ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ November 2002 / 737 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg CCAHA le a fle t The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) has published Disaster Re­ covery: Salvaging Books, by Glen Ruzicka, direc­ tor of conservation. It deals specifically with recovering w et books and includes a checklist for immediate response to a water emergency, a review o f drying and treatm ent options, a glossary of terms, and a selected bibliography. This title is the third technical bulletin in a series that includes Disaster Recovery: Salvaging Art on Paper and Disaster Recovery: Salvaging Pho­ tograph Collections. Copies of any of the technical bulletins are $3.50 each. Order forms are available from the CCAHA Web site at h ttp ://w w w .ccah a.o rg , click on “Publications.” The text of Salvaging Photograph Collections is also available online and may be printed free of charge. Collection re v ie w Guide to Review o f Library Collections: Preserva­ tion, Storage, a n d Withdrawal, no. 12 in the series “Collection M anagem ent and D evelopm ent Guide, "w as published in June 2002. Edited by Dennis K. Lambert, Winston Atkins, Dou­ glas A. Litts and Lorraine H. Olley, the 60- page guide covers the process of conducting a collection review, from the earliest stages through the final report. It goes on to cover possible consequences of a collection review, e.g., preservation, transfer to remote storage, or discard. The section on preservation consid­ ers the elements of a preservation review pro­ gram, principles, identification of materials in need, priorities, and options. The guide is available for $19.95 from Scarecrow Press or most book suppliers. ISBN: 0-8108-4510-5. D ig ita l preservation The Council on Library and Information Re­ sources (CLIR) has published The State o f Digi­ tal Preservation: A n International Perspective. It is a collection of papers p resen ted at the first Documentation Abstracts, Inc. (DAI) Institutes for Inform ation Science held in April 2002. The publication includes “Introduction: The Changing Preservation Landscape” by Deanna Marcum o f CLIR; “Overview of T echnologi­ cal A pproaches to Digital Preservation and Challenges in Coming Years” by K enneth T hibodeau of the N ational Archives and Records Administration; “The Digital Preser­ v a tio n R esearch A g e n d a ” by M argaret Hedstrom of the School of Information at the University of Michigan; “Understanding Digi­ tal Preservation: A Report from OCLC” by Meg Bellinger; “Update on the National Digital In­ frastructure Initiative” by Laura Campbell of the Library of Congress; “Experience o f the National Library of the N etherlands” by Titia van der Werf, “Digital Preservation—A Many­ Layered Thing: Experience at the National Li­ brary of Australia” by Colin Webb; and “Good Archives Make Good Scholars: Reflections on Recent Steps Toward the Archiving of Digital Inform ation” by D onald Waters of the An­ drew W. Mellon Foundation. Full-text o f the publication is available free-of-charge in b o th HTML and PDF at h t t p : / / w w w . c l i r . o r g / p u b s / a b s t r a c t / p u b 107abst.html. C ellulose a c e ta te W eb site The National Library of Australia (NLA) has launched a new Web site, ANICA: Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate. NLA hopes that ANICA will help ensure con­ tinuing access to Australia’s documentary heri­ tage that exists on photographic negatives, motion picture film, microfilm, microfiche, and audio discs made of cellulose acetate. Although intended for Australians, the site includes in­ formation of interest to an international audi­ ence, e.g., condition assessment guidelines, stor­ age issues and options, health and safety infor­ mation. and an annotated bibliography. ANICA is available at h ttp ://w w w .n la . ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation pro g ra m o ffic e r a t Harvard University Library, e-mail : jane_hedberg@; fax: (6 1 7 ) 496-8344 http://www.nla