ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 2 0 /C&RL News Internet Reviews S a ra A m ato, editor N e tV e t. A c c e s s : h t t p : / / netvet.w NetVet, a rapidly ex p an d in g W orld W ide W eb (WWW) server, originates from an d is p ro v id ed courtesy o f Ken B o s c h e r t a t W a s h in g to n U n i v e r s i t y ’s D iv is io n o f C o m p a r a t i v e M e d i c in e (KEN@WUDCM.WUSTL.EDU). N etV et w as d e v e lo p e d in early 1993 from th e E lec­ tronic Zoo (E-Zoo), a g o p h er file w hich b eg an in 1992 as a textual listing o f veterinary an d anim al-related c o m p u te r re s o u rc e s. In m id-1993 B o sch ert tu rn e d E-Zoo into a sim ultaneous WWW site. E-Zoo n o w includes m any o f th e resources re­ ferred to in its text, w ith pointers to o th er m a­ jor In tern et reso u rces in veterinary m edicine a n d related fields, as w ell as anim al-related WWW an d g o p h er sites, ftp archives, telnet sites, a n d electronic publications. NetVet, consisting o f textual a n d graphical veterinary an d anim al resources, is th orough in scope, w ell organized in structure, an d in­ form ative in content. It currently provides ac­ cess to m ost o f th e N et’s resources related to th e veterinary m edical profession. It also p ro ­ vides an expansive collection o f inform ation a b o u t m ost anim al species. In addition to h o m ­ ing th e E-Zoo, NetVet provides p ointers to col­ leges, publications, an d laws an d regulations, a n d to organizations, including the American V eterinary M edical A ssociation’s N etw ork o f Animal H ealth, the V eterinary Inform ation Net­ w ork, an d th e A m erican Association for Labo­ ratory Animal Science. NetVet also serves as th e g o p h e r a n d WWW h o m e for th e N ational Agricultural Library's Animal W elfare Inform a­ tion C enter, th e archive site for a m ultitude o f veterinary a n d anim al-related Net mailing lists. Finally, NetVet is th e g o p h e r an d W eb h o m e for th e topic o f veterinary informatics an d g e n ­ eral inform ation ab o u t W ashington U niversity’s D ivision o f C om parative Medicine. Part o f NetVet’s ap p eal is that it provides useful inform ation to veterinarians an d related health professionals, as w ell as to anim al lay­ Sara Amato is automated systems librarian at Central Washington University; sam ato@tahom p e r s o n s a n d h o b b y i s t s . T h ro u g h N etV et, o n e can find professional information su c h as th e V ete rin a ria n ’s O ath, scientific publications, an d recreational inform ation su c h as D avid L etterm an’s “T op 10 Signs Y ou’ve G one to a Bad V eterinarian.” Some files, such as th e E questrian W e b P a g e s o f h o r s e r e ­ sources, m ight interest the p ro fe ssio n a l a n d h o b b y ist alike. T hrough NetVet’s vir­ tual library, Net surfers may u se interactive graphics capabilities to link to o se P erez’s oil p ain tin g “T he V eterinarian,” rom th e N ational Library o f M edicine’s collec­ ion. T hey m ay click th ro u g h th e veterinary m ages file to v iew th e latest in co m p u te r- ssisted instruction. T he NetVet W eb also al­ ow s linkage to related areas o f th e WWW vir­ ual library, such as th o se for agriculture, bio­ cience, biotechnology, an d m edicine. Finally, et surfers m ay brow se th e anim al resources n the E-Zoo, including its excellent anim al im­ ges collection.— Tamera P. Lee, A uburn Uni­ ersity; ASA Spacelink. Access: http://spacelink.m sfc. o r telnet o r g o p h e r to: spacelink. m rovided by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight C en­ er in H untsville, Alabama, Spacelink is an ex­ eedingly rich so u rce o f space-related inform a­ ion in m any forms. Since its in cep tio n in 1988, pacelink has gro w n in direct pro p o rtio n w ith h e explosive interest in an d use of th e Inter­ et. T oday direct dial is su p p o rted , as is access ia telnet, gopher, ftp, and the W orld Wide Web. NASA S pacelink’s co n ten t reflects its m is­ ion: to h e lp teachers, faculty, a n d stu d en ts each th e n ational e d u catio n goals as outlined y th e presid en t a n d the NASA Strategic Plan or Education. T hough primarily space oriented, pacelink's offerings reflect its interdisciplinary harge. Available th ro u g h th e system are text iles, softw are, an d im agery. Subjects covered nclude science, m ath, engineering, an d tech ­ ology education, as w ell as lesson plans, his­ orical inform ation related to th e space program , J f t i a l t s N o a v N P t c t S t n v s r b f S c f i n t mailto:KEN@WUDCM.WUSTL.EDU http://spacelink.msfc Ju n e 1 9 9 5 /4 2 1 current status reports o n NASA projects, NASA new s releases, and various publications w ith educational o r research relevance. Spacelink may b e used by educators to create space- or scien ce-o rien ted lesso n p lans, b y th o s e re ­ searching NASA’s history or current program s, or by students in su p p o rt o f papers, projects, or curiosity. G iven p articu lar co v erag e a re th e Space Shuttle program an d the nascent International Space Station. Activities concerning these are exhaustively d o cu m en ted , a n d p h o to g ra p h s from shuttle missions are usually available b e ­ fore the spacecraft returns to Earth. Also avail­ able are astronom ical im ages from the H ubble Space T elescope an d NASA planetary probes. Originally configured as a direct-dial access system, Spacelink still offers this option to sites w ithout Internet access. Schools that have no link to th e Internet o r no access to comm ercial online services m ay contact Spacelink by mail, on official letterhead, to arrange for special services. For m ore inform ation, contact Flint Wild, NASA Spacelink Administrator, E duca­ tional Program s Office, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812.— Kurt W. Wagner, William Paterson College o f New Jer­ sey; Online M endelian Inheritance in M an. Access: h ttp ://g d b w w w .g d b .o rg o r gopher. g d b .o r g ( u n d e r ‘S e a rc h D a ta b a s e s at H opkins’). The explosive grow th o f m olecular biology has increased research in an d know ledge of ge­ netic diseases, often identifying th e specific chrom osom al location o f genes an d holding out ho p e o f possible treatm ent for som e inherited afflictions. T he standard reference for genetic disease is Mendelian Inheritance in M an (e d ­ ited b y Victor McKusick an d published by Johns H opkins Press), now in its 11th edi­ tion. T h e first edition in 1966 w as 344 pages; th e 1994 edition is m ore th an 3,000 pages in tw o hefty volum es. Each entry includes a concise description o f th e dis­ covery history o f the particular genetic dis­ ease, extensive references to th e research literature, a n d a clinical synopsis to aid in diagnosis. Online Mendelian Inheritance in M an (OMIM) is the electronic version, u n d er active d e v elo p m en t a n d revision w ith daily updates as new literature a p ­ T pears. OMIM is accessible via WWW an d g o ­ pher. The WWW version offers a form s-based search interface, incorporates a grow ing array o f m ultim edia additions (im ages, video, and so u n d files in som e entries), an d perm its links to chrom osom e m aps from th e G enom e Data Base (GDB). In th e WWW version entries a p ­ p e a r as hypertext w ith links to related entries an d to bibliographic citations. T he g o p h er ver­ sion is lim ited to keyw ord searching. OMIM is an essential tool for m edical an d genetic research, but it has a m ore general util­ ity as a n exam ple o f th e W eb’s evolving p o te n ­ tials as a n inform ation delivery medium . Refer­ en ce librarians an d Internet trainers w h o have n o particular interest in genetic diseases can use OMIM as a m eans to answ er questions and illustrate searching strategies in indexed d ata­ bases. A few exam ples will m ake this clear. A query by keyw ord, by au th o r’s nam e, or by specific OMIM heading returns a relevance- ran k ed list o f entries in w hich the search term a p p e a rs . B o o le a n se a rc h in g a n d w ild -card matching are supported. Try: ju m ping F re n ch ­ m an in the title field [a favorite exam ple, readily u n d ersto o d by lay audiences]; W allace and D. in references field [retrieves 69 entries w ith ref­ erences to articles by D. C. Wallace, a leader in m itochondrial DNA research]; hepatom egaly in clinical synopsis field [entries w here enlarged liver is a sym ptom — an exam ple o f a possible diagnostic use]. If you have a graphic brow ser w ith sou n d an d video capability these exam ples indicate OMIM’s future developm ent: 143100 in OMIM nu m b er field [H untington Disease, w ith sev eral.mpg video clips]; “cri-d u-chat” in title field [contains a .gif im age a n d .au so u n d file]. OMIM is a m arvelous exam ple o f th e p o s­ sibilities for timely distribution o f com plex in­ form ation.— Hugh Blackmer, Washington a n d Lee University; ■ h e logo fo r NetVet o n th e W orld W ide Web.