ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 321 NEWS NOTES • The L ib r a r y o f C o n g r e s s has completed a study o f existing governmental library resources and services, jointly funded and sponsored by the National Commission on Libraries and Informa­ tion Science (NCLIS). More than 400 Federal li­ braries o f all types were studied through personal interviews and mail questionnaires. They in­ cluded health, technical and other special librar­ ies as well as academic, school, and general li­ braries in the Midwest, Southwest, and Pacific Coast regions. The overall recommendation of the study, entitled Toward a Federal Library and In­ fo rm a tio n Services N etw ork: A Proposal, ad­ dresses the need for a full-service, multitype Federal library network based on existing re­ sources and services. The plan o f action proposed indicates goals and implementation suggestions that the Federal library community can use as a guide. Responsibility for further action, the study states, depends on the Federal Library Commit­ tee. Copies o f the 130-page report are available for $6 each from the Superintendent o f D ocu ­ ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash­ ington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 030-000-00138-9). • The P e a b o d y I n s t i t u t e Library, Baltimore, became part o f the Johns Hopkins University on July 1. It will be administered by Johns Hopkins’ Milton S. Eisenhower Library as part o f its Spe­ cial Collections Department, but will retain its separate iden tity and stay in its presen t downtown Baltimore location. The Peabody’s col­ lection of 250,000 volumes is outstanding in early science, with additional strength in the Greek and Latin classics, Romance languages, English and American literature, and genealogy. ■ ■ People PROFILES Ja m e s R . K e n n e d y , head librarian for the City o f Lawrence, Massachusetts, has been appointed director o f the Giesel Library at Saint Anselm C o lle g e , M an chester, New Hampshire. At L aw ren ce he served as library consul­ tant to the Merrimack Valley Health Planning C ou n cil and was r e ­ spon sible for the o r ­ ganization and d e ­ velopm ent o f a health planning scien ces li­ brary to serve both re­ gional health planners and health care p r o ­ vider agencies. Before James R. Kennedy goin g to L aw ren ce, K ennedy was library director o f the Jonathan Bourne Public Library, Bourne, Massachusetts, where he instituted services for the handicapped and organized a cooperative effort among public, academic, and military base libraries. K ennedy, a graduate o f Stonehill C olleg e, holds an MLS degree from the U niversity o f Rhode Island and has done advanced studies at the Boston University School o f Business A d­ ministration and the Miami (Ohio) University School o f Business Administration. He began his library career as a part-time reference and circu­ lation assistant at the Walpole Public Library in 1964. G e o r g e C h a r l e s N e w m a n , director o f Shafer Library and assistant dean for cultural arts at Findlay College, Ohio, has been named director o f the Edward H. Bu­ tler Library at the State University o f New York at Buffalo effective Au­ gust 15. Newman has directed library and media ser­ vices at Findlay College since 1977 and was di­ re cto r o f the L. Dale D orn ey C om m u nity Arts Series at Findlay C o lle g e for 1 981-82. Prior to his a p p o in t­ G. Charles Newmanment at Findlay, New­ man was director of li­ brary and media services and assistant dean at G o ld e n W est C o lle g e , H un tin gton B each, California, from 1975 to 1977. Newman holds a bachelors degree in history from the University o f Cincinnati (1965); a master o f arts in teaching degree from Miami University, Ohio (1971); a masters in library science and edu­ cational technology from the University of Michi­ gan (1972); and a Ph.D from the Center for the Study o f Higher Education at the University of Michigan (1978). Newman is the author o f Leadership and the Politics o f Innovative Change: Antioch College under Arthur H. Morgan (1982) and co-author of Limited Growth in Higher Education: Indicators, Impacts and Implications (1976). He has also au­ thored several articles (including the B iblio- 322 graphic Instruction colum n in the Septem ber 1982 C&RL N ew s), papers and grants in the fields o f librarianship, educational technology, history, and higher education. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS E v e l y n P. F a n c h e r , director o f libraries and learning resources at Tennessee State University, Nashville, has been selected to develop an ag­ ricultural research li­ brary in Swaziland, Af­ rica. The library will be used primarily by the researchers involved in an $11 million, five-year p roject, sponsored by the Swaziland govern­ m ent and the U nited States A gen cy for In ­ ternational D e v e lo p ­ ment. Penn State is the primary contractor for this project with Ten ­ Evelyn P . Fanchernessee State University serving as a subcontrac­ tor. Fancher began her first service to the project in August. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, .50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611). V i c t o r i a J. A d a m i t i s has b e e n a pp oin ted readers services librarian (serials) at the E. Lee Trinkle Library, M ary W ash ington C o lle g e , Fredericksburg, Virginia. P a t r i c i a A r n o t t is now coordinator for biblio­ graphic instruction at the University o f Delaware Library, Newark. Ji l l A u s e l has been appointed public services librarian at R ob ert M orris C o lle g e Library, Pittsburgh and Coraopolis, Pennsylvania. E l i z a b e t h B a k e r is now management refer­ e n ce librarian at N orthw estern U niversity, Evanston, Illinois. L e e B e n n e t t is now acquisitions librarian for Loyola University o f Chicago Libraries. R o b e r t C. B e r r i n g has been appointed law li­ brarian at the University o f California, Berkeley Law School. A j a y e B l o o m s t o n e has b e e n app oin ted cataloger in the University o f W yoming Libraries, Laramie. R u t h A . B o e t t c h e r has joined the University o f Wyoming Libraries, Laramie, as Health Sci­ ences Information Network technical services li­ brarian. V i c t o r T . C a r d e l l has been appointed assist­ ant head o f the Music Library, Yale University. K a t h l e e n M . C a r n e y is now a cataloger for Loyola University o f Chicago Libraries. M a r g a r e t S. C h i l d has been named assistant director o f the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, where she will serve as manager of the Research Services Division. M a r g a r e t M . C h i s h o l m is now public services librarian at the Yale University Law Library. J o h n W . C o l l i n s , I I I , has b een appointed head o f the Educational Resources Library, Bos­ ton University. L e n o r e C o r a l has been appointed music li­ brarian at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. P a u l a C o v i n g t o n has been named coordinator o f reference services at Vanderbilt s Central Li­ brary, Nashville. D o r o t h y W . C o x has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian for the Law School Library o f Loyola University of Chicago. W e s t w e l l R . D a n i e l s has been appointed as­ sociate librarian at the Yale University Law Li­ brary. A d e l e D e n d y has been appointed head o f the E d u cation Library, Indiana U n iversity, Bloomington. Sa m u e l D o v e is now head o f the Records Sec­ tion in the Library o f Congress’ Loan Division. Ji m D w y e r is the new cataloging coordinator at Northern Arizona University Library, Flagstaff. D o n a l d F a r r e n has been appointed associate director for special collections at the University of Maryland, College Park. E v a n g e l i e F l e s s a s has been appointed M od­ ern Greek specialist in the Harvard College Li­ brary. R o n a l d H . F r i t z e is now humanities reference librarian at the Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston. E d w a r d H . F u l l e r has been appointed special co llection s librarian at Sw arthm ore C o lle g e , Pennsylvania. Pa u l a G a r r e t t is a new information specialist at Rice University Library, Houston. C a t h e r i n e H a l l G i l l e t t e has been appointed assistant director for public services at the Cleve­ land Marshall College o f Law Library. Jo h n R . G o d d a r d has been appointed assistant catalog librarian at the Ithaca College Library, New York. W il l i a m H . G r a d y has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Richmond Law Library. M a r g a r e t G r e e n is now a cataloger in the Harvard College Library. T h o m a s H a n l e y has been named director o f the University of Dayton School o f Law Library. M a j l e n H e l e n i u s has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Yale University’s Medical Li­ brary. K a t h e r i n e H e n d e r s o n has been appointed assistant 323 law librarian at M cGeorge School o f Law, Sacramento. Jo a n Sc o t t H o l t is now a reference librarian at the St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley Library. J o h n H o s t a g e , J r ., has b e e n a pp oin ted cataloger in the Harvard Law School Library. A . O . I k e is now university librarian at the F ed eral U n iversity o f T e c h n o lo g y , Bauchi, Nigeria. D a r r e l l L . Je n k i n s has been named director o f library services at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. C a r o l y n K a c e n a has been appointed associate director at California State University Library, Fullerton. Ji m K n o x has been named curator o f British and U.S. History Collections at Stanford Univer­ sity, California. W . Pa t r i c k L e o n a r d has been appointed asso­ ciate provost and associate academic vice presi­ dent at Chicago State University. He was previ­ ously dean o f library and learning resources. Ross L j u n g q u is t has been promoted to serials librarian in H arvard’ s C ountw ay L ibrary o f Medicine. Jo h n G. L o r e n z , formerly deputy librarian at the Library o f Congress and executive director of the Association o f Research Libraries, is serving as interim director o f libraries at the Catholic University o f America, Washington. Jo h n L u b a n s , Jr ., is now assistant university li­ brarian for public services, Duke University Li­ brary, Durham, North Carolina. D i a n e M cC o m a s is the new reader services li­ brarian at the University o f Alaska, Juneau. M a r y I n e z M o c h has been appointed head li­ brarian at Felician College, Chicago. M o n t y L . M o n t e e has been appointed head of the Cataloging Department, Yale University. D a l e N e l s o n has been appointed extension li­ brarian at the M edical Library, University o f Manitoba, Winnipeg. M a r y N i c h o l s o n is now acquisitions librarian at the University o f Alaska, Juneau. E m i l y O k a d a has been appointed reference and instruction librarian at the Undergraduate Library, Indiana University, Bloomington. Jo a n P e l l a n d joined Loyola University Law Library in New Orleans as acquisitions/serials li­ brarian. M a r j o r ie J. P i n k e r t o n has been named direc­ tor of Dulany Library, William Woods College, Fulton, Missouri. C h e s t a l e n e P i n t o z z i has been appointed li­ brarian o f the University o f Texas Geology Li­ brary, Austin. Ja n e t S . P o l l e n s is the new interlibrary loan 324 librarian at the Fondren Library, Rice University. Houston. M e l i n d a R e a g o r is now catalog librarian at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. M a r i e R e h m a r has been appointed assistant director for technical services at the Cleveland- Marshall College o f Law Library. A n n R i c k e r is now interlibrary services b ib ­ liographer at the University o f Illinois, Urbana. M i c h a e l R y a n has accepted the position o f chief and curator o f the Department o f Special Collections, Stanford University. R o c h e l l e Sa g e r has been named acting direc­ tor of library and media services at the University of Alaska, Juneau. R o b e r t S c h i r m e r is now acting director o f Findlay College, Ohio. D o n a l d S. S h a r e has been appointed special projects cataloger at the Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston. B a r b a r a S i m m o n s has b e e n a pp oin ted archival/manuscript specialist on a one-year proj­ ect at the Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Libraries, Cambridge. M a r i l y n G . Sim p s o n has been appointed assist­ ant librarian at the University o f M ichigan’ s Taubman Medical Library, Ann Arbor. D ia n e Sl a t e r is now coordinator o f library in­ structional services at Kansas State University, Manhattan. G a r y W . S t r o n g has jo in e d the faculty o f Drexel University’s School o f Library and Infor­ mation Science as an assistant professor. E d w a r d T a l l e n t has been appointed assistant reference librarian at Uris Undergraduate L i­ brary, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. N i c h o l a s T r i f f i n is the new director o f the law library at Hamline University Law School, Saint Paul, Minnesota. D a r c y V a n V u r e n is now associate director for the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service, University of California at Los Angeles. B e n W a k a s h i g e has been appointed library di­ rector at the University o f A lbuquerque, New Mexico. S u s a n E . W h i t e h e a d has been appointed head o f the Reference Department, Countway Library o f Medicine, Harvard University. C a t h e r i n e L. W h i t e s i d e is now a programmer in the Library Systems O ffice, University o f California, Berkeley. D o l o r e s W il l i a m s has been named law librar­ ian at the Thurgood Marshall School o f Law, Texas Southern University, Houston. S u s a n G . W il l i a m s o n has been appointed so­ cial science librarian at Swarthmore C ollege, Pennsylvania. M a r g a r e t W i n e b u r g h - F r e e d has been ap­ pointed catalog librarian at the University of Southern California’s Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles. M i c h a e l B o y d W o o d , acting u n iv ersity lib rari an at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, has been named dean o f university libraries there. L i n d a Z i e p e r has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Bradford College, Haverhill, Massa­ chusetts. RETIREMENTS M i l d r e d E l i z a b e t h D u g a s , head o f cataloging at Yale University Library from 1975, retired on June 30. D o n a l d B . E n g l e y retired on June 30 after 10 years o f service as associate university librarian at Yale University. Ja c k Jo c h i m retired as business bibliographer for the Julia Deal Lewis Library o f Loyola Uni­ versity o f Chicago. Louis K i r a l d i , documents and maps librarian at Western Michigan University’s Waldo Library, retired on June 30 after 22 years o f service to the University. M a e D u r h a m R o g e r retired on June 30 from the School o f Library and Information Studies, University o f California, Berkeley, after 23 years of service. D o n a l d A. Sin c l a i r has retired from the Rut­ gers University Libraries where he had served over 30 years as head o f Special Collections. P lN G K u e n Yu, d ir e cto r o f the C en ter for Chinese Research Materials o f the Association of Research Libraries since 1968, retired on July 20. DEATHS H o m e r B e r n h a r d t , head o f the Engineering and Mathematics Libraries at the University o f Pittsburgh, died on July 13. F r a n k S. H a n l i n , bibliographer at the Univer­ sity o f Iowa Libraries, died on August 9 after 16 years in that position. M a b e l Ju n k e r t , the first head o f the Univer­ sity o f California, Riverside, Library’s Serials D e­ partment, died on July 25. H e l e n Sh e e h a n , emeritus librarian o f Trinity College, Washington, D .C ., died o f cancer on May 10. E m m a Si m o n s o n , Latin American Studies area specialist art Indiana U niversity from 1964 to 1976, died on June 28. G e o r g e T . Sm i s o r , acquisitions librarian in the University o f California, Riverside, Library from 1952 to 1968, died on July 17 in Medford, Ore­ gon. R u t h V e l t e n , cataloger of Germanic materials at Indiana University from 1954 to 1975, died in Brunswick, Georgia, in June. ■ ■