b eg a n re th in k in g th e ir p rio ritie s an d re p o rtin g o n th e ir activ ities as re la te d to th e S trategic Plan. W e also to o k se rio u s ly o u r m e m b e rsh ip 's p rio rity for q u ality c o n tin u in g ed u c a tio n as reflected in G oal 1. T he P re s id e n t's P ro g ram , “E v ery L ib rarian a L ea d er,” p r o v id e d a th re e -p a rt, in -d e p th w o rk s h o p o n le a d e rs h ip b e y o n d lib ra ry w alls th a t e n d e d in a s ta n d in g o v atio n a n d p ro v e d th a t o u r m e m b e rs h ip w ill re s p o n d p o sitiv ely to d iffe ren t p ro g ra m m in g fo rm a ts if w e s u p p ly th e q uality. P artic u larly p ro m isin g , h o w ev e r, in re g a rd to ACRL’s b ein g able to in flu en ce th e h ig h e r e d u c a tio n en v iro n m e n t h as b e e n A CR L’s in ­ creased n e tw o rk in g w ith o th e r h ig h e r e d u c atio n o rg a n iz a tio n s th ro u g h th e n e w C o u n cil o f L iaisons, th e N a tio n a l F o ru m o n In fo rm a tio n L iteracy, a n d esp ecially th r o u g h reg io n a l a ccred itin g agencies projects w h ic h c o n tin u e to em erg e fro m th e 1994 in fo rm atio n literacy su rv e y th a t w a s se n t to ev e ry U.S. c a m p u s th ro u g h th e ir reg io n al ac cred itin g liaisons. T hese efforts a n d th e h ig h e r e d u c atio n in v itatio n al su m m it a lre a d y in th e p la n n in g sta g e for 1997– 98 w ill go a lo n g w a y to w a rd m eetin g th e ch allen g es o f G oals 2 a n d 3. M y th a n k s a n d g ra titu d e to th e ACRL m e m b ers a n d staff w h o h e lp e d to m ak e th is p ossible. December 1 996/ 749 Message from the Vice-President W i l l i a m M il l e r V i c e - P r e s i d e n t / P r e s i d e n t - E l e c t D u rin g 1996–97, th e asso ciatio n w ill be in te g ratin g th e n ew S trategic P lan into all asp ects of o u r o p eratio n s. W e h av e ch allen g ed ourselves to strik e o u t in n ew areas such as w o rk in g w ith o th e r h ig h er-ed u catio n asso ciatio n s a n d influ en cin g n atio n al in fo rm atio n policy. N ew in n o v a tio n s su ch as o u r L egislative N etw o rk w ill b e es ta b ­ lished d u rin g th e co u rse of this com ing y ear, an d o u r n e w C o u n cil of Liaisons w ill b eg in its w o rk in earnest. In o rd e r to im p ro v e o u r services, th e M em ­ b e rsh ip C o m m ittee w ill h o ld focus g ro u p s w ith bo th n ew a n d c o n tin u in g m em b ers to fin d o u t h o w w e can serv e th e m better. T he L ea d ersh ip R etention T ask Force w ill also h old focus g ro u p sessions w ith m e m b er lead ers to d isc o v er h o w w e can b est serv e th em an d , in tu rn , stre n g th e n th e association th ro u g h th eir efforts. C o n tin u in g a n d D istance E d u catio n w ill be William Miller m ajor concerns for th e P rofessional D ev e lo p ­ m e n t C o m m ittee, w h ich w ill look a t th e d eliv ery o f h ig h -q u ality p ro g ra m s th ro u g h a v a rie ty o f m ech an ism s to m u ltip le o r serial locations, in o rd e r to p ro v id e a d d e d o p p o rtu n itie s for th o se w h o ca n n o t a tte n d one-tim e only, tra d itio n a l conference p ro g ram s. T he C o nference S tream lin in g T ask Force w ill in v e stig a te w a y s to m ax im ize th e v alu e of conference p ro g ra m m in g to o u r m e m b ersh ip . O v er th e p a s t year, th e B oard h as d isc u sse d h o w th e rela tio n sh ip b etw e en ACRL a n d its ch ap ters co u ld be s tren g th en e d . This d iscu ssio n h as re su lte d in th e d ev elo p m en t of a d o c u m e n t called “ACRL a n d Its C h ap ters: Benefits a n d C hallenges for th e F u tu re ,” w h ic h h as b ee n sent to a ta sk force co n sistin g of Board m em b ers, B udget a n d Finance C o m m ittee m em b ers, a n d ch a p te r m e m b ers for d e v e lo p m e n t an d refinem ent. The P ro fessio n al E n h an cem en t C o m m ittee w ill d ev e lo p m a teri­ als th is y ear w h ich w ill b etter en ab le u s to tell the acad em ic an d research lib ra ry story, b o th w ith in ALA a n d o u tsid e of it. In a sim ilar vein, th e In stitu tio n al P riorities a n d F acu lty R e w ard Task Force w ill w o rk w ith o th e r p ro fessio n al asso ciatio n s to com e u p w ith re w a rd m o d els th a t recognize professional activ ities o th e r th a n the trad itio n al p u b lish in g a n d research m odel. 750/C&RL News Message from the Vice-President The B oard c o n tin u es its concern w ith G oal 4 o f th e S trategic P lan — i.e., to r u n a n efficient o rg a n iz a tio n —a n d w e a re p r o u d to b e ab le to ru n th e asso ciatio n a g a in th is y ea r w ith th e lo w est d u e s of a n y A LA D ivision, d e s p ite th e m a n y p ro g ra m s a n d p u b lic atio n s w e offer. I ask for y o u r c o n tin u e d s u p p o r t th is co m in g y e a r as w e seek to fu rth e r e m p o w e r acad em ic a n d rese arch lib ra ria n s to se rv e th e ir c o n s titu e n ts ’ n e e d s in th e co m in g cen tu ry . ACRL M e m b e r s h i p S t a t i s t i c s ACRL/ Personal O rganizational/ Aug. 1996 Aug. 1995 % increase/ Sections Special Total Total decrease ACRL 9,549 1,043 10,592 10,683 -0.86% AAMES 385 69 454 464 -2.16% AFAS 252 22 274 258 6.20% ANSS 525 82 607 609 -0.33% ARTS 784 103 887 924 -4.17% CJCLS 896 255 1,151 1,135 1.41% CLS 1,906 319 2,225 2,215 0.45% EALS 438 9 447 268 66.79% EBSS 1,133 193 1,326 1,337 -0.82% ECLSS 793 54 847 739 14.61% IS 3,719 457 4,176 4,256 -1.88% LPSS 657 107 764 783 -2.43% RBMS 1,585 186 1,771 1,810 -2.15% SEES 227 56 283 300 -5.67% STS 1,626 234 1,860 1,835 1.36% ULS 5,567 340 5,907 6,001 -1.57% WESS 661 58 719 747 -3.75% WSS 814 65 879 911 -3.51% December 1 9 9 6 / 751 Letter from the Executive Director A l t h e a H . J e n k i n s E x e c u t iv e D ir e c t o r N o t lo n g ag o , th e co n v e n tio n a l ro le of th e a c ad e m ic lib ra ria n w a s to w o rk w ith th e u s e r w h o cam e to th e lib ra ry to d efin e th e in fo rm a tio n n eed . T o g e th e r th e y w o u ld select a p p r o p r ia te re so u rc e s a n d , if a v a ila b le in th e lib ra ry , re trie v e th e m m a n u a lly fro m th e shelf. If th e lib ra ry d id n ’t h a v e th e d e s ire d re ­ so u rces, th e lib ra ria n a rra n g e d fo r in te rlib ra ry loans; if th e re so u rc e s w e re n o t a v a ila b le th ro u g h in te rlib ra ry lo a n , th e u s e r o ften w o u ld go to th e lo c atio n w h e re th e ite m w a s h eld , o r m a n a g e d w ith o u t th e reso u rce. In th is p e rio d o f sig n ifi­ c a n t a n d r a p id c h a n g e in th e in fo rm a tio n e n v i­ ro n m e n t, w ith n a tio n a l a n d sta te a tte n tio n o n th e “In fo rm a tio n S u p e rh ig h w a y ” a n d th e p o ­ te n tia l for e n h a n c e d access to in fo rm atio n , ac a­ d e m ic lib ra ria n s , a s m a n a g e rs o f th e la rg e st b o d ie s of in fo rm a tio n in th e ir co m m u n itie s, h a v e c a p tu r e d th e in te re s ts o f th e g e n e ra l p u b lic. Althea H. Jenkins H ig h e r e d u c a tio n in s titu tio n s n e e d lib ra ria n s w h o can m a n a g e th e in fo rm a tio n tra n s fo rm a ­ tio n in th e ir c o m m u n itie s to a n in fo rm a tio n a n d k n o w le d g e -b a s e d society a n d a t th e sa m e tim e w o rk w ith u sers. ACRL P re s id e n t P atric ia S enn B reivik sa id th a t “lib ra ria n s n e e d to in itia te th e ir c a m p u s e s ’ ag g re ssiv e e x p lo ra tio n o f h o w b o th lib ra ry re ­ so u rce s a n d th e in fo rm a tio n m a n a g e m e n t ex p e rtise o f a c ad e m ic lib ra r­ ia n s can h e lp e n s u re th a t th e in v e s tm e n t in s ta te a n d n a tio n a l In fo rm a tio n S u p e rh ig h w a y s p a y s off for th e ir re g io n s.” She b eliev e s th a t all lib ra ria n s m u s t b eco m e in fo rm a tio n in d u s try le a d e rs a n d ta k e a n activ e ro le as le a d e rs o n c a m p u s a n d in p e r tin e n t sta te a n d n a tio n a l v e n tu re s to a d v a n c e in fo rm a tio n m a n a g e m e n t p rin c ip le s a n d th e tra n sfo rm a tio n of le a rn in g in itiativ es. T h u s, lib ra ria n s as le a d e rs g a in e d in c re a sin g p ro m in e n c e in o u r a g e n d a th is y ea r. S ev eral p ro g ra m s a n d a c tiv itie s w e re u n d e r ta k e n to focus lib ra ria n s ’ a tte n tio n o n th e ir le a d e rs h ip roles: a m o n th ly co lu m n in th is m a g az in e, “E v ery L ib rarian a L e a d e r,” g a v e r e a d e rs a n u m b e r of ex cellen t p ra c tic a l le a d e rsh ip s tra te g ie s a n d ex a m p le s o f le a d e rs h ip ro les for a c ad e m ic lib ra ria n s; a d is c u s s io n sessio n a t th e 1996 A LA M id w in te r M e etin g e x p lo re d le a d e rs h ip o p p o r tu n itie s av a ila b le to a c ad e m ic lib ra r­ ian s in th e w id e r a c ad e m ic c o m m u n ity ; a n d th e P re s id e n t’s P ro g ra m p r o v id e d a m u ltifa c e te d le a rn in g o p p o r tu n ity for a c ad e m ic lib ra ria n s a tte n d in g th e 1996 A LA A n n u a l C o n feren ce. 752/C&RL News Letter from the Executive Director ACRL h as a lo n g h is to ry o f w o rk in g w ith in stitu tio n s a n d h ig h e r edu c a tio n a n d in fo rm a tio n -re la te d o rg an iz atio n s. T his y ear, w o rk in g to fulfill o n e of B reivik’s p rio ritie s to effect c h a n g e in Why Be an ACRL M em ber? th e te a c h in g / learn in g process b y as su m in g a stro n g le a d e rs h ip ro le am o n g h ig h e r ed u c a tio n o rg a n iz a ­ “ACRL is the only national association tio n s a n d in stitu tio n s a n d ac cred itin g agencies, for academic librarians and other staff p a r tn e rin g activ ities w ith n in e k ey h ig h e r e d u c a ­ working in college and university li­ tio n o rg a n iz a tio n s w e re d e fin e d a n d in itia te d braries. It is the place where commu­ th ro u g h th e C o u n cil of L iaisons (staff a n d m e m b er nity colleges and research universities, lia iso n re p re se n ta tiv e s to o rg an iz atio n s). ACRL state and independent colleges, small liaiso n s m e t w ith an d p a rtic ip a te d in th e p ro g ra m s religious colleges and large secular in­ stitutions come together. Where library of th e se o rg an iz atio n s, ex ch an g ed p u b lic atio n s, directors and deans, librarians, infor­ an d s h a re d in fo rm atio n o n p rio ritie s a n d strateg ic mation specialists, technicians, and re­ d irec tio n s. searchers give each other courage as T h ere w a s a g rea t sense of u rg e n c y am o n g w ell as w isdom .” – A lthea Jenkins, A CRL B oard m em b ers th ro u g h o u t th e year. ACRL ACRL executive director h a d a n e w S trategic P lan th a t w as so lid ly b a s e d in ■ “I am a member o f the ECLSS its m e m b e rs h ip 's p rio ritie s a n d p ro v id e d a fra m e­ Communications Committee, and w o rk for th e d iv isio n ’s decisio n -m ak in g . The B oard my contacts at ALA conferences of D irecto rs accep ted w ith e n th u sia s m re s p o n si­ and in-between e-mail dialogue b ility fo r th e asso ciatio n ’s p la n n in g , a n d th ro u g h ­ with colleagues I've met there have o u t th e y e a r w o rk e d to d e v e lo p im p le m e n ta tio n been invaluable.” – Carol Good- policies, a p la n , an d criteria for m e a su rin g su c­ son, West Georgia College cessfu l im p le m e n ta tio n of th e S trategic Plan. ■ “1 certainly value the services of­ A s w ith all an n u a l rep o rts, th is o n e is o n ly a fered by ACRL to its members. s n a p s h o t of th e activities th e as so ciatio n u n d e r ­My first ACRL conference was in took. I h o p e it gives y o u n o t o n ly a look a t th e p ast, Pittsburgh [last] year. In fact, I joined on that occasion because b u t a fo recast of th e m a n y ch allen g es a h e a d for I was so impressed by the organi­ ACRL. A c c o m p lish m en ts for th e p a s t y ea r are z a t i o n .” – Joh n D. B la ck w ell, p r e s e n te d in th is r e p o rt u n d e r tw o h ea d in g s: S tra­ Algoma University College, On­ tegic Plan: N e w D irections a n d S trateg ic Plan: tario C o n tin u in g P ro g ram s. A s alw ay s, w e are a p p r e ­ ■ “As a fairly new technical college ciativ e o f o u r m e m b er c o m m itm en t th a t d riv es the librarian, I have found the CJC a sso cia tio n a n d b rin g s th e success th a t w e can all listserv to be the most valuable celeb rate. W e are also d e e p ly ap p re c ia tiv e to o u r aspect o f ACRL membership. In ACRL le a d e rs, co rp o rate sp o n so rs, a n d d e d ic a te d my position I felt isolated from other librarians who do what I do staff for th e s u p p o rt, e n th u sia sm , a n d cre ativ ity until I joined the CJC listserv. I th e y b r o u g h t to ACRL’s p ro g ra m s a n d services. was thrilled to talk with folks who had the same problems I do.”— Debi Warner, Central Maine Tech­ nical College December 1 996/ 753 The Year in Review S TRATIGIC PLAN N e w D i r e c t i o n s D u r in g th is first y ea r fo llo w in g a d o p tio n of a n e w S trategic P lan, th e ACRL B oard of D irecto rs h as d ire c te d m o st o f its atte n tio n to c h a rtin g a co u rse fo r im p le m e n tin g th e p lan . T im elines, re sp o n sib ilities, a n d criteria for as sess in g p ro g re s s h av e b e e n estab lish ed . T h e B oard id e n tifie d p rio ritie s in are as th a t s u p p o r te d th e go als o f the p la n a n d d ire c te d reso u rce s to w a rd activ ities a n d p ro g ra m s a lig n e d w ith th e p la n . ACRL sectio n s a n d co m m ittees w e re a s k e d to assess c u rre n t a n d p la n n e d ac tiv ities in rela tio n to th e p lan . M a n y of th e activ ities re p o rte d in th e p ag e s o f th is r e p o rt u n d e r th is h e a d in g a re th e r e s u lt of th e w o rk of ACRL sectio n s a n d co m m ittees. GOAL 1. P rovide developm ent opportunities fo r academ ic an d research librarians an d other library personnel that enhan ce their ability to deliver superior services and resources. In k ee p in g w ith th is ACRL g o al as d ev elo p er of p e o p le a n d practice, a n u m b e r of ac tiv ities w e re u n d e rta k e n : ♦ T he P re s id e n t’s P ro g ra m for th e y e a r fo cu sed o n lib ra ria n s as le a d e rs a n d p r o v id e d a m u ltiface te d le a rn in g o p p o rtu n ity for lib ra ria n s th ro u g h a m o n th ly c o lu m n in C& RL News, a d isc u ssio n g ro u p a t th e 1996 ALA M id w in te r M eetin g , a n d a th re e -d a y p r o g ra m trac k d u r in g th e 1996 ALA A n n u a l C o n feren ce th a t also h ig h lig h te d a v a rie ty of p ro g ra m s s u p p o r tin g th e th e m e a n d p re s e n te d b y ACRL a n d o th e r ALA u n its . A sp ecial w o rk b o o k th a t in c lu d e d g e n e ra l le a d e rs h ip in fo rm atio n , self- asse ssm e n t a n d o th e r d e v e lo p m e n ta l tools, a n d a p la n n in g g u id e w ere p r e p a re d for p ro g ra m p a rtic ip a n ts th a t w a s m o d ifie d slig h tly fo llo w in g th e co n feren ce fo r u se b y ACRL c h a p te rs a n d local libraries. ♦ A t th e 1996 A LA A n n u a l C o n feren ce, A CRL sectio n s a n d co m ­ m ittee s p re s e n te d 17 p ro g ra m o n a v a rie ty o f to p ics fro m lib ra ria n le ad e rs to s o lu tio n s to tech n o stress. ♦ T w o A CRL p rec o n fe re n ce s w e re p re s e n te d in N e w Y ork p r io r to th e A LA A n n u a l C onference. A CRL’s R are Books a n d M a n u sc rip ts Sec­ tio n p re s e n te d a th re e -d a y co n feren ce o n th e c a m p u s of C o rn ell U n iv e r­ sity in Ith aca, Ju ly 2–5, 1996. T h e th e m e fo r th e 3 7th preco n feren ce, “G ettin g T h ere fro m H ere: S ettin g th e A g e n d a for Special C ollectio n s in th e 21st C e n tu ry ,” a ttra c te d m o re th a n 250 a tten d e es. ♦ A CRL co o p e ra te d w ith th e C o alitio n for N e tw o rk e d In fo rm a tio n , ED UCO M , th e A m eric an A sso ciatio n o f H ig h e r E d u ca tio n , a n d th e U.S. D e p a rtm e n t of E d u c a tio n to h o ld a th re e -d a y N e w L ea rn in g C o m m u n ities co n feren ce in In d ia n a p o lis, N o v e m b e r 17– 19,1995, a n d a o n e -d a y p re c o n ­ ference p rio r to th e ALA A n n u a l C o n feren ce in N e w Y ork, Ju ly 5, 1996. 754/C&RL News The Year in Review ♦ D u rin g th e p a s t year, ACRL d e b u te d its L ea d ersh ip C e n te r w h ich serves as a c lea rin g h o u se for in fo rm atio n o n le a d e rsh ip a n d cen tralizes a n d co o rd in a tes activities a n d p ro g ra m s th a t focus o n acad em ic lib ra ria n s as leaders. T he College L ibraries Section’s (CLS) N e w L ib rary D irecto rs’ M e n to rs h ip p ro g ra m is th e ce n te r’s first p ro g ra m . T w o o th e r m e n to r p ro g ra m s—research , a n d w riters a n d a u th o rs — h av e b ee n id e n tified an d th e p la n n in g pro cess has b eg u n . ♦ A CRL’s p u b lic atio n s p ro g ra m p ro v id e d Internet Resource topics o p p o rtu n itie s for academ ic lib ra ria n s to re p o rt on C&RL N ew s co m p leted research , sh a re resu lts fro m su rv ey s in co n d u cted , a n d sh a re practical in fo rm atio n o n stra t­ egies an d tech n iq u es for carry in g o u t v a rio u s li­■ Internet training (9–95) b ra ry tasks.■ sociology (10–95) ♦ T he In te rn e t R esources series th a t a p p e a rs ■ fundraising (11–95) in C&RL News m a in ta in e d its p o p u la rity w ith the ■ music (12–95) acad em ic lib ra ry c o m m u n ity a n d tw elv e In tern et ■ health policy (1–96) R esources articles w ere p u b lis h e d in 1995–96 (see ■ American history (2–96) sid e b a r for topics covered). ■ liberalism (2–96) ♦ ACRL’s In stru ctio n Section (IS) a n d the ■ energy resources (3– 96) C o alitio n for N e tw o rk e d In fo rm a tio n (CNI) co­ o p e ra te d to d e v e lo p effective strateg ie s for in ­■ folklore and folklife (4–96) stru c tin g u se rs in th e n e tw o rk e d en v iro n m en t. ■ visual arts (5–96) T h ro u g h a g ra n t a w a rd e d to C N I fro m th e U.S. ■ agriculture (6–96) D e p a rtm e n t o f E d u catio n , ACRL a n d C N I a w a rd e d ■ biology (7/8–96) fu n d in g to C ase W estern R eserve U n iv ersity Li­ b ra ry to d ev e lo p th e m o d e l v irtu a l collection of ex e m p la ry In te rn e t u s e r ed u c a tio n a n d tra in in g m aterials. ♦ T he ACRL S ta n d a rd s a n d A ccred itatio n C o m m ittee co m p iled a list of accred itatio n ad v iso rs w h o a re av ailab le to assist lib raries an d lib ra ria n s p re p a rin g for an ac cred itatio n se lf-stu d y o r te am visit. GOAL 2. C ollaborate w ith other professional organizations an d asso­ ciations o f higher education in order to prom ote m utual interests. T he Board re d e fin e d a n d re s tru c tu re d ACRL’s partner role w ith in stitu tio n s a n d o rg an iz atio n s of h ig h e r e d u c atio n to effect c h a n g e in the te a c h in g /le a r n in g p rocess. N in e k ey h ig h e r e d u c a tio n o rg a n iz a tio n s w ere id e n tified a n d liaisons fro m th e m e m b e rsh ip a n d staff w ere a p ­ p o in te d to each to re p re s e n t ACRL. T hose n in e p eo p le c o n s titu te the C o u n cil of Liaisons. ACRL sections w ere en c o u ra g e d to id e n tify disci- p lin e -b a s e d o r g a n iz a tio n s w ith w h ic h th e y c o u ld p a r tn e r. S ev era l p a rtn e rin g activities to o k place d u rin g th e year: December 1 9 9 6 / 755 The Year in Review ♦ Since 1994 ACRL h a s e n g a g e d in a m a jo r c o o p e ra tiv e p ro ject w ith th e M id d le S tates A sso c iatio n o f C o lleg es a n d Schools, th e W e st­ e rn A c c re d itin g C o m m issio n for S en io r C o lleg es a n d U n iv ersities , a n d th e A m e ric a n A sso c iatio n of H ig h e r E d u c a tio n to collect d a ta fo r th e p u r p o s e o f d o c u m e n tin g p rac tice s o f sc h o o ls in in te g ra tin g in fo rm a ­ tio n re so u rc e s a n d tech n o lo g ies in h ig h e r e d u c a tio n cu rric u la acro ss th e U n ite d S tates. ♦ A CR L w o rk e d w ith A m y L ezb erg o f th e N e w E n g la n d A sso ­ ciatio n o f S chools a n d C olleges (NEASC) a n d ACRL m e m b e rs T h o m a s A b b o tt a n d Bessie H a h n to d e v e lo p a p ro p o s a l for c o n d u c tin g a fo llo w -u p w o rk s h o p to th e 1994 in ­ A C R L Council o f Liaisons f o rm a tio n lite ra c y d a ta c o llec tio n a t N E A S C ’s A n n u a l C o n fere n ce in D ecem b er 1996. ■ American Association o f Com­ ♦ A CRL ex ecu tiv e d ire c to r A lth e a Jen k in s munity Colleges a n d p a s t-p r e s id e n t P atricia B reivik m e t w ith S teve ■ American Association o f Higher S p a n g e h l fro m th e N o rth C e n tra l A sso c ia tio n Education (N C A ) a n d w o rk e d o u t a n a g re e m e n t fo r A CRL to ■ American Council on Educa­ p re s e n t a p ro g ra m track c o n s istin g of th re e o r fo u r tion p ro g ra m s covering v ario u s topics a t N C A ’s a n n u a l ■ Association o f American Col­ co n feren ce in A p ril 1997. leges and Universities ♦ A t th e re q u e s t o f th e N o rth C e n tra l A sso ­ ■ Association o f Educational and ciatio n , tw o s h o rt-te rm ta sk forces w e re a p p o in te d Communications Technology a n d c h a rg e d to d ra ft g u id e lin e s o n assessin g li­ ■ Council o fI ndependent Colleges b r a ry serv ices to o ff-ca m p u s p ro g ra m s a n d d e ­ ■ National Association o f State v elo p tip s h e e ts th a t co u ld b e s h a re d w ith its U niversity and Land G rant m e m b e rs a b o u t libraries. Colleges ♦ “R e v o lu tio n in th e L ibrary: Is Y ours U n ­ ■ National Forum on Inform a­ d e r W ay ?” w a s th e to p ic ACRL p re s e n te rs E laine tion Literacy D id ie r a n d A lth e a Je n k in s d isc u s se d a t th e 1996 ■ National University Continu­ A A H E N a tio n a l C o n feren ce, M arch 17–20,1996. ing Education Association ♦ D u rin g th e p a s t y e a r A CR L su b sc rib ed each lia iso n o rg a n iz a tio n to a c o m p lim e n ta ry C& R L N ew s, s h a re d A C R L ’s S trateg ic P lan , a n d in tro d u c e d th e m to th e ACRL re p r e s e n ta ­ tiv e a p p o in te d to th e ir o rg a n iz a tio n . Six o f th e n in e lia iso n o r g a n iz a ­ tio n s w e re v isite d d u r in g th e ir a n n u a l co n fe re n ces b y A CRL liaiso n s d u r in g th e p a s t y ear. U sefu l in fo rm a tio n fro m a tte n d a n c e a t th ese co n fe re n ces is s h a re d in a co lu m n in C & R L N ew s called “ACRL: P a rtn e rin g in H ig h e r E d u c a tio n .” ♦ ACRL, th ro u g h its W e ste rn E u ro p e a n Specialist Section (WESS) a n d C ollege & R esearch Libraries (C & R L) jo u rn a l, e s ta b lish e d a n article e x c h an g e p ro je c t w ith C & R L’s G e rm a n c o u n te rp a rt, Z eitschrift fü r B ibliotheksw esen und B ibliographie (ZfBB). 756/C&RL News The Year in Review GOAL 3. M aintain at the national level a prom inent role in planning and decision m aking fo r influencing inform ation policy. ACRL’s role as advocate uniquely blended with the major thrust for ALA Goal 2000. ACRL took steps during the past year to strengthen its ability to better influence information policy and legislative action. The division redefined and restructured its Government Relations Committee and developed a new framework for its legislative network to include representatives from each of the 41 chapters as a way of broadening its impact on the state and local levels. ♦ The ACRL Legislative Network was launched under a new structure in 1996. The ACRL Board charged the Chapters Council to develop the network and appoint a coordinator to provide a link to the Government Relations Committee. The network is comprised of members from each of the ACRL chapters and is responsible for transmitting information to academic librarians. Network representatives keep up-to- date on state and national legislative issues. ♦ Working with the ALA Washington Office and other library and information groups, ACRL’s Government Relations Committee and staff has responded to numerous information policy and related legislation proposals: a) Reviewed Universal Services Act draft documents from the ALA Washington Office and provided comments. b) Reviewed written testimony on the N II Copyright Protection Act of 1995. c) Responded to a proposal for the Government Printing Office Transition Plan. d) Submitted statements on behalf of the Library of Congress FY 1997 budget. e) Monitored the Telecommunications Act of 1996. f) Monitored the activities of CONFU. g) Monitored Library Services and Technology Act proposals. ♦ ACRL took an aggressive role in responding to a call from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Educational Research and Im­ provement (OERI) for comments on its research priorities. More than 100 responses supporting the inclusion of libraries and information were received which resulted in the Department of Education giving a second review to the notion that more attention should be given to libraries and information within the research priorities. December 19 9 6 / 757 The Year in Review GOAL 4. Ensure that A C R L ’s operating environm ent provides effi­ ciency in its use o f resources and effectiveness in the delivery o f services to its m em bers and constituent units. As an effective user of resources, ACRL examined its governance structure, eliminated and restructured a number of committees. ♦ The Board asked each ACRL section, discussion group, and committee to examine its charge/purpose in relation to the new Strategic Plan to realign activities to better support the plan’s strategic directions. — During the past year, three committees (Professional Development, Pro- i_i I fessional Enhancement, and International Relations) submitted revised charges to the Board for approval. Three committees N e w T itle s fro m A C R L in 1996 (Standards and Accreditation, Copyright, and Research) developed new plans for ■ Allocation Formulas in Academic Li­ carrying out their charges. One discussion braries, CLIP Note #22, Jane Tuten, group (Journal Costs in Academic Librar­ Beverly Jones, compilers ies) determined that its purpose was more ■ ACRL National Conference Proceed­ closely aligned with another ALA divi­ ings, Richard AmRhein, editor sion. ■ User Surveys in College Libraries, ♦ The ACRL Web site has been im­ CLIP Note #23, Mignon S. Adams, proved and expanded over the past six Jeffrey A. Beck, compilers months. While more than twenty ACRL ■ Teaching Information Retrieval and sections, chapters, and committees have Evaluation Skills to Education Stu­ linked their Web sites to ACRL, only three dents: A Casebook o f Applications, sites are maintained by the ACRL staff: the Patricia O’Brien Libutti, Bonnie ACRL homepage, the 1997 National Con­ Gratch, editors ference site, and C&RL N ew sN et, all avail­ ■ ACRL University Library Statistics, able at: http://w w w l. 1994–95, Library Research Center, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign ■ Reference Training in Academic Li­ braries, CLIP Note #24, Kimberley Robles, Neal Wyatt, editors 758/C&RL News The Year in Review S TRATIGIC P LAN C o n t i n u i n g P r o g r a m s A w ards ♦ ACRL continued its longstanding tradition of recognizing out­ standing achievement among academic librarians and supporting re­ search and publication through its awards program. In 1996 fourteen librarians and five libraries were honored with an award. The most prestigious award presented to an academic librarian is ACRL’s Aca­ demic/Research Librarian of the Year, which was presented to Ralph E. Russell, university librarian at Georgia State University. In choosing Russell for this award, the committee cited “his long history of leadership in advancing network systems and developing library cooperatives.” ACRL AWARD WINNERS 1995‚ ■ A cadem ic/R esearch Librarian o f the Year A w a rd (Donor: Baker & Taylor Books) Ralph Russell, Georgia State University ■ A C R L /A L C T S/L A M A /L IT A H ugh C. A tkinson M em o rial A w a rd Thomas W. Shaughnessy, University of Minnesota ■ K. G. Saur A w ard fo r B est C&RL A r­ ticle Peter S. Graham, Rutgers University ■ M iria m D u d le y B ib lio g ra p h ic I n ­ struction Librarian o f the Year (Donor: Mountainside Publishing Co.) Barbara A. MacAdam, University of Michigan ■ The K a th arin e K yes Leab and D aniel ]. Leab American Book Prices Cur­ rent E xhibition C atalogue A w ards Expensive: “Sendak at the Rosenbach,” Rosenbach Museum and Library; Mod­ erate: “In Praise o f Aldus Manutius,” Pierpont Morgan Library; Inexpensive: “Garbage! The History and Politics of Trash in New York City,” New York Public Library. Honorable Mentions, division one: “To Delight the Eye,” Southern Methodist University; “The ]ew as Other,” Jewish Theological Semi­ nary o f America. ■ EB SC O Com m unity C ollege L ea rn ­ ing R esources A ch iev em en t A w ards (Donor: EBSCO Subscription Services) Leadership: M argaret A. Holleman, Pima Community College; Program De­ velopment: Southwestern College Li­ brary ■ Sam uel L azerow Fellow ship fo r R e ­ search in A cqu isition s o r Technical Services (Donor: Institute for Scientific Information) jimm ie Lundgren and Betsy Simpson, University o f Florida ■ M a rt in u s N ijh o ff W est E u ro p e a n Specialists Study G rant Eleanore O. Hofstetter, Towson State University ■ D istinguished E ducation and B eh a v ­ ioral Sciences Librarian A w ard Donald V. Osier, University o f Minne­ sota ■ D o c to ra l D is s e rta tio n F e llo w s h ip (Donor: Institute for Scientific Informa­ tion) Nongyao Premkamolnetr‚ Curtin Univer­ sity o f Technology, Western Australia ■ In stru ctio n Section P ub licatio n o f the Year Larry Hardesty, Austin College ■ In stru ctio n S ection Inno vation in In ­ struction A w a rd Patricia Carroll-Mathes, Ulster County Community College ■ LPSS M arta L ange/C Q A w a rd (Do­ nor: Congressional Quarterly) Robert Goehlert, Indiana University December 1996/ 759 The Year in Review S tatistics ♦ A CR L University Library Statistics, 1994– 95 was published in May 1996. Institutions surveyed for this report include Carnegie Classifications: Research I & II and Doctoral Granting I & II. This report tracks trend data in collections, personnel, expenditures, and interlibrary loan. ♦ ACRL cooperated with the ALA Office for Research and Statistics (ORS) to conduct a survey of college and university libraries’ electronic services. The survey covered the following topics: electronic public catalogs, electronic refer­ ence databases, electronic journals, electronic reserves, Internet services, com­ puter hardware and software, electronic document delivery, and digitization. The results from the survey were announced and distributed in June 1996 and highlights were published in C&RL News. Standards and Guidelines ♦ ACRL has 26 published official documents in the form of standards, guide­ lines, and statements. In 1996 the ACRL Instruction Section (IS) released the draft of an update of ACRL’s “Guidelines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries.” During the past year nearly all published official documents were mounted on the ACRL Web site ( P ublications While ACRL publications provide some of the best professional develop­ ment opportunities for academic librarians, they also serve to share information throughout the profession. As the national organization representing all types of academic libraries, ACRL publishes many specialized titles that might not otherwise appear in print. ♦ In 1995–96 ACRL maintained its vigorous publications program, publishing four journals and six monographs (see sidebars). ♦ Data for the ACRL University Library Statistics, 1994– 95 were collected electronically and the publica­ tion made available for purchase in print and on disk. ♦ A special task force of the Publications Com­ mittee—the Electronic Publication Task Force—is­ sued its report containing recommendations for mov­ ing ACRL into the electronic publishing environ­ ment. Progress is already being made in this area. Many ACRL official documents have been mounted on Web sites and portions of its magazine of record, C&RL N ews, are available electronically. Nine ACRL section newsletters are available electronically. ♦ CH O ICE set three major priorities for the year: automation, marketing, and product develop­ ment. Significant success was realized in responding to each. Expansion of the CH O ICE network was com­ pleted, and all CH O ICE staff now have 486 or Pentium A C R L Journals ■ Choice—Book review jour­ nal of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com­ bined). ■ College & Research Librar­ ie s—Official journal of ACRL; six bimonthly issues per year. ■ College & Research Libraries News—Official news maga­ zine of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com­ bined). ■ Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship—A journal of theory and practice cover­ ing all aspects of special collections librarianship; two issues per year. 760/C&RL News The Year in Review level workstations running a common set of applications which include WordPerfect 6.1, xcel 5.0, and cc:Mail. The new e-mail system, cc:Mail, provided Internet access to all CHOICE aff. To market CHOICE’S products, several promotional and advertising items were devel­ ped including: a new ALA Conference Program ad featuring the theme “CHOICES, HOICES, CHOICES”; a reusable “poster” for the CHOICE exhibit booth that ties into the rogram ad; and a 4-color CHOICE promotional flyer. The future for CHOICE will be etermined by decisions that are made now about ways to diversify its publishing program d to extend its reach into new markets. This past year CHOICE added two electronic censing arrangements to its list: Brodart (TIPS) and Primary Source Media (Bookscope). E st o C p d an li 1996 A n n u al Conference P rogram s an d Preconferences ■ ACRL, CoalitionforNetworkedlnformation.Educom, American AssociationforHigherEducation, U.S. Department of Education— “Librarian Leaders in Neiυ Learning Communities” ■ ACRL President's Program— “Every Librarian a Leader,” “Develooping a Leadership Plan— Strategies for Creative Approaches to Leadership,” and “Creating Your Future” ■ ACRL Anthropology & Sociology Section– "Anthropological Documentation and Research in the New York Area: The Intersection o f Archives, Libraries, and Museums” ■ ACRL College Libraries Section— “The Electronic Horizon for the College Library: Elec­ tronic Journals and Other New Technologies” ■ ACRL Education & Behavioral Sciences Section— "Strategic Academic Partnerships: Leading the Development o f Interactive Learning Environments” ■ ACRL English and American Literature Section, ACRL Arts Section, Theatre Library Association— “Beyond the Stage Door . . . ” ■ ACRL Extended Campus Library Services SectionlACRL Community and Junior College Libraries Section— “Leadership on the Cybercampus Commons: Where Are We in the Vision?” ■ ACRL Instruction Section, ALA New Members Round Table— “Collaborative Solutions to Technostress: Librarians Lead the Way” ■ ACRL Intellectual Freedom Committee— “Censorship and Cyberspace: Meeting the Con­ cerns o f Academic Librarians” ■ ACRL Lazυ and Political Science Section, GODORT— “Political Campaigning in Cyber­ space: Selecting Leaders for the Future” ■ ACRL Professional Education Committee— “Instructional Models for Internet Training: Teaching Trainers Who Teach Library Users” ■ ACRL Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee— “Advancing Diversity in the 1990s: Assess­ ments and Strategies” ■ ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section— “Beyond the Library Book Sale: Leading the Way into the M arketplace”; and 37th preconference— “Getting Therefrom Here: Setting the Agenda for Special Collections in the 21st Century” ■ ACRL Science and Technology Section, ACRL College Libraries Section— “Leaders on the Web Trail: Redefining the Scholar’s Workstation” ■ ACRL Slavic and East European Section/ACRL Western European Studies Section— “New Audiences, New Perspectives: Research Resources for Non-Slavic and East European Studies in Eastern Europe, and the Role o f the Slavic and East European Library” ■ ACRL University Libraries Section— “That's Not What I Was Hired to Do: The Future of Your Career and Your Career in the Future” ■ ACRL Western European Specialists Section/ACRL Slavic & East European Section— “The Changing Face o f European Studies” ■ ACRL Women’s Studies Section, ACRL Afro-American Studies Section, ALA Committee on the Status o f Women in Librarianship, ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table, Feminist Task Force— “Leadership and Collaboration: Librarians Develop Women’s Stud­ ies Electronic Resources” December 1 9 9 6 / 761 A C R L Board of D irectors, 1995– 96 (l to r): Helen H. Spalding, Althea Jenkins, Linda S. Muroi, Bernard Fradkin, Frances J. Maloy, Mary Reichel, Victoria A. Montavon, Patricia Senn Breivik, Carol M. Pfeiffer, W. Lee Hisle, Jill B. Fatzer, William Miller, and Susan K. Martin. A C R L B o a rd o f D ire c to rs, 1995–96 ■ President: Patricia Senn Breivik, Wayne State University ■ V ic e-P re sid e n t/P res id e n t-E le c t: William M iller, Florida Atlantic University ■ P a st-P resid en t: Susan K. Martin, Georgetown University ■ B u d g et & F in a n ce C om m ittee C ha ir: Helen H. Spalding, University o f Missouri, Kansas City ■ A C R L C ou ncilor: W. Lee Hisle, Austin Community College Directors-at-Large: ■ Jill B. Fatzer, University o f New Orleans ■ Bernard Fradkin, College o f DuPage ■ Frances J. Maloy, Emory University ■ Victoria A. M ontavon, Saint Joseph’s University ■ Linda S. Muroi, San Diego State University ■ Carol M. Pfeiffer, University o f Virginia ■ M ary Reichel, Appalachian State University ■ E xecu tiv e D ire cto r (ex-o fficio ): Althea H. Jenkins, ACRL /ALA 762/C&RL News Financial Report H e l e n H . S p a l d i n g B u d g e t a n d F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e C h a i r B oth the ACRL and C hoice budgets ended the ACRL 1996 fiscal year (September 1 ,1995–August 31,1996) with strong operating fund balances. Particularly because of expenses realized in preparation for the 1977 National Conference, the 1996 budget had been projected to result in a $264,741 deficit; however, due to higher revenues and lower expenses, the actual fiscal year deficit is only $75,426. Although ACRL operated with a modest deficit budget for FY96, there is a sizable fund balance that will carry over to FY97. The Budget and Finance Committee has worked with the ACRL staff to provide additional budget lines and notes with definitions to make the accompanying Executive Financial Summary more readable to the membership. The “Ending Reserve” categories at the top of the summary spreadsheet repre­ sent funds available to the association in its major accounts at the end of the fiscal year. On the accompanying spreadsheets, the Ending Reserve “Operating Fund” lines include the M andated Helen H. SpaldingOperating Reserves for ACRL and C hoice, which allow the association to carry risk for unexpected budget reverses and major budget commitments such as the National Confer­ ence. Thus, positive operating fund balances are realized even when the fiscal year operating budget is in deficit. At the end of FY96, the ACRL Operating Fund balance is $1,060,631, including the 1997 Mandated Operating Reserve of $425,413, and the C hoice Operating Fund balance is $1,030,809, including the 1997 M andated Operating Reserve of $661,663. The actual ACRL revenues, including C hoice, totalled $2,746,372, which exceeded by $85,615 w hat had been budgeted for 1996. (Sources of ACRL revenues are membership dues, publication and royalty sales and advertising, and education programs; sources of C hoice revenues are subscription sales, other sales, and product advertising.) ACRL revenues without C hoice, that directly support member activities and programs, totalled $1,121,288, exceeding by $163,156 the 1996 projected budget. ACRL’s actual expenses, including C hoice, for 1996 were $2,760,558, lower by $235,912 than the expenses that had been budgeted. Revenues for C hoice were $77,541 less than budget, but expenses were also less than budget, resulting in net revenue for 1996 of $61,240. The ACRL and C hoice Endowments now total $287,119 and include the following funds: ACRL, $70,548; Hugh Atkinson Award, $85,129; Leab Award, $20,320; Oberly Award, $14,517; and C hoice, $96,604. Upon December 1 9 9 6 / 763 Financial Report the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee at the 1996 Annual Conference, the ACRL Board established a purpose for the ACRL Endowment: “to provide a reliable source of income for an annual Initiative Fund that supports ACRL’s activities accomplishing the strate­ gic directions and priorities of ACRL.” In addition to long-term careful budget planning, the success of the 1996 budget is due to several factors: 1) staff costs and operating expenses being monitored by staff were lower than what had been budgeted; 2) revenues from publications exceeded the 1996 budget projections in almost every category: ♦ book sales revenues were $39,145 more than budget ♦ classified advertising revenues from job ads in C & R L N ew s and C & R L N ew sN et were $38,669 more than budget ♦ product advertising revenues for C & R L , C & R L N ew s, and R BM L were $40,794 more than budget ♦ subscription sales revenues for C & R L , C & R L N ew s, and R BM L were $8,186 more than budget ♦ in-house journal production has cut costs 3) the 1996 section preconferences were well planned and attended, meeting their revenue goals; 4) revenues from contributions m ade by corporate sponsors in support of ACRL’s activities and programs were $26,653 more than budget; and 5) although C hoice product advertising and subscription sales revenues were $100,393 less than budget, and book sales were $12,121 less than budget, revenues from royalties and commis­ sions exceeded budget and C hoice operating expenses were $209,753 less than budget. The association's implementation of the Strategic Plan and an ag­ gressive new membership recruitment plan, examination of long-term financial trends and potential means to strengthen revenue sources, and a successful 1997 National Conference in Nashville, will ensure ACRL’s current financial stability. The 1997 revenues are projected to be well above the 1997 expenses. Because of its prudent fiscal planning and management, ACRL is fortunate that no dues increase is required now, at a time that many of its members are absorbing the costs of increased dues in other ALA divi­ sions. The Budget and Finance Committee will continue to monitor financial trends, study the implications of any new budget factors, and recommend to the Board annual budgets that meet both ALA and ACRL fiscal policies. Many thanks to the ACRL staff for their efforts on behalf of the association, and to the 1995–96 members of the Budget and Finance Commit­ tee: Ray English, Rena Fowler, Cathy Henderson, W. Lee Hisle, Janice Kemp, Lynn Sorenson Sutton, Sharon Walbridge, and Juana Young; Ex officio: William Miller and Althea Jenkins. The committee is fortunate to proceed with Ray English as its chair, and to welcome reappointed committee member David Brink, and 1997 interns Gloriana St. Clair and John Popko. 764/C&RL News Financial Report Executive Summary 1995–96 FY 1996 FY 1996 PERCENT LAST YEAR SOURCES OF REVENUE BUDGET FINAL OF BUDGET FINAL Ending Reserve O p e ra tin g F u n d (A C R L ) $ 1 ,1 4 6 ,0 5 7 1 ,0 6 0 ,6 3 1 1 0 0 .0 0 % $ 1 ,1 4 6 ,0 5 7 E n d o w m e n ts (A C R L ) $ 1 5 8 ,0 8 7 1 9 0 ,5 1 5 1 2 0 .5 1 % $ 1 5 8 ,0 8 7 O p e ra tin g F u n d (C H O IC E ) $ 9 2 5 ,1 3 0 1 ,0 3 0 ,8 0 9 1 1 1 .4 2 % $ 9 9 4 ,5 6 9 E n d o w m e n t (C H O IC E ) $ 6 1 ,4 6 0 9 6 ,6 0 4 1 5 7 .1 8 % $ 6 1 ,4 6 0 Subtotal $2,290,734 $2,378,539 103.83% $2,360,173 Membership dues and other D u e s $ 3 5 9 ,5 7 6 $ 3 5 2 ,3 9 7 9 8 .0 0 % $ 3 5 1 ,8 7 5 O th e r $ 1 ,8 0 0 $ 3 1 ,3 3 1 1 7 4 1 .6 1 % $ 9 ,7 6 7 A d v is o ry $ 0 $ 0 0 .0 0 % $0 A w a rd s $ 6 ,4 0 0 $ 4 ,8 0 2 7 5 .0 3 % $ 4 ,9 5 0 S e c . N e w s le tte rs $ 0 $ 1 ,7 7 0 $ 2 ,4 3 0 Subtotal $367,776 $390,300 106.12% $369,022 Publications C H O IC E $ 1 ,7 0 2 ,6 2 5 $ 1 ,6 2 5 ,0 8 4 9 5 .4 4 % $ 1 ,5 6 7 ,5 9 6 C & R L $ 1 2 9 ,1 2 0 $ 1 3 6 ,6 1 6 1 0 5 .8 0 % $ 1 2 4 ,5 1 4 C & R L N e w s $ 2 4 5 ,4 6 5 $ 3 2 2 ,8 2 2 1 3 1 .5 1 % $ 3 1 9 ,9 1 6 R B M L $ 2 4 ,4 0 8 $ 3 0 ,5 6 0 1 2 5 .2 0 % $ 2 8 ,9 0 9 N o n p e rio d ic a l P u b s . $ 1 2 3 ,7 5 0 $ 1 6 2 ,9 1 4 1 3 1 .6 4 % $ 1 8 3 ,9 9 1 B C L $ 0 $ 0 0 .0 0 % $ 0 Subtotal $2,225,368 $2,277,996 102.36% $2,224,926 Education N a tio n a l (95) $ 0 $ 7 ,8 1 8 $ 7 5 6 ,7 1 8 P re -& P o s tc o n fe re n c e s $ 6 7 ,6 1 3 $ 7 0 ,2 5 8 1 0 3 .9 1 % $ 4 6 ,8 8 0 Subtotal $67,613 $78,076 115.47% $803,598 Total Revenue $2,660,757 $2,746,372 103.21% $3,397,546 CHOICE Revenue $1,702,625 $1,625,084 95.44% $1,567,596 Total Rev. W /0 CHOICE $958,132 $1,121,288 117.02% $1,829,950 December 1 9 9 6 / 765 Financial Report FY 1996 FY 1996 PERCENT LAST YEAR OBJECT OF EXPENSE BUDGET ACTUAL OF BUDGET ACTUAL Membership Activities M e m b e rs h ip S e rvs. $ 6 7 ,0 0 6 $ 6 4 ,3 1 7 9 5 .9 9 % $ 5 1 ,4 8 6 E xec. C o m m . & B o a rd $ 1 0 3 ,8 0 7 $ 1 2 5 ,5 0 5 1 2 0 .9 0 % $ 8 7 ,3 5 3 A d v is o ry $ 2 9 ,2 3 7 $ 2 2 ,1 4 8 7 5 .7 5 % $ 2 S ta n d a rd s d is trib . $ 6 ,9 2 9 $ 7 ,7 5 3 1 1 1 .8 9 % $ 2 2 ,7 7 4 D is c u s s io n G ro u p s $ 3 ,0 9 0 $ 2 ,5 8 9 8 3 .7 9 % $ 5 ,3 6 5 A w a rd s $ 2 0 ,8 0 4 $ 2 2,731 1 0 9 .2 6 % $ 2 ,7 0 2 C h a p te rs $ 5 7 ,5 5 6 $ 4 6 ,7 3 8 8 1 .2 0 % $ 1 7 ,0 3 8 C o m m itte e s $ 5 6 ,9 9 2 $ 4 7 ,2 3 9 8 2 .8 9 % $ 4 8 ,5 5 4 S e c tio n s $ 70,4 0 1 $ 6 7 ,2 7 4 9 5 .5 6 % $52,441 S e c tio n N e w s le tte rs $ 2 7 ,4 5 5 $23,931 8 7 .1 6 % $ 5 9 ,4 0 8 C h a p te r T o p ic s $ 4 ,9 4 0 $7,771 1 5 7 .3 1 % $ 2 3 ,2 8 9 C & R L $ 2 2 ,9 1 3 $ 1 ,2 8 7 5 .6 2 % $ 2 ,9 4 4 C & R L N e w s $ 2 9 ,0 1 4 $0 0 .0 0 % $0 Subtotal $500,144 $439,283 87.83% $373,356 Publications C H O IC E $ 1 ,7 7 3 ,5 9 7 $ 1 ,5 6 3 ,8 4 4 8 8 .1 7 % $ 1 ,47 8 ,5 5 1 C & R L $ 1 2 9 ,1 2 0 $ 1 3 7 ,9 0 3 1 0 6 .8 0 % $ 1 2 3 ,9 5 3 C & R L N e w s $ 2 4 5 ,4 6 5 $ 2 4 6 ,0 2 8 1 0 0 .2 3 % $ 2 6 3 ,4 8 6 R B M L $ 2 6 ,7 9 8 $24,5 7 1 9 1 .6 9 % $ 2 2 ,6 9 4 N o n p e rio d ic a l Pubs. $ 1 0 6 ,9 7 3 $ 1 4 2 ,1 3 3 1 3 2 .8 7 % $ 1 0 8 ,4 6 3 Subtotal $2,281,953 $2,114,479 92.66% $1,997,147 Education Pre & P o s tc o n fe re n c e s $66,211 $ 7 5 ,4 6 8 1 1 3 .9 8 % $ 4 0 ,5 4 8 N a tio n a l (9 5 ,9 7 ) $ 1 1 4 ,4 8 5 $ 1 1 2 ,4 7 9 9 8 .2 5 % $ 5 5 2 ,9 2 2 Subtotal $180,696 $187,947 104.01% $593,470 Special Programs In fo rm a tio n L ite ra c y $ 1 1 ,3 9 0 $ 8 ,9 6 3 7 8 .6 9 % $ 1 0 ,8 9 4 C IO $ 9 ,5 7 9 $ 8 ,6 4 4 9 0 .2 4 % $ 4 ,9 3 8 EASI $ 6 ,5 2 9 $ 1 ,2 4 2 1 9 .0 2 % $0 D iv e rs ity $ 6 ,1 7 9 $0 0 .0 0 % $0 Subtotal $33,677 $18,849 55.97% $15,832 Total Expenses $2,996,470 $2,760,558 92.13% $2,979,805 CHOICE Expenses $1,773,597 $1,563,844 88.17% $1,478,551 Total Exp. W/O CHOICE $1,222,873 $1,196,714 97.86% $1,501,254 Net W/O CHOICE ($264,741) ($75,426) 28.49% $328,696 766/C&RL News Financial Report ACRL C OLLEAGUES 1996 ACRL thanks the corporate community for financially supporting its activities and programs throughout the year. Working together, the academic library and corporate community can achieve goals of mutual interest. Librarians benefit from the expert analysis and problem-solving corporate leaders can bring to issues and topics being addressed. Corporate contributions added $42,551 to the ACRL 1995–96 budget. It was because of these contributions that the ACRL membership enjoyed a wider range of programs and activities. ACRL could not be the major player in the library and higher education arena that it is without the cooperation received from sponsorships. ACRL’s Colleagues program recognizes corporate supporters as “Summa Cum Laude” (donations of $5,000 or more), “Magna Cum Laude” ($l,001-$4,999), and “Cum Laude” ($500-$l,000). December 1 9 9 6 / 767 A C R L S taff Jack Briody Darlena Davis Mary Ellen Davis Jack Helbig program assistant admin, secretary senior associate Classified ad manager, executive director C&RL News Althea Jenkins Irving Rockwood Pam Spiegel Michael Sterling executive director editor and publisher, production editor, registration Choice ACRL journals coordinator irockwood@ala- Cynthia Taylor Hugh Thompson Elisa Topper Tara Weikum admin. assistant director of director of editorial assistant, publications membership services admin.secretary Structure Bookmarks Association OfCollege & Research LibrariesA DIVISION OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ACRL's MissionThe Association of College and Re­search Libraries (ACRL) provides leadership for development, promo­tion and improvement of academic and research library resources and services to facilitate learn­ing, research, and the scholarly communication process. ACRL promotes the highest level of pro­fessional excellence for librarians and library per­sonnel in order to sere the users of academic and research libraries. Every Librariana Leader 748/C&RL News Message from the President PATRICIA SENN BREIVIK ACRL’s 57TH PRESIDENT The past year for ACRL was one in which a great many people worked very hard to accomplish a great deal. It was a good fast start toward achieving the goals of the ACRL Strategic Plan adopted by the ACRL Board of Directors at the Annual Conference in 1995.In keeping with Goal 4, the ACRL Board and Executive Committee held telephone con­ference calls before each of their meetings in order to get things rolling at a fast clip, and operations were streamlined. The Planning Com­mittee was eliminated. All other December 1996/ 749 Message from the Vice-President William Miller Vice-President/President-Elect During 1996–97, the association will be integrating the new Strategic Plan into all aspects of our operations. We have challenged ourselves to strike out in new areas such as working with other higher-education associations and influencing national information policy. New innovations such as our Legislative Network will be estab­lished during the course of this coming year, and our new Council of Liaisons will begin its work in earnest.In order to improve our services, the Mem­bership Committee will hold f 750/C&RL News Message from the Vice-PresidentThe Board continues its concern with Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan— i.e., to run an efficient organization—and we are proud to be able to run the association again this year with the lowest dues of any ALA Division, despite the many programs and publications we offer. I ask for your continued support this coming year as we seek to further empower academic and research librarians to serve their constituents’ needs in the coming century.ACRL Membership StatisticsACRL/ PersonalOrg December 1996/ 751 Letter from theExecutive DirectorAlthea H. Jenkins Executive Director Not long ago, the conventional role of the academic librarian was to work with the user who came to the library to define the information need. Together they would select appropriate resources and, if available in the library, retrieve them manually from the shelf. If the library didn’t have the desired re­sources, the librarian arranged for interlibrary loans; if the resources were not available through interlibrary loan, the user often would go to the location where the item was held, or managed without 752/C&RL News Letter from theExecutive Director ACRL has a long history of working with institutions and higher education and information-related organizations. This year, working to fulfill one of Breivik’s priorities to effect change in Why Be an ACRL Member?the teaching/ learning process by assuming a strong leadership role among higher education organiza­“ACRL is the only national association tions and institutions and accrediting agencies, for academic librarians and other staff partnering activities with nine key higher educa­working in college and December 1996/ 753 The Year in ReviewSTRATIGIC PLAN New Directions During this first year following adoption of a new Strategic Plan, the ACRL Board of Directors has directed most of its attention to charting a course for implementing the plan. Timelines, responsibilities, and criteria for assessing progress have been established. The Board identified priorities in areas that supported the goals of the plan and directed resources toward activities and programs aligned with the plan. ACRL sections and committees were asked to assess current and planned activities in relati 754/C&RL News The Year in Review ♦ During the past year, ACRL debuted its Leadership Center which serves as a clearinghouse for information on leadership and centralizes and coordinates activities and programs that focus on academic librarians as leaders. The College Libraries Section’s (CLS) New Library Directors’ Mentorship program is the center’s first program. Two other mentor programs—research, and writers and authors—have been identified and the planning process has begun.♦ ACRL’s publications program provided Internet Resource topi December 1996/ 755 The Year in Review ♦ Since 1994 ACRL has engaged in a major cooperative project with the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the West­ern Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, and the American Association of Higher Education to collect data for the purpose of documenting practices of schools in integrating informa­tion resources and technologies in higher education curricula across the United States.♦ ACRL worked with Amy Lezberg of the New England Asso­ciation of Schools and Colleges (NE 756/C&RL News The Year in Review GOAL 3. Maintain at the national level a prominent role in planning and decision making for influencing information policy.ACRL’s role as advocate uniquely blended with the major thrust for ALA Goal 2000. ACRL took steps during the past year to strengthen its ability to better influence information policy and legislative action. The division redefined and restructured its Government Relations Committee and developed a new framework for its legislative network to include representatives from each of the 41 c December 1996/ 757 The Year in Review GOAL 4. Ensure that ACRL’s operating environment provides effi­ciency in its use of resources and effectiveness in the delivery of services to its members and constituent units.As an effective user of resources, ACRL examined its governance structure, eliminated and restructured a number of committees.♦ The Board asked each ACRL section, discussion group, and committee to examine its charge/purpose in relation to the new Strategic Plan to realign activities to better support the plan’s strategic directions. 758/C&RL News The Year in Review STRATIGIC PLAN Continuing ProgramsAwards♦ ACRL continued its longstanding tradition of recognizing out­standing achievement among academic librarians and supporting re­search and publication through its awards program. In 1996 fourteen librarians and five libraries were honored with an award. The most prestigious award presented to an academic librarian is ACRL’s Aca­demic/Research Librarian of the Year, which was presented to Ralph E. Russell, university librarian at Georgia State University. In choosing R ACRL AWARD WINNERS1995 ■ Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award (Donor: Baker & Taylor Books)Ralph Russell, Georgia State University■ ACRL/ALCTS/LAMA/LITA Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial AwardThomas W. Shaughnessy, University of Minnesota■ K. G. Saur Award for Best C&RL Ar­ticlePeter S. Graham, Rutgers University■ Miriam Dudley Bibliographic In­struction Librarian of the Year (Donor: Mountainside Publishing Co.)Barbara A. MacAdam, University of Michigan■ The Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel ]. Leab American Book Prices Cur­rent Ex Leadership: Margaret A. Holleman, Pima Community College; Program De­velopment: Southwestern College Li­brary■ Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Re­search in Acquisitions or Technical Services (Donor: Institute for Scientific Information)jimmie Lundgren and Betsy Simpson, University of Florida■ Martinus Nijhoff West European Specialists Study GrantEleanore O. Hofstetter, Towson State University■ Distinguished Education and Behav­ioral Sciences Librarian AwardDonald V. Osier, University of Minne­sota■ Doctoral D December 1996/ 759 The Year in Review Statistics♦ ACRL University Library Statistics, 1994–95 was published in May 1996. Institutions surveyed for this report include Carnegie Classifications: Research I & II and Doctoral Granting I & II. This report tracks trend data in collections, personnel, expenditures, and interlibrary loan.♦ ACRL cooperated with the ALA Office for Research and Statistics (ORS) to conduct a survey of college and university libraries’ electronic services. The survey covered the following topics: electronic public catalogs, ♦ In 1995–96 ACRL maintained its vigorous publications program, publishing four journals and six monographs (see sidebars).♦ Data for the ACRL University Library Statistics,1994–95 were collected electronically and the publica­tion made available for purchase in print and on disk.♦ A special task force of the Publications Com­mittee—the Electronic Publication Task Force—is­sued its report containing recommendations for mov­ing ACRL into the electronic publishing environ­ment. Progress is already being made ACRL Journals■ Choice—Book review jour­nal of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com­bined).■ College & Research Librar­ies—Official journal of ACRL; six bimonthly issues per year.■ College & Research Libraries News—Official news maga­zine of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com­bined).■ Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship—A journal of theory and practice cover­ing all aspects of special collections librarianship; two issues per year. 760/C&RL News The Year in Review vel workstations running a common set of applications which include WordPerfect 6.1, xcel 5.0, and cc:Mail. The new e-mail system, cc:Mail, provided Internet access to all CHOICE aff. To market CHOICE’S products, several promotional and advertising items were devel­ped including: a new ALA Conference Program ad featuring the theme “CHOICES, HOICES, CHOICES”; a reusable “poster” for the CHOICE exhibit booth that ties into the rogram ad; and a 4-color CHOICE promotional flyer. The future for CHOICE will be et December 1996/ 761 ACRL Board of Directors, 1995–96 (l to r): Helen H. Spalding, Althea Jenkins, Linda S. Muroi, Bernard Fradkin, Frances J. Maloy, Mary Reichel, Victoria A. Montavon, Patricia Senn Breivik, Carol M. Pfeiffer, W. Lee Hisle, Jill B. Fatzer, William Miller, and Susan K. Martin. ACRL Board of Directors, 1995–96■ President:Patricia Senn Breivik, Wayne State University■ Vice-President/President-Elect:William Miller, Florida Atlantic University■ Past-President:Susan K. Martin, Georgetown University■ Budget & Finance Committee Chair:Helen H. Spalding, University of Missouri, Kansas City■ ACRL Councilor:W. Lee Hisle, Austin Community CollegeDirectors-at-Large:■ Jill B. Fatzer, University of New Orleans■ Bernard Fradkin, College of DuPage■ Frances J. Maloy, Emory University■ Victoria A. 762/C&RL News Financial Report Helen H. Spalding Budget and Finance Committee Chair Both the ACRL and Choice budgets ended the ACRL 1996 fiscal year (September 1,1995–August 31,1996) with strong operating fund balances. Particularly because of expenses realized in preparation for the 1977 National Conference, the 1996 budget had been projected to result in a $264,741 deficit; however, due to higher revenues and lower expenses, the actual fiscal year deficit is only $75,426.Although ACRL operated with a modest deficit budget for FY96, there is a sizable fund balance that will carry over to December 1996/ 763 Financial Report the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee at the 1996 Annual Conference, the ACRL Board established a purpose for the ACRL Endowment: “to provide a reliable source of income for an annual Initiative Fund that supports ACRL’s activities accomplishing the strate­gic directions and priorities of ACRL.”In addition to long-term careful budget planning, the success of the 1996 budget is due to several factors: 1) staff costs and operating expenses being monitored by staff were lower than what had bee 764/C&RL News Financial Report Executive Summary 1995–96FY 1996 FY 1996 PERCENT LAST YEAR SOURCES OF REVENUEBUDGETFINALOF BUDGETFINALEnding ReserveOperating Fund (ACRL)$1,146,057 1,060,631100.00% $1,146,057 Endowments (ACRL)$158,087 190,515120.51% $158,087 Operating Fund (CHOICE)$925,130 1,030,809111.42% $994,569 Endowment (CHOICE)$61,46096,604157.18%$61,460Subtotal$2,290,734$2,378,539103.83%$2,360,173Membership dues and otherDues$359,576$352,397 98.00%$351,875Other$1,800$31,331 1741.61%$9,767Advisory$0$0 0.00%$0Awards$6,400$4,802 75.03% December 1996/ 765 Financial Report FY 1996FY 1996PERCENTLAST YEAROBJECT OF EXPENSEBUDGETACTUALOF BUDGETACTUALMembership ActivitiesMembership Servs.$67,006$64,31795.99%$51,486Exec. Comm. & Board$103,807$125,505120.90%$87,353Advisory$29,237$22,14875.75%$2Standards distrib.$6,929$7,753111.89%$22,774Discussion Groups$3,090$2,58983.79%$5,365Awards$20,804$22,731109.26%$2,702Chapters$57,556$46,73881.20%$17,038Committees$56,992$47,23982.89%$48,554Sections$70,401$67,27495.56%$52,441Section Newsletters$27,455$23,93187.16%$59,408Chapter Topics$4,940$7, 766/C&RL News Financial Report ACRL COLLEAGUES 1996ACRL thanks the corporate community for financially supporting its activities and programs throughout the year. Working together, the academic library and corporate community can achieve goals of mutual interest. Librarians benefit from the expert analysis and problem-solving corporate leaders can bring to issues and topics being addressed.Corporate contributions added $42,551 to the ACRL 1995–96 budget. It was because of these contributions that the ACRL membership enjoyed a wider range December 1996/ 767 ACRL Staff Jack Briody Darlena Davis Mary Ellen Davis Jack Helbig program assistant admin, secretary senior associate Classified ad manager, jbriody@ala.orgddavis@ala.orgexecutive director C&RL News Althea Jenkins Irving Rockwood Pam Spiegel Michael Sterling executive director editor and publisher, production editor, registration ajenkins@ala.orgChoice ACRL journals coordinator irockwood@ala- Cynthia Taylor Hugh Thompson Elisa Topper Tara Weikum admin. assistant director of director of editorial assistant, ctaylor@ala.orgpublications membership services admin.secretary