ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 740 / C&RL News ■ November 2002 New Publications George M. Eberhart Biological Hazards, by Joan R. Callahan (385 p a g es, A ugust 2002), a rra n g e s p o iso n s a n d p a thogens in chapters b ased o n their m ode of transmission. Most are infectious diseases from germ s transm itted in w ater, food, air, a n d by h um an contact; o ther biohazards include ven­ om ous animals, toxic plants, allergens, a nd ani­ mal predators. Callahan p rovides a history of each, along w ith causes, preventive measures, o u tlo o k , a n d statistics o n incid e n ce . A g los­ sary, bibliography, and list of organizations are included. $64.95. Oryx. ISBN 1-57356-385-4. The Concise Oxford Dictionary o f Archae- o logy, by Timothy Darvill(506 pages, June 2002), defines more than 4,000 terms, sites, periods, cul­ tures, and persons involved in world archaeology. The volume has more entries than the Collins Dic­ tionary o fA rchaeology (ABC-Clio, 1993), but no illustrations or maps. A strong, but not exclusive, European focus. $45.00. Oxford University. ISBN 0-19-211649-5. Conducting th e Reference interview , by Catherine Sheldrick Ross, Kirsti Nilsen, a nd Patricia Dewdney (241 pages, September 2002), explores the process of subtly encouraging users to tell you w hat they n e ed to know . Filled with models, exercises, tips, and useful examples, the authors combine recent findings on user percep­ tions and behavior with practical advice on what works best in reference interactions. Two chap­ ters on special contexts look at telephone queries, e-mail reference, interviews with adults w ho have special language-related needs, and the readers' advisory interview. $55 00. Neal-Schuman. ISBN 1-55570-432-8. D riv in g Visions, by D avid L aderm an (322 pages, July 2002), exam ines the genre o f road m ovies, in w hich autom obiles or m otorbikes are central characters, and rebellion, alienation, a n d r e s t le s s n e s s a re th e m e s . F ro m th e trailblazing B o nnie a n d Clyde (1967) and Easy R ider (1969) to the p o stm odern W ild a t H eart (1 9 9 0 ), T h e lm a a n d L o u ise (1 9 9 1 ), a n d George M. Eberhart is senior editor of American Libraries; e-mail: multicultural Sm oke Signals (1998), Laderman p ro v id e s in -d e p th analysis o f k e y film s a n d their p ro g ress th ro u g h the A m erican cultural a n d political landscape. A final c h a p te r com ­ pares E uropean road m ovies. $24.95. Univer­ sity o f Texas. ISBN 0-292-74731-4. T he G o ld e n A g e o f A m e ric a n L ig h t­ houses, by Tim Harrison and Ray Jones (l6 9 pages, J u n e 2002), brings to g eth e r h u n d re d s of archival photographs o f U.S. lights a nd their k e e p e rs from 1850 to 1939- C o m m e n tary is minimal, b ut the images are rarely seen. $19.95. G lobe P e q u o t. ISBN 0-7627-1276-7. In case y o u m issed it the first time, D over has re issu e d D. Alan S te v en so n ’s 1959 w o rk on The W orld’s Lighthouses from ancient times to 1820 (310 pages, 2002). A c o m p re h en siv e su rv e y o f m a rin e b e a c o n s a n d illu m in a tio n m ethods, this classic text d ocum ents the tran ­ sition from the w o o d fires o f antiquity to the reflector lights of 1819. $26.95. Dover. ISBN 0-486-41824-3. Iraq's M ilita ry Capabilities in 2002: A Dy­ n a m ic N e t A sse ssm en t, by A n th o n y H. Cordesman (100 pages, Septem ber 2002), grew o u t o f a re p o rt originally p re p a re d for a July 2002 conference at the Naval War College. This le v e l-h e a d e d analysis looks at the strength and de p lo y m e n t o f current Iraqi military forces, then exam ines the likely out­ c o m e s o f fu tu re s c e ­ narios—among them con­ tinued sanctions and en­ f o r c e m e n t o f n o -fly zones; Iraqi aggression a g ainst its n e ighbors; Iraq ’s d e v elo p m en t a nd use of biological a nd nuclear weapons; and an attack by a U.S.-led coa­ lition. Cordesm an concludes that a U.S. attack would probably succeed; however, without solid planning for conflict termination and nation-build­ ing, meaningful reform might prove elusive in a post-Saddam Iraq. $21.95. Center for Strategic a nd International Studies, 1800 K Street, N.W., W ashington, D.C. 20006. ISBN 0-89206-416-1. C&RL News ■ N ov e m b e r 2002 / 741 cre scen d oe d b e tw een 1983 and 1992 w hen more than 100 day-care centers and preschools in the United States w ere investigated for ritual abuse. De Young organizes the literature into definitions; U.S. day-care ritual abu se cases; U.S. family and neighborhood cases; Canadian, European, and Australasian cases; alleged symp­ tom s o f ritual ab u se; co n trov ersies o v er re­ covered memory and multiple personality; the impact on the helping professions and Ameri­ can law; reports and narratives; and social-sci- e n c e p ersp ectives. $49.95. McFarland. ISBN 0 -7 8 6 4 -1 2 5 9 -3 . L indbergh: F lig ht's E n ig m a tic Hero, by V on Hardesty (2 3 2 p ag es, N ovem ber 20 0 2 ), recap tu res the e x c ite m e n t o f the first so lo transatlantic flight in 1927 and the adulation heaped upon pilot Charles Lindbergh for doing w hat m any thou ght im p o ssib le at the tim e. Lavishly illustrated with 400 photos, maps, and illu strations, the v o lu m e m arks the 75th anniversary o f the flight and has a foreword by Lindbergh’s grandson Erik, w ho reenacted the event in May 2002 with a modern single-engine plane. Hardesty, a curator at the Sm ithsonian National Air and Sp ace Museum, covers many events in Lindbergh’s life, including the famous kidnapping in 1932, his ca re e r as an aviation consultant in the Pacific theatre during World W ar II, and his later w ork as a conservationist. $ 4 0 .0 0 . H arcourt. ISBN 0 -1 5 -1 0 0 9 7 3 -2 . R o llin g w it h th e Stones, by Bill Wyman w ith R ichard H avers (5 1 2 p ag es, O c to b e r 2002), features more than 3,000 photos, maga­ zine covers, poster art, record labels, clippings, le tte r s , a n d tic k e ts sh ow casin g 4 0 years o f the Rolling Stones, m o s t o f it f r o m W yman’s ow n co llec­ t i o n . T h e S t o n e s bassist’s chronological rem in iscen ces o f the b a n d a r e s u p p l e ­ m en ted by freq u en t q u o tes from the m e ­ dia, fans, and friends, but the incomparable illustrations m ake this the ultimate rock bio book. All the key events in the band’s history are he re, inclu d ing b a b y p ictu res o f K eith Richards, the “Ready Steady G o!” show days, the fan riots, the dnig busts, Brian Jon es’s death, M ick ja g g e r’s antics, and Altamont. Dates, lo­ cations, and song lists from each o f their m a­ jo r tours are provided, and the index is well- done for this genre. The only thing missing is a co m p reh en siv e discograp hy, althou gh on e would have languished in these busy pages which seem just as frenetic as the Stones’ ow n brand o f hard rock. $50.00. DK Publishing, ISBN 0- 7 8 9 4 -8 9 6 7 -8 . T im e lin e s o f W o rld H istory, by Jo h n B. T eep le (6 6 6 pages, O ctob er 20 0 2 ), offers an interesting mix o f chronology, illustration, and cartography that depicts the past 20,000 years o f w orld history. Not as d etailed as Ja m e s Trager’s P eople’s Chronology (Henry Holt, 1992) or even D K’s C hronicle series, this volume is nonetheless worthy for striking a balance b e ­ tw ee n Asian, A frican, E u ro p ean, and New World history. T h e tim eline ap p ears in four sep arate g eo g ra p h ic co lu m n s throughout, though North American users will have to re­ sign them selves to the fact that they share the same space with Australasia and South America. The primary timeline is supplemented by one- p a rag rap h su m m aries and b o x e d “m in i­ chronicles” on such topics as the Ottomans in Europe, Indian independence, and universal suffrage. A series o f world maps from 10,000 B.C. to 2002 delineates non-W estern cultures as well as European spheres o f influence. No index, but a 200-page conco rdan ce serves as b o th a g lo ssa ry and c o u n try -b y -co u n try ch ro n ic le . $ 4 0 .0 0 . D K P ublish ing. ISBN 0- 7 8 9 4 -8 9 2 6 -0 . Voices fro m Vietnam , by Charlene Edwards (264 pages, November 2002), brings together 7 0 stories o f ho w the V ietnam War affected Americans and Vietnamese people— not only soldiers and nurses, but prisoners o f war, refu­ gees, Amerasians, mountain peoples, religious leaders, families, journalists, and war protest­ ers. Some are famous, like retired General Wil­ liam W estm oreland and Kim Phuc (th e Viet­ namese girl wounded from napalm shown na­ ked in a fam ou s 1972 p h o to ), but m ost are ordinary folks w ho w ere profoundly affected by this extraordinary conflict. Some 170 photos of people and places, some taken during the war and others taken by Edwards, are powerful and evocative. $40.00. Journeys, P.O. B o x 610260, Bayside, NY 11361. ISBN 0-9714020-5-1. ■ 742 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2002