ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ March 1998/203 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart Alternate Realities: How Science Shapes Our Vision of the World, by Jo e l Davis (309 pages, Novem ber 1997), is an invigo­ rating lo ok at som e o f the ways scientific revolutions have extended our five senses to allow us to see the infinite and the invis­ ible. Davis uses the history o f telescopes, cosm ological theory, and quantum physics to penetrate the nature o f scientific reality, especially focusing on recent research. The writing is visionary and the explanations are lucid. $27.95. Plenum Press. ISBN 0-306- 45629-X . Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmen­ talists, edited by Keir B. Sterling, et al. (937 pages, January 1998), provides personal and professional information on som e 445 rep­ resentative individuals w ho lived betw een the late 15th and late 20th centuries, includ­ in g s o m e w h o s e a c c o m p lis h m e n ts are undeservedly obscure. A valuable contribu­ tion to biographical research, this volume contains facts and figures that are difficult to track down elsew here. $175.00. G reen­ wood Press. ISBN 0-313-23047-1. Chocolate: Food of the Gods, edited by Alex Szogyi (228 pages, January 1998), e x ­ amines the history o f chocolate and its use in literature, art, music, folklore, psychol­ ogy, and business. Som e surprises will be found here— chocolate as the food o f liber­ tines in the writings o f the Marquis de Sade, large-scale cacao production in Spanish c o ­ lo n ial A m erica, th e c o n c e p t o f ration al chocoholicism , and conventions o f war and p eace in O scar Straus’s The Chocolate Sol­ dier. $49.95. G reenw ood Press. ISBN 0-313- 30506-4. For those w ho n eed visuals, Ultimate Chocolate, by Patricia Lousada (144 pages, O c to b e r 1 9 9 7 ), has an eyefu l. Although mostly recipes, the pictures are excellent and do show various types o f con fections and George M. Eberhart is associate editor or American Libraries; e-mail: their preparation. $29.95. DK Publishing. ISBN 0-7894-2084-8. Directory of Geoscience Libraries: North Am erica, 1997, c o m p iled by C o n n ie J. M anson and Ian D. Gordon (113 pages, 5th ed., O cto b er 1997), briefly d escribes the holdings o f 538 g e o s cie n c e libraries and collections in the United States and Canada. Relevant nonbook collections are included, such as data libraries and collections o f well logs and w ell cores. $35.00. Lois Heiser, G e o scie n c e Inform ation Society, G eology Library, Indiana University, Bloom ington, IN 47405-1405. ISBN 0-934485-25-9. Eclipse! The What, Where, When, Why & How Guide to Watching Solar & Lunar Eclipses, by Philip S. Harrington (280 pages, O ctober 1997), provides all the information you need to go to central Europe to s ee the next total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999- (Sorry, you just missed the Caribbean one on February 26.) Harrington describes sp e­ cialized eclipse equipm ent and offers tips o n eclip se photography. Nearly h a lf the b ook is taken up with describing the times, paths, and w eather prospects for all solar and lunar eclipses from 1998 to 2017. $14.95. Jo h n Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-12795-7. Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars, 1492-1890, by Jerry K eenan (278 pages, D ecem ber 1997), summarizes the major con­ flicts with Native Americans since coloniza­ tion. Individuals, wars, and other incidents are briefly described, follow ed by sugges­ tions for further reading. For som e reason, only events that occurred within eventual U.S. boundaries are included, so Indian wars in Canada and M exico are not represented. E sp e c ia lly u sefu l fo r q u ic k fact-fin d in g . $73-50. ABC-Clio. ISBN 0-87436-796-4. The Facts on File World News CD-ROM (q u a rterly , S e p te m b e r 1 9 9 7 - ) p rov ides handy access to 70,000 full-text articles from 17 years o f the Facts on File news database. T h e program now in tegrates its m enus, 204 / C&RL News ■ March 1998 sea rch e n g in es , and hy p erlin ks w ith the N etscape Web brow ser (with no requirem ent to b e onlin e) to m ake navigation easier. T he only draw back to the lo o k and feel o f the W eb is th e exp ectation that articles are com ­ pletely up-to-date, w hen often they are sev­ eral m onths old; however, perhaps the pub­ lishers will b e adding Web hyperlinks in future releases. Facts on File has also added to its database o f 3 00 m aps from Magellan G eog rap h ix 70 maps, charts, and graphs il­ lustrating specific new s stories that originally appeared in their print publications. Articles o n new s top ics and o th er d ocu m ents are find able by keyw ord search and a general su bject index, as w ell as lists o f k ey ev en ts, issu es, and p e o p le . M inim um re q u ire ­ m ents are a 4 86 p ro cesso r or higher, W indow s 3-1 or 95, 8 M B RAM, 7 M B fr e e d isk s p a ce , and a d ou b le-sp eed CD-ROM drive. List p rice is $995 for o n e year’s w orth o f quarterly updates. Facts on File News Services, 11 Penn Plaza, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001-2006. Notable Latino Americans: A Biographical Dictionary, by Matt S. Meier (431 pages, 1997), profiles 127 Hispanic m en and w om en w ho have m ade m ajor contri­ butions to Am erican life and culture. Actors (Rita Hayworth), com m unity leaders (H ector P érez G arcía), con d u ctors (X avier Cugat), edu cators (G eo rg e I. Sanchez), journalists (Jo s é Martí), politicians (H enry Cisneros), singers (Mariah Carey), sports figures (Chi C ıi Rodriguez), and many other occupations are represented. In addition to detailing life achievem ents, the biographies can also serve as role m odels to Latino students. $65.00. G reen w ood Press. ISBN 0-313-29105-5. Poland's Holocaust, by Tadeusz Piotrowski (4 3 7 pages, Janu ary 1998), exam ines the role o f radical ethnic m inorities in the collapse o f th e Polish R epublic in the 1930s. P oland ’s ethnically fragm ented population included substantial minorities (Ukrainian, Lithuanian, B eloru ssian , and Je w ish nationalists) that w anted ind ep en den ce. With the approach o f World War II, their leaders collaborated eith er with the Soviets or the Nazis and a self-destructive pattern o f siding with hos­ tile occup iers em erged. This asp ect o f the P olish H olocaust has n o t b e e n very w ell docum ented, and this study fills the gap with 142 pag es o f docum ents, notes, and bibli­ ography. $ 5 5 .0 0 . M cFarland & Com pany. ISBN O-7864-0371-3. T h o s e w h o n e e d to c a tc h up o n th e events and personalities o f the rest o f the H olocaust w ould do well to consult Dictio­ nary o f th e H olocaust: Biography, G e­ ography, a n d Terminology, by Eric Jo se p h E pstein and Philip R osen (4 1 6 pages, D e­ cem b er 1997). O n e n ice feature is its trans­ lation and definition o f Ger- m an-language terms relating to the subject. $49-95. G reen ­ w o o d P r e s s . ISB N 0 - 3 1 3 - 30355-X . Resource M anagem ent in Academic Libraries, edited by David B ak er (2 3 7 pages, Sep tem ber 1997), covers fi­ nancial m anagem ent from a British perspective, although m uch o f it will b e relevant to A m e rica n in s titu tio n s . S e ­ lected chapters include ser­ vice-level agreem ents, by Je a n Steward; al­ lo c a tin g fu n d s fo r p u rc h a sin g , b y Jo h n H u tchins; re s e a rc h c o lle c tio n s , by K eith W ebster; operating costs, by Elizabeth Hart; and m odels for the future, by David Baker. $ 80.00. B ern an A ssociates, 4 6 1 1-F Assem ­ bly Dr., Lanham, MD 20706-4391. ISBN 1- 8560 4 -0 3 6 -4 . Toxic Waste Sites: An Encyclopedia of Endangered America, by Mark Crawford (3 2 4 pages, D ecem b er 1997), is a state-by- state description o f 1,300 seriously polluted w aste dum ps (Superfund sites). E ach entry d escribes the site’s location, history, type o f c o n ta m in a tio n th a t a ffe c ts th e s o il and groundw ater, n u m ber o f p e o p le w h o are th re a te n e d , c le a n u p w o rk c o n d u c te d or planned, parties responsible for the contam i­ nation, legal actions taken, and sou rces for further inform ation. Not exactly a vacation g u id e, but u sefu l fo r d ecid in g w h ere not to live. $ 6 5 .0 0 . A BC -C lio. ISBN 0 -8 7 4 3 6 - C&RL News ■ March 1998/205