ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 788/C &R L News THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: O rders fo r regular cla ssified advertisem ents m ust reach the A C R L office on or before the second of the m onth preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of th e month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $8.45 per line for institutions th a t are A C R L m em bers, $10.45 for others. Late job notices are $20.25 per line fo r institutions that are A C RL mem bers, $24.25 fo r others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to th e ir m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo rth e O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library A ssociation (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. A pplicants should be aware that the term s faculty ra nk and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. Internet: C &RL News cla ssified ads are accessible on A C R L's hom epage on the W orld W ide W eb at http:// w w w i. Ads will be placed approxim ately 2-3 w eeks before the printed edition of C&RL News'ts published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et access the A C R L hom epage (http://w w w l), select C&RL News, and then chose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL /VeivsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig@ Policy: ALA policy requires th a t organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent sen/ices com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality of o pportunity for all library e m ploy­ ees or applicants for em ploym ent, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or m ental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA se r­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE IN T E R N E T D IS C O U N T P R O F E S S IO N A L B O O K C E N T E R . 4 0 p er­ c e n t o ft lis t p rice. 1000’s o t n e w /c u rre n t books. A ll su bje cts. No se con d h a n d/rem a ind e rs, h ttp ://w w w .pro b oo k s .c om R ESID EN CY PR O G RAM S R E S E A R C H L IB R A R Y R E S ID E N C Y P R O G R A M , U N IV E R S IT Y O F M IC H IG A N , 1 9 9 7 -9 8 , (Th re e to s ix p o s itio n s a v ailab le.) T h e U n iver­ sity o f M ich iga n L ib ra ry se eks c a n d id a te s fo r its R e sea rch L ibrary R e s ide nc y P ro gram C la ss o f 1997/99. T h e program , b e g u n in 1983, o ffe rs re ce ntly g ra du ate d lib ra ria n s tw o -y e a r a p p o in tm e n ts in the library s u p p le m e n te d by p ro fe s s ion a l d is c u s s ion s , w o rk s h o p s , and field trip s. A p p o in tm e n ts fo r th e tw o ye a rs m a y be m a d e in a n y area o f th e library. R e cen t a s s ig n m e n ts h ave inclu d e d th e H e alth S cien ces Libraries, the U n de rg ra d ua te Library, S pe cial Fo rm a ts C a talo gin g, H u m a nities T e x t Initiative, M a p s and D o cum en ts, a nd the K no w le dg e N aviga tio n C enter. Q u a lifica tio n s: R e qu ire d: A gra du ate d eg re e from EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AM ER IC AN LIB R A R Y A SS O C IA TIO N The American Library Association, the oldest and largest national library association in the world, seeks applications, nominations, and ex­ pressions of interest forthe position of Executive Director. The association is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Please send nominations, applications, and ex­ pressions of interest in confidence to: P.O. Box 805509 Chicago, IL 60680-4116 Review of applications will begin January 15, 1997. Competitive salary and compensation package. Minimum of $150,000. The American Library Association is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications are invited from women, minorities, and disabled individuals. an A LA - a c c re dited pro gra m in library and info rm a tion science, received since A ug u st 1995; e v id e nce of acad em ic su ccess and re se arch a c tivity; s tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills a nd a b ility to work e ffe c tiv e ly in a hig h ly d ive rse enviro n m en t; evid e nce o f a high level o f m otivation and lea d ership p otential. S alary and app oin tm e nt: A pp o in tm e nt will be m ade at the A ssista n t Librarian level, w ith a s a la ry of $ 29,500. Th e u nive rsity offe rs an a ttra ctive benefit p ackage w h ich includes 24 w o rkin g d a y s o f v a cation a y e a r and 15 days o f sick leave a year. U n iversity of M ich iga n Library: Th e library, with nearly 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s se rve s as a m a jor inte rn atio na l research facility. It is k now n fo r its inn o vative p ro gra m s and a close liaison w ith the u nive rsity's e x c ellen t S chool of Inform ation. For the new resident, the 106 libraria ns re p rese n t an a rra y o f s u bje ct and tech n ica l specia ltie s th a t c o ns titute a tre asu re in p ro fe ssion a l e x pe rie nce and know ledge. A pp lication proced ures: Th e dea dlin e fo r a pp lica tion s is Februa ry 17, 1997. For app lica tion info rm a tion , conta ct: P rogram C oordinator, R esearch L ibrary R e side ncy P rogram , 818 H atche r L ibrary South, U n iv e r s ity o f M ic h ig a n , A nn A rbor, Ml 481 09 -1 2 05 ; (313) 764-9356. The U niversity o f M ich iga n is a n o n discrim in a to ry, affirm ative a ction em p lo ye r. PO SITIO N S OPEN A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IA N . G u s ta v u s A do lp h u s College, a c o e d u c a ­ tion al, private , re side n tia l, national, libe ra l a rts c o lle ge o f 2 ,3 0 0 stud e nts, invite s a p p lica tion s fo r the position o f A ca d e m ic Librarian. T h is is a th ree -y e ar, ten -m on th, fa c u lty appoin tm e nt, S ala ry a nd frin ge b e n efits are co m p e titiv e and in clu de a fle x ib le b e n e fit plan. R e s p o n ­ s ib ilitie s include: R eference, b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction , c o lle c tio n d e ­ velopm ent, le a d e rs h ip in s e le c tion o f e le c tro n ic re so urce s a nd sh ared m anagem ent. Q u a lifica tio n s: A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS , kn ow le dg e of re feren ce so urces, e xpe rie n c e w ith e le c tro n ic resources. M u s t h ave o u ts ta n d in g in te rp erson al, o ral, a nd w ritte n co m m u nic a tio n skills. P rio r p ro fe s s ion a l library e x p e rie nce , w o rk in g kn ow le dg e o f a foreign language, a nd a d d itio na l g ra du ate w o rk pre fe rred . T o re ce ive a m ore d etailed description, call: (5 07) 9 33 -7 5 5 6 o r e-m a il s tra ub @ g a c.e d u o r visit o u r web s ite a t h ttp ://w w w .g a c .e d u /A c a d e m ic s /R e s o u rc e s / December 1996/789 D IR E C T O R O F T H E LIBRARY D rew U niversity invites ap p licatio n s a n d n o m in atio n s for th e p o sitio n o f D irector of U niversity Library. DESCRIPTION OF POSITION: Drew U niversity is seeking a forw ard-thinking a n d expe­ rien ced le a d e r to guide its library a n d its inform ation services in to th e n e x t century. R ep o rts directly to a n academ ic Vice President, w orks closely w ith th e th re e academ ic d e a n s, is a m em b er of th e Council of D eans, a n d m eets w ith o th er a p p ro p riate acad em ­ ic a n d ad m in istrativ e councils. The D irector of U niversity Library h a s a d m in istrativ e resp o n sib ility for library-wide p lan n in g a n d policy direction; for centralized library s e r ­ vices s u c h a s a cq u isitio n s, budget, personnel, sy stem s developm ent a n d inform ation services; a n d for fu n d -ra is in g initiatives. The D irector of U niversity L ibrary p lay s a un iv ersity -w id e le a d e rsh ip role in th e developm ent a n d im p le m e n ta tio n of info rm atio n services in su p p o rt of th e academ ic p rogram s of th e th ree schools, a n d re p re se n ts Drew U niversity Library th ro u g h o u t th e larger library a n d higher ed u catio n com m unities. QUALIFICATIONS: A n ALA acc re d ite d MLS a n d a Ph.D . in a n aca d e m ic discip lin e re q u ire d . S u b s ta n tiv e re c o rd of p ro fe ssio n a l p a rtic ip a tio n a n d s c h o la rs h ip . B road know ledge of a n d e x ten siv e c o n ta c ts in th e lib rary a n d in fo rm a tio n s c ie n c e s field, w ith ab ility to in te g ra te new in fo rm atio n technologies in to lib rary te a c h in g a n d s e r­ v ices. Effective o ra l a n d w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n sk ills a n d ev id en ce of s u c c e s s in in t e r a c t in g w ith all u n iv e r s ity c o n s titu e n c ie s a s w ell a s th e o u ts id e c o m m u n ity . D e m o n s tra te d v isio n a n d c a p a c ity to ex ecu te policy for lib ra ry service in a ra p id ly c h a n g in g in fo rm atio n m a n a g e m e n t a n d electronic environm ent. Innovative lead e rsh ip sk ills in a s h a r e d d ecisio n -m ak in g en v iro n m en t, a n d th e ability to w ork collaborative- ly w ith s tu d e n ts a n d facu lty a n d staff. C lear u n d e rs ta n d in g of th e evolving role o f th e a c a d e m ic r e s e a r c h lib ra ry . E x p e rie n c e in te a c h in g d e s ira b le a n d fa m ilia rity w ith archives. SALARY, RANK, AND NOMINATION/APPLICATION PROCEDURE: S alary is com peti­ tive a n d c o m m e n su ra te w ith qualifications. R ank will be asso ciate or senior librarian. C a n d id a te s a re required to se n d a cu rric u lu m vitae a n d a le tte r of application outlining ap p ro p riate experiences. Also d esirable is a s ta te m e n t of n o t m ore th a n two p ag es by c a n d id a te s w h ich a d d re s s e s th e role o f technology in th e fu tu re of sm all u n iv e rsity lib raries an d th e p a rtic u la r role of th e library a t a liberal a rts college. T he sta rtin g d ate will b e n o t la te r th a n 1 J u ly 1997. T he search will re m a in open u n til th e position is filled. O ne h o u r w e st of New York City, Drew is a n intentionally sm all university of 2000 s tu d e n ts (1400 of w hom are u n d erg rad u ates; 4 0 0 in its g ra d u a te schools a n d 3 3 0 in a U nited M ethodist Theological School). The U niversity Library co n tain s one-half million volum es a n d is a DRA site. T he D irector of U niversity Library a d m in iste rs all library services, including th e university library's renow ned M ethodist collection. To a s s u re full co n sid e ra tio n , se n d inquiries, n o m in a tio n s a n d a p p licatio n s b y 15 J a n u a r y 1997 to D ean L eonard I. Sw eet, C hair, S em inary Hall, D rew University, 3 6 M adison Avenue, M adison, New J e rs e y 07940. A pplicants w ho need special accom m odations for a n in te r­ view s h o u ld re q u e s t th is in advance. Drew U niversity is a n equal oppo rtu n ity affirm a­ tive a c tio n em ployer. F u rth e r inform ation concerning Drew U niversity is available on th e WWW a t h ttp : / / www.DREW.EDU DREW UNIVERSITY Library. To apply: Send letters of application, resume, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Michael Haeuser, Head Librarian, Gustavus Adolphus College, 800 W. College Ave., St. Peter, MN 56082. Review of the applications will begin on January 15,1997, and continue until the position is filled. It is the policy and practice of Gustavus Adolphus College to provide equal educational and em­ ployment opportunities for all. The college specifically encourages applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. ASSISTANT HEAD/TECHNICAL SERVICES. Manages daily opera­ tions of NOTIS system (moving soon to Horizon) and serials process­ ing unit. Trains and evaluates staff. Develops and interprets policies, practices and standards for department. Qualifications: ALA-accred- ited MLS completed by starting date; working knowledge of AACR2 and principles of classification and subject analysis; strong oral and written communication skills. Must be able to meet requirements of tenure-track position. Prefer: Supervisory experience; working knowl­ edge of LCSH, LC classification, OCLC, and NOTIS or Horizon; previous serials experience, especially using MicroLinx. Appoint­ ment beginning July 1 ‚ 1997, will be at Assistant Librarian rank, salary competitive. Applications received by January 20,1997, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Judith Gottwald, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Franklin D. Schurz Library, Indiana University South Bend, P.O. Box 7111, South Bend, IN 46634; fax: (219) 237-4472; e- mail: jgottwald@ Indiana University is an AA/EEO em­ ployer. Visit our web site: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Arizona State University Libraries. Library Instruction, Systems, and Technology (LIST). General Summary: http://www.DREW.EDU 790/C&RL News This is a full-time continuing appointment-track (Academic Profes­ sional) position requiring professional development and service in addition to excellent job performance. Essential functions: Functions as an integral member of the Library Instruction, Systems, and Technology development team. Responsibilities include developing and presenting library instruction, and the creation of various elec­ tronic publications. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Experi­ ence designing, developing, and/or presenting instruction. Demon­ strated experience using personal computers. Extensive knowledge of leading-edge computer applications. Demonstrated interest in emerging technologies for information resources. Demonstrated pro­ fessional interest and involvement. Preferred: Experience using desktop publishing, web development, and/or multimedia authoring software. Experience working in a team environment. Experience in the evaluation and assessment of instruction. Minimum salary: $26,000. Application deadline: First consideration will be given to applications received by Friday, January 3,1997, and the first of each month, thereafter, until the position is filled. Application procedure: Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four recent professional references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Personnel, University Libraries, Arizona State University, Box 871006, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; phone: (602) 965-4914; fax: (602) 965-9169; e-mail: Full position description is available upon request. ASU is an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. The University of Akron Libraries seeks a candidate to fill an entry-level, 12-month tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. The position includes 22 days vacation and a standard benefits package. Responsibilities: Provides general reference service to faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students in a fast-paced environment using traditional and electronic sources as well as federal and Ohio documents. Teaches biblio­ graphic instruction classes; creates instructional materials; and pro­ vides training in emerging information technologies. Required quali­ fications: ALA-accredited MLS, with an emphasis in reference. Effec­ tive oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. A knowl­ edge of electronic reference sources, including the World Wide Web. Preferred qualifications: Demonstrated ability to adapt to a variety of assignments in a demanding, service-oriented environment. Suc­ cessful experience in group presentations. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships. Salary: $26,000–$28,000. The deadline for application is December 31‚ 1996. Send cover letter and resume, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, to: Delmus E. Williams, Dean, University Libraries, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-1701. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution. CHAIR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE/HUMANITIES LIBRARIES. Kansas State University Libraries is seeking a creative leader in reference and information management for the position of Chair of Social Science/ Humanities Libraries. Reports to the Associate Dean. Management of KSU Libraries is based on collaboration in a team environment. Interviewees for this position will be asked to make a presentation to library staff and academic faculty on trends in access to information in the social sciences and/or humanities. Responsibilities: Manages personnel in Social Science/Humanities Reference, Government Documents, the Multicultural Research and Resource Center; col­ laborates with Chair of Science Libraries and Chair of Collection Management in the operation of reference/consultation/collection services, and with the Weigel Library of Architecture and Design; defines and implements programs and services in the libraries which reflect a vision for libraries in the 21st century; works with faculty in the academic departments and serves as an advocate with those faculty and the Social Science/Humanities Libraries staff; is a member of the Cabinet Operations Team, which serves as the administrative team developing policy and procedure for KSU Libraries; provides leader­ ship in developing and defining programs and services; fosters professional development of staff in to continuously expand the knowledge base needed for providing a broad range of reference services in an electronic environment. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; degree in a social sciences or humanities discipline; minimum of five years of library experience in increasingly responsible positions; management and supervisory experience; reference or public services experience; experience with emerging electronic resources and access systems; excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent interpersonal skills; dem­ onstrated leadership skills. Preferred qualifications: Advanced de­ gree in social sciences or humanities; academic research library experience; experience with grant acquisition; foreign-language skills; evidence of the ability to develop cooperative and partnership rela­ tions with academic departments. Salary: Low-mid $40s; tenure- track; 12-month contract. Librarians have faculty rank and are eligible for tenure. Benefits include: 22 annual vacation days; Blue Cross/ Blue Shield health insurance; choice of retirement plans. KSU Librar­ ies utilizes Endeavor’s client-based Voyager software to access OPACs, indexes, databases, Internet, etc., and in 1997 will celebrate the completion of a $28 million expansion/renovation of the main library. Kansas State University, a landgrant institution with an enrollment of 19,000, is a 664-acre campus convenient to both business and residential districts. Manhattan, a community of 40,000, is located two hours west of Kansas City in the scenic Flint Hills of northeast Kansas. Review of applications will begin January 2,1997. Anticipate on-campus interviews to begin February 15, 1997. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three work-related references to: M. Jean McDonald, Director of Administrative Services, Kansas State University Librar­ ies, Manhattan, KS 66506. KSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, COORDINATOR FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL AND ELEC­ TRONIC RESOURCES. 12-month tenure-track position at Colorado State University Libraries. Reporting to Assistant Dean for Technical Services, this position directs the activities of faculty and classified staff in Bibliographic Control and Electronic Resources. The unit is responsible for the organization of information, including providing access to information via the cataloging process, managing the module for cataloging and database maintenance, investigating, testing, implementing, and evaluating technology to organize infor­ mation, and the development of policies and procedures for the Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. December 1996/791 PU B LIC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N A N D E X TEN SIO N S E R V IC E S Marshall University Coordinates reference and extension services of the library. Includes provid­ ing general reference services using print and nonprint resources, managing and coordinating the general and legal reference collections, coordinating information provision through the WWW, and developing and coordinating an outreach program. Evening and weekend hours required. Complete job description available from BALCH @ MARSHALL. EDU or by mail. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; strong service orientation and interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work with diverse student population; comm itm entto professional growth. Highly desirable: Second master’s degree; experience with extension/outreach services in an academic library; experience with the WWW, CD-ROM and computer applications; knowledge of legal reference; at least three years of academic library experience. Appointment at the Instructor/Librarian I ($25,000 minimum), or Assistant Professor/Librarian II ($27,000 minimum), or higherlevel, depending on qualifications; 12-month non-tenure-track appointment; 24days annual leave and standard benefits. Marshall University, one of W est Virginia’s two state universities, is committed to high-quality under­ graduate and graduate education. Review of applications will begin January 6,1997 and continue until position is filled. Send application letter, resume, and names of at least 3 professional references to: Director of Libraries Marshall University 400 Hal Greer Blvd. Huntington, WV 25755-2060 EEO/AA employer. organization of information in conjunction with other groups in the libraries. Changes in organizational structure may affect the duties performed. Qualifications include an ALA-accredited graduate de­ gree in library and information science; at least four years post­ graduate degree experience in an academic library; experience using OCLC, AACR2, and MARC formats and online authority control; evidence of excellent communication and interpersonal skills; expe­ rience supervising librarians and support staff; and familiarity with current trends of organization in electronic and digital resources. Rank is at the Associate Professor/Professor level, with a minimum salary of $50,000 and an excellent benefits package. To request a Libraries’ application form, send a letter of application addressing your qualifications, a resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Teri Switzer, Colorado State Univer­ sity L ib ra rie s , F ort C o llin s , CO 8 0 5 2 3 -1 0 1 9 ; e-m a il:; fax: (970) 491 -1195. All appli­ cation materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. January 10, 1997. Colorado State University Libraries is an ARL library and a Carnegie I research institution serving approximately 22,000 students. For more information about the university and the libraries, see http:// AA/EOE employer. CURATOR. The Rosenbach Museum & Library seeks an energetic, highly motivated curator to assume responsibility for the care, man­ agement, interpretation, and exhibition of its world-renowned collec­ tions of rare books and manuscripts (principally English and Ameri­ can history and literature) and of its respected collections of fine and decorative arts (principally American and English). Curator reports to Director and works closely with Rosenbach Librarian in promoting knowledge and understanding of the collections to the general public and researchers. Duties include: Collections care and management; exhibition planning, design, and installation; developing, implement­ ing, and scheduling docent training and public educational programs; trustee liaison with respect to collections issues; and assistance with fund-raising related to these activities. Salary and benefits competi­ tive with area institutions; start date January 1997. Qualifications include: Advanced degree in a discipline related to our collections or an MLS; excellent writing and public speaking skills; minimum three years curatorial experience in museum or rare book library. Submit letter including salary requirements, resume, and three letters of reference to Director, Rosenbach Museum & Library, 2010 DeLancey PI., Philadelphia, PA 19103. Applications accepted until position filled. EOE. FACULTY, LIBRARY. (Job code: 2-13920). Miami-Dade Commu­ nity College, Kendall Campus, seeks individual to provide a variety of technology-based reference/research activities that support the delivery of quality library services for students, faculty, and staff. Requirements: Master’s degree in library science from an accredited institution, information science, media science, or related field. Three years experience, preferably in an academic environment. Schedule includes at least one night a week and one Saturday a month. Experience with multiple hardware and software platforms, WANs, LANs, and PC applications, and experience with Internet and other resources. Salary/academic rank: Based on education and experi­ ence. Formal application required: Call 1-800-552-MDCC for an application form. Copies of transcript(s) must accompany the applica­ tion. For special accommodations, call the Florida Relay Service TDD: 1-800-955-8771. Only completed application packages will be considered. EA/EO employer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. East Carolina Univer­ sity, Joyner Library. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree (or international equivalent). Preferred: Demonstrated written and oral communication skills, strong interpersonal skills. Familiarity with government publications, reference tools, and geographic infor­ mation delivery. Ability to work comfortably in information/computer/ public service setting. Experience with electronic retrieval systems such as Dialog, Pyschinfo, Marcive, NTDB, and the World Wide Web. Ability to teach methods of access and retrieval for print and electronic government resources including maps. Experience with bibliographic instruction and developing/marketing user aids. Responsibilities: Provide departmental documents and maps reference service and possibility of some general reference desk assistance. Some evening 792/C&RL News H U M A NITIES LIBRARIAN Western Washington University Western Washington University is seeking a Humanities Librarian to provide general and specialized humanities reference service, teach curriculum and course-integrated library skills, and coordinate the development of the library’s humanities collections. Western considers the humanities to include studies in religion, philosophy, English an d foreign languages and literature, communication, journalism, theater and fine arts as well as the divisions of liberal and international studies. This position comes available at a time of great opportunity for a qualified and visionary candidate. The development of information-seeking and research skills is highlighted in the university’s strategic plan. Additionally, the state of Washington is generously providing for the enhancement of interlibrary cooperation through the latest technological developments. Accordingly, the library has new mandates and wide support. The incumbent will be able to participate in the reorganization and expansion of services and work with coordinating bodies in developing and delivering new forms of instruction. The successful candidate will report to the University Librarian and be appointed as an Assistant or Associate Professor, depending upon experience and qualifications. Promotion and tenure are awarded on the basis of librarianship, scholarship, and service. A graduate degree from a program accredited by the ALA or its foreign equivalent is required. A background in teaching and training, working in a team environment, and evidence of strong oral and written communication skills are required. An advanced or terminal degree in either a humanities or liberal arts discipline and at least one year library or teaching experience in an institution of higher education are preferred. Compensation will be funded depending on experience and qualifications in the following ranges at the stated rank: Assistant Professor, from $29,804; Associate Professor, from $37,142. Nominations and letters of application, including acurriculum vita, with the names and addresses of at least three references, should be sent to: Elizabeth Sipes, Secretary Humanities Librarian Search Committee The Libraries, MS 9103 Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225-9103 Applications should be postmarked no later than December 20,1996. Western Washington University is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. We are working toward building a culturally diverse, broadly trained faculty and staff. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities needing assistance in the application process may call (360) 650-3306 (V/TTY). and weekend rotation hours expected. Will participate in subject- based general collection development duties as assigned. Joyner Library is a large (79%) selective federal depository with an extensive depository map collection and a tradition of effective public service. The Federal Documents Collection contains over 490,000 volumes, 320,000 microfiche, 91,000 sheet maps, and over 300 CD-ROM disks. East Carolina University’s libraries serve a campus community of over 17,000 students and 1,300 faculty. An expansion and renova­ tion project, scheduled for completion in 1998, will double the size of Joyner Library. The University is a constituent institution of the 16- campus University of North Carolina System. 12-month, tenure-track faculty position with appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. Salary $25,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Professional achievement, service, and research/creative ac­ tivity are required for tenure and promotion. Screening will begin January 10,1997, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of all transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Pat Elks, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We accommodate individuals with disabilities. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. This position is responsible for providing information and reference service including nights and weekends. The information specialist will man­ age federal and state documents and will participate in library instruction, cooperate in collection development in the humanities, and share in various departmental projects, programs, and commit­ tees. Reports to the Head of Reference Services and is a member of the Library Faculty. This is a dynamic service-oriented division in an outstanding, fully-automated OhioLINK library with over 1.6 million volumes. The University of Toledo is a state university in Ohio with 21,600 students, offering associate, bachelor's, professional, and doctoral degrees in seven colleges. The attractive main campus location in one of Toledo’s finest residential sections provides a suburban atmosphere, yet is an integral part of the civic, cultural, and commercial life of the community. The city offers a renowned Museum of Art, a zoo, and an outstanding Metropolitan Park System. Its location provides residents with excel lent recreational opportunities on Lake Erie and easy access to cities throughout the Midwest, particularly Detroit, Cleveland, and Chicago. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited institution; experience or training in government documents; demonstrated knowledge of or experience with a subject discipline within the humanities; knowledge of reference sources, electronic information delivery systems, and methods of scholarly December 1996/793 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Pickier Memorial Library Truman State University Truman State University seeks to fill the position of Reference Librarian fo r the Pickier Memorial Library. Responsibilities include: Providing general reference service to students and faculty, assisting them in the use of print and electronic reference resources; participating in the library’s instructional programs and developing teaching materials for traditional and electronic resources; participating in collection development and serving as liaison to faculty in assigned subject areas; and working with members of the Library staff to integrate new information technologies into the library’s strong public service mission. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited program. A background in the liberal arts and sciences and professional work experience in an academic library are strongly preferred. Other qualifications include: excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; knowledge of and interest in the creative use of technology in library instruction along with a demonstrated ability to teach; proven knowledge of a wide range of print, electronic, and Internet-based reference tools; ability to work comfortably and flexibly in a computer-intensive environment on a variety of systems and to apply new information technologies in reference services; a strong commitment to service and teamwork; and the ability to work well with faculty, staff, and students. T ruman State University (formerly Northeast Missouri State University) is Missouri's public liberal arts and sciences institution and is noted for its innovative assessment program and its commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. The university has a highly selective admissions policy, maintains a 16:1 student-faculty ratio, and has approximately 6,000 undergraduate and 300 graduate students. T ruman is one of the nation’s “public ivy “ institutions and is a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges. Pickier Memorial Library, renovated and enlarged in 1993, provides an inviting atmosphere for study and scholarship and enjoys a reputation as the center for information services at the university. Candidates should submit a letter of application and resume; both undergraduate and graduate transcripts; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Richard J. Coughlin Director of Libraries Pickier Memorial Library Truman State University Kirksville, MO 63501 Review of applications will begin on January 15,1997. Visit the university’s World Wide Web site at Truman is an equal employment opportunity institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. research in academic libraries. Vital are: Ability to work and commu­ nicate effectively with library staff, the university community, and other library users, and a commitment to service, professional growth, and development. Preferred are: Academic library experience, ability to teach, and experience in searching electronic reference sources. Faculty status, 12-month contract, tenure-track position with liberal fringe benefits. Salary is $31,778. This position will remain open and applications will be reviewed on the 15th of each month until an appointment is made. Send resume and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least three references to: Karen Sendi, Search Committee Chair, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, M/F/D/V. HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES DEPARTMENT. The University at Albany is seeking a librarian to provide leadership in the planning, development, and provision of innovative, proactive reference and research services in a rapidly changing information environment. The department includes active, highly visible print and electronic refer­ ence services, user education, and government publications units. Emphasis for this position is on effective leadership to provide responsive user-centered service. The successful candidate will coordinate the provision of reference and research services by supervising a department staff of eight FTE library faculty, and coordinating the reference activities of an additional 7.5 FTE library faculty who serve primarily as bibliographers. Participation in the user education program, and evening and weekend reference service hours will be expected. Reports to the Assistant Director for User Services. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, univer­ sity, and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library and information science program. Five years increasingly responsible academic reference experience. An understanding of the mission of a research institution and the role of informational and instructional technology in this setting. Experience in public-oriented reference or information access service and user education. Evidence of significant experience with online integrated library systems, campus networks, the Internet, and electronic infor­ mation resources. Demonstrated strength in administrative, supervi­ sory, and leadership skills. Ability to work and lead in a dynamic, changing information environment. Excellent oral and written com­ munication skills; strong interpersonal skills. Ability to work within a diverse academic community. Desired: Advanced degree in a rel­ evant field. Knowledge of emerging technologies and their applica­ tions in a library setting. Management experience in an academic library. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Mini­ mum, $40,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries— UL 112, University at Albany, State 794/C&RL News R THE ST UT ATE UNIVE G RSITY O ER F NEW JERSEY S Archibald Stevens Alexander Library SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Participates in the developm ent and m aintenance of the Library’s social sciences c o lle c tio n , fo c u s in g on Latin A m e ric a n Area S tu d ie s and o th e r d is c ip lin e s as assigned. Provides general and specialized reference services and library in stru c­ tio n . S u b sta n tia l e x p e rie n c e in c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t is re q u ire d as w e ll as advanced pro ficie n cy w ith the Spanish language. An advanced degree in a relevant subject; preferably Latin Am erican Studies or H istory w ith a Latin A m erican concen­ tration, is h ig h ly desirable. APP # 1 1 8 GOVERNMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DATA LIBRARIAN R esponsible for the planning and delivery of governm ent ele ctro n ic inform ation and services; d e ve lo p m e n t of archival and su p p o rt services for fu ll-te x t and num eric data in C D-R O M and other m a chine readable fo rm a ts; c o n s u lta tio n w ith users; assistance w ith data extraction and training. Provides general and specialized refer­ ence services and library instruction. Knowledge of and experience w ith m achine readable data (e.g., governm ent and ICPSR data) and statistical and GIS software packages required. S ubstantial experience w ith gove rn m e n t p u b lic a tio n s a n d /o r social sciences data required; an advanced degree in a relevant su b je ct is highly desirable. APP # 1 1 9 Both p o sitio n s require an ALA accredited MLS and 3 years professional experience for a tenure track appointm ent w ith m in im u m salary of $ 3 9 ,1 8 4 , dependent upon e x p e rie n c e and q u a lific a tio n s . The URL fo r the c o m p le te p o s itio n p ro file s is h ttp ://w w w .rc tg e rs .e d u /~ b rc o ll/p o s itio n .h tm . C andidates a p p lyin g by January 1 5 , 1997 w ill receive firs t consideration. S u bm it resume, cover letter, and names of th re e re fe re e s to : S a ndra T ro y ( A P P # ) , L ib ra rie s P e rso n n e l O ffic e r, R u tg e rs U n iv e r s it y L ib r a r ie s , 1 6 9 C o lle g e A v e ., N ew B r u n s w ic k , NJ 0 8 9 0 3 ; Fax 9 0 8 -9 3 2 -7 6 3 7 ; e -m a il stro y@ tg e rs.e d u Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin December 27, 1996. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Viet- nam-era veterans are especially welcome. INFORMATION LITERACY/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LI­ BRARIAN. The Oakland University Library seeks a creative, ener­ getic librarian to initiate information literacy programs designed to develop students’ life-long learning skills and to participate in collec­ tion development and other professional activities. Information lit­ eracy responsibilities include: Building close working relationships with faculty and students in selected disciplines to expand the use of computer and information resources through in-depth consultation and instruction; participating in the continued development of the library’s web site. Collection development responsibilities include: Contributing to collection development planning; participating in the faculty liaison program; and, in assigned subject areas, preparing collection evaluations, monitoring the approval plan, selecting mate­ rials, and developing and evaluating Internet resources. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Three years of professional experience in an academic library. Experience in teaching information skills and working with faculty and students in applying information technolo­ gies. Experience in collection development activities. Demonstrated ability to plan, initiate, and implement effective programs and ser- December 1996/795 CU RA TO R OF RARE BOOKS LIBRARIAN III The Johns Hopkins University Milton S . Eisenhower Library The Johns Hopkins University seeks a creative, energetic, and self-motivated Curator of Rare Books for its Milton S. Eisenhower and John Work Garrett libraries. We are seeking to expand awareness and use of these important resources for teaching and research. The Curator will assess the research potential of the collections and implement a program for bringing them to the attention of scholars both at Hopkins and in the larger research community. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Provide reference services for the Eisenhower and Garrett rare book collections. • Provide outreach services to alert scholars to the research potential of the rare book collections. This includes working with faculty to present class sessions on the use and interpretation of rare books; writing about the collections; mounting exhibits; and planning programs as lectures • Assess the collections to identify materials that support current academic research. • Collaborate with the library’s Digital Knowledge Center to increase networked access to the rare book collections. • Identify rare books to be added to the collections in collaboration with the department's collection development librarian. • Set priorities for the rare book cataloging performed by the library’s cataloging department • Oversee the collection maintenance of the rare books and identify books needing preservation treatment. • Supervise one support staff and one student assistant. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library program; two or more years experience with reference in a rare book library; reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages, preferably German, French, or Latin; experience implementing outreach programs; ability to conduct instructional programs on an introductory level; familiarity with preservation and cataloging issues facing rare book collections; excellent interpersonal skills and written and oral communication skills. An advanced degree in humanities, experience creating and using digitized primary source materials, and experience assess­ ing rare book collections in light of current academic research trends are highly preferred. The Eisenhower and Garrett rare bookcollections form part o f the Milton S. Eisenhower Library’s Special Collections Department, and the Curator will spend time in both locations. The collections are strong in the areas of English and German literature, and natural, architectural, and economic history. For details on the collections, visit our web page at The Eisenhower Library is the main research library of the Johns Hopkins University. The library’s primary constituency is the students and faculty in the schools of Arts & Sciences, Engineering, and Continuing Studies. During the coming year, the library will implement a new integrated library system, complete a $4.6 million renovation of its key service floors, and undertake diversity, organizational development, and operational assessment programs. The starting salary range is $33,000– $41,950, depending on education and experience. To be considered for this position, please send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference, indicating Job #S96-746, by Ja n u a ry 15,1997 to: The Johns Hopkins University Homewood Human Resources 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Excellent benefits including life and health insurance, dental and tuition plans for staff member, spouse, and dependent children. Smoke free and drug free. AA/EOE. 796/C&RL News REFE IA U R RE N I E NC V E G E LIB R S I I S RAR N T Y The Regis University Libraries seek a colleague for its proactive team of service-oriented reference librarians. Responsibilities include reference and research assistance, and formal user instruction in electronic and traditional classrooms. Also serves as bibliographer in several subject areas. Participates in the university governance bodies. Some evening and weekend hours. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; three to five years professional experience in an academic library reference department; experience with traditional reference services and with the use of emerging technologies and electronic resources; ability to relate to a diverse clientele; solid teaching skills; effective communication skills; strong commitment to quality service and teamwork; and ability to thrive in an institution with rapid growth in new programs, and teaching sites. Must show evidence of professional contributions to librarianship. A second graduate degree is desirable. Expertise in business or the health sciences would be helpful. The appointment is to a ranked, tenure-track faculty position. Regis supports professional development through subsidies for professional travel and a flexible sabbatical program. Minimum salary range: $32,779– $38,944. Competitive benefits package, including relocation subsidy. The position is available July 1,1997. Denver offers the amenities of the Rocky Mountains, a semi-arid climate, a favorable consumer economy including affordable housing, and the nation’s best bookstore. Regis University is a Jesuit institution committed to value-centered education. It comprises three major academic units: Regis College, for traditional undergraduates; the School for Professional Studies, which offers bachelor’s degree completion and master’s degree programs in various delivery formats designed for working adults and the School for Health Care Professions with programs in both traditional and nontraditional delivery formats. The libraries serve some 1 ‚ 100 campus-based undergraduates and over 8,000 part-time adult students on 12 campuses and teaching sites. Regis is a m ember of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries. A $5.1 million library building renovation and expansion will be completed spring 1997. Regularly updated photos of the project may be found on the library’s homepage at http://www. htm . Submit letter of application, current resume, and three references (including phone numbers, fax numbers, and/or e-mail addresses) to: Mary Lou McNatt Dayton Memorial Library 333 Regis Blvd. Denver, CO 80221-1099 Screening will begin December 1 ‚ 1996, and continue until an appointment is made. Regis University is firmly committed to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. vices; to work independently and as part of a team; to work with diverse faculty, staff, and students. Effective oral and written commu­ nication skills. Potential to meet requirements for promotion and tenure. Desired: Undergraduate or advanced degree in the sciences or engineering, or experience working with science and engineering faculty in an academic institution. Web page development experi­ ence. scholarly publications; participation in professional organiza­ tions. Rank, salary, benefits: Tenure-track, eight-month, bargaining unit, faculty appointment. Professorial rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $33,000. Excellen fringe benefits. General: Oakland University is a compre­ hensive, state-assisted institution of 13,500 students that offers programs at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels. The university is located 30 miles north of Detroit on a 1,500-acre campus. See w eb s ite s ( h ttp ://w w w .k l.o a k la n d .e d u and h ttp :// Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current professional references to: Mildred H. Merz, Chair of Search Committee, Kresge Library, Oakland University, Rochester, Ml 48309; fax: (810) 370- 2474. In order to ensure consideration, applications must be received by February 15, 1997. Oakland University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL. Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Mann Library at Cornell Univer­ sity is seeking a bright, energetic information technology professional to participate in the development and maintenance of our digital library. The position involves a rewarding blend of programming, system management, and participation on interdivisional task forces to manage the library’s evolution. Areas of work involve: Electronic full text (including e-publications and volumes digitized for preserva­ tion); data visualization (including geographic information systems and Internet provision of spatial data); Z39.50 implementation; Internet provision of federal and state government information; use of ad­ vanced web applications for information delivery; and/or document retrieval issues (including search and retrieval protocols, metadata structures, etc.). IT professionals at Mann Library also participate in user studies for interface and system evaluation, and in the library’s information management instruction program. We seek someone http://www December1996/797 HEAD OF INFO RM ATIO N C O M M O NS AND ASSO CIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES University of North Carolina at Charlotte A new senior-level position within Library and Information Services (LIS). LIS consists of Library Service Computing Services, and Media Services. This position reports to the Director of Library Services but w also work closely with the Director of Information Technology. RESPONSIBILITIES: The planning and operation of the services provided on the m ajor patron interactio floor of a new state-of-the-art facility currently under construction. Programmatic elements will include t location and interpretation of information resources held both on and off campus; the creation, manip lation, integration, and presentation of information; instructional support and development; an informati literacy program; media production; and research support. Will also be responsible for supervision approximately 30 information specialists from traditional library public services, media services, a computing services and for defining and implementing a plan that coordinates the services provided three service points in the Information Commons with those provided by the team of information specialis available for expert consultation and assistance. QUALIFICATIONS; ALA-accredited MLS degree required. Another advanced degree preferred. T years experience in increasingly challenging management positions in an academic, corporate, or lar public library, involving supervision of information/library professionals. At least five years in a settin where traditional, place-centered services and electronic information access services are availab together. Must have had experience in at least two of the following areas: Library reference service library and computing research support, instructional development, and both analog and digital med production. Also required are excellent interpersonal and communications skills; demonstrated ability provide leadership for change; demonstrated ability to manage and lead a staff with widely diverse skil and backgrounds; a working knowledge of the technical infrastructure for the library and informatio services organization of the future; a strong belief in and commitment to team-based leadership a operational support; demonstrated commitment to excellence in service; demonstrated knowledge of ho information is organized, evaluated, accessed, integrated, presented, and used to understand proble and issues or create new knowledge. Full-time, 12-month contract with excellent benefits. Tenure-track; rank and salary commensurate wi experience and qualifications. Anticipated date of appointment: March 1 ‚ 1997. Send letter of intere stating qualifications and resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three profession references to: Head of Inform ation C om m ons Search Com m ittee c/o Carole Runnion LIS A dm inistrative Services 1051 Colvard UNCC Charlotte, NC 28223 Applications received by J a n u ary 15, 1997, will receive first consideration but applications will accepted until position is filled. For additional information visit our web site: A A / E E O s, ill n he u­ on of nd at ts en ge g le s, ia to ls n nd w ms th st al be with programming experience with C, Perl, ksh, and/or Java; a degree in computer or information science, or three-five years equivalent experience. Experience as a member of a project team a plus; experience with Unix and systems management a plus. Required: Self-motivation; sense of excellence in service; effective interper­ sonal and communication skills; adaptability. This is an ideal job for someone excited by the prospect of participating in the evolution of a digital library while helping to maintain its foundation. Mann, the second-largest library in the Cornell University Library system, has one of the nation’s finest collections of agriculture, biology, nutrition, and social science materials. Mann has a staff of 52, including an Information Technology Section of six programmer/systems analysts and two technical support specialists. The library won the first ALA/ Meckler Library of the Future Award in 1993; was featured in the fall 1994 issue of Library Hi Tech; and will be featured again by Library Hi Tech in late 1996. We operate an extensive digital library at Cornell University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety of backgrounds and experiences. For information about Cornell University and Ithaca, New York see For more information about this position, or to apply, contact: Tim Lynch, Head, Information Technology Section, Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4301; phone: (607) 255 -95 70; e-m ail: LIBRARIAN, OFF-CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES. Central Michi­ gan University. Librarian, Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS), provides reference assistance, library user education, and local library referral services to Central Michigan University College of Extended Learning (CEL) students, faculty, administrators, and staff involved with graduate and undergraduate credit courses. Serves 798/C&RL News REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN Miami University Reporting to the Head, Humanities and Social Sciences Department, this position offers an exciting opportunity for a librarian who is eager to define reference service in non-traditional and innovative ways. In addition to providing reference service in the humanities and social sciences using a new, multilevel delivery model, this position's responsibilities include providing user instruction, including curricular development; assisting in the identification and marketing of new departmental services determined by needs assessment and other outreach techniques: coordinating departmental reference services in remote users; participating in the development and deployment of numeric data information services and resources, including identifying and acquiring data files; assisting in the development of electronic publishing projects; and coordinating the continuous evaluation of departmental services in a rapidly expanding electronic environment. The department has a tradition of working collegially and supports a system-wide implementation of a Continuous Quality Improvement program. QUALIFICATIONS: An MLS from an ALA-accredited program; proficiency using electronic databases, especially the Internet, World Wide Web, and Lexis-Nexis; analytic skills; ability to work in a rapidly changing environment; and effective oral and written communication skills. Baccalaureate or master’s degree in the humanities or social sciences Desired qualifications include: Reference experience, library teaching experience, and proficiency with social science statistical packages (e.g., SPSS, SAS). Miami University is a selective institution, nationally ranked, with a strong commitment to liberal education. The 17,000-student campus is located in Oxford, Ohio, about 30 miles northwest of Cincinnati. University Libraries include a central library and branch libraries in science, music, art/architecture, and the Southwest Ohio Regional Depository. A fo unding member of OCLC, OhioLINK, and CNI, the library system is dynamic, flexible, user-centered, and technologically advanced. Comprehensive benefits package. Minimum salary of $28,500 is negotiable, depending upon experience and qualifications. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses of three professional references to: Judith S essions Dean and U niversity Librarian M iam i U niversity Libraries M iam i U n iversity O xford, OH 45056 Preliminary screening of applications will begin December 1 ‚ 1996. program centers throughout Michigan as well as the Canadian province of Ontario. T ravel to these locations is required to provide on­ site library user education. Development and marketing of OCLS’s services, especially its emerging electronic resources, are key ele­ ments of the position. The individual acts as liaison for library support to CEL’s Center for Distance Learning, a unit actively engaged in using ITV, the Internet, and World Wide Web to deliver courses. This position also works with other unit members to present the CMU Off- Campus Library Services Conference, an international, biennial meeting. OCLS, a leader in the extended campus library services field, consists of seven professional librarians and a support staff of 6.5 FTE. Minimum qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accred­ ited library school and one year professional experience, or equiva­ lent, in a public services setting. Knowledge of and experience in using print as well as electronic resources, including CD-ROMS, online databases, and Internet/World Wide Web resources. Demon­ strated experience in planning and delivery of library user instruction; evidence of excellent written and oral communication skills, strong interpersonal skills; flexibility and desire to work in a rapidly changing technological environment; willingness to travel and work a flexible schedule are required. Preferred qualifications: Reference experi­ ence with social sciences, education, administration, and health services resources. Microcomputing experience using windows-based programs. Position is based in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Applicants are encouraged to visit the following web sites for more information about the university, CMU Libraries, CEL, and the Mt. Pleasant com m unity: http ://w w w .cm ich .e d u , h ttp ://w w w .lib .cm ich .e d u , http://www.cel.cmich.cmu, and Success­ ful candidate will participate in a flexible benefit program including medical, dental, and life insurance (including AD&D), long-term disability, flexible spending accounts; dependent life insurance avail­ able. In addition, CMU provides retirement, tuition waiver, paid sick leave, paid vacation and paid holidays. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $33,500. Submit letter of application ad­ dressing qualifications for the position, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chairper­ son, Selection Committee, 207 Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. Position is available immedi­ ately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of candidates’ files will begin in mid-January 1997. CMU, an AA/EO Institution encourages diversity and resolves to provide equal oppor­ tunity regardless of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or other irrelevant criteria. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Manhattanville College. Candidates should be able to develop a strategic plan, administer budget, manage staff, develop collections, integrate technologies and systems. Substantial library or related experience and demonstrated leadership skills required. PH.D. in appropriate academic field or MLS from ALA- accredited program and fund-raising/grant-writing experience pre­ ferred. Send current vita, cover letter, and names of three references to: Susan Jacobs, Chair, Search Committee, Manhattanville Col­ lege, 2900 Purchase St., Purchase, NY 10577. Applications ac­ cepted until position is filled. http://www.cel.cmich.cmu December 1996/799 REFERENCE/INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN UCLA Library Undert he general direction of the Head of the Management Library, provide reference and instructional services to library users. This includes work at the reference desk, provision of e-mail reference service, and teaching in a number of instructional programs including tutorials, the library’s field study consultation service for MBA students, and specialized class presentations and workshops. Develop and implement new and innovative instructional programs and methods of delivering information designed to meet the needs of the library’s primary users with a focus on assisting them in learning how to effectively use and evaluate information resources, especially those in electronic format. Assist in furthering the library’s program of increased emphasis on electronic curricular support. Develop electronic guides to the library’s collection of print and computerized resources using the World Wide Web and other online aides. Work closely with other librarians on the staff to ensure that reference, instructional, and collection development activities are coordinated. Keep abreast of developments in information technology that could be used to improve services to primary users. REQUIREMENTS: Demonstrated experiences in providing business reference service and working with a business library collection and business electronic data sources, including the World Wide Web, preferably within an academic setting. Knowledge of business reference sources— print and electronic— to interpret information needs, to provide appropriate information, and to advise and guide users to timely and effective solutions to information needs. Excellent oral and written communication skillsf o r both one- to-one and group presentations. Experience in designing, implementing, organizing, and evaluating library instructional programs and in translating business concepts as communicated by faculty and students into a workable service models. Computing skills to work in an advanced technological environment with a mix of PC and Macintosh desktop and laptop microcomputers. Working knowledge of Internet client applications using Netscape. Excellent interpersonal skills to work with library and other staff and to work with and relate to faculty and students. Ability to wok in a collegial mode with other staff and to work independently when required. SALARY RANGE: $29,532–$39,648. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei A s so ciate U n iversity Librarian for P ersonnel and A d m in is trativ e Services University R esearch Library UC LA 11334 URL, Box 951575 Los A ngeles, CA 90095-1575 The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications fo r this position. Candidates applying by December 6,1996, will be given first consideration. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (search extended). Carnegie Mellon University Libraries seek a member of the Hunt Library Information Center reference team. Primary responsibilities: Reference desk duty, including rotating nights and weekends; liaison and collection development services fo r the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management and for two departments in the College of Humani­ ties and Social Sciences— Statistics and Social and Decision Sci­ ences; promotion and facilitation of access to data sets, including ICPSR; provision of subject resource information on the WWW; and participation in library outreach and instruction programs. Librarians are expected to participate in professional development activities. Required: MLS (ALA-accredited); ability to use a variety of client platforms and computer systems; excellent interpersonal and com­ munications skills; ability to work well in individual as well as team situations. Academic background in social sciences, public policy, or management. Preferred: One or more years academic library refer­ ence experience. Advanced degree in relevant subject; experience with data sets or government documents. Salary negotiable from $24,700 minimum, depending upon qualifications and experience. Comprehensive benefits package. Credential review begins January 31 ‚ 1997, and continues until position is filled. Send application letter referencing job HL 1-97, resume, and names of three references to: Head, Administrative Services, Hunt Library, HL 1-97, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. Carnegie Mellon is an AA/EEO employer. SPECIAL FORMATS CATALOGER. The University of New Mexico General Library invites applications for Special Formats Cataloger, a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track library faculty position. Rank is negotiable. This library faculty position combines functions of tradi­ tional nonbook cataloging with the opportunity to create and catalog electronic resources for users. Responsible to the General Catalog­ ing Team Leader, Catalog Department. Education and experience: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Minimum of three years cataloging experience including original cataloging. Ex­ tensive experience cataloging non-book materials from some of the following formats: video recordings, audio recordings, CD-ROMs, computer software or other electronic resources. Working knowledge of AACR2r, LC Rule Interpretations, the integrated USMARC format, and LC classification and subject headings. Experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility. Ability to perform in a climate of change and work collegially in a team environment. Evidence of flexibility, initia­ tive, and effective communication skills. Desirable: Cataloging expe­ rience at a research, academic, or large public library. Cataloging 8 0 0 / C&RL News experience with electronic formats. Working knowledge of one or more modern European languages. Experience with INNOPAC or other integrated online system. Grant writing experience. Duties: As a member of the General Cataloging Team, catalogs a variety of nonbook materials, including electronic resources. Additionally, per­ forms original and complex copy cataloging of books in a variety of subjects and languages. Contributes to the planning and develop­ ment of policies and procedures for processing electronic texts. Investigates a electronic access to visual and other archival materi­ als. Contributes headings to NACO. Participates in OCLC Enhance and Upgrade. May participate in collection development. Faculty responsibilities: The incumbent in this position will comply with the policies of the Faculty Handbook, including research, publication, and service to the profession, university, and community. Background: The Catalog Department consists of three cataloging teams and a bibliographic management team. The department processes collec­ tions for the UNM General Library and maintains authority control and support services for the member libraries of the LIBROS consortium. The General Cataloging Team consists of four faculty and eight staff catalogers. The General Library, with a collection of 1,700,000 volumes, is a member of the Association of Research Libraries. The General Library participates in OCLC via the AMIGOS Biblio­ graphic Council regional network and maintains an INNOPAC library system. The University of New Mexico main campus enrolls 25,000 students and employs 1,400 faculty and 3,800 staff. UNM offers 54 master’s degrees and 35 doctoral and professional degrees. The institution serves a multicultural state and an ethni­ cally diverse student body. Salary: Negotiable from $35,000, based on qualifications. Application: Submit resume, names of three references, and a letter describing the strengths you would bring to this position to: Rita Critchfield, General Library, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1466. Applications must be re­ ceived by January 10, 1997. A copy of the job description is also available at The University of New Mexico is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer and educator. SUPERVISING CATALOGER/GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LI­ BRARIAN. John Carroll University’s Grasselli Library is seeking a Supervising Cataloger/Government Documents Librarian. This is a full-time faculty tenure track position. Regular appointment will be for the academic year, with possible summer employment as well. The librarian in this position answers to the Coordinator of Collections and is responsible for cataloging and classification of materials in all formats. Supervision of a selective United States government deposi­ tory, reference and collection responsibilities are included as well. The candidate must have an MLS, experience with OCLC and AACR2 in automated systems and government documents. A second master’s degree is highly desirable. John Carroll University, a Catholic and Jesuit university, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send application letter, resume, and three letters of reference to: Gorman L. Duffett, John Carroll University, Grasselli Library, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, OH 44118. Before a contract is issued full official transcripts of all academic work must be received by the university. Applications must be received by December 20, 1996. Late Job Listin gs DIRECTOR OF THE FLORA LAMSON HEWLETT LIBRARY. The G raduate Theological Union announces th a t the position of Director of the Flora Lamson H ew lett L ibrary will be open as of Ju ly 1 , 1997. The GTU Common Library serves six P ro testan t Sem inaries, th ree Roman Catholic Theologates, the C enter for Jew ish Studies, eleven affiliates/centers, and builds its collection in concert w ith th e U niver­ sity of California, Berkeley. Individuals desiring additional information, or m aking nom inations, or considering application for the position, should w rite to: M argaret R. Miles, co-chair of th e Search Committee, c/o John Dillenberger, th e Search Committee's executive secrtary, G rad uate T h eo lo g ic a l U n ion, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, CA 94709; phone: (510) 649-2440; fax: (510) 649-1417. A detailed description ofthe position will be available upon request. The deadline for receipt of all application documents is F ebruary 1, 1997. EOE. DEAN OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Aurora U niversity seeks an educator/ adm inistrator for the new position of Dean of Inform ation Services. Founded in 1893, Aurora U niversity h as over 2,000 degree-seeking undergraduates and graduate students, in addition to continuing professional education students in a three-state area. Reporting directly to the Provost, the dean will have a broad m andate to integrate, develop, and m anage: The library and m edia services, academic computing and instructional technology, distance learning, adm inistrative computing, campus communications/telecommunications, and Internet/Intranet/W eb connections and presence. The overall mission of th is new position is to provide all necessary inform a­ tion services to all U niversity constituencies. Qualifications: Academic credentials com m ensurate w ith an appointm ent to the faculty; strong m anagerial and technical background spanning the areas delineated above; and both a personal philosophy and an educational career attestin g to the individual’s support of the university’s commit­ m ent to n u rtu rin g “the liberally educated professional.” The search will rem ain open until the position is filled. Candidates are invited to subm it a le tte r of application, curriculum vitae, and nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of professional refer­ ences to: Office of th e Provost, A urora U n iv ersity , 347 South Gladstone Ave., Aurora, IL 60506; fax: (630) 844-7819; e-mail: wasicsko@ Aurora University is an EOE/AA employer and is committed to becoming a model university of the 21st Century. Aurora U niversity is committed to achieving excellence through diversity.