ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 325 Publications NOTICES • Aids to Research f o r Library Faculty at the Pennsylvania State University, by Mel W ester­ man and Carol Wright (26 pages, 1981), was pre­ pared as a guide to materials and resources on performing, funding, and publishing research by librarians. Librarians at colleges or universities granting tenure to library faculty may find it use­ ful. A limited number o f copies are available free upon request from the General Reference Sec­ tion, E105 Pattee Library, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, PA 16802. • American Family‚ a national monthly news­ letter on family policy and programs, has begun several improvements o f interest to librarians. It is publishing a monthly annotated bibliography of forthcoming books and articles on family policy. The bibliography is summarized in each issue of the newsletter and sold separately for $2, or $15 per year. Beginning in July, 1982, the newsletter and bibliography have contained a special section on “ Families and Telematics,” which reports on services which are or can be delivered to families electron ically , and on the im pact o f the m i­ croelectronic revolution on families. American Family is published 11 times a year (subscription $55) by American Monthly, Inc., a non-profit subsidiary o f Wakefield Washington Associates o f Bethesda, Maryland, and the National Center for Fam ily Studies at the Catholic U niversity o f America, Washington, DC. For additional infor­ mation contact: American Family, Cardinal Sta­ tion, Washington, DC 20064; (202) 635-5487. • An Annotated Guide to the Holdings o f the Manuscript Division and the University Archives and Research Collection o f the Washington Uni­ versity Libraries, compiled by Timothy Murray and Beryl H. Manne (11 pages, October 1981), is available free from the Washington University Libraries, Special Collections, Campus Box 1061, St. Louis, MO 63130. • Archives and Manuscripts in the Rockefeller Archive Center (56 pages, 1982) is a revised and enlarged guide to the Center s holdings which in­ clude the papers o f John D. R ockefeller, the Rockefeller University, the Rockefeller Founda­ tion, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the General Education Board, other organizations founded by the Rockefellers, and individuals associated with the Rockefeller philanthropies. A free copy may be obtained from the Rockefeller Archive Center, Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591. • A B ib liog ra p h ic In stru ctio n W o rk sh o p Coordinator’s Packet has been issued by ACRL’s N ew England Chapter. The b ook let was d e ­ veloped to assist the New England Bibliographic Instruction Com mittee in facilitating workshop activities with chapter members. Copies may be ordered for $3.50 (prepayment and self-addressed mailing label required) from Thomas T. Surpren­ ant, University o f Rhode Island, Graduate Li­ brary School, Rodman Hall, Kingston, RI 02881. • The Black Librarian in the Southeast: R e­ miniscences, Activities‚ Challenges, by Annette L. Phinazee (286 pages, 1982), includes papers pre­ sented at a colloquium which celebrated the 35th anniversary o f the North Carolina Central Uni­ versity School o f Library Science in 1976. The volume begins with two papers on the Black li­ brarian in America, then surveys librarianship in the nine Southeastern states. The softcover vol­ ume is available for $12 from the North Carolina Central University Alumni Association, P.O. Box 19795, Durham, NC 27707. • Bookbinding and the Conservation o f Books: A D ictionary o f D escrip tiv e Term inology, by Matt T. Roberts and D on Etherington (1982), provides descriptions o f terms currently in use within conservation circles, such as alkaline re­ serve, alum zirconium tanning, and accelerated aging test. It includes 13 color plates with exam­ ples o f fine bindings, as well as many line draw­ ings by Margaret Brown, paper conservator at the Library of Congress. The book is available for $27 from the Superintendent o f Docum ents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D C 20402. • The Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories Li­ brary Serials List, by Thomas P. Alburger (212 pages, April 1982), contains a list o f 1,900 serial publications held by the Library, which is the major Canadian resource for nuclear information. A main alphabetical list is followed by broad sub­ ject field lists representing research interests, and lists o f index and abstract serials, general biblio­ graphic serials, con feren ce indexes, press re ­ leases, translation journals, and original language journals. It may be ordered for $11 from the Main Library, Technical Inform ation Branch, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario. • Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, by Joel A. Douglas and Lisa Flanzraich (94 pages, January 1982), has been published as Bibliography No. 10 of Baruch Col­ lege’s National Center for the Study o f Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Profes­ sions. The 765 items cited are 1981 publications illustrating the wide range o f topics that affect collective bargaining in higher education and the professions. There are five references to collec­ tive bargaining and academic librarians. It may be ordered for $15 from N CSCB HEP, Baruch College, CUNY, 17 Lexington Ave., Box 322, New York, NY 10010. Another recent Center publication is the Directory o f Faculty Contracts and Bargaining Agents in Institutions o f Higher 326 Education‚ by Joel M. Douglas (78 pages, Janu­ ary 1982), which lists the contracts by institution within each state. The directory may be ordered for $10 from the same address. • College & University Business Administra­ tion (4th ed., 1982) has been published by the National Association of College and University Business Officers to assist management in its ef­ forts to maximize scarce resources and reduce mounting costs. Part Five is a useful guide for fi­ nancial accounting and reporting in higher educa­ tion. Six new topics have been added in this edi­ tion: space management, records management, transportation and parking, cash management, determination o f cost information in higher edu­ cation, and indirect costs o f sponsored programs. All other chapters have been revised. Copies are available for $45 each from NACUBO, One D up­ ont Circle, Suite 510, Washington, D C 20036. • The Directory o f Financial Aids f o r Women, edited by Gail Schlachter (368 pages, 2d revised edition, 1982), contains over 1,100 references and cross-referen ces to financial aids for w om en, w om en ’ s credit unions and banks, sources o f state, federal, and international benefits, and general financial aids directories. It also lists scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants, intern­ ships, awards, and prizes designed primarily or exclusively for w om en. H ardcover copies are available for $26 from ABC-Clio Marketing Ser­ vices, Riviera Campus, Box 4397, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. Individuals add $1.75 for postage and handling. • A D irectory o f Roman Catholic Newspapers on Microfilm: United States that are contained in the Memorial Library at Notre Dame has been published by the Cushwa Center for the Study of A m erican C atholicism and the U niversity o f Notre Dame Library. The directory is arranged by states with cross references in a title index. Copies are available for $5 from the Cushwa Cen­ ter, 614 Memorial Library, University o f Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. • D ocu m en t D e liv e r y : B ackg rou n d P apers Commissioned by the Network Advisory Commit­ tee has b een pu blished as Network Planning Paper number 7 by the Library of Congress Net­ work Development Office. The three background papers included in the publication address the state-of-the-art and the future o f document deliv­ ery in the United States. Copies may be pur­ chased for $5 from the Cataloging Distribution Service, Customer Services Section, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20.541. • Ethnic Recordings in America: A Neglected Heritage (269 pages, 1982) is a collection of essays recently published by the Library o f Congress that explore the ethnic recording industry from its inception, focusing on prominent performers and on other contributors to the industry. The book reflects themes discussed at a conference sponsored by LC ’s American Folklife Center in 1977. Copies are available for $13 from the Su­ perintendent o f Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D C 20402 (Stock No. 030-001-00098-2). • Facilities Funding Finesse (40 pages, 1982) is a collection o f the proceedings o f an ALA 1980 Annual Conference program sponsored by the Buildings and Equipment Section and the Public Relations Section o f the Library Administration and Management Association. Written for library directors and trustees who are about to begin a building program, the articles cover all o f the ap­ proaches to financing a new library facility and address all the major sources o f funding. The paperback is available for $5.50 from LA M A / ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. • The Guide to the Library o f Congress, by Charles A. Goodrum and Helen Dalrymple (128 pages, June 1982), will serve the needs of both the casual visitor and the serious researcher. Sixty-six of its 130 illustrations are in full color. The book’s first section deals with the history, the buildings, and the functions of the Library; the second section discusses the Library’ s reading rooms, collections, catalog and locator aids, and specific services offered by each. The Guide is available for $5.95 paperbound, plus $2 for ship­ ping and handling, from the Library o f Congress, Inform ation O ffice, Box A, W ashington, D C 20540. • Hispanic Focus is an occasional series o f short bibliographies, reading lists, and reference aids on issues o f contemporary relevance pub­ lished by the Library o f Congress. The first in this new series is entitled “ A Selective Listing of Monographs and Government Documents on the Falkland/Malvinas Islands in the Library of Con­ gress” (28 pages) and includes 149 monographs ranging in date from 1769 to 1982. It is available free on request from the Library o f Congress, Hispanic Division, Washington, DC 20.540. • The Houghton Library 1942-1982: A For­ tieth Anniversary Exhibition (47 pages, 1982) de­ scribes 75 books and manuscripts recently ac­ quired by Harvard University’ s Houghton L i­ brary. The well-illustrated guide is available for $20 from the Harvard C ollege Library, Cam­ bridge, MA 02138. • Library o f Congress Rule Interpretations fo r AACR 2, compiled by Lois Lindberg, Alan Boyd, and Elaine Druesedow (163 pages, July 1982), in­ cludes all the rule interpretations which LC plans to keep up to date with the exception o f two lengthy sections on ISBNs and Name Authority File cross references. Printed in looseleaf format, it is available for $15 (including update sheets from the next three quarterly issues o f the Cataloging Service Bulletin) from Alan Boyd, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, OH 44074. • The Management o f Municipal Tape R ec­ ordings‚ by Michael Kohl and Bert Hartinger, is the final report o f the City of Milwaukee’s Sound 327 Recordings Archival Project launched in 1981 to develop solutions to the problem o f what to do with the thousands o f tape recordings created by municipal governments in general and the City of Milwaukee in particular. The Project was funded by the National Historical Publications and Rec­ ords Commission. Copies o f the report are avail­ able on microfiche from the City o f Milwaukee, Office of the City Clerk, City Records Center, Room B -l, Municipal Building, 841 N. Broad­ way, Milwaukee, W I 53202. • M ap C lassifica tion : A C om p arison o f Schemes‚ by Christopher E. Merrett (31 pages, June 1982), has b een published as Occasional Paper number 154 o f the University o f Illinois Graduate School o f Library and Information Sci­ ence. The paper explains the theory and practice o f map classification and uses examples from the continent o f Africa. Copies are available for $3 (prepaid) from the Publications Office, GSLIS, University o f Illinois, 249 Armory Bldg., 505 E. Armory Street, Champaign, IL 61820. • The New England Chapter Directory 1982 of the Antiquarian B ook sellers A ssociation o f America is now available, listing 63 vendors. A free copy may be obtained by writing Rebecca B. Desmerais, Rare Books, One Nixon Road, P.O. Box 2286, Framingham, MA 01701. • New Religions Movements Newtitles, an an­ notated listing o f recent acquisitions by the New Religious Movements Research Collection, Graduate T h e o lo g ica l U nion L ibrary, B erk eley , California, is available (10 issues per year, $6) from the Center for the Study o f New Religious M ovements, 2465 LeC onte Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709. The Collection concentrates on alter­ native religious groups in the U nited States which are either new or have grown significantly since 1960. • Occasional Papers in Middle Eastern Librar­ ianship (no. 1, 1981, 98 pages) contains all the papers presented at the Annual Meeting o f the Middle East Librarians’ Association in Salt Lake City in November, 1979. This issue is available for $7 postpaid from the Middle Eastern Dept., Room R, Harvard College Library, Cambridge, MA 02138. • Online Public A ccess Catalogs: The User Interface‚ by Charles Hildreth (300 pages, June 1982), has been published as Monograph No. 1 o f The OCLC Library, Information and Computer Science Series. The report is the result o f a sys­ tematic effort to compare and analyze online pub­ lic access catalogs from a user’s point of view. It may be purchased for $18 (prepayment required) from O CLC, Dept. 630, Box ONB, Columbus, OH 43265. • Performing Arts Information‚ 1975-1980‚ by Paula Elliot, has been published as volume 15 o f the Kansas State University Library’s Bibliogra­ phy Series. It includes a list o f encyclopedias, dictionaries, guides, handbooks, and other bibliographies, 328 and may be purchased for $4 from the C hief Accountant s Office, Farrell Library, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. • Personnel Classification Schemes in ARL Li­ braries (98 pages, June 1982), SPEC Kit #85, has been published by the Association o f Research Libraries. This is the fourth SPEC Kit on this topic in the past 10 years and contains 12 docu­ ments from ARL libraries including three for li­ brarians, eight for support staff, and one for stu­ dents. SPEC kits are available by subscription from the Systems and Procedures Exchange Cen­ ter, O M S /A R L , 1527 N ew H am pshire A v e ., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the ARL Office of Management Studies. Library members o f ARL receive kits for $7.50. • Pickaxe and Pencil: References f o r the Study o f the WPA, compiled by Marguerite D. Bloxom (87 pages, 1982) has been published by the Li­ brary o f Congress as a guide to the Works Project Administration (WPA), established by the Federal Government to put artists, writers, and other un­ employed people back to work in the Depression years o f the 1930s. Black-and-white photographs accompany this annotated bibliography, for sale for $6 from the Superintendent o f Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 030-000-00137-1). • Professional Development in ARL Libraries (105 pages, July-August 1982), SPEC Kit #86, has been published by the Association o f R e­ search Libraries. The kit contains four com pre­ hensive professional development policies, nine research and study p o licie s , four con su ltin g statements, and 13 examples o f travel policies. The accompanying flyer predicts that as oppor­ tunities for outside activities proliferate, it is probable that more rigorous evaluations o f profes­ sional dev elopm ent programs will take place. SPEC kits are available by subscription from the Systems and P roced u res E xchange C en ter, OM S/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the ARL Office o f Man­ agement Studies. Library members o f ARL re­ ceive kits for $7.50. • Public Services Goals and Objectives in ARL Libraries (108 pages, May 1982), SPEC Kit #84, contains examples of public services goals and ob­ jectives statements received in response to a sur­ vey o f ARL members conducted in the fall o f 1980. The kit has a docum ent relating to per­ formance standards, and two relating to indi­ vidual perform ance evaluation. SPEC kits are available by subscription from the Systems and Procedures Exchange Center, OM S/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W .., Washington, DC 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the ARL Office o f Management Studies. Li­ brary members of ARL receive kits for $7.50. • Saxe and Bill: The Commins-Faulkner A r­ chive by Louis Daniel Brodsky and Thomas M. Verich (20 pages, 1982), is an exhibition keepsake published by the University o f Mississippi and devoted to manuscripts, books and photographs documenting the relationship between William Faulkner and his editor at Random House during the 1950s, Saxe Commins. The keepsake is avail­ able for $4 p er co p y from the John Davis Williams Library, University o f Mississippi, Uni­ versity, MS 38677. • A Survey o f Audiovisual Programmes Pro­ duced f o r User Education in UK Academic Li­ braries, by Ian Malley and Sue Moys (42 pages, 1982), provides a British perspective on biblio­ graphic instruction. Copies are available for £3.00 from INFUSE Publications, Loughborough Uni­ versity o f Technology Library, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, United Kingdom. • Topics in Personnel Kits is a new series o f publications from ALA’s Office o f Personnel Re­ sources that will enable librarians to understand government policies and their applications, labor trends, salary issues, and other factors that bear upon library personnel. TIP Kits include articles, selected bibliographies, glossaries, and other ma­ terials in 9" x 11" packets that can serve as file folders. Three kits are currently available from OLPR: Unionization and Collective Bargaining; Pay Equity, A Comparable Worth Action Guide; and EEO, Basic Concepts and Current Issues. TIP Kits are $10 each (prepaym ent required) available from the Office o f Library Personnel Resources, ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. Topics for future TIP Kits include qual­ ity o f work life, minimum qualifications for librar­ ians, and writing job descriptions. • A Tribute to Lewis Carroll in His Sesqui- Centennial Year‚ by John Shaw and Frederick Korn (29 pages, 1982), has been issued by the Florida State University’s Strozier Library. The pam phlet is an inventory o f the considerable Lewis Carroll holdings in, and the recent exhibi­ tion mounted by, the John M. Shaw Poetry Col­ lection. Single copies are available for $4 from The Library, Florida State University, Tallahas­ see, FL 32306. • University o f California Library Statistics July 1981 (11 pages, 1982) contains seven tables o f acquisitions, interlibrary loan, and budget statistics for ten campuses o f the University o f California. The publication is available prepaid for $1.50 (checks made payable to the Regents of the University o f California) from the Publications Order Unit, Library Plans and Policies, Univer­ sity o f California, 7 University Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720. • The fourth edition of W om ens History Re­ sources at the State Historical Society o f Wiscon­ sin, by James P. Danky, et al. (77 pages, 1982) is 329 a user s guide to the collections of the Society, which has one o f the largest collections o f wom ­ en’ s periodicals and newspapers in the United States. The pamphlet costs $3.95 and is available from the State Historical Society o f Wisconsin, 816 State St., Madison, W I 53706. ■ ■ New Technology • A m e r i c a n S o f t w a r e P u b l i s h i n g C o m p a n y , Washington, D .C ., has developed a “ Software Loan Service” that provides a central location where people with personal computers can bor­ row software much as they borrow books from a library. To support this s e rv ice, A m erican Software has in trod u ced the F reeload er 500 Software Library, a collection o f over 2,500 pro­ grams for use on an A pp le C om p u ter. The software is in the p u b lic dom ain and can be co p ie d for hom e use. The programs com e in seven looseleaf binders, each binder containing 7-10 diskettes recorded on both sides. The seven subject categories are: business and finance, utilities, graphics and sound, education, home, games, and adventures. Libraries may purchase the com plete collection for $500 or individual m odules for $75 each. Contact the Am erican Software Publishing Company, 1010 16th Street, N .W ., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 887-5834. • D e s i g n E n t e r p r is e s o f Sa n F r a n c i s c o has published Write, Edit, & Print: W ord Processing with Personal Computers, by Donald McCunn (527 pages, 1982), a step-by-step guide to select­ ing and using the appropriate equipment. For experienced users, this book is an introduction to the next generation o f word processing systems in which equipment is trained for specific applica­ tions. The book begins with a consumer’s guide to buying a computer, detailing guidelines neces­ sary for intelligent buying decisions. An introduc­ tion to the popular programming language BASIC provides time tests that may be used to deter­ mine the relative efficiency of any computer. The book then provides four fully annotated word processing program listings, and concludes with operator’ s manuals for the listed programs with sam ple applications that teach a n eoph y te operator the simplicity of the system. The book may be ordered in hardback ($34.95) or paper­ back ($24.95) from Design Enterprises o f San Francisco, P.O. Box 14695, San Francisco, CA 94114. • The F . W . F a x o n C o m p a n y has developed a new component o f LINX, an online serials man­ agement system, that will allow librarians to set up and maintain their journal routing lists on a single co m p u te riz e d system . C alled LIN X ROUTE, the system automates the creation, up­ dating, and printing o f journal routing slips. It also allows each library to specify the categories o f information to be recorded in each reader’s record, including such information as name, job title, and building location. Individual reader records are easily searched by reader name, number, or by direct transfer from a routing list. Libraries utilizing ROUTE receive a monthly master listing o f all journals routed and the corre­ sponding readers of each journal. Print listings of journals received by individual readers can be produced so that readers can indicate journals they no longer wish to receive or new titles they now wish to see. ROUTE will be available to li­ braries this Novem ber. For more information, contact: Susan Bragg-Kalalas, LINX Marketing C oordinator, F .W . Faxon C o ., 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, MA 02190. • G e a c , I n c ., L os Angeles, has been selected by the University o f Houston Libraries to supply the hardware, software, training, documentation, and maintenance for its Integrated Library Sys­ tem, to be installed beginning in January, 1983. Geac was selected from nine vendors submitting bids. The software supporting Houston’s system will include Geac’s Online Catalog, Circulation, Materials Acquisitions, Serials Control, O C LC Interface, Community Access, and Word Proces­ sing modules. The hardware will consist o f two Geac 8000 CPUs, a special Boolean search pro­ cessor, five 675 MB disk drives, two tape drives, two system printers, two receipt printers, twelve screen printers, 103 CRT terminals, and com ­ munications equipment. The new system will re­ place the Central Campus Libraries’ 9-year-old CLSI circulation system, Innovative Interface mi­ crocomputer link between OCLC and the CLSI CPU, and an online BATAB acquisitions system. The Online Catalog will include holdings o f the M .D . Anderson Library, four branch libraries, and the Law Library, as well as holdings of the libraries on the Downtown College, Clear Lake City, and Victoria campuses. The initial load database will contain 730,000 bibliographic and 1.1 million item /copy records, growing to 1.32 million bibliographic and 2.1 million item/copy records within three years. Access terminals to the catalog will be located in libraries and in of­ fices and laboratories throughout the University o f Houston system. • A British unit o f I T T C o r p o r a t i o n , the ITT Europe Engineering Support Centre, Harlow, England, is offering E u rop e’ s first com puter- assisted translation service. By coupling the new system with its existing translation activities, ITT’s service is more reliable for lengthy techni­ cal documentation between English and French,