ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 744 I C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2002 People in the News Ann-Christe Galloway P a t F a r th in g , coordinator of the Instructional Materials Center at Appalach ian State University (ASU), is the recipient o f one o f six U niver­ sity o f North Carolina B oard o f G overnors’ E xcellence in T ea ch in g A w ards. Farthing w orks closely w ith the Reich College o f E du­ cation at ASU, collaborating w ith classroom instructors to develop the library com ponent. In the last few years, she has w o rk e d h a rd to a d d a n active le a rn in g c o m p o n e n t to all o f h e r classes; s h e te a c h e s m o re th a n 70 cla sses e a c h year. F a rth in g h a s b e e n a li­ b ra ria n at ASU for 30 years, w h e re sh e is a lso a m e m b e r o f th e re fe re n c e a n d in ­ stru c tio n team . C h r is t o p h e r A. (C a l) L ee is the first recipi­ ent of the Coalition for Networked Information’s (CNI) Paul Evan Peters Fellowship for gradu­ a te stu d y in the inform ation s c ie n c e s o r librarianship. Lee is cur­ rently in th e doctoral program at the Univer­ sity of Michigan’s (UM) School o f Information, h a ving c o m p le te d his master’s degree at Michi­ gan in 1999- His area of in te re s t is e le c tro n ic record keeping and pres­ ervation. He has already Christopher A. (Cal) Lee made contributions to the field of digital preservation as a research assistant for the CAMiLEON Project, a joint effort of UM and Leeds University in England. D i a n e S c h m i d t , b io lo g y lib ra rian at the U n iv e rsity o f Illinois L ibrary in U rb an a- C ham paign, has co au th o red the third edition of Using the B iological Literature: A P ractical G uide (N ew York: Marcel Dekker, 2002). The b o o k is an a n n o ta te d b ib liographic g uide to im p o rta n t re fe re n c e so u rc e s in the b io lo g i­ cal sc ien c es, from a n a to m y to z o ology. P r i s c i l l a Y u , city p la n n in g a n d la n d s c a p e a rc h ite c tu re lib ra rian at th e U niversity of Illinois L ibrary in U rb a n a-C h a m p aig n , has p u b lis h e d “L eaning to O n e Side: T he Im ­ p a c t o f th e C old W ar o n C hinese Library C o lle c tio n s,” a c h a p te r in Books, Libraries, R e a d in g a n d P u b lish in g in the Cold W ar (W ashington, D.C.: C e n te r for th e B ook, Library o f C ongress, 2002). A p p o i n t m e n t s L in d a M a r ie G o lia n - ----------------------------- L u i has b e e n n a m e d u n iv ersity lib ra rian at th e U niversity o f H a­ w a ii-H ilo ’s E d w in H. M o o k in i L ibrary a n d G r a p h i c S e r v i c e s . P rio r to this p o sitio n s h e w a s a fo u n d in g fa c u lty m e m b e r a n d t h e r e f e r e n c e t e a m Linda Marie Golian-Lui l e a d e r /e d u c a tio n liai­ s o n lib ra rian for F lorida G ulf C oast U ni­ v e rsity in Ft. M yers, Florida. G olian-L ui is a 2001 g ra d u ate of the ACRL/Harvard Lead­ e rsh ip Institute. R u t h J a c k s o n is n o w u n iv e rsity lib ra rian at th e U niversity o f C alifornia Riverside. J a c k s o n ’s e x p e rtis e is in lo n g -te rm p la n ­ n ing, fin d in g in n o v ativ e u se s for te c h n o l­ ogy, forging p a rtn e rs h ip s b o th w ith in a n d o u tsid e th e c am p u s, a n d ra isin g s u p p o rt fo r th e lib ra ries s h e ’s h e a d e d at u n iv e rs i­ ties in K ansas a n d W est Virginia. A m ong h e r g o als are hirin g a d d itio n a l staff in k ey a rea s su c h as in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g y , d e ­ v e lo p in g a fu n d ra is in g system , e n h a n c in g Ed. n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to Ann-C hriste Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. C& RL N e w s ■ N o ve m b er 2 0 0 2 / 745 t h e c o l l e c t i o n , a n d developing a strategic plan. Ja c k so n has rep­ resented libraries at the Governor’s C onference on Libraries and Infor­ mation Service in Rich­ m ond, Virginia, and at the W hite H ouse Con­ f e r e n c e o n L ib ra rie s Ruth Jackson and In fo rm a tio n Se r­ v ic e in W a s h in g to n , D.C. In 1992, she was a m em ber o f the Re­ search Librarian's delegation to Russia, the Ukraine, and Hungary. Jo a n n e A. Sch neid er has been named direc­ tor of library and information services at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. She was previously assistant college librarian for budgets and collections at Middlebury College. She was collection man­ a g e m e n t lib ra r ia n at Middlebury from 1981 to 1999 and reference/cata- log librarian for a year be­ fore that. Her earlier po­ sitions included branch head in the Jefferson- Madison Regional Library Joanne A. Schneider System in Charlottesville, Virginia; work in two Tibetan refugee libraries in Dharmasala and Mundgod, India; and reference librarian for the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor­ poration in Washington, D.C. She was coedi­ tor of C ollection Developm ent in College Libraries (ALA 1991), which contained her chapter on “Preservation Organization and Practice in College Libraries.” Donald Dean Smeeton is now the director of the Pentecostal Resource Center at Lee University. Paid Atwood has joined the staff at the Uni­ versity o f California-Berkeley’s Water Resources Center Archives as the new technical services li­ brarian. R. Wayne Bivens-Tatum has been named general and humanities reference librarian at P rin ceto n U niversity. D a n ie l B o o m h o w e r is now assistan t music librarian at the Mendel Music Library at P rin ceto n U niversity. Susan Boyd has been appointed reference librarian/engineering subject specialist at Santa Clara University. J o h n J . B urke is now the assistant director o f the regional campus library at the Middletown campus o f Miami University in Ohio. A n to n io Calvo has joined the referen ce and instructional services department at Cali­ forn ia State U niversity-N orthridge as the fin e arts and p erfo rm in g arts librarian. J i m C h urch has been named international documents librarian at the University o f Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. R ita Evans is now the reference librarian and head o f reference services at the Univer­ sity o f California-Berkeley’s Institute o f Trans­ portation Studies Library . J a n e l l e H e d stro m is no w an inform a­ tion literacy librarian at the University o f Texas- Austin’s Library Instruction and Inform ation Literacy Services. R y an H ild e b ra n d has b e e n ap p o in ted special collections and archives cataloger at the University o f California-Irvine. A d rian N. (A .J.) J o h n s o n is now an in­ form ation literacy librarian at the University o f Texas-A ustin’s Library Instruction and In­ formation Literacy Services. Elizabeth K nigh t has been appointed sci­ en ce librarian for physical and environmental scien ces at the University o f Puget Sound Li­ brary. W allace K o e h le r has b e e n nam ed direc­ tor o f th e m aster o f library and inform ation scien ce program at Valdosta State University. Ju n e L em bo is now scien ce librarian for biological and health scien ces at the Univer­ sity o f Puget Sound Library. Anne Liebst has be en appointed assistant d irecto r for te ch n ica l serv ices at W ashburn University-Topeka. D an L in ke has b e en promoted to univer­ sity archivist and curator o f public policy pa­ pers at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University. Laura K an e M cEIfresh is now electronic resources cataloger for the G eneral Libraries o f Emory University. K a ren M unro has b e e n appointed litera­ ture lib rarian at the U niversity o f O reg o n L ib raries-E u gene. Michele Os trow is now head of library in­ struction and information literacy services at the University of Texas-Austin General Libraries. 746 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2002 C arol Ou has be en appointed electronic resources cataloger for the General Libraries o f Emory University. M arin a P ere ira has joined the reference department faculty at the Edith Garland Dupré L ib rary at th e U n iv ersity o f L o u isia n a - Lafayette. L o rin g P re st has b e e n p rom oted to the rank o f assistant professor at California Uni­ versity o f Pennsylvania, where he is electronic resources librarian and library Webmaster. B en P rim er has been promoted to the po­ sition o f associate university librarian for rare b o o k s and sp e cial c o lle ctio n s at P rinceton University. N ancy Sh ad er has been appointed assis­ tant archivist for public services at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton Uni­ versity. K a ren A. W eaver is now curatorial assis­ tant for the department o f printed books and bindings at the Pierpoint Morgan Library in New York. K im b e rly W h a len has b e e n appointed business librarian for the Goizueta Business Li­ brary o f Emory University. T o m W ilso n is now director o f informa­ tion technology at the University o f Maryland- College Park Libraries. Ju lie P la n ch o n W olf has been appointed reference and instruction/nursing librarian at the University o f W ashington Libraries at the Cascadia Community College and University o f Washington, Bothell Collocated Campus. D ana W right has joined the library at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign as the assistant undergraduate librarian for diversity services. A n n Zeidman-Karpinksi has been named science and technology services librarian at the University o f Oregon Libraries-Eugene. R e t i r e m e n t s M a rth a A lex an d er, d irecto r o f lib raries at the University o f M issouri-C olum bia since 1990, has retired. Her previous positions in­ clude university librarian at the University of Louisville (1 9 8 3 -9 0 ), associate university li­ brarian (1 9 7 8 -8 2 ) and assistant university li­ brarian fo r te ch n ica l serv ices ( 1 9 7 5 - 7 8 ) at George Washington University, and several po­ sitions at the University o f Maryland from 1969 to 1974. A lexander is a m em b er o f ACRL, the A m erican A ssociatio n for H igher Education, and the Missouri Library A ssociatio n . In 1991, A lexand er gave testi­ m ony b e fo re the U.S. H ouse C om m ittee on M a rth a A lexand er E d u cation and Labor regarding the Reauthorization o f the Higher Education Act. D e a t h s R o s a le e M cReynolds, 51, special collections librarian at Loyola University-New O rleans, died on August 21. McReynolds joined the li­ brary faculty in Ju n e 1980 as serials librarian. She held that p osition until 1998, w h en she b e c a m e L oy ola’s first sp e cia l co lle ctio n s li­ brarian. She was an a c­ tiv e r e s e a r c h e r and w riter and, at the tim e o f her death, was work­ ing o n a b o o k about Rosalee McReynoldsPhilip and Mary Ja n e K eeney, librarians w ho lost job s b e ca u se o f unpopular political views. McReynolds was a founding m em ber and past president o f the Louisiana ch ap ter o f ACRL and a winner of ALA’s Justin Winsor Prize for excellence in library history research. ■ A d ve rtiser index AACCRRLL 774477 AARRLL 773311 BBeemmaann AAssossociaciatetes s 772211 CheChemicamical l AAbbstrstracactsts Serv Servicice e CCovover er 22 CHCHOOICICEE 770022 EEBBSSCCOO CoCover ver 44 IISSII 669999 LiLibrabraririeses Unlimit Unlimited ed 774422 OCLC OCLC CoCover ver 33 ScScararecrecrooww Press Press 772277 SwSwets/Bets/Blackwell lackwell 770077 C&RL News ■ N ov e m b e r 2002 / 747