ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1996/ 777 Reference Reviews Eu- rope/IFB Abstracts. Access: h t t p : / / w w w . a/. Reference Reviews E urope/ IFB Abstracts is a quarterly c o m pilation o f review s of reference w orks an d bibli­ ographies selected from the G e r m a n r e v i e w jo u r n a l I n fo r m a tio n s m itte l f ü r Bibliotheken ( Inform ation Sources fo r Libraries). The r e v ie w s a re E n g lish -la n - guage sum maries of the Ger­ m an originals an d are addressed primarily to academ ic librarians w ho w ish to acquire Euro­ pean reference sources for their collections. The reviewers are a team of North American and British librarians. Sources include w orks in bib­ liography, th e humanities, the social sciences, history and area studies, an d a few in the sci­ ences. Although m ost o f the original w orks are in G erman, som e are in o ther E uropean lan­ guages. T he online files b eg in w ith a 1994 “backfile” an d have ap p eared quarterly since then. T here are nearly 90 reviews in the latest compilation. Each review, according to the edi­ tors, attem pts to convey the scope o f the work, a sum m ary o f its strengths and w eaknesses, a bottom -line evaluation, and, w h en relevant, an assessm ent of related titles. T he reviews in each issue are arranged by broad subject area. The W orld Wide W eb presentation o f this very substantial w ork is both attractive and utili­ tarian. The site is enhanced by a carefully writ­ ten introduction entitled “Learn m ore about Ref­ erence Reviews Europe/IFB Abstracts,” a search engine w hich perm its searching o f the entire database by keyw ord, good navigational links, and the use o f diacritics. Reference librarians, acquisitions librarians, and serious students of E uropean culture will w ant to visit this site of­ ten.— W. Thomas Nichol, College o f St. Benedict & S t.Jo h n ’s University; M y Virtual Reference Desk. Access: http: / / w w w . W inner of m ore than three dozen W orld Wide W eb-based aw ards, this one m an show and la­ bor of love from social w orker and son o f a librarian Robert D rudge provides a trem endous service to the academ ic comm unity. Librarians can safely sen d nearly any patron to these pages, from freshm an Net neophytes to scholars an d subject special­ ists. D rudge’s m ission state­ m ent for My Virtual Refer­ ence Desk (MVRD) defines th r e e g o a ls fo r th e site: quick access, intuitive and easy navigation, and com ­ prehensive an d logically in­ dexed content. MVRD suc­ ceeds at each turn. T h e te x t-b a s e d d e fa u lt opening page loads quickly, w hile offering the choice o f a som ew hat more graphics-rich hom epage. The rem aining pages are simply designed and bare o f cum bersom e graphics, well organized and executed, and easy to navigate. A thorough table of contents page maps the site nicely and links to a treasure trove of Net resources o n the prim ary pages. For quick information, the “First Things First” page includes links to w ire and new s services an d to current stock quotes, and includes a “Features” section devoted to everything from NASA’s as­ tronom y photograph o f the day to the USA To­ day crossw ord puzzle. “Virtual Facts o n File” functions as an alm anac o f the Web, w ith links to everything from m apping sites to dictionar­ ies of scientific quotations, an d includes doz­ ens o f links targeted for librarians— from in­ dexes of library W eb pages an d online catalogs to lists of library vendors. “My Daily Almanac” also provides valuable links and more quick answers to reference ques­ tions, an d leads patrons to a num ber of excel­ lent sites devoted to “this day in history” to p ­ ics. The “My Virtual N ew spaper” page opens w ith a variety o f links to w eather sites around the w orld, follows w ith links to AP, UPI, and Reuters w ire services, then points u p new spa­ p e r sites by regions w orldw ide. In th e “Latin & South American N ew spapers” section, for in­ stance, there are links to 14 Mexican new spa­ pers alone. From th e “My Virtual E ncyclopedia” page one may discover, via three dozen topical head ­ ings, a w ealth o f content-based Internet sites. “Books an d Literature,” for exam ple, links to Sara Amato is automated systems librarian at Central Washington University; Internet Reviews Sαrα Amαto, editor http://www 778/C&RL News nearly 200 sites ranging from th e full text of A u ste n ’s Sense a n d Sensibility to C olum bia University’s Complete Poetical Works o f William Wordsworth. T he history links range from the general, including a succinct essay from Indi­ ana University’s D ep artm en t o f Classical Stud­ ies entitled “T he A ncient City o f A then,” to sites for th e scholar o r specialist, including an ex­ cellent directory o f W eb-based sites for histori­ ans. C om prehensive en o u g h to link u n d erg rad u ­ ates to a universe o f inform ation, yet n o t nearly as overw helm ing as Y ahoo or Internet search en g in e retrieval sets, MVRD could w ell prove v a lu a b le in in tro d u c to ry lib rary in s tru c tio n classes. Reference librarians, too, sho u ld sp en d the tim e to fam iliarize them selves w ith these rich pages. If you d o no t have a bo o k m ark for MVRD, m ake o n e im m ediately.—John Creech, California State University, Monterey Bay The N ational Clearinghouse for Bilin­ gual Education (NCBE). Access: h ttp :// w w w .n c b e .g w u .e d u /. T he National C learinghouse for Bilingual E du­ cation is fu n d e d by the Office o f Bilingual E du­ c a t i o n a n d M in o r ity L a n g u a g e s A ffa irs (OBEMLA), u n d e r th e auspices o f th e U.S. D e­ p artm en t o f E ducation. L aunched in D ecem ber 1995, th e NCBE W eb site resides at G eorge W ashington University an d is m aintained by its G raduate School o f E ducation an d H um an D e­ v elopm ent. Partners include th e ERIC Clearing­ h o u se o n U rban E ducation a n d th e Linguistic M inority Research Institute o f UC-Santa B arbara an d UCLA. NCBE is a m ajor electronic clearinghouse providing access to a treasu re trove o f research reports, full-text journal articles, softw are re­ view s, electronic databases a n d directories, an d a m yriad o f W eb sites an d o th er Internet re­ sources related to th e th eo ry an d practice of bilingual education. Related areas such as im ­ m igration an d lan g u ag e policy issues in th e U nited States, educational technology, linguis­ tics, TESOL/ESL, an d cultural diversity an d e th ­ nic studies are also w ell represented. An effi­ cient search en g in e is featured prom inently on th e m ain m e n u a n d elsew here (a w elcom e n e ­ cessity in a research-oriented site o f this size), a n d a w ell-designed, text-only version is avail­ able for users w ith o u t graphics-capable brow s­ ers. T he m ain m en u o f NCBE organizes infor­ m ation in nine concise m ajor areas. O f special interest to librarians will b e th e “O nline Library” w hich provides easy access to full-text journal articles, reports, recen t bibliographies, a n d ex­ ternal resources such as the ERIC Digests an d th e m assive TESOL Library. Elsew here, a “T ech­ nical A ssistance N etw ork” functions as a n elec­ tronic directory, providing an n o tated links to W eb sites a n d resources such as th e U.S. D e­ p artm en t o f E ducation, OBEMLA, state ed u c a ­ tion resources a n d o ther online education clear­ inghouses, laboratories, dev elo p m en t centers, an d netw orks. NCBE users can also co n n ect to a variety o f u n iq u e databases such as th e T ech­ nology in the Curriculum (TIC) Evaluations D a­ tabase from th e California Instructional T ech­ n o lo g y C learin g h o u se, a n d to NCBE’s o w n bibliographic database. The “Language an d Edu­ cation” section points to highly useful W eb sites o n the general topics o f education, bilingual ed u catio n a n d ESL, language a n d culture, tech ­ nology, a n d publishers a n d distributors o f vari­ ous educational products. Many languages an d cultures are covered, b u t particular em phasis is given to th e tw elve languages sp o k en by most Limited English Proficient students in th e U.S., these b ein g Spanish, V ietnam ese, H m ong, vari­ ous C hinese languages a n d dialects, C am bo­ dian, K orean, Lao, various Native Am erican lan­ guages, Tagalog, Russian, Haitian, an d Arabic. NCBE will b e a valuable site for faculty an d students from a variety o f disciplines. For ex ­ am ple, th e ethnic studies stu d en t looking for inform ation o n preserving Native A m erican lan­ guages, the Rhetoric 101 stu d en t looking for b o th sides o f th e arg u m en t o n th e “English O nly” debate, th e ESL teac h er looking for lan­ guage softw are review s o r professional devel­ o p m e n t o p p o rtu n ities, a n d academ ic faculty seeking articles o n th e m ulticultural classroom will all find inform ation o n th eir topics here. In sum , th e NCBE W eb site is an authoritative an d highly reco m m en d ed resource for an y o n e in­ terested in th e intersection o f languages, cul­ tural diversity, an d education.— Susan A. Vega G arcia, Io w a S ta te U n ive rsity Library; ■